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Ashley (Tassadar)

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Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"No they will come for you again. I don't want to be here when they do." He backs away from Ashley toward the door. He opens it and yells into the hallway "SHE'S HERE! SHE'S NOT BROKEN!!!"

Turning back to Ashley, he chuckles. "You will be one of us, I promise that. I don't want to be here though when that happens.... they will torment me more! You are walking death!" With that he swings around batk at the door, intent on running through the door. THe man is rather clumsy, smacking his head into the door before he can open it. He falls to the floor, out cold.

Ashley DEF: 1
Ashley CONST: 4
Man HP: 0

Search Again
Search the Man
Travel E
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Well.... that was weird." Ashley says, quietly, and then pulls the man into the room and closes the door, looking him over for anything useful. She tries to be quick about it, and when she finishes gives the room another quick search with her eyes.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Her search of the man was quick, given that he was naked and didn't really have any place to hide stuff. She takes a look around the room and is pleasantly surprised to find a white sportsbra. She quickly dons the garment, not wondering why a bra would be kept in a closet with medical equipment.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5

Search Again
Travel E
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley, smiling at her new find, cautiously opens the door, checking to see if anything's on the other side before heading through.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

She opens the door to the hallway, hoping the man's screams fell on deaf ears. Not seeing anything outside, she walks out into the hallway. The hallway heads to the south. She sees that the door to her east that leads downstairs, has been locked again.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5

Search Travel W/S
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley hurries down the hallway to the South.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley moves south down the tiled hall and quickly reaches a turn. The hallway turns to the West and there is a door to her south. She hears a buzzing sound from her west and looks to see a tank-like robot sitting in the middle of the hallway. This robot, unlike the previous one, has a turret and treads. On top of the turret are several instruments that looks similar to the ones on the spiderbot.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5
Tank HP: 4

Flee N/S/W (33%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Oh crap!" Ashley says, and tries to rush through the door to the South, not wanting to have to fight the tank.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley makes a break for the door, And is amazingly abel to slip through before the tank can get her. She hears a thud on the door right as she closed it, and she can only assume that the robot fired something at her before closing the door. Looking around, she feels like she is in an examination room in an ER. There are shelves and cabinets lining the walls and an examination tablein the center of the room. To her south there is a curtain that seems to divide the room into at least two parts.

(flee successful)

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5

Travel N/S
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley searches through the room for something she could use against the tank outside, not wanting to try to attack it with a pipe if it could fire something at her.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley searches the room for a more suited weapon. She rummages through a couple cabinets before stopping. It's not a weapon, but she finds a pair of powder blue scrub bottoms. looking a bit strange with scrubs over pantyhose, she decides it's better than nothing and puts them on, drawing the drawstring tight and knotting a bowtie.

Ashley DEF: 2
Ashley CONST: 5 + 1

Search Again
Travel N/S
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Shrugging at the strange clothes, Ashley keeps looking through the room for anything she can use.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

She continues searching the room when she comes across a large cabinet. Opening it she reveals another large tank-bot. This close she sees the red light and camera right next to the turret. Before she can react, the tank fires a rubber slug at point blank range, hitting her in the thigh. She falls backward, but is able to recover before she is further assaulted by the tankbot.


Ashley DEF: 1
Ashley CONST: 5 + 1
Tank HP: 6

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Ahhhh! Bastard!" Ashley shouts, as she is hit by the rubber bullet. She slams the door closed against the tank bot with her foot, and moves out of the way, preparing to smash it once it comes out of the cabinet.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Assuming you are waiting ^_^)

Ashley stands by the door, waiting for the robot tank thing to break the door down. After a minute that felt like hours, the robot breaks open the door and immediately fires a net at Ashley. She is able to knock the net down harmlessly with her pipe.


Ashley DEF: 1
Ashley CONST: 5 + 1
Tank HP: 6

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley immediately bashes at the camera on top of the robot, hoping to blind the thing so she can more easily destroy it.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley preps for her attack, but not before the robot launches another net. This time it wraps securely around her upper body, binding her arms to her chest. The force of the impact causes her to lose balance and easily tips backward, crashing to the ground.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 5 + 1
Tank HP: 6

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Grunting, Ashley tries to free herself from the net, pushing herself away from the tank with her legs while she tries to work her arms free.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley manages to work one arm free and picks up the pipe with her free arm but is again attacked by the robot. It fires yet another net, this time aimed at her kicking legs. It manages to wrap itself, albeit somewhat loosely, around her legs, immobilizing them for the most part. Being restrained in such a way for some reason begins to fire a spark within her.

Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 4 + 1
Tank HP: 6

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Awww, c'mon!" Ashley shouts, as she feels the other net trap her legs. She tries to wiggle free from both of them, keeping her pipe ready in case the tank got into whacking range.
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