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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Expecting to dont need to use more of her powers to beat the remain human, Angie tried to punch the man on the face, but after the boost from before and the ernergy earned after she hold him there was not a way than this could be easy. Thee nude man just dodge the blow moving to a side showing some inteligence earned after that energy drained yet before he could try to grappe the angel a stone passed flying until connect with his head making it fall uncouncious. I cant believe to had hit him. Do you think than he is still alive? Ashley said as she gets up, trying to clean her hands and dust from her back. Then she touched her rear maybe wondering why the touch of the floor was so direct at her rear. Wait... do this thing have my buttocks exposed!? Ashley was not so glad to know this, she really wanted to scream but instead she run to where her raged summer dress was and then tried to use it to hide her lower part and then take her sword. Oh gods i cant believe this... Anyway Ehm... are you fine Angie? do these persons hurt you? Asked Ashley maybe ready to make them pay later after heal them if Angie was hurt, yet the blonde winged woman will be fully recovered after a while.

After answer to the noble woman Angie suppose than these three could attempt to get up soon, so they should leave or do something with them. She still have the choice to take another path or continue this.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she threw her punch, Angie watched almost stunned as the man ducked, seemingly gaining some form of intelligence all of a sudden somehow. But before he could retaliate against her, Angie watched as Ashley flung a rock at him, bonking him right in the side of the head with it and knocking him out cold, preventing him from further groping and or grappling. Angie went down to her knees to rest as soon as the fight was over, to catch her breath enough to keep going as soon as possible.

"Yes, I didn't tell you before because I didn't want you to worry about it Ashley, I'm sorry, plus your butt looks really nice I think. And yes I'll be fine, just let me rest a little bit, and no not hurt, just a little tired. My energy kind of dissipated there on me for a minute, don't know why, it's... worrisome," Angie replied to calm Ashley to keep her from worrying about her and from worrying so much about her panties.

Deciding to prevent the trio from getting back up to follow them, Angie summoned up some rope to tie their arms and legs with, and to gag them with, summoning just enough to do so and sitting back to rest for a couple of minutes before they continued on down this path, seeing that they'd already started this way and all.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Angie asked about the underwear, the noble lady rush to the remains of her dress and wrap her lover body with it. I guess than you are right... but i cant let myself being exposed like this for anyone to see... Just know than you can see everything made me feel so... weird. Angie then sit away of the three uncouncious foes as she cover her breasts and let Angie rest for a moment.

Then Angie got the idea of tie these men so they could not try to follow them later and as she focus on sumon some ropes, Angie used this moment to untie her remains of dress and cut it to turn them into a skirt and top, trying her best to hide her privates with the scarce quantity of fabric, her lower part of her breasts were almost exposed and the top was fully pressed as she made the morrages alone.

After solve the problem of her clothes she turn to Angie to make her see her work, but then she notice how Angie was having problems trying to tie the three males, as each touch made her feel more weaken and cold. For Angie it was hard to notice as slowly her mind was failing until almost need to masturbate herself or sattle her new growing needs. Just then she ended to tie them and fall at the floor almost exausted and shivering, looking this Ashley get closer and hug her to watm her a little, but at the end she could notice than Angie need her, mostly for her now pale hard member than almost looks as the one of the three mindless males. The purple haired girl place closer her face and closed her eyes leaving to Angie decide if she wanted to kiss her to restore some more energy. Angie, are you fine? Im full of energy so if you want... Ashley get slighty more closer as her hand let up a little her skirt than she just has made, letting to the angel decide how to feed of the human.

After a while the two girls were able to continue, the males tied were less pale than before but they still act wildly. As they walk the path iluminated by Angie they noticed a small water noise of a stream close them, they soon find the source and something strange happening. It was a huge room where for a side the an underground river pass, the water have a grim tone on it maybe they could find the source of this pollution using the river than dont have too much speed or use a tunnel at the other side, the river dont have edges than they could use to dont walk away of the river.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Watching Ashley recover the remains of her dress, Angie smiled and kind of shook her head a little, seeing little point in doing so since she'd already seen her naked earlier. "I understand sweetie, I'm not angry or anything though. Just get wrapped up as best you can and we'll keep going as soon as I've rested a little bit," Angie told Ashley with a smile.

