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Announcement Apparently this is a factor: Threats

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Oct 20, 2012
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

just that they have been threatened and that it made an impact on them.
On their wallet maybe HURR HURR

Seriously though actual threats have to be taken seriously, but you have unknowingly picked the possibly worst example for it. I don't blame you, many people rightfully stay far away from the controversity and don't know all the details.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

Alright kiddos here's the deal: Lila can be a bit naive, to the point of being annoying (sorry hun it's true), but she means well and just wants everyone to get along. I do get tired of it sometimes, but I can respect her intent.

We should all know by now to take threats of violence with a pretty big grain of salt unless the perpetrator is close to your physical location, while taking into account there ARE people that can track you physical location through the internet. We should also know that it's not okay to threaten people with physical violence, no matter the medium that you choose to do so, plus it's a pretty good indicator that you are a moron.

Do we really need this thread? Probably not, but I don't see the harm in leaving it either. It should probably be moved, however.

Censuur, if the only way you can someone can alleviate frustrations is to threaten people, it's probably time to GROW THE FUCK UP. It seldom matters why someone commits a crime, and the only legal difference between a "credible" threat and one that is not, is whether the governing body feels that the resources spent addressing it are worthwhile.

habisain, why the hell would you use THAT situation as an example? It's like trying to diffuse a bomb with a fire-cracker, please do better next time.
Couldn't have said it better myself. +1 to all of this.

I'd also agree with the comment to Censuur. You wrote, "Now, if your local specialty store does this, you'd go over to them, threaten to sue or threaten to beat the everliving fuck out of them unless they give you what's yours, you take action to ensure justice."

I wouldn't go over and threaten to "beat the everliving fuck out of them." In fact, that is a terribly juvenile response that is akin to vigilante justice. Vigilante justice is pretty much never a good result. If you get screwed over in an online funding situation, write the developer and relay your concerns and then share your frustrations on a forum like this so others can learn to avoid a similar fate. A much more productive response.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2012
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

One only needs to look at the comment section on Youtube to see what most "threats" amounts to. Usually anyone making a threat is just bitter or someone trying act as a hard ass. From personal experience, when people threatened me back when I was a hot head I gave them my real name with my physical location and told em I'm ready anytime. Never seen any of them or even got a reply. Then again, most people are just pussies and won't back their words up haha. If you're going threaten someone follow up on it and then be prepared to pay with your life that's always been my mantra.

I will say that cyber threats have a more likeliness of happening such as hackers, ddosing, and all that stuff. Anything that keeps them safe behind a computer.
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

@erobotan: Ars Technica ain't a SJW blog - it's a tech news site, and a respectable one at that. It's been around for 16 years (well before SJW was a thing) and broken a lot of major tech stories, so they should get some respect for that. For evidence that they're equally capable of not being on the feminists side, see their coverage of the Ellen Pao case, where they did effectively report that she did not have a shred of evidence that she was discriminated against (instead her employer, KP, asserted that she was not promoted due to not being an effective communicator. Ars Technica later covered Ellen Pao resigning from her leadership of Reddit for... ineffective communication.) I'd also not characterize myself as a feminist, because I dislike the divisive nature of the movement and question if it's going to achieve anything in the near-to-long term future. I'm much more in the humanist camp.
That site lost all of it's credibility when they decide to write stuff that support Femreq & SJWs cause. They lie too much that i can no longer trust anything that comes from their mouth. If you're not a feminist, it will help everyone if you stop spreading their lies & make them popular. The bigger they get, the faster site like this get banned, they already ban tons of fetishes as a start.


Grim Reaper
Sep 18, 2014
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

Threats aren't anything new, at all. Alot of big devs like Hideo Kojima and Rockstar got death threats for their games. You should've seen what was happening during an E3 where Rockstar was said that they wouldn't attend the event. People were going insane, saying how they would kill them all and burn their HQ and other vile things.

