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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Her flush continued to grow, shame warring with frustration at being shot down outright. She stuttered for a moment before she regained her composure, then replied as evenly as she could, "I know that aside from the fact that some crazy chick seems to think that we're going through Ragnarok, and that we... no, she's a bloody Valkyrie, we're facing something that we're far too deep in to be tossed out into the wild without having some idea of what we're up against. I'm not sure if you know what that is or not, I'm not questioning you about that when this place seems to be the only safe place in the entire city. I just..." Her frown intensified. "I'm not even questioning that you want us to work for the things we need to survive and protect ourselves with. I just don't have all of the answers, but I feel like some of them are falling into place. The day we've entered was predicted thousands of years ago. There has to be more information about why and how things are going from here on out. I can try to help with that," she dwindled off.

"May I ask what you're reading?" she tried to change the subject, honestly curious and also wanting to keep the woman from having her manhandled (or womanhandled, in the case of her eerie assistant) out of the office.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The Director's gaze intensified at the mention of Ragnarok and Valkyries, as the Director stared, unblinking at Claire. She seemed to have her full attention now.


"Tell me, girl... Where, by chance, did you meet this woman? What was she doing? And by your opinion, why would you think she would talk to you about Ragnarok?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Finding herself feeling as though she were treading over eggshells, Claire brought one of her arms up to rub her opposite shoulder. The director didn't seem eager to give the women she sheltered enough information to keep them from avoiding certain trauma, so Claire felt she might be holding on to her only bargaining chip, here.


"Before I answer that, can you tell me what it means in regards to the women here and those monsters out there?" She'd noticed the director going tense (God, weren't they all feeling that way?) so she didn't want to come across as being stand-offish. "I need to know before anyone makes me go through that again." Go through what, she didn't elaborate. She didn't think the director cared much for sob stories.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The Director's expression didn't change.


"It means the person of whom you speak may have something to do with this outbreak, and that stopping her can mean the difference of our survival. Now tell me what you know."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Fair enough.

Claire gathered what she knew of the girl, ordering her thoughts before she spoke.


"She was a little short, with a white wig or white hair. I was staying late in the library, reading about apocalypse theories --" she shook her head, amazed at her strange timing, though she mentioned nothing about it, "when the lights went out. I went to check the fuse box and the generator and realized that they'd been clipped... there was a slithering noise, too," she added, recalling the strange sound. "Like maybe somebody was dragging something." Or like some horrible monster was skulking about... her skin prickled.

"When I'd come back up the stairs, there she was, standing at the top of them. She had her back turned to me. I thought... I thought she was a vandal, but when I went to address her, she told me..." Claire recalled the event in detail, though it took her a moment to put it all back together.

"She said, 'they've come to witness the rebirth of paradise, free of man's sin.'" She took a breath, continuing though it pained her to do so. "'Unrestricted by the... the hatred of a world teeming with unnecessary people. I sacrifice myself,' she said, 'to the blood of criminals.'" Looking to the director, Claire added, "there was more, would you like me to recite it, or is that enough?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The Director seemed to lose her gaze. Her stance didn't change, but her eyes lowered to her papers as she listened to her recite what she said.

The Director paused for a few seconds after Claire asked her question, then spoke softly, the tension gone from her voice.


"No... No that's quite enough..."

Silence entered the room, only the sound of her grandfather clock on the side of the room was heard.

The Director seemed to remember herself, as her eyes looked back to Claire.


"It was very good that you told me this, Miss...?"

The Director paused, awaiting Claire to finish her sentence.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Claire Idae," she supplied, and then, unable to hold her tongue, "she said that all of her sisters would awaken and 'remember their true purpose'... I don't know if she meant women in general, or what, can you at least throw me a bone?" Ugh, bad word-choice. Claire cast a beseeching look to the woman behind the desk.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The Director shook her head


"I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that question, and I don't know why you think I would. But, It's obvious she doesn't have our best interests in mind."

