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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Caitlyn sighs, feeling a little helpless for the first time since she arrived here as Claire's question punches right through her. She sits down on the bed herself, careful to give Claire enough space and looks over at her, "I don't really know. I want to do something, somebody has to. But I'm not even sure where to start. When I spoke to the Director earlier she said that those things drag people back to their lairs."

She looks more determined, "We need to work on finding a way to rescue anybody else who may be trapped out there. We can't let those creatures. . ." She trails off before continuing, "And make sure that this place stays safe, although I'm not real sure what we need to do that. Eventualy, we need to find out what is happening and how we can stop it, but that's something where we would need more information to even begin to think about."

She takes off her glasses and wipes her eyes, "I don't know. I'm just an office worker really, I mean, I work for a congressman but I'm not any kind of leader." Her voice takes on a harder tone, "But we're all that there is, and so it's up to us."

She pauses and looks at Claire with a nervous smile, "And I'm even pretty sure that I'm right about that."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

By contrast, Claire was frowning, even if the motivational tone of the conversation had had a bit of an effect. "We'd be more effective if she didn't send us out like we were so many bits of raw meat," Claire noted, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "No warning, the guard-ladies were so laid back about it. She probably laughed when Christie and I fell through the door -- oh God, Christie," she remembered. Was the woman alright?

Realizing she hadn't given her name, she introduced herself, "I'm Claire... I used to be a librarian. I agree about getting more information -- that's what I went down there for. You know she shot me down? She shot me down for asking about the essentials. Either she's flying entirely by the seat of her rank ass, or she wants us..." she couldn't even bring herself to think about 'dens'. Oh, now that was a truly terrifying thought.

"Look, I just remembered... a black-haired girl, yay tall," she raised her arm, the other gripping the blanket, "came back with me. Her name's Christie, I just need to make sure she's okay. Would you like to come with me? I... really do appreciate the company," she admitted, flushing again and tucking her long hair behind her ear. How did Caitlyn manage to cast such a soothing presence?
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Of course I'll come with you," Caitlyn nods, smiling herself and ignoring Claire's slight blush, "Maybe we should find you some clothes first, though. I'm sure Jesse will have something downstairs, even if it's just something simple." She lays her hand on Claire's wrist, for a moment, feeling for her pulse.

Closing her eyes she counts of the beats, "I don't think you're in shock. But try to take a deep breath and maybe get a glass of water before we go." As she stands up from the bed, she looks at Claire again.

"I'm not sure what to think about the Director," she says, offering her a hand up, "I spoke to her, too. I know, just going by what I'm feeling, that she must be under a lot of stress. I don't know how much it's affecting her decisions.

"But look, we'll look out for each other, okay? You and me and your friend Christie and anybody else we can find out there." She gives a hopeful smile.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire didn't pull back at the analyzing touch, though she watched carefully as Caitlyn gave her assessment. Though she stood from the bed, she kept her wrap in place.


"If it makes any difference, I'd rather not. As far as I know, that woman will throw me out on my ass if I don't go out of my own volition... I'd rather save what little favor I have without worrying about whether the newest that I have is going to get dissolved right off my body -- which, if you happen across those big centipedes, you can guarantee will happen." She shuddered.

Claire opened the door, ushering Caitlyn through first. "I wonder if there's a sewing kit in that flea market? Most hotels come with them. I don't know why this place wouldn't." She felt somehow better, talking about mundane things like shopping. "I could always mend clothing and fashion something like this into something that hangs a little better." She gave a wane smile, a poor attempt at making a joke.

Wandering down the hall, she realized that she didn't know which room Christie occupied. The two had met in the main hall. Feeling a little dumb, she began down in that direction, hoping that the black-haired woman would be down there. She was hesitant to talk about watching one another's backs. She and Christie had tried that, and it hadn't worked out too well. Still, she didn't want to shoot Caitlyn down, so she avoided replying to that little tidbit.

((I keep forgetting to use the icon in posts, sorry! XD I don't like posting it more than once just because it seems silly to scroll through so many of the same image. Hope that's okay!))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


She looks down at the floor for a moment, "The tentacles didn't seem like they were interested in keeping me clothed either. It's a little strange when you really think about it; they're clearly not human so. . ." she trails off, not finishing her thought about their method of attack. She tries to distract herself by listening to Claire's attempt at a joke.