While tying up the trio of men with her summoned ropes, Angie noticed Ashley tying the remainder of her dress around her like a skirt to at least cover her butt and crotch. She hadn't noticed it at first, but with each touch on the men, it was almost as if she were being drained of energy or being filled with lust, like they had a powerful aphrodisiac that made her feel cold and a loss of energy. Whatever it was, Angie was glad to be done with it as she finished tying the trio up, falling back and sitting, where she grasped her member and stroked it a bit, snapping herself out of her near frenzied lust after a few moments.

"I... thank you Ashley, I think I need a bit more from you. Gods I hate having to borrow your energy like this, I'm afraid I'll take too much, and it makes me feel like a succubus or something," Angie said, accepting Ashley's kiss and some of her energy to recharge herself. "I don't understand why, but when I touched those men they kind of just drained me of my energy. It was... terrifying honestly, so if we start to get overwhelmed I'm teleporting us out of here," she went on to say once she'd recovered some energy and wasn't as pale any longer.

After recovering and moving onwards, Angie's magic shinned them a path and soon enough they came to a stream. A huge room dominated pretty much by all water flowing through it, polluted water by the looks of it. "Hmm, let's follow the edge upstream a ways, see if we can find what's plaguing the river. Because it looks... sick almost. And this could be what's causing the lack of magical energies flowing through the ley lines in the forest... it's hard to tell," Angie said, staying wary of the water and remaining as far from it as possible while they followed it upstream.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

All will be fine Angie, if i were the one needing some energy you would do the same... Ashley answer back before do her best to focus on give her energy to her lover in a kiss, she placed her hands and then tried to feel the same as the others times, she was not sure but maybe thinking at loving her looks to help on this task, the kiss maybe lasted more of the needed as both were inmersed on themselves. Ashley softly get out looking to a side and then hearing Angie continue talking to her made her frown by that new word than only could be known by mages with that power and not for high class girls. Well, you has been loosing a lot of times your energy breaking the seals and in the fights, i dunno why it affects you too much but im here and at least i can help you in restore it. Ashley then helps the celestial to get up, before kiss each other the young human has used her sword to cut the remain of her dress so not only her lower part but also her breasts were covered.

After a while when they saw the river flowing from a side, they could easily notice than even when the flow was not so potent, the river dont leave any edge than they could use to walk close it. The posibility to find the pollution source was enought to decide take this path so after a second of think it Angie hold the human at her arms and start to fly again making the poor purple haired woamn regret had eating before this quest, but doing her best to endure herself. The river continue having that tone as the angel fly over it until after a while she started to get tired but reaching a safe place to land away of the water.

The place where she landed was a small land than leads to a upper path, at the ceilling over the river Angie could notice some strange crystals and far away where continued the river she could see purple roots. So if she wanted to continue for this path she could continue flying over the river or check this new tunnel. As she decide Ashley was on her fours trying to recover herself as she try to dont lost her breakfast.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie would kiss Ashley until Ashley pulled away, after which she'd help her fix another bit of her dress around her chest to cover her breasts, nodding to her when she told her that she could at least help her to restore her energies when they were depleted. "Thanks Ashley, I appreciate that," Angie told Ashley, giving her a little half hug.


Seeing that there wasn't enough of a riverbank to walk along, Angie figured that she would just fly them upstream for the time being. "I'll fly us upstream for the time being, we'll stop at each place we can to catch our breath, but it's worth the risk I think to ensure we find the source of this pollution. And if flying makes you sick Ashley, just close your eyes and try to think of other things," Angie told Ashley before wrapping her arms around her companion and taking flight, holding on tight so she didn't drop her and flying upstream towards the source of the water and hopefully pollution that was in it.

A ways upstream, Angie decided to go ahead and land when she saw the opportunity to do so at a patch of land they came across, her wings starting to tire somewhat and Ashley looked nearly ready to puke for some reason. Looking about this time she noticed the purple roots in the distance as well as another tunnel leading out from the patch of land they'd landed on, as well as the strange crystals on the ceiling above them. "Hmm... Ashley you alright?" Angie asked Ashley, thinking of their next move as she checked on her new lover.