The Director raised an eye brow.


"Wouldn't you agree?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(This is Rin here)
She dressed, and walked out of her room.
She looked around and saw many things, even pieces of memories would start to come back if she looked at certain things, but all the important things seems to still escape her.
She reached the shop, asked the shop keep if she knew anything about her...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"She said she wanted to see us die, so yeah, I agree." Her hand came up to her hair as she fidgeted nervously. "I figured you might have the answers... this place was already up and running when I arrived, and that was only a few afters after... all of this." she extended her other hand to indicate the apparent apocalypse, though as her sheet began to slip, she brought both arms around it tightly again. (How embarrassing it would be to expose herself to this woman, she thought!)

"What I meant when I first came in here was that I've had a lot of experience with research, and puzzles, and making things make sense. I'm having trouble doing that on my own..." she took a breath in, hoping that by rephrasing herself, she'd come across more useful, "but if I could help you in any way, I'd far prefer that to going out there." She, of course, had no idea that the director had been threatened at gun-point just earlier today, so she didn't have reason to suspect that the director was feeling suspicious, if that was her motive!
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

The Director shifted in her chair, and regarded Claire as if she looked ridiculous.


"Figure out? Miss Idea, what do you feel there is to figure out? There are creatures out there with malicious intent towards us. Are you finding that difficult to figure out?"

Her amused expression turned to anger.


"Or maybe God has sent you to figure everything out for me, what a thrill."

She appeared to have lost interest in Claire, as she returned to her papers.

Without looking at her, she said.


"If there's anything to figure out, Miss Idea, it's not in this building. And if you refuse to go outside, then please figure out how to make yourself useful inside. Else, you're just a leech to our cause."

The Director said nothing else, her attention now wrapped up around the papers written in a foreign language Claire didn't understand.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Still waiting in the hallway just outside, Caitlyn winces hearing the Director's angry exclamations.


"Just back away," she whispers, shaking her head, "Don't push her now. She's under so much stress." She absentmindedly reaches up to touch her crucifix, worried both for Mary and for the sheet-wrapped girl being shouted at.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Claire held her tongue, but just barely. Her shame burned away under the boiling rage of the unfairness of her situation. As much as she wanted to make a big scene before she left, it would get her nowhere.

And as much as she had never asked to be here, she couldn't argue right now. She just didn't know. Was this the last safe place in the world? If she were to walk outside and somehow avoid the disgusting things out there, would she find another safe place where the women (and men? Claire didn't think she'd ever have thought this, but she rather missed men. At least she knew how to deal with them,) were allowed to live without fear of rape hovering over them day and night? A sick feeling told her there very well might not be. 'Sisters of Valhalla' indeed... Claire didn't know who to blame, but she had enough blame in her that she might just explode.

"Ma'am," she ducked her head in a bow so as not to compromise her rather inelegant appearance. "You obviously have more pressing business." Turning and walking rigidly out the door, she swallowed the urge to spit something unkind out. I hope something more pressing comes your way, you vile little awful piece of human being, she seethed, not closing it behind her, feeling petty enough not to offer that courtesy.

She didn't notice Caitlyn at all, too focused on heading back upstairs. She wanted to punch something so badly, and the only thing she could think of that wouldn't break her knuckles was the pillows that were tossed in disarray on her bed.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn smiles to Claire as she leaves the director's room, trying to make eye contact. When that fails, she gives a small wave but watches as the angry girl goes storming right past her.


"She was crying when she entered," she says, mostly to herself, "And fuming when she leaves. The stress here is going to start breaking people if we're not careful." She paused for a moment in the hallway, glancing back into the Director's room, wondering what was really said between the two women. She closes the door that Claire left open and proceeds down the hall after the angry girl.

Moving quickly, she follows Claire back upstairs, staying behind her and waiting until she entered her room before approaching the door and giving a gentle knock.