"I think it would take a lot of work," Caitlyn smiles, "But sure, we'll look around for a needle and thread so we can plan for our fashion show. The latest in King-sized-chic." She noticed that Claire didn't respond about watching her back but for now was content to let that go by; she was going to keep an eye on Claire whether she wanted it or not.

"I don't really know where anybody stays," she pouts, following Claire out into the hall, "It would probably help if we could meet everyone who's here in the Inn. At least to figure out what room everybody is staying in. We'll make more progress by working together, we all probably have different strengths."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River walks in the front door, wathing as Lin is carried away towards the impromptu hospital section, and wanders off towards the shops, looking for a new pair of pants to replace the ones with the shredded backside.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

'King-sized fashion' -- that actually got a chuckle out of her.


"I'd rather a king's clothes than an emperor's right about now," Claire admitted, jolted into a lighter mood by the surprise punning.

She would have commented about the fact that she figured the only strengths that mattered right about now were physical ones, when two more women -- another blonde and redhead, actually -- were rushed in through the guarded front doors, the former with a gut that looked about ready to pop, the latter looking furious in ripped pants. That sobered Claire up immediately.

Not saying a word, she turned away from the scene where the doctor and her assistants were knocking Lin out and dragging her off to do... whatever to her. She found herself a seat and sat quietly, turning to the empty seat beside her before Caitlyn had even taken it as if it were far more interesting than the pile of people rushing off. She felt herself trembling again, but wouldn't allow herself to do more than that.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Oh my God. . ." gasped Caitlyn, quietly as Lin is carried past them. Pregnant, she thought, How is that even possible? What are these things? She stared after the assistants for a long moment before turning back to Claire. Seeing her trembling, she sat down next to her and put one hand on Claire's knee, the other on her shoulder, trying to steady her.

She doesn't speak for a moment, but finally says, "Claire. . . I don't know what's happening around here, I'm not sure if anyone does, but you're all right. I'm all right. That girl. . . whatever happened to her. . . she's back here now and there's got to be some way to help her. We can't give in to despair. . . I don't think things happen for no reason. If we're all here it must be because we all have a part to play in this; there's something that you can do that nobody else can." She pauses, trying to force a smile, "You said you are a librarian, right?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn's words were beginning to reflect the quasi-valkyrie's from two nights ago, Claire realized.


"It doesn't matter any more," she told the other woman, shaking her head stiffly. "That woman," she meant the director," is just going to keep sending us out there until we don't come back anymore. I don't know why she even bothers."

((XD Totally need to find her a happy distraction, or at least a distraction for a little while... the combination of events she's gone through isn't helping her stay very mentally healthy!))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I don't know either," says Caitlyn, shaking her head, "We need to be better organized. We can't just blindly. . " She stops herself, realizing this isn't what Claire needs to hear right now.

"We need to find something to take our minds off of this," she sighs. "Want to look around and see if this place had a bar?"

(I know! I'm just not sure what there is to do in the inn aside from sleep and missions xD)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire had been bouncing between depressed and shocked and depressed again, so it was no wonder that when Caitlyn suggested a bar, she shook her head and gave a wry snort of amusement.


"You know, I don't usually drink that often, but it'd be worth it." Standing again, feeling the edge of her frayed mind and getting it under control, the redhead resolved that maybe sitting around in the main lobby wasn't going to do her any good, whether or not she wanted to see Christie again -- and badly -- or not. "Let's go," she said, keeping a grip around her wrapped sheet. "At the very least I can look for a sewing kit from the trinket shop."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I don't either," Caitlyn stands up with Claire, "But I think we could both use a drink." She nods, glancing down again at the sheet that the other woman has wrapped around her body, "I wouldn't want your arm to get tired."

She glances back after River, wondering who she was and what she had been doing outside the inn when she and her companion had been attacked. Oh well, she thinks, I don't blame her for wanting to get new pants. I remember how embarassed I was trying to shop in the nude earlier. I'll be able to track her down later, besides, right now Claire needs someone with her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie awoke with a start. Was that snoring she had just heard? Sheesh, rape monsters weren't bad enough, they also had to contend with people being loud and interrupting their sleep. She sat up and banged on the wall of her room with her fist.