Once she was sure Ashley was alright and capable of moving on again, Angie would hold on tightly to her and fly towards the purple looking root things in the distance, figuring to check them first before checking the things closer to where their bit of land was at.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Its not than it scary me all that flying thing, more likely if i would had been made to fly i would have wings. Ashley answer back as she get closer to let Angie take her. But its fine, i will try to endure this and who know thinking at something else could work. She ended giving a smile as she sweat softly from her forehead.

After fly for a while and land at the floor the angel could see than maybe Ashley havent closed her eyes or maybe she was sick for something else. The noble shook her head not able to talk for a time, maybe wishing to had come with a medicine to cure what was feeling now.

Then once she could get up she manage to see around and understand what Angie was expecting to do Sure, im fine, sorry for waste a little of time... sigh...so we must fly again, cool.

After some deep breats the human get on place at the celestial's arms and they fly again, she remain with the eyes closed and more likely trying even more hard to endure this. With a death weight Angie fly over the river again until she reach the roots, from these some little colored drops continue falling at the river yet the intensity and quantity of these roots was even more far away making the tunnel bright enough to dont need to cast a light spell. Angie could investigate more or take another path.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hey, don't push yourself okay, I'd rather you not be sick and be able to come with me easily," Angie told Ashley as they landed, deciding to use a little healing spell to help calm her stomach down since that was what seemed to be ailing her. "It's alright sweetie, take your time, we seem to have nothing but time at the moment anyway... since I'm not entire certain where we need to go and all," Angie went on to say once Ashley was back up on her feet and able to move about once more.

Taking flight once more when Ashley was ready, Angie went over towards where the roots were at, the things being quite numerous with some dripping a fluid of some sort into the water below. Noticing Ashley had closed her eyes and was apparently trying to think of other things to keep her mind occupied, Angie tried to keep from rocking her back and forth as much as possible so that she didn't make her any sicker than she already was. Casting her light spell again so that she could see better, Angie sent the little ball of light about 10 feet ahead of her to light her path before continuing on upstream for now to see what she could learn of these root things, figuring this to be the best approach to getting through safely to keep her from bumping into anything, and she stayed a bit lower from the ceiling too than before, remaining closer to it, but a bit further down than before to give her a better field of view around her.

"Ashley, why don't we talk about something hmm? It'll help keep us focused and all I think, though it'd be best to keep it low for now I think. Is there anything you'd like to ask me? I'll do my best to answer any questions you've got," Angie asked Ashley, trying to pass the time by urging Ashley to talk with her about anything she wished.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Its ok... i just needed to rest a moment... that is all. Ashley answer, maybe trying to dont let the angel waste her energy on her yet even then Angie used her powers to heal her. It was so early to find out if that would work but they have a lot of time to find it out as they continue exploring.

With all ready the two females went toward the strange roots, with Angie trying to start a chat with the noble human. Uhm sure... ehm we could talk about your family and your homeland, some childrish books say than they are over the clouds and all wear white clothes, Ashley then hugh Angie even more closer to avoid fail at her hold. Or we could talk about what you found bellow the temple...

As Angie decide what to say her light spell just dissipated at 4 feets after been sended, maybe the place drained her spell before what she expected. The only thing than she found was more roots shinning from time to time and letting fall small drops of the colored fluid
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, well my homeland could be said to be in the clouds you might say. And while some of the landscape is on the clouds themselves, or rather on what looks to be clouds for the most part, it is solid land. There are farmlands and whatnot all about, around the celestial cities. I'm from the city Celestis, where many of my people dwell and from there we do what we can to protect the mortal world," Angie told Ashley as she flew them onwards, trying to take her mind off of the flying so she didn't get sick again on her. "My family, they're fairly powerful in magical terms, which is where I get the majority of my powers from. My mother is an outstanding mage, and my papa, well she's really strong too magically speaking, but she uses a sword more than her magic even though she can use magic pretty well. I have two younger sisters as well, one is still a child and one who is just about to come of age I believe, in a year or so round about. Both of them are leaning more towards papa's way of fighting themselves, while I inherited mom's magical prowess in battle," Angie went on to say, talking of her family some too after talking a bit of her homeland.

