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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The young mother was certainly thinking how cute is Angie making the proposal to get the hand of her daughter in such nervous state, at least Ashley tried to confort and give some courage to Angie holding her hand until the angel talked about show her member what cause the young noble to get in silent shock, shaking her head to stop her lover to do it.

Elizabeth cover her mouth in fancy amusement by the possibility of see such strange thing of a woman with both sex. I may need to see proof of it, Angelique. Said this she wait for the angel to get up, but Angie was stoped by Ashley who frown to her mother and after softly cough add. Mom! Dont do it Angie, after you save me from that ruffian in that wedding, she have all the time to see your body. The young noble point, trying to make Angie remember when she went to stop the wedding naked and filled with gold naughty accesories, maybe Ashley dont see her opening the church door, but her fiance was fully in her senses when she take Angie to tehir house and take care of her when Angie was naked and uncouncious.

Elizabeth was slighty not pleased with her daughter intromission, but continued their talk with a more important topic. So, a demigoddess... I may be ignorant on the angel of love's customs, but once you marry Ashley it could cause troubles to her image if someone heard than you have lovers and childrens of other women, i beg you to mantain this in secret.

The words of her mother make Ashley need to sigh and take the word, before this gets worse for Angie. You dont need to worry about that,Mom. Is true than Angie have others lovers and many are impregnated, but our love is bigger than the one than she have with the others and that is why we are gonna get married. Ashley end blushing and almost having problems with talking about the rest of girls.

I just want to avoid than you get hurt Ashley. Hearing her daughter words Elizabeth said looking to have something against the idea of Angie have many girls, maybe thinking than the human woullld be not enough at the side of the demigoddess and monster girls
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Um... o-okay then. If you really must see proof of it, then I don't mind," Angie said, blushing as she began to stand up, where Ashley told her she didn't have to do such a thing. "N-No Ashley, I said I would show proof, and so I shall. It doesn't bother me any. And besides, it'll alleviate any fears that your mother might have. And I understand that miss Elizabeth, so don't worry, I will keep that stuff a secret," Angie went on to say, first to Ashley and then her mother.

Angie waited until Ashley was done talking to her mother before standing up again, where she slowly pulled the skirt of her dress up and pulled her panties down to completely reveal her cock to Elizabeth, her cheeks pink with both embarrassment and arousal at doing this. "And you needn't worry about Ashley, she is a descendant of the demi-goddess actually... as are you miss Elizabeth. The ladies that live in the catacombs of the temple are technically related to you both, though very distantly. And the demi-goddess is in a deep slumber right now, recovering after helping me rescue Ashley from that man the other day, and she left protecting and loving Ashley to me, so that's what I'm going to do," Angie said, looking very confident about taking care of Ashley and explaining about their heritage.

"Um, I do have some things to talk to you both about though. It involves the wedding and everything. In Celestia, when an angel marries, they must consummate it before some witnesses under the open sky, so that all may see and rejoice in their union with whomever they wed. Are either of you against that? I'm merely curious is all," Angie said, looking to Ashley and then her mother.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im sure, than she just do it to tease us... The young noble answer frowning as she turn to her mother. Anyway, with Angie be so adamant in her needs to show herself, it was just need of time to Ashley to calm and let the angel expose herself. Soon her privates were exposed and certainly Elizabeth give a full look at them. Hmhm, i havent seen one so huge as this one, make me wonder if is real. Maybe it will be needed to touch it~ Elizabeth suddenly said showing some doubts about if Angie's dick was real or just some magic or false one is ther to her to see, of course than mostly Elizabeth was just rtying to see how far Angie would go to prove to Ashley mother than her dick was real.

once the topic about the bloodline in both nobles was said, Elizabeth dont cared too much at the side of how she reacted when the oportunity of see Angie's cock come. Hmm, so this Arachne girl who impregnated you is blood related to us, just in case this must not get out this room, some of the persons in the town dont have a good image of the spirit of that temple. Angie could remember the many things which talk about the heroic bloodline of these nobles, locked and sealed, so one see it in one of theirs rooms where Ashley got her sword.