She yawned and rubbed her eyes, noticing that whatever had awakened her had apparently stopped. She hadn't heard the snoring since before she pounded on the wall. Yeah, you better be quiet! she thought with a grin.

She sighed. There was no way she'd get back to sleep now. Yawning and reaching under her shirt to scratch, she sat up and looked around her small room. Nothing. Nothing in here but a bed and a dresser drawer for her clothes. She was sooooooooooooooo bored, and being bored always made her think. Think about things she didn't want to think about. Like what happened to Claire.

Christie shook her head and slapped herself lightly. Stay positive! she thought. Nobody likes a downer! Maybe if she walked around the Inn for a bit she'd find something to distract her. With that thought, she threw open the door to her room and slammed it shut behind her. Take that, evil snorer! Is snorer a word? Who cares, that snorer deserves their sleep being interrupted.

Stepping lightly down the stairs into the main room of the Inn, she stopped suddenly when she spotted Claire sitting and talking to a blonde woman. Claire looked fine, but how could Christie show her face to her, after what she had caused to happen? Shaking slightly, she slowly backpedaled towards the stairs, in the hopes that she wouldn't be noticed...
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Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire cast the blonde a sideways glance along with a wry grin, attention all on Caitlyn at the moment. She'd put River out of her mind a few moments after the other redhead had come storming into the hotel, more focused on Lin and her freakish state.

Now, however, the ex-librarian caught a familiar sight beyond her impromptu supporter. Christie -- Christie heading up to the stairs. Had Claire missed her?


"Hey, that's here," Claire pointed the mechanic out, then tried to flag Christie down while keeping her sheet pinned above her breast. "Christie! Over here!"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caityln turns to follow Claire's point, noticing Christie for the first time as she tries to make her way back up the stairs.


"That's her?" she asks. Thank god, she thinks, It looks like she's not hurt and is fully clothed. She joins Claire in waving at the retreating girl, hopeful that seeing her friend again might help to shake Claire out of her seeming depression.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie's heart skipped a beat when she heard Claire calling her. Why would Claire even want to talk to her after what happened? Well, she couldn't just ignore the woman, that'd be downright rude. She slowly turned around and waved back.


"Hiiiiiiii, Claire," she called nervously. Even the blonde woman was waving to her. Well, they didn't seem angry, maybe they weren't going to beat her up and feed her to the zombie monsters. She cautiously walked over to them, a weak smile on her face as she looked at Claire with concerned eyes.

"You're looking good. You even got invited to a toga party, ha ha." Christie winced and grit her teeth at the horrible joke. Hoping to salvage the situation she quickly said, "And you made a new friend. That's good." She gave another weak smile to the blonde woman and said, "Hi, I'm Christie."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"I'm Caitlyn, Christie," she smiled, "It's nice to meet you. Claire wanted to try and find you." She falls silent then, letting the two friends talk again.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

When she was close enough, Claire could see that the other woman was looking downright nervous. Well, go figure. It was strange that she didn't really blame Christie for what had happened... of all the people she could have, perhaps the mechanic was the one who ought to take the blame.

Still, Claire reached an arm (the other was occupied with the 'toga') to put it around the other woman.


"Thanks for helping me back," she murmured for only the makeshift mechanic to hear, nevermind that Caitlyn was a few feet away. "I'm glad you're okay, too."

She stepped away, and introduced the blonde. "Christie, this is Caitlyn; Caitlyn, Christie." It felt strangely good to conduct introductions as if things were normal. Claire was looking forward to a couple of drinks, if there were any to be had.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie jumped when Claire put her arm around her, but calmed down at her words. She looked up at Claire, her eyes changing from fearful to thankful. She didn't respond to her. What would she say, anyway?

After that, Christie felt a lot better, and extended a hand to Caitlyn after the introduction.


"It's nice to meet you too, Caitlyn," she said, her weak smile growing into a full one.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn shakes Christie's hand, noticing the look that she gave Claire and smiling honestly.


"We were planning to ransack this place looking for a bar. . . and a needle and thread for Claire. But mostly a bar. Want to come along? It would be nice to have more company and maybe we could figure out what our next move should be." She was glad that Christie had given Claire a hug; she had thought about doing that herself when the redhead was crying earlier but hadn't wanted to be presumptuous.