"As for what all I found in the catacombs of the temple, well there was the monster like women I told you about of course, but they aren't evil. Lewd and playful maybe, but not evil. And they're in dire straits themselves with the magics of the lands here not replenishing like they should, especially Nyami. She's their leader as far as I can tell, and she's a lamia from what I've gathered. Then there's Mize, who I think is a succubus, or at least something like one, because I don't feel any sort of evil energies from her. Maybe she's a good succubus like some of the ones that live back home in the Celestial lands. There are others too, but it would probably be better to meet them for yourself and get to know them," Angie then said about what or who she found in the catacombs rather.

Seeing her magical light dissipate only a few short feet from her, Angie kept it as far as she could while maintaining it, so she didn't lose it. Looking closer at the roots in the meantime, Angie got a bit closer to one, holding a hand out for the fluid to drip onto the palm of her hand so she could see what it was with any luck. If it was only water dripping down then she would continue onwards for a little while unless it didn't look like there was going to be anywhere for her to land at, in which case she'd go back to the previous area and land for them to rest before exploring that other cave some.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

So your City's name is Celestis... Ashley said back thinking maybe in how priginals the Angels are with the name. but there were more things important to focus. Well, it should had been hard to leave your family to come here and also that city with firm land on the sky sound as something amazing. The noble lady then stop to talk when Angie named the monster girls and the description given by the angel over all the Lewd part.

Do you mean a succubi for real? Ok, i get it, so this Nyami and Mize are good and lusty. I supposed than you has went to look for that girl named... Tybi? Any clue of her there or do you ask these women know about whee she is?

Maybe Ashley was a little jealouse or pondering some more things about them, yet she still was aiming to just dont pay attention to the fact than they were flying.

With an attempt to mantain her spell as they continue getting closer, Angie tried to check the water making her hand get a drop of the roots, just when the small drop of colored water fall on her hand she noticeda warning feeling going direct to her brain from the strange feeling than come from it, maybe warning her to dont get close to the liquid who even when it dont wound her it made her hand have a cold feeling.

Angie could suppose than the roots could be dangerous for her, so she could attempt to destroy them or take the other path than could lead her to outside and far away of the reason of this corruption.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Aye Celestis is my home city in Celestia, at least that's what we call it anyway. You all might call it something different down here, I'm not sure as this is my first time down here," Angie said with a nod. "And it is an amazing city for those that have never been there before, but while I miss my family it wasn't too hard to leave them for a time, because we angels are immortal after all, so we never have to worry about dying of old age, and even if I'm slain here in the mortal world my soul would drift back to Celestia and I'd regenerate after a time, at least that's what I've always been told anyway, but it would take some time to regenerate my physical body, anywhere between days to years, it's different for everyone. They told me though to just be careful and not be slain so I don't have to worry about it. Maybe when I'm done here I could take you with me back home to meet my family and friends," she added with a smile while carrying Ashley along.

"And yeah I think Mize is a succubus, at least that's the way she described herself anyway, and I know that not all succubi are evil because some live in Celestia. But I didn't find Tybi no, the others told me though that Tybi's mother would never have left her for long and that she was likely already back home with her. I hope so at least, but I asked Mize and or Tezzy to check for me to make sure and where they lived. Tezzy is another of the monster girls that lived down there, and she's the one that gave me my virginity back actually, she's like a slug girl of some sort that secretes this slime that has a lot of healing properties. I'd like to study it some if she'd let me actually, maybe use it to make better medicines," Angie then said about the catacombs and the ladies down there.


When the water dripped onto her hand, it felt as if she'd touched those zombie like men again and a cold feeling crept up her hand, telling her that it was a corrupted in some way almost instantly. "Damn... corruption is dripping from these roots into the water. I think this might be cause of the corruption within this place, if we're lucky... or unlucky depending on how many of these roots there are that is. Ashley, don't touch the water whatever you do okay, I'm going to destroy as many of them as I can," Angie said with disdain about the roots.