It's not about gender either so I don't know why Anita and Zoe were brought into this, especially considering they hunger for threats only so that they can use them against the gaming community and complain about how vile and misgynistic we are. Besides, their opinions are against the very foundations of this site and the games that we peeps here enjoy and discuss.

And I agree with "erobotan", any site that promotes SJW ideology can fuck off.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

I said I wouldn't post here generally because I feel that talking about the credibility of media is off topic in a thread whose entire mission objective is "death threats are bad m-kay".

But ars technica's incompetence is exactly why gamergate exists.

"Kyle Orland, senior gaming editor at Ars Technica, created the GameJournoPros email list on 31 August 2010. On 19 Aug 2014, Orland tried to censor discussion of the Zoe Quinn scandal, stating that he didn't want to "reward the jerks doing this by giving their 'issue' any attention at all" and that he was "not even going to give the bullshit 'journalism ethics' excuse for these attacks the time of day." Orland proceeded to recommend that journalists use Twitter to "signal boost" the story, rather than using their front pages, and mused on using recent events as an "excuse to give more attention to Zoe Quinn's work." [1] After Breitbart exposed GameJournoPros, Kyle Orland apologized for some of the comments he made and claimed that Ars Technica management was not aware of the list's existance.[2]"

where citation 1 =
and citation 2 =

Read the first sentence and then read the last one. Notice exactly how much lying is involved there ;).

The simple fact of the matter is that if it wasn't for Ars technica there wouldn't be gamesjournopro and that means there wouldn't be such blatant lying and narrative coming from the media. Ars Technica is the last news group you should go to when it comes to information about death threats and harassment, considering they have everything to gain from lying about who's done what and everything to lose if people wise up to their peddled crap. It's funny how the people who are screaming misogyny and death threats the most are doing so to draw attention away from the fact that they've got no integrity at all.

Either way, unless the topic gets changed to a discussion about the games industry or western anti-sex culture. I don't see me doing anything that wouldn't count as off-topic considering the point of this topic. I don't know if I should be self-moderating myself but I'd rather be self-moderating than shit-posting.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Apparently this is a factor: Threats

Alright, first of all, I'd like to thank everybody for at least keeping the discussion relatively civil. It's really good to see that we know how to conduct ourselves.

So I'd like to address the topic first: Everybody knows death threats are not okay. I'm really not one to stifle somebody's freedom of speech, so long as they don't go against the rules of the forum. I do think that it's okay to express your displeasure with somebody, even a game dev, so long as nobody is going overboard (What is overboard? Well, just use common sense. That's how I'm determining what overboard is...). So while I won't necessarily outright block any form of negative feedback, I do usually hope for maturity in posting. As of yet, however, I don't really recall ever seeing death threats.

As far as the Gamergate thing goes, take it to another topic that isn't in this section. And please stop puffing your chest about what is and isn't libel. We're a hentai forum, not a newspaper.

Finally, to Lila. I do understand that you're looking out for others and wish to stop, or at the very least, mitigate the issues the game devs might be facing. However, these people know what they signed up for when they started putting the project out publicly. While that's not to say that the forums should keep the unconstructive criticism (and obviously, death threats) to a minimum, they should be big enough people to know how to deal with rabid fans or detractors. Specifically, they probably already recognize that most death threats are people blowing smoke. "And what if one of those death threats come true?" you might ask. Then I would imagine that anything I might've been able to do would've been useless anyway. Yes, it's good to have a PSA about not being a dick towards the devs, but if something like that was happening, just send Toxic or I a report and we'll handle it.

I'm not going to turn the forums into a hugbox simply because people are getting a bunch of negative feedback, some more extreme than others. I'm certainly going to keep discussions civil, but never an echo chamber. I appreciate and even share some of your concerns, but I don't believe that this thread really has much of a goal, other than inciting a quickly degrading discussion about Gamergate and a bunch of posts going for your jugular.

Locking this thread.
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