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Ashley (Tassadar)

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Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

In her stuggles, the trapped girl manages to get her second arm loose before she sees the tank closing in on her. It comes up on her right side with several hose like appendages and another metal "probe" like the last robot. The robot sends one hose out to her breast and wriggles itself under her bra. In a matter of seconds, she fells the hose beging a sucking motion on her nipple.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 6

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Damnit. Get that thing off of me!" Ashley says, as she bashes at the robot, still wriggling and thrashing her legs.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

The girl swings her pipe at the Robot, hoping to dislodge the hose or at least distract it long enough to free herself. Her weakly swung pipe bounces harmlessly off of the tank's side plating. She will have to swing harder to get a hit on the tank's armored sides.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 6

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley grunts, her arm going slightly numb from the impact, and tries to smash off some of the delicate looking top parts on her next swing.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

The girl again attacks the tank, this time trying to go for a weaker section of the robot. This time she manages to sweep the hose off her breast with the pipe before connecting with the tank's turret, putting a large dent into the side of the tank's barrel. She takes this time to finish removing the net on her upper body, leaving only her legs still bound.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 5

Flee N/S (< 1%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley smashes at the tank again, still going for the seemingly more vulnerable turret. Her arms being free should allow her to more easily attack the thing.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley attacks the turret again, this time knocking off some sort of instrument. It appears to be a syringe of some sort, but Ashley pays it little atteantion as she removes the netting from her legs. She stands back up to the angry sounds of the robot's beeping.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 4

Flee N/S (33%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Piece of crap!" Ashley shouts, and takes an overhand swing at the tank.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Having