With that, Angie held one hand up and sent a small bolt of holy energy at the nearest one of the roots to see what it would do, staying only as close as she needed for it to hit. If nothing happened or her bolt fizzled out then Angie would switch to fire, catching some of the nearest roots aflame and backing off to watch the rest burn as the fire spread.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Uhm... There must be a lot of names for your land around my world... Like Heaven but i mostly call it sky as many. Ashley said as she tried to ignore where she was now... the idea of talking about that high place was starting to affect her. I had heard than be killed is really a painful and terrible experience, so yes avoid it even when you are inmortal should be the best and sure i will love to look that city as long as i can just walk. Be the way, you said souls, so... human's souls where they go? The noble girl started to sweat with just the idea of the flying sky land so her last question was more for change the topic.

Fortunately her mind soon focused on the strange women than are all just sex, her mind was starting to wonder how much they teach to Angie and mostly how...

Well, i only has heard about Harpies at the mountain and monsters until i meet you, so i cant say if the succubi here are good or bad, we should find more information about the monsters before leave the town... Also, if Tybi was at this forest with her mother when all this started then...

The purple haired girl stoped, as maybe it was not time to think about it. Soon Angie move again making the poor human hug harder.


Uhg... ehm Angie, are you fine? Ashley asked blushing and fighting to dont move her hips as she could notice the buldge close her pussy start to get softly harder once the small drop fall on the angel's hand. Angie dont notice it and soon she get flacid again as she talk to the human about the strange roots. Ok... as long as...dont...fall...dammit. The sudden idea of fall at the water caused a surge of fear than make her tremble as she remain stunned holding the angel.

The roots werent so much affected to the holy powers as Angie should hope for, for what it looks the roots mostly absorb all the damage until she tried fire spells, the damage was not so much as she expected because the roots were wet, after a few tries she manage to open a pat than could lead her go more deep inside this tunnel, but she also used more power of what she expected.

Angie easily could feed from Ashley if she want it, but she still could continue for any of the two paths.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, dying can be painful from what I've heard, though sometimes it's painless. And a humans soul often makes its way to Celestia or one of the others like it, depending on which of the gods they worship. Most though end up where I live, which is one of the larger ones. And there's no need to worry about it flying or floating rather, because surrounding it is water just like here. It just goes to different places is all," Angie said to Ashley as they went, noting that this seemed to be taking her mind off of them flying a little bit, though she wasn't sure just how much exactly.

"I know, I'm hoping that I'll have time to learn more about them all before we leave, though it could be some time before we do go I think. Since I want to teach you some magics and all, though you might be better off learning some more sword techniques instead of magics, since I'm a magic user and all. It'd be great to have someone be able to cover me while I'm casting my magics. With any luck and if you have the talent for it, I may even be able to teach you how to channel your magics through a sword," Angie then said about learning more of the monster girls in the catacombs and about Ashley's learning magic.


She hadn't noticed it, but her length had begun to harden a bit after the drop of water touched her hand, though she had noticed Ashley blushing a she spoke. "Y-Yeah... that water is just... corrupted or something I believe. I just felt really cold when it touched me, I'll be fine though... I think," Angie said, hovering there for a few moments before moving back and making her attack on the roots. "Hey Ashley... it's okay sweetie, just hold onto me and I'll protect you... I promise," Angie then told Ashley when she began trembling in fear of falling into the water.

Her holy magics as expected didn't do quite as much damage as she'd like, so she switched to the fire spells, which didn't do quite as well either but better than her holy magics. "Darn... used a little more energy than I wanted. Ashley, may I take a little bit please? I hate to ask while we're in the air like this, but if I lose too much I won't be able to keep us up," Angie said to Ashley, leaning in for a kiss to borrow some more energy with which to use, if she allowed her to that is, though if she didn't then Angie would head back to the small patch of land from before that they'd landed at.

Once she had some extra energy fro Ashley, should she allow her to take any, Angie would decide on another spell, this time going for a combination of two in one. She conjured up a few blades of pure force energy, which she then used her fire magics to superheat and turn them into burning blades of force. Then she shot them at the roots around them, using her magic to swing them around, cutting all of the roots away that she could so they didn't drip any more of their corrupted fluids down into the water.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Uhm... sure gods. Ashley said softly, frowning softly by how that requeriment looks to be crucial. So Celestia is like an island connected with others places. That sound great and i will love to have a private tour when we go there. Add smiling before the topic changed.

