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Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Actually, the hand and glove system would work, I believe. The circles on hands are written on skin, right? Gloves block the skin, correct?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yes, but then you'd need to constantly remove and put your gloves back on.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

That's something we can put up with, I believe.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Couldn't you activate circles on gloves either by snapping (I.E. Roy Mustang) or hitting your fists against each other? (Or simply punching something: Major Armstrong). Clapping was only ever used (To my knowledge) by those who had seen the gate. (I don't remember if Kimblee ever did it, but at least some of the time he didn't.)
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Yeah Kimblee did it, all the time I he wanted to activate his circles I think. And Ignition Cloth is a completely different story altogether. And Armstrong...Well, lets just say his is the artistic talent passed down the Armstrong family for generations. Besides, it'll be a while before you'll have access to Armstrong's abilities.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

So, wait. Can I use ignition cloth and a circle on hand at the same time?

Hey, you said that Kimblee had halves of circles on his hands. Maybe he needed to connect them to activate? I actually agree with Pheonix here.
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Okay, this is how I'll do it; circles on things like gloves, gauntlets and the like (in other words clothing) will be auto-activation. Any circles tattooed on the body will have to be activated manually.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Sounds fair. BTW, what about fire alchemy? Each skill requires a different circle, right?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Gah...Thought I'd already had this up...Here's the first of three skill lists that I've been working on for non-alchemist characters. NOTE: Alchemist characters are not allowed to take skills from these lists. This is just to give the non-alchemists something unique so they aren't totally overshadowed, if anyone plays one.

Lock Skills

Gets in the fast way, although it would be pretty obvious that someone's gotten in. The more you know about this method, the more precise your attempts become, thus taking less time to actually smash the lock.

You actually know the basics on how to do minor repairs on a lock. The more you come to know about lock repairs, the better and faster your jobs become.

Snap - Requires Smash
Again, a fast yet obvious method. Breaks the tumblers slightly, then jams them open. The more skilled you become with this, the better your chances of getting it right and not ruining the lock before it's open.

Frame Break - Requires Smash
Similar to Smash, here you're breaking the actual door frame. Not very subtle, but at least you get faster breaks the more skilled you become.

Basic Locksmithing - Requires Repair
Congratulations, you now know enough about locks to make fairly simple ones. The advantage to skill in this area is your locks are harder to break when you know more about what you're doing.

Pick - Requires Basic Locksmithing and Snap
An entry skill that actually has some chance of remaining undetected. The better skilled you become at this, the less chance of detection and lock damage.

Hinge Shatter - Requires Frame Break
A favorite manuever of a demon hunter, you simply kick the door clean off of its hinges. The more you learn about the aerodynamics of airborn doors, the more damage you can do it one hits someone.

Master Locksmithing - Requires Basic Locksmithing
You can now make even the most complex locks, and the more skilled you become, the harder it is to pick them. That skill bonus stacks with the hardness bonus of Basic Locksmithing.

Traceless - Requires Pick and Master Locksmithing
The ultimate entry skill, you leave no trace and can pick the lock without damaging it. The more skilled you become, the faster you work.

And before anyone asks, yes, the description on Hinge Shatter is a DMC reference.

EDIT: Here's the second skill tree for non-alchemists.

Repair Skills

Basic Repairs
This lets you make simple repairs to something, like patching a tire. The more skilled you are at this, the faster you work.

Simple Construction
This lets you make simple objects, with a minimum of moving parts. The more you know about this work, the better materials you can use.

Improved Repairs - Requires Basic Repairs
This skill allows you to make more complex repairs, such as fixing a jammed engine with the proper tools and parts. Again, the more skilled you become, the faster and better your repairs.

Improved Construction - Requires Simple Construction
This skill allows you make items with a few moving parts. Again, more skill, better materials, and faster work.

Simple Upgrades - Requires Basic Repair and Simple Construction
This skill lets you make simple upgrades to most objects, however complex modifications and complex devices are beyond your skill. The more skilled you become, the faster you work.

Advanced Repairs - Requires Improved Repairs
This skill allows you to repair damn near everything, including automail, even with sub-par tools and limited parts. The more skilled you become, the faster and better you work. You might even end up improving the object.

Expert Construction - Requires Improved Construction
This skill allows you to make most types of machines and objects. Once again, more skill allows better materials and faster work.

Expert Upgrades - Requires Simple Upgrades and Advanced Repairs
This skill lets you modify almost everything, including automail. The more skill you have, the faster, better, and stronger your modifications.

Advanced Construction - Requires Expert Construction
This skill allows you to make even the most complex devices, including automail. The same as before, more skill makes for faster work and better materials.

Mechanical Mastery - Requires Advanced Repairs and Advanced Construction
This skill improves the durability and effectiveness of all of your mechanical work.
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Hrm.....Yes, I would say they would need different circles, Grave.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Then how it's going to work with ingition cloth? Do I need four different gloves or something?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Well you'd choose the one you'd use most often. You'll have to ask Wolf if you can have multiple gloves though.

Also, I need to finish the healing arts tree and add an electricity tree and then all the alchemy for now will be finished.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

This sucks... Using a combat-focused alchemist is going to be really tough...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Starting out, you'll only be allowed one set of gloves. However, as your character proves himself, he'll be allowed more.

Alchemist characters will start out more or less under the command of Roy Mustang, who Oni will be running. So, he'll decide on equipment "upgrades".

Also, if players want to have their characters start out with automail, they can. However, no integral weapons upgrades at this point. Some of the non-alchemist skills will allow that, though.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Oh yeah, I forgot I was running the Alchemists....Ho boy, this is gonna be fun! Also, I don't care what Arakawa has done, Kimblee is still alive dammit.

And for all the female characters, expect tiny miniskirts to be mandatory :D
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Gah, I'm getting confused again... I can have one glove, one circle on hand, one on chest, and one on item, right? Or wait, the glove acts as that item, doesn't it?

Also, how many skills can I have at start?
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Since player characters are just starting out with alchemy training...

You'll be allowed to take two areas of alchemy, and you'll automatically have one skill point in the lowest skill in each of them. You'll also have two "free" skill points to distribute. For each skill, you'll need between 5-10 points to qualify for training in the next skill.

These requirements will for all skills, including whatever skills I come up with for non-alchemists, and the skill requirements will be the same, no matter what character is trying to learn the skill.

As for equipment:

One type of circle on hands.
One type of circle on one pair of gloves.
You may also have up to 5 cards with circles on them...Likely the same type of circle.
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Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

How can we get new skill points? Do we have to use those skills, or do we get skill points for accomplishments?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Accomplishments mostly...although if you use a particular skill enough, that might also warrant additional skill points for that skill.

The ones you get from accomplishments are "free"...Meaning you can put them into any available skills. Also, when you train in a skill to make it available, you'll get a point in that skill from the training.

EDIT - After a quick discussion with Oni, it was decided to drop the number of choices in starting skill trees down to two.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Can we gain access to other skills trees, or is our decision ultimate?