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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)


Not keen on this. Looks like the boobs aren't bobbing along with everything else.

What's this from?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I hoped you were going to say it was a Super Deepthroat mod.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just played the new update, and I'm really liking it so far. Probably shouldn't have played it so late at night when I had to work the next morning, but I got through it at least, heheh...ehh. Anyway I just wanted to ask a question or two. Is the worm twins boss going to be the only instance of vore in the game? And I guess leading up to that question, will there be any grabs by enemies that'll do vore like with the other H-scenes?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (June 25th)


Yeah that's a freaking amazing video. Nice one.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Really like the finishing animation for the second boss. Very nice...but I'm a sucker for a fill up and fuck haha :D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Really like the finishing animation for the second boss. Very nice...but I'm a sucker for a fill up and fuck haha :D
Yeah, I loved it. Super hot, for whatever weird and horrifyingly perverted reason I'm so into cum inflation.

However, I do lament how much trouble I have to go through in order to see the animation more than once, since it plays only once when you die. I think you should add a "replay animation" option alongside the "restart from checkpoint" prompt, since doing it that way saves you the trouble of having to animate a transition between her final "inflated" sprites and initial "non-inflated" sprites.

I also am in love with the plantgirl's animations. Even with my non-education in art, it is abundantly clear that you've improved. The formless, causeless "awkwardness" of an inexperienced animator is totally absent in these newer animations. Granted, I do wish there were audible swallowing/pumping sounds, but I literally suggest that for every animation I see, so... I may not be impartial here.

Unrelated, I love the scientist enemy. He's definitely my favorite, in terms of design. He fulfills the necessary "projectile nuisance" role, but does so in an interesting and dynamic way via his different flasks -- which, if I'm not mistaken are red (damage), white (goo), indigo (boobies). I think he could use one more (but to be honest, I'm guessing you have one more planned and just don't want to reveal the debuff yet), but regardless, you did excellent, superb work on the scientist.

One concern I do have though is that I, and I assume most people who are going to be downloading a fringe-pornographic metroidvania game, can tap the trigger quickly enough to rip the plantgirl apart before she can do anything. You may want to consider giving her more HP, a defensive ability, or simply adding a (very high) fire cap to the player's weapon. Off the top of my head, it could be cool if she started off as a darker palette swap of the way she is now, and was immune to your weapon until you hit her with a force shot.

Tiny flavor suggestion: if the swallowing the plantgirl's cum is going to increase Alicia's libido gauge (or whatever you decide to call it), I think it'd be cool if it also healed her slightly. I don't know if this is the norm, but for me, sex animations are an order of magnitude more erotic in the presence of any "life drain" or "forced heal" mechanic.
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

One concern I do have though is that I, and I assume most people who are going to be downloading a fringe-pornographic metroidvania game, can tap the trigger quickly enough to rip the plantgirl apart before she can do anything. You may want to consider giving her more HP, a defensive ability, or simply adding a (very high) fire cap to the player's weapon. Off the top of my head, it could be cool if she started off as a darker palette swap of the way she is now, and was immune to your weapon until you hit her with a force shot.

Tiny flavor suggestion: if the swallowing the plantgirl's cum is going to increase Alicia's libido gauge (or whatever you decide to call it), I think it'd be cool if it also healed her slightly. I don't know if this is the norm, but for me, sex animations are an order of magnitude more erotic in the presence of any "life drain" or "forced heal" mechanic.

Nearly sounds like boss mechanics...you could implement something like that and then make her a 'normal enemy' later on I guess. If she was a boss character, I could see her being a little bigger and with more moves...maybe some sort of barrier that she pops up if you get too close...maybe some kind of knockback mechanic into a grapple or something. Tons of stuff you could do with such an enemy.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

The new 3 animations are the alaurne one and the 2nd boss one, wich is the 3rd one?

As ever, love your game, and cheers with it, keep with this amazing work

sorry for my bad english
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Nearly sounds like boss mechanics...you could implement something like that and then make her a 'normal enemy' later on I guess. If she was a boss character, I could see her being a little bigger and with more moves...maybe some sort of barrier that she pops up if you get too close...maybe some kind of knockback mechanic into a grapple or something. Tons of stuff you could do with such an enemy.

Yeah I don't want to suggest anything too taxing on what I imagine is already a very tight (...) work schedule.

I merely intended to convey that, when you present players with a large (tall) enemy that has a total hitbox in a game with no fire cap, the enemy has to somehow suppress the player's capability to run up and spam the fire button as fast as they can. You can do that by giving it a shit ton of HP, by making it fire projectiles from further away, by shrinking its hitbox (giving it a "weak point"), by adding an obstacle... all sorts of shit. Point being, the solution doesn't really matter. I just want to make sure you (Anon, not Vinceras)(but I guess also Vinceras?) understand the problem.

That being said, you could also just make her not take damage when you hit her face (player has to crouch) or knees (player has to jump) or something. She's pretty tall, so I can imagine her being strong/resilient etc. without having to alter her animations or coloring.

The new 3 animations are the alaurne one and the 2nd boss one, wich is the 3rd one?

scientist (guy in white lab coat that throws various flasks) has a different animation if he grabs you while you've got gigatits (while her breasts are expanded)
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Only reason I suggested the boss stuff is he already has the animations for her set...so it's not like there is a ton of different work to do...just need to work out the effect animations for her moves...you could probably even reuse the spread shot animation she already has for all those moves.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just played the new update, and I'm really liking it so far. Probably shouldn't have played it so late at night when I had to work the next morning, but I got through it at least, heheh...ehh. Anyway I just wanted to ask a question or two. Is the worm twins boss going to be the only instance of vore in the game? And I guess leading up to that question, will there be any grabs by enemies that'll do vore like with the other H-scenes?