Fortunately Angie dont continued talking about Tybi and mostly focused on what she could do after end this, what the human pleased. It sound a little complicate do all that sword magic stuff, i even have problems wearing this rusty sword in battle... Of course than im awesome defending you in battle but i dunno if i can learn to do any magic sword's powers.


The human girl could have problems to get calmed again, she just nodded and give a nervious smile once the angel said than she will protect her, if Angie's member werent close her private place she will be more focused on her fears to fall on the corrupted river. Thanks... if that water is cursed then that... would affect the whole forest... animals... people and then the town. The poor noble answer trying to dont show how affected by the idea of be flying she was.

Then Angie comes with the idea of kiss her in middle of the air, just the idea made her fear than she could fail in give to the angel some of her power. Ehm... sure, just hold me tightly and stop giving me the idea than we can... you know...fall. The purple haired girl tried to do her best to remain holding the angel as she slowly move close her face, her feelings were cursing her mind to focus on her task but after a moment she tried to kiss her lover in a kind kiss, but Angie dont receive any of her energy at the firsts tries, it take it some minutes where the two remain doing their best to show their love, theirs sweet lips tasting the other as the pair of tongues dance, maybe then after have the enough time to sense her lover Ashley share some more of her energy to the angel as they continue on the air.

The kiss not only do wonders to Angie but also calmed the fears on the human's heart than were turned in part to love and needs to continue with something more, but there was not time and so she slowly returned to hold firmly the Celestial as this continue with recovered strenghts toward the roots's path. With a so advanced spell the roots were unable to block all the damage, the fire edges cut through and take some time to hit the walls.

Even without the roots, the path could be dangerous later, as who know how the roots could react with the time, so having this on mind, Angie fly as fast but with care, she with the time noticed an island surrounded by the rivers and with red marks on it as also a lonely tree of a purple color. Before she could decide what to do a sudden root hit her back with the enough potence to make her lost her focus on fly and hold the human. Ashley tried to mantain her hold but then a sudden unknown force made them fall to the island, both almost reaching the cornerrs of this zone and separated after the impact.

Angie manage to avoid some of the damage, but Ashley remain on the floor face down without move any finger after fall on it. The angel could notice than the tree have a dark energy emanating from it.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Of course, I'd love to take you there one day, so you could meet my family and friends, and see how beautiful it is. My favorite spot is being on the beaches when the sun rises... it's one of the most breathtaking places to be there at any time I think," Angie said about taking Ashley with her to Celestia one day, though when Ashley seemed unsure about learning sword magics, Angie simply smiled. "Well you already have some talent in both obviously, if you didn't then I wouldn't sense the magical potential within you, and you wouldn't be able to help me so well in battle. Whatever you choose though I'll support you regardless, and I'll help you to learn all I can. If it turns out you can't do the swordmage powers like that, then I'll teach you magic and you can learn sword techniques too and simply use both," she added, kissing Ashley on the cheek as they flew.


"Aye, it must be what's causing the forest to be so dreary and whatnot, as well as possibly blocking the ley lines. These roots aren't the true cause of it, but whatever is above them likely is... maybe. It's too soon and too tough to tell really," Angie said as she hovered them there and looked at the roots, then when she kissed Ashley she simply smiled. "Sorry, I don't mean to scare you with the thought of falling in, but I'm scared myself honestly, just mostly putting on a brave face for you Ashley. But don't worry, I'll hold on tight and never let you go okay," she added, then leaned in and kissed Ashley.

Her first kiss resulted in no gain of energy, as did her second and third. It took quite a few kisses for her to absorb any energy from Ashley at all really, something that concerned Angie a good bit, though perhaps it was simply because they were so tense and scared of what could happen to them. Finally after she was able to recover some, Angie did her spell and cut and burned away the rest of the roots in the vicinity of them, or at least most of them anyway.

"Alright sweetie, we'll head onward and if we don't find anything to land on in a few minutes then we'll come back and rest a bit before we push on any further alright, just hold on tight and we'll be okay... I won't let anything happen to you, I swear it," Angie said as they started moving forward again through the larger river tunnel, with Angie hoping that the water didn't decide to rise any, because that would be very bad she thought.