Ehm...uhm i was thinking than we would be doing that only in Celestia... do you want to do it here in this town too, Angie? Ashley ask blushing with the idea than all the ones than she know would be looking at her having passionate sex with her lover, the idea than all the pure heart people like Cathleen already had seen them thanks to Sammantha's magic was already too much.

If its your people customs, then we cant go against them, we must do this wedding valid for all ours guests of that place named Celestia. Elizabeth add, mostly accepting to have her daughter nude and exposed.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"S-Surely not Ashley. I trust your mother," Angie said to Ashley, not minding as she got up and pulled her skirt up.

"Um... t-thank you miss Elizabeth, I'm glad you like it. A-And it is real. I've been using it often, with... A-Ashley," Angie said softly, blushing furiously. "I-If you want to touch it though, g-go ahead. It is real, a-and sensitive," Angie went on to say, turning her head away slightly as Elizabeth did so, and if Elizabeth did touch her then Angie's knees trembled and she would collapse down next to Elizabeth, her penis twitching in Elizabeth's hand.

"Well... of course Ashley. My family and some of my friends from Celestia are coming down to witness our wedding," Angie told Ashley gently, squeezing her hand softly before looking back to Elizabeth. "Thank you miss Elizabeth. Celestia is the land of angels just so you know. I really love Ashley, and I want everyone that can to bear witness to our love," Angie then told Elizabeth, pulling Ashley into her lap and kissing her on the lips.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

There was not way to stop the angel to expose her charm to her future mother in law, Ashley know it and could just sigh and support Angie in her choice. Elizabeth remain showing her polite manners and act, blushing and smiling when Angie said how often she use her virile seed on the noble girl. I cant expect less from you Angelique if you really wish my daughter's hand, you must promise to take care of her daily needs and always show your love to her.

Her remarkable where placed just when her hand move with caution toward the half erected member than just her kind touch started to fully rise it up, soon precum drops started to escape of the point, the intensety increasing when the married woman pull softly up the angelic dick to see the base where the wet cunt started to show too the arousal of the divine. The fall on her knees made her dick slid down fast as Elizabeth's hand could move and so her love nectar reached to wet her hand which one move close Angie's face giving to the angel the time to clean it before Elizabeth could do it for herself.

The event give enough time to Angie to rise up and sit in her seat where she will talk the rest and hold Ashley's hand to calm her anguish. Its fine, if all your kind could see our wedding and... our love....

But, i never expected than also people of this town would see us... its not something than im really against it, it just would take me a little to get used to the idea
. Ashley almost mutter at the end, she of course would do all to marry her lover, her whole body beat hard in shame and passion, so much than her legs were weak just by thinking on it, so easily Angie made her get in her laps and steal the chance to deep kiss her in front of her mother, something than was maybe too much for the old Ashley, but not today than she was lost in passion and love for the future.

The happiness than Elizabeth have also was noticed by Angie, but the noble woman let them continue for a while before add a little more. It fully please me than Ashley found someone like you Angelique, please think this house as your home and do what you need to sattle your responsability with my daughter, in any place and circunstance... for my part more invitations will be prepared, i will not be just pleased with just the nobles, all the people of this and the towns around will have the chance to witness the whole wedding.

Elizabeth then return to her drink, for what it looks she will allow any show of love now by part of Angelique, which room must be already in use by the blue girls, the attention on the two future mates made maybe Elizabeth dont care of all the people in the second floor.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"O-Oh of course I'll make sure she's satisfied," Angie replied, looking over at Ashley with a smile.

When Elizabeth's hand brought her to full mast and drops of her pre beaded up on the tip, that's when Angie's legs collapsed. As she fell, Angie felt Elizabeth's hand slid down her shaft, which made Angie moan aloud. Angie let Elizabeth lick her own hand clean however, feeling that it would be too much if she did it herself.