"Hello. . . Are you all right in there?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

She'd only gotten a good couple of punches in on the defenseless pillow before the tentative knock and words brought her out of her self-involved rage.


"What?" she asked, more an angry shout than a real question. Clenching her fists, unclenching them, and counting by sevens until she knew she wouldn't explode again, she called, "sorry, just a minute." She re-wrapped the sheet about her torso -- it had come off -- and strode to the door, pulling it open with forced serenity. "What can I do for you?" she asked sheerly out of habit. She didn't recognize this blonde woman, but since Caitlyn didn't look angry or like she was demanding something right off the bat, it helped to cool Claire's nerves a little bit. She felt mildly sheepish, comparing the two of them as she stood rigidly in the doorway.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I'm sorry," begins Caitlyn, "I wanted to speak with you earlier but you went charging right to the directors room. I saw you crying earlier when you first came downstairs and I wanted to see if you were all right."

She pauses, realizing that 'Are you okay' is probably an insufficient question at this point. She looks over the girl in the doorway, still looking tense and angry wrapped in a bedsheet.


"I'm Caitlyn. I've only been here since last night," she adjusts her glasses. "I was attacked at my church by some kind of. . . thing." She shakes her head. "I was wondering if you needed to talk or just wanted some company."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire, jaw set just so, pressed the door open without saying a word at first, admitting entrance to Caitlyn without having to say so outright.


"I'd rather not talk in the hall," she explained, if the message wasn't clear enough.

Closing the door behind the blonde -- assuming that Caitlyn entered as she was bid, Claire leaned against the wooden frame and heaved a sigh. "You and me both. I was here the night before last. It doesn't take fucking long, if you follow that woman's way," she spat. Softening a little, she cast Caitlyn a look a lot like one might get from a despondent puppy. "Was it a giant centipede? Or a big reptile with a huge tongue? Did it leave you without a scrap of clothing too, or were you able to get away with something to remember sanity by? I can't do this... I feel like my... you know... got jabbed full of hot coals that are still burning. I can't think straight, I can hardly walk straight. Should I go on? I could go on." Talking, at least, kept her thinking instead of freezing up. She didn't feel quite so put out to dump her woes on a stranger who outright asked to take them.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn enters the room and lets the door close behind her. She lets Claire vent for a moment, giving small nods to let her know both that she was listening and that it was all right to continue. When she heard the panic starting to rise in Claire's voice, she reaches out, very slowly and carefully and lays her hand on her upper arm, giving a gentle squeeze.


"Shhhh, it's okay," She tries to soothe her, "You can go on, but why don't you let me answer a few of your questions first." She pauses, nodding towards the bed, "And maybe sit down. If you're feeling at all like I am, you're almost out on your feet right now." She smiles sympathetically.

"It was. . ." She shakes her head, "Well, it started with a strange woman. White haired and spooky. I saw some kind of crab thing, I think, but I avoided it. What attacked me were some kind of huge underground tentacles." She shivers herself just for a moment, a tiny crack appearing in her calm. "I managed to get away, just barely, after they. . . after they tried to attack me. But I arrived her naked without a scrap of clothing, just like you."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire did as she was told, finding some small comfort in a soothing voice that offered solutions -- even tiny ones. The redhead didn't feel entirely comfortable looking at Caitlyn, however, so she cast her eyes out the window, across the rooftops that were marked by the setting sun. Today had been a long day.


"Oh, I arrived here with clothing, the first time," she explained, plucking at her sheet. "It was my own stupid fault for going out the second time. I didn't realize there were different kinds of things," how foul she made that word sound! She couldn't even imagine the likes of what Caitlyn gave brief description to, and frankly, she didn't want to know.

Eventually she cast a glance Caitlyn's way, not quite able to hold her gaze. Had everyone here who had made it here run into one of those women beforehand? Was that the sign? "Where are you planning on going from here?" she asked, voice growing small and uncertain.