As they went on, Angie was starting to think that nothing was going to happen or that they would find nothing worth seeing, but just then she saw below them an island amidst the sea of corrupted waters with a purplish colored tree. Just as Angie was about to suggest they investigate the island, a root suddenly shot out and slammed into her back, knocking the breath out of her and frightening her quite a bit as she lost control of her flight. Flapping her wings mightily, Angie just managed to steer them to the island where they impacted before she lost her grip on Ashley and her lover was knocked away from her, with Angie clutching her butt from where she landed on it fairly hard.

Angie crawled over to Ashley just as she felt the dark aura emanating from the tree, where she quickly scrambled back to one knee and stayed kneeling next to Ashley. "Ashley... sweetie wake up alright, no time to sleep," Angie said to Ashley, shaking her slightly with one hand while watching the tree. If Ashley didn't wake though then Angie would use some of her healing magics to bring her back to consciousness, healing any wounds that she might have had from their impact as well. Once Ashley was awake and able to move on her own, Angie would investigate the tree a little closer to see what she could sense about it, though she would keep her distance as best she could and would only approach it if she had to, because she didn't like the feeling she was getting about it... though it could be the source of this corruption after all.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)


Hmm, Celestia sound really different of what i expected Ashley said back as the strange realm looks as a summer resourt, not like she has been on one, but the info than she has collected about the world give her an idea of what Angie is saying. But must be a beautiful place to see alive and to be with someone... Ashley blushed softly at the last part before the talk about learn some advanced sword magic tech come, she was pondering her chances when suddenly Angie moves to kiss her as they were flying what make her get in a small shock by the danger of fall by doing this. Yes... lets try it once we end this and we are on land. Said pleased by the kiss but nervious by the action.


Ashley tried to calm herself even more once Angie said her than she will protect her, gving a soft thanks... However once the root hit them all changed and this happened so fast for Angie but not for the poor noble lady. When Angie get up and tried to check her lover, she tried to heal her to only find than there was nothing to do for the human.

With her attempt to heal her Angie could notice just some few scratches on the poor girl, even then she was uncouncious and the angel will need to try harder to awaken her. Once awaken Ashley could not avoid to be a little transtorned by the subit fall and all the event in general. She made a small squeak as she finally notice the angel at her side and she wanted so baddly to remain on the floor for a while.

What happened? We fall... are you fine Angie? Please let me rest some. She said wishing to dont need to fly anymore. Once Angie finally help her to get up and continue the two girls will then get closer but with caution to the strange tree.

The angel could not find anything useful yet so she decide to with caution get even closer. It was then when the earth shake and she found herself in danger as the roots bellow and over her moved to where she is, Ashley who was behind her manage to move away of the roots as these get between both girls almost separing them for this moment.

They are moving, just like the branches at the forest. The purple haired girl said as she prepare her weapon for her attempt to aid the angel to get out of the tree range.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It is, especially the beaches. Sunbathing without any worries, save from a storm that blows in on us sometimes, and there's usually quite a few people that are there to have fun with and play in the water and whatnot," Angie replied as they flew along before kissing Ashley, which surprised her a bit, though she looked quite pleased by it. "Hmhm, don't worry Ashley, a simple kiss isn't enough to make me lose my grip on you by any means," she added with a giggle when Ashley mentioned they were still flying as they broke apart from their kiss.


After waking Ashley, Angie stayed with her, holding her hand and keeping her pulled close until she could get on up, not about to let go. "Alright Ashley, rest a couple of minutes, I'll keep a close eye out around us, but I don't like the feel of that tree there, so don't take too long okay," Angie told Ashley, warning of the dark energy she felt from the tree. "And yes we got knocked down by those roots, but I'm fine as far as I can tell. How are you feeling?" she added with a worried look at Ashley, concerned for the human girl.

After she finally got Ashley back on her feet, Angie cautiously made her move towards the tree, where she felt the ground shake beneath her feet and suddenly the roots began trying to entangle her legs, as well as cut her off from Ashley. Focusing her energies into a flaming blade of force like she was throwing around at them before, though one she could hold instead, Angie swung it around low to cut the roots away from them both. Then she reached over to grab Ashley's hand and pulled her up close to her, maintaining her grip so they didn't get separated again as they closed in on the tree.