"Aw Ashley, we want everyone to know how much we love each other though," Angie told Ashley as she pulled her into her lap after sitting back down with her, where she then stole a kiss right in front of Elizabeth, not caring that she saw them.

"Thank you lady Elizabeth, I don't know how to show my thanks for your acceptance on this," Angie told Elizabeth when she'd finished talking, reaching over with her left hand while holding Ashley in her lap with her right, where she squeezed Elizabeth's hand.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Elizabeth not only tasted with manners the warm nectar placed by Angie, her attention soon was placed on help the angel to return to her seat, so they could talk more, even when Ashley was already at Angie's side helping her.


The talk continued and soon as the young noble express her worries for being exposed at the mortals eyes, the futa angel dont wasted time to said and prove to the four winds than she wanted to show to all the world than for her Ashley was the other half of her heart, theirs bodies created by her goddess to be together dont have to be afraid of anything, as their natural place was to be connected in all the ways, the carnal one just a proof of their future heritage.

Her kiss maybe surprise Ashley by the place and how suddenly it come, but soon as it was in half her way, the noble lady was already wishing to taste the celestial lips again, even when some of her was blushing slighty by being loved in front of her own mother, the one than looks to invite them to continue with her delight sight. The passion and excitement of be seen come to Ashley and she slowly but secure grow her affection touch on Angie, placing her hand in her neck and back, pressing closer to feel her warm body and hard member stil behind that skirt.

The kiss should end and went it was done, the violet haired girl was defeated in the celestial arms, warm and loved to trust in what Angie could express now about them, her senses mostly focused in the heart beat of the winged one than the words of her mother. Elizabeth take Angie's hand as she nods, proud of what her daughter has found for her eternal mate, ready to continue the talk.

You only need to show me what your heart know, Angelique. She said with a smirk before continue. A month is not much time, we not only need to choice the clothes, its also the place, priest, the food, accesories, decoration and a lot more. Now with all the changes in the town these days, it may be too much for me alone to prepare all. Elizabeth end with a small sigh, maybe thinking in what they will face to have their dream wedding.

Its not already easier after that failed wedding? We could use some of the things used there, the church and that Priest, so we can reduce the price of all, is not a secret than we are in a monetary crisis. Ashley add to the conversation, still affected by what had happened before.

That would bring maybe bad luck and unfortunately the church is in maintenance as also we lack of a priest, our last one dissapear with many of the males of the town... a shame than many of them would had helping us in prepare all, now with these strange women we also have some women of the town having problems to focus on work, but we will find the way and prepare this for sure dont worry my dear. Elizabeth tried to remain firm and having a good mood even when this was not the best season to try to fulfill the wish of the three.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, my mother or one of the high angels that would be coming could perform the services and marry us. I can contact them to bring extra food and whatnot as well," Angie told Elizabeth after finally breaking her kiss with Ashley, her arms wrapped lovingly around her. "And my people can help set everything up too if I ask them to come down a week early, and I can get some money as well, or some gold to melt down or use to pay for it rather," she added to Elizabeth about the monetary problems.

"I have faith that everything will work out just fine though you two. Does Ashley already have a wedding dress miss Elizabeth?" Angie told them both, asking if Ashley already had a wedding dress. "I'm only wondering if I should ask my parents to bring some angel silk to make both of us a wedding dress with. And I can also have them bring some money to help pay for everything if we need to. I've already thought about a lot of this," she added as an afterthought.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Of course she have a wedding dress, of the one than you stop, of course... and i have the one than i used in my wedding too. Is so kind of your part to decide to take care of all this, Angelique. If needed, i could try to solve some of the arrangements for the wdding. Elizabeth answer, showing than as much as she enjoy the idea than the future "fiance" pay all, she also wants to help in what she could, mostly having some experience in past weddings.

Ehm... If i can share my opinion... Ashley interrup slighty frowning, still a little aroused by the last kiss. We should just burn that dress of the last wedding or sell it.