To be honest, I'm not sure yet. I haven't planned out every enemy and H-scene in the game yet, so there's room for anything. I'm not too big of a fan of vore, personally, but if the demand is there I could probably fit in another vore scene somewhere!

@Textbook703 - Animation replay feature, got it! It's on the list for the next hotfix. Glad you like the newer animations, too! I've been animating for a long time, but it was always stick figures or low-resolution sprites before. Crisis Point is my first experience with relatively high-resolution artwork, so there was definitely a learning curve, especially when it came to anatomy. Good to hear it's paying off!

You're right about the scientist's vial colors. I'll be adding a firing speed limit to the next hotfix as well, to prevent the issue you mentioned about killing enemies too quickly. A firing cap is really the perfect solution - I don't want to give enemies so much HP that only people with a really fast trigger finger can take them down quickly, since I don't want the game to be hard in an annoying fashion. If there's challenge, I want it to be in a fun way. Interesting idea with the healing cum too, might have to put some more thought into that!

@sorrow4444 - What Textbook said. The last animation is when you're in Breast Expansion state and you get grabbed by the Scientists. Glad you liked the update!

I don't plan on making the Alraune into a boss, but she's sort of a mini-miniboss. Definitely intended to be more threatening than other normal enemies, so hopefully that will be all fixed up with the second hotfix! Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

didnt realize there was a plant girl Oo how do you get to them
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

To be honest, I'm not sure yet. I haven't planned out every enemy and H-scene in the game yet, so there's room for anything. I'm not too big of a fan of vore, personally, but if the demand is there I could probably fit in another vore scene somewhere!

Well, vore's just my primary fetish. And unfortunately, it's one of the more...esoteric ones. It would be cool if there will be more of it in the game, but I won't be devastated if not. I don't know how many other people here want more vore anyway. Either way, the game's coming out very nicely.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Well, vore's just my primary fetish. And unfortunately, it's one of the more...esoteric ones. It would be cool if there will be more of it in the game, but I won't be devastated if not. I don't know how many other people here want more vore anyway. Either way, the game's coming out very nicely.

I'm all for vore if there's sex involved with it - it's probably my primary fetish, too. I mean, just plain old vore is still nice, but it's a huge tease to me if just getting eating is all there is to it (and no x-ray is just rubbing it in even further).

This is one of the reasons I loved LAB - Still Alive. Tons of vore + sex enemies in it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I'll watch just about any kind of vore...I prefer it to stay light though...or at least for the end result to not be shown.

That's why LAB is still one of my favorites...several vore enemies and almost all of them were done fantastically! Definitely wouldn't hurt my feelings if there were some in this game too hehe
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Well I can tell you guys that vore is definitely not a primary focus, but I wouldn't mind adding in another light vore scene. I refuse to show the "end result", as Vinceras put it - guro is a complete turnoff to me, and I'm not comfortable animating it - but vore is something I'm just neutral about. If I do another vore scene it'll probably just end with Alicia getting spat out after the sexing. In any case, I'll keep it in mind moving forward!

@nightshad - If you look at the walkthrough text file included with the download, it will list where you encounter every new enemy. If you're having trouble getting there, you can just follow the walkthrough until that point!

Okay, so I'm a bit behind. The end of last month was super stressful for me, lots of stuff happening in the personal life, so I took some time off to relax and recover. I should be able to catch up on work just fine, but I also haven't shown you guys anything from v.14 yet, so my apologies for that! I honestly didn't post too much about it last month, but I'll just dump everything from the Patreon that month here right now, and then I can get on track with keeping public and patreon updates happening at the same time.


Comparison of the old Fly BE scene with the new, fuller breasts


Work-in-progress loop of the Alraune BE scene


Some of the detail animations given to Alicia in v.14

Alright, that's all the visual stuff. I'll have more soon, to show off the Blaster animations Alicia finally got, as well as anything that I'm going to show off while developing v.15. Speaking of v.15, here's the list of things I'm going to be doing for it:

-Continue work on 3rd boss fight
-Finish Alraune BE H-scene
-Animate Alicia masturbation scene
-Work on more detail animations for Alicia
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

The list is a tad bit smaller than usual but with the amount of animation work required for the 3rd boss and the detail animations for Alicia, I'll definitely be kept busy. I still have over half a dozen detail animations for Alicia, though it's unlikely that they will all be done for this update.

Anyway, that's about enough from me for now. I'm going to be hosting a livestream sometime in the next week or so, and it'll be the first public one, so everyone is invited! I'll make a post when I've decided on a date with the link to my streaming channel and when it's going to happen.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Well I can tell you guys that vore is definitely not a primary focus, but I wouldn't mind adding in another light vore scene. I refuse to show the "end result", as Vinceras put it - guro is a complete turnoff to me, and I'm not comfortable animating it - but vore is something I'm just neutral about. If I do another vore scene it'll probably just end with Alicia getting spat out after the sexing. In any case, I'll keep it in mind moving forward!

That sounds pretty cool to me. And yeah, I'm more of a soft vore kind of guy myself and while I don't particularly mind guro, I can see why it can be unfavorable. I usually just kinda go into an ambiguous mindset after the character gets eaten. Sometimes naive too, like "Oh they'll be fine for next time, lol."

And this is just a pet peeve of mine, but I HATE when they get spat back out. Well, more disappointed than angry, because at least they were eaten. Don't pay any heed to my complaints there and do whatever you like. I'll be down with it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

If you do a vore, especially with a spit out....frog please :p
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

If you did a soft vore scene it could be like her getting caught in a venis fly trap of sorts where she gets molested by tongues, tentacles, or whatever, then gets spit out, all wet or maybe covered in cum or something.

The next versions of the demo will be for your patrons only right?

Sorry you had a rough month, seems like you pulled through ok.