"Stay close Ashley, I want to get over to this tree, so we can try to stop this somehow. Whether by talking to it or something else, hold onto me," Angie told Ashley, pulling her even closer to her left side so she could continue swinging her energy weapon with her right hand.

If they managed to get up adjacent to the tree, then Angie wold have Ashley wrap her arms around her waist and hold on while she placed her left hand on the tree to sense out any entity that dwelt within in. "Please... speak to me. What is it that you seek? Why are you doing this?" Angie said aloud to the tree and whoever else was around, hoping that there was an entity within the tree that could talk and that would talk to her if there was one.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

I think than i will survive... just dont more flight for a moment, please. Ashley said back dont giving too much importance to the tree and mostly just leaving the remember of their fall away of her the best than she could, she suppose than she was fine because there was just some small scratches and a small pain at her head and parts of her body. She mostly was interested on check than her handmade skirt was on place, maybe her lower holes were exposed by any attack but having a place of cloth hidding the fact made her feel more safe.


When the time to get closer come, the tree reacted separing the duo for a moment at least. The girls soon defend themselves slicing the roots so Angie could get away and then they could fly away, but just when the roots were almost removed and they depart one of them whip the young noble, making her squeak by the direct hit at her flower, Angie would had given a sudden moan by this surprise attack, but Ashley in exchange hate it and dont even turn more on at her lust, at least her small skirt remain in place yet a little damaged.

The celestial could suppose than the tree was just defending of them after all the roots damaged and roasted, so she decide to try to talk to it or anyone doing this.

Angie get up with a close to let some teardrops fall Ashley holding at her with her free hand. If she was not so distracted she would frown by the idea of talk to this tree, that was just so odd than could be silly, at least Angie dont tried to do it at a Ent language or similar.

The angel would feel a lot of pain and rage coming from the tree as she placed her hand on it.

Foooood! A feeling more than a word come out so weak than only Angie could sense as she was the only touching it, the noise and vibration coming from the cortex Revenge to the witch!!


The earth noise started to pronounce as the small cave started to shake, Angie could notice weakness at the voice coming from the tree, the corruption on it cause her to be unable to detect anything more as slowly some small holes start to open in parts of this tree until some red shining small orbs started to appear. Just then when the earth shake with more vigor Angie was expelled some feets away by a sudden dark wave than made her almost fall again, at least this time Ashley remain holding her as both started to try to recover by the cold given by that push from the tree.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'll do my best sweetie, but no guarantees alright. We don't know exactly where we're at and all so we must be ready to leave in a hurry," Angie told Ashley, warning her that they would fly if need be, but only if they had to so she didn't get sick again.


As they moved closer and the vines kept attempting to separate them, Angie heard Ashley squeak as one whipped her right across her most precious place as she pulled her close to her. This angered Angie a bit, but she kept her cool and simply kept moving closer to the tree itself. When she finally got close enough, forcing the vines and roots away from her, Angie placed her hand on the trunk of the tree and spoke aloud to it in an attempt to communicate with it.

Feeling the anger and pain coming from the tree told Angie practically all she needed to know that she was causing it pain by cutting the roots, though at the same time she knew that it was giving her little choice. When she felt it cry out in a sense, Angie braced herself just before she and Ashley were thrown back, though she managed to maintain her footing thankfully. "I don't want to hurt you... but you're not giving me much choice. Please stop, let me help you... let me stop the corruption," Angie cried to the tree, holding Ashley with one hand and dragging her back to the tree, which she went for again, this time using only her force powers to push any roots or vines that came at them back without cutting them.

Once she'd made it back to the tree, Angie would pull Ashley up and have her hold onto her by wrapping her arms around her waist, then Angie would throw her arms around the trunk of the tree, where she'd begin pouring her holy energies into it to combat the corruption and force it out of the tree, refusing to let go and praying to her patron to give her strength with which to do this deed.

"What witch do you speak of? I... I may have magical powers, but I'm not a witch... I'm a mage. Please forgive me for cutting some of your roots and let me help you, I'm sorry," Angie asked the tree, feeling out for it again as she spoke.
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