Aw... but you looks so beautiful in it, the dress dont have the fault. Her mother answer worried than such expensive dress could get wasted.

Then... maybe we could sell it, already Ary and Mize were planning the clothes of our wedding, but if we will use that angel silk instead, then we must inform them as fast as possible.

Uhm...Ary. Elizabeth ponder in silence for a moment after heard the arachne name again. Maybe yours two friends could do the work of the Bridesmaids, even my own dress and we could use that angel silk for yours two dresses.

That could be... if you are fine with this Angie. Can i ask you how you wish to have your wedding? It looks like you have in mind this for a long time. Ashley ask to her angel, the human never had a plan for this event until meet her lover, mostly in part thanks to the many nightmares than she suffer in her childhood.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, it might be for the best if she doesn't reuse that wedding dress I think. Because that was meant for another," Angie said with a nod.

Angie let Ashley and her mother talk back and forth a bit, listening as they did so. She was curious as to what design of wedding dress Ashley wanted for herself, but didn't really care what might be decided on. "Well Angel Silk is nearly priceless, but my family has money enough to afford it. And... I want Ashley to be as beautiful as possible. So price is no matter," Angie said after the two were done talking, leaning over and kissing Ashley on the lips again, this time very deeply, enough that she stole away Ashley's breath. "And it's our wedding honey, not mine. I want you to pick out anything that you wish to have at our wedding. I do insist on the consummation ritual where everyone that we invite and stuff will witness it," she went on to say, reaching over and pulling Elizabeth over to join them as she hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The young noble got amused hearing how expensive the angel silk was, there were indeed some words close to leave her lips when Angie get more agressive taking an even more deep kiss to her fiance. Anything on the human's mind maybe was hidden in the pleasure earned by have the celestial touching her warm lips, mixing her sweet saliva with her own, Ashley end blushing and ending their deep kiss with a fine line droll connecting both mouths.

I-its also my wish to be as beautiful as possible, for you Angie. The noble girl manage to said still weak by the passion. Her mother gasp in surprise by being taken so suddenly by the winged one, but once she receive the kiss in her cheek, the noble woman return the favor and not only that, her arm was placed behind the celestial, pressing lovely theirs bodies, her leg softly rubbing at the hard member than still Angie remain in full arousal after the many kisses given to her mate.

..... i never dream about this, meet someone than could share their live with me and i could love too much. I dont wish anything material, my love... Ashley shyly said in the end, it was so strange said such word in front and so close of her mother, the efeect so high on her than she dont noticed how close the noble mother in law was of her mate.

... what i wish is something than would happen after the wedding and we could do that for months... it would be better if we talk of that little need in private... in our room. Ashley certainly said this to hide that from her mother, who of course looks with curiosity and of course bring some ideas at her than cause her make a soft smile on Elizabeth.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie gasped softly as Elizabeth rubbed her leg up and down across her member, but she didn't stop kissing Ashley and slipped her left hand down to gently rub Ashley's ass and grope it. After she finally broke her kiss with Ashley, Angie turned and kissed Elizabeth on the lips as well, her lusts beginning to burn too hot for her to resist doing so. Hearing Ashley's words made Angie blush a bit, but her love deepened even more for Ashley. Sitting there, Angie looked down as she pulled the two against her, her robes tenting to show the impression her mighty angelic rod through them.

"W-What do you want Ashley? After our wedding I mean," Angie asked Ashley in between kisses, both hands now roaming across both Ashley's and Elizabeth's bodies and groping their butts and breasts. "And... I might need some relief after all of this you two. It... it's too much, goddess above I need it so badly now. I need both of you," Angie then said after a few moments, unable to contain her lusts any longer as she pulled both of them in and kissed both one after the other.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The celestial left hand move behind her lover, her warm touch passing through the luxury dress from her lover, feeling the delicate underwear than Ashley decide to wear today and soon Angie could remove, the mortal delightful body increased as oil the burning passion on the angel. Elizabeth was not so far as the in love kisses grow in degree, soon Angie could sense that carnal body upgraded with the time, a sweet mature fruit ready for her hungry body to taste.

Her young mate was focused on return the love and fighting to remain calmed in front of her mother, so hard she needed to focus than her senses dont register that first kiss given by Angie to her mother in law. Its something than would... make many people see our love... The human said, trying to share some clues, her needs to hide it from her mother were still in her mind.

...do you want that, right Angie? Just promise than you will let me try to make you enjoy it... i will teach you a lot of good things... after we get married. Her phrases were constantly interrupted between the passionated kisses and her needs to breath, just then Angie pressed both humans close her.

It was then than Ashley manage to understand the words of her lover, but Angie has filled the young human with complete need. Ahh? A...angie please... please, no... not her. Ashley begs with a huge weak horny tone, Just the touch from Angie cause her sexy back to arch and squirm in delight and need.

Its all fine Ashleen... after all, we will be all family soon and it would be irresponsable for me let the poor Angelique, my future politic daughter in such pittyfull state~ Elizabeth said as she start to place more attention to sattle the needs of the winged one, her experienced hands returning the foreplay as also taking her turn kissing Angie in her mouth sometimes and others in the neck, soon creating hickeys, her hand going down then to place more pleasure in the needed staff, making the member get pressed at her thigh.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm, you can... teach me everything you want... Ashley... and I'll do everything I can... to make you happy," Angie said in between her kisses, which continuously interrupted her words.

When Elizabeth said that she couldn't leave Angie in such a pitiful state, Angie whined and kissed her on the lips again, her left hand reaching down and slipping into Elizabeth's panties to grope her ass directly. Her hand slid further down after getting a few squeezes of Elizabeth's ass, where her fingers brushed against her pussy to see how wet she was, and to get her more aroused. "Please Ashley, it aches so badly, it always aches so badly when I'm so close to you like this. And your mother's so beautiful too, I just... I can't control my body. I... I'm a horrible lover I know, please don't be mad at me," Angie whimpered to Ashley and her mother, already trying to shrug her dress off to reveal her fully nude form.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The seductive mother welcome once again Angie's kiss, letting the angel take her time to move Elizabeth's dress the enough to let her hand slip inside the beautiful dress, soon she sense the sexy lingery below her clothes and a small damp spot at her panties were the first direct clue of how much the noble woman wanted to relieve her needs too

Im in such... huge need too, just... please. Let me be the only one calm your needs, this time. Ashley fight to say in such aroused state, her body already in high lust than her legs were so weak to hold her without the help of Angelique. Meanwhile, her mother easily helped the angel to free herself of the dress on her celestial body, making the dress fall at the floor allowing now all show Angie's precum drenched hard member.

Poor Angelique, it looks than its so hard than hurts. So, as your future new mom let me serve you, cutie. Elizabeth in seductive tone said, her right hand already giving continuous rubs in the whole divine rod. Acting as if she only have ears for the angel.

As this happens, Ashley's hand still holds herself on Angelique shoulder, she was still trying to control her lusty feelings to dont shout at the four winds how desesperated was fr be the only one to fuck with Angie right there. Her decency of not do this with her mother made some teardrops roll at her cheeks. Please.... i beg you Angie... just me, i will do anything. Just... not my mother, at least not now. Between kisses at Angie's mouth and neck she said in weak tone, trying to not sob by the strange event than she was worried than could come. If Angie dont do something Elizabeth soon would start t get in her kness and undress as she start to suck and caress the angel private places.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As Elizabeth welcomed Angie's kiss, the young angel moaned softly while reaching up the skirt of Elizabeth's dress to feel just how wet Ashley's mother was. Angie's hands reached back around and pulled Ashley back up into her lap, as the poor thing's legs were so weak she couldn't hold herself up in Angie's lap. Soon enough Elizabeth had Angie out of her dress, which fell gently off of her as Angie lifted Ashley up for Elizabeth to get her clothes off.

"I-It does ache so bad Elizabeth," Angie said as she held Ashley, before looking back to her fiancee and hugging her. "I understand Ashley, but... it feels so good, w-what your mother is doing. I... I'm just a silly slutty angel who can't control her lust. I don't deserve to have you Ashley, b-but I love you so much. So please don't be angry at me f-for not being able to control myself even with your mother," Angie went on to say to Ashley, looking down at Elizabeth while Ashley sat in her lap, wanting to know if Elizabeth would stop for now for Ashley's sake.

Angie's lust was burning too hot to really stop Elizabeth if she wrapped her lips around her hot hard cock, but if Elizabeth did stop, then Angie would gently lift Ashley up and turn her around to face her mother before she impaled her fiancee upon her cock so that Elizabeth could see her daughter and Angie joined. "Ashley, if you don't want me having both you and your mother this time around, then at least let her see how much we love each other. I want her to know just how much we love each other," Angie told Ashley, kissing her neck and leaving a hickey right there where Elizabeth could easily see it as she began bouncing Ashley.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The seductive mother was in a deep trance enjoyning the fresh of the future member of her family, her body now only using her black underwear get on her kness, ignoring completely the talk between both lovers and starting to use also her mouth to help her hand in pleasure the angel's member.

Not a moment passed and Angie could feel herself near her climax yet Elizabeth skills made the angel remain unable to cum by just having her manly member cleaned and pampered in ecstasys. Ashley was close to be defeated in her atempts to stop her mother take for herself what she most love, her lust and love for the angel had her body in a nearly stunning need, retuning the tender kisses and her hands warming in kind love, maybe was the pleads in her eyes almost drolling tears or her weak words what made the angel say some few words without thinking too much, but what she said at the end made the enough effect to stop Elizabeth who give a final kiss to the point of her cock with a lustful chuckle.

Sounds fair, as i must observe with full detail if my daughter needs some training to sattle her mate. Elizabeth's words bring a sigh of relief from Ashley who preffer endless times be just seeing by her mother having sex than share her loved one with her. Giving them space Elizabeth sit again once she helped to undress her own daughter, making her be displayed in her birthday suit in front of her as many times in Ashley childhood and then take her tea to drink it as the sex restart.

The noble young woman was already wet enough for the angel's dick get inside her birth tunnel, making her best to dont moan in lust... yet with every thrust that ended as an impossible task, Angie's dick was so hard and ready to cum than her wet walls pressed hard on the angel's member, both could feel each inch of their pounding, leaving the hickey in place Angie gets herself to sense the delightfull front of her lover until she turn Ashley's front body to be in full display of her mother, her ample breasts beautifully bouncing and the shine of the sweat, but over all the entrance of her pussy being used and sucking soon what Angie would free to bath her future babie.

Elizabeth nods softly in being pleased by this, yet she looks to be pondering how to improve her daughter's performance. Dont forget the passion just for me being looking, dear. Unless you want than i join again to teach you some lessons~ The noble's mother words made Ashley whimper softly between theirs kisses and as best than she could in her state, Ashley tried to move her hips and use her hand to mantain close the angel's mouth of her body as also caress the sides and back, aiming to rub the celestial bossom or press Angie's rear. Out of all this, Angie could sense than both were close to cum together and there was a still small attempt to hold herself in part of Ashley, what could she end now with some more effort, in that way have sex in her wedding would be easier for her poor fiance.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Seeing that Elizabeth was taking advantage of the situation and having herself a good taste of her cock, Angie's raging hard on twitched as she beheld Ashley's gorgeous mother in nothing but a pair of skimpy black panties. Almost as if she were trying to tempt Angie, and it was working very well. Feeling Elizabeth's lips and tongue on her hot hard cock, Angie moaned out as she kissed Ashley some more, her hands grasping her fiancee's ass and squeezing. "O-Oh yes... f-feels so good," Angie moaned out, unable to resist Elizabeth's advances.

Angie could feel her climax fast approaching, yet she couldn't help but feel that Elizabeth was taking her time and purposely dragging it out, as she slowed when Angie got close and sped up against after she cooled down a bit. When Elizabeth kissed the head of her shaft one last time, Angie sighed softly, she member twitching with need as she looked to Ashley while Elizabeth spoke. "O-Okay miss Elizabeth, please watch us and teach us. You must be more experienced than we are and can tell us how to make it better for us both," Angie replied, holding Ashley and kissing her deeply, expressing her love for Elizabeth to see it. "And Ashley, your mother has needs too remember, and there's plenty of me to go around. I still love you first and foremost in my life no matter what... always," she then told Ashley, caressing her cheek.

Angie lowered Ashley down upon her shaft, slowly impaling her beloved upon it and making her moan out lewdly for Elizabeth to hear, which she knew would embarrass Ashley more and make her squeeze harder. Angie had her left hand on Ashley's hip and her right on Ashley's breast on their respective sides, holding and bouncing her fiancee up and down her cock. The young futanari angel could already feel her cock pulsing with need inside of Ashley's tight wet love tunnel, which was milking her for all it could. "Ngh... c-can't hold it any longer Ashley. I... I need to cum so bad. C-Can I c-cum inside?" Angie panted in Ashley's ear, her cock throbbing like crazy, but holding back until she received Ashley's permission to finish inside.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Between their interchange of passion, the angel and human rise toward theri climax so fast, yet in full love, their vision getting narrow as they get focused more in the other as the seconds pass.

It could be than i have a few tips to share, in any case i must admire how skilled you are in this Angelique. Elizabeth answer with a smile, taking a sip of her tea meanwhile she see the whole show in front of her. The words from the angel also caused a reaction on Ashley who slow her sharing kiss to be able to express herself slighty out of breath. I know... just this time... only this time let me have you without share you with her... She fight to beg in her almost climax state and her words were heard not only by Angie but also her mother who looks to start thinking in something to spice this.

Aw, i was also thinking on let both do this without my interaction, but you are leaving the poor Angelique do all the work. Maybe you cant move better, but it would improve this a lot if you share with the world how you feel receiving all that love from your lover. It would at least bring some joy to Angelique, right? Ended Elizabeth with a wink to the angel.

The words from her mother made Ashley's heart beat faster what the hand than Angie have rubbing her lactating breast noticed, hthe noble girl blush even more and then Angie said than she was close to cum again inside her lover, similar to her Ashley was close to her peak, her breath was getting devoured by the sounds than her mouth express aloud in shame and bliss.

Y...your member... feels so good and goes so deep, i cant hold myself too any longer. P...please cum inside... i cant resist it any longer. Her words were as if she couldnt beg any better with her dizzy mind, Elizabeth looks to be in part sattled with that first attempt, but then she get out of her seat and get on her knees, placing her hand to hold Angie's dick base in such way than it looks to denny any release.

It may be not a good idea do it inside if my daughter is already pregnant, if you it a lot of times that could cause an abortion... a first pregnancy must not be taken so lighty, i recomend dont do it or do it few times until the wedding.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"T-Thanks Elizabeth, I... I appreciate it," Angie panted softly when complimented on her skill by Elizabeth.

"A-Ashley, you can call it what it is. M-My cock. And I love Ashley no matter what. Just so long as we're together, I'm happy. So this time, it can be just us, I don't mind. Because I love you Ashley," Angie said, expressing her love even more with another deep kiss to Ashley.

"O-Oh goddess... Elizabeth please. I... I need to cum so badly. I promise I'll r-refrain from cumming inside of her any more after today until the wedding itself, but please, just this once... I want to be inside of her so bad," Angie begged Elizabeth, though if Ashley's mother refused to let Angie cum inside of her daughter, then Angie would give in and have no choice but to spurt her seed all over Ashley's ass and back as she lifted her up and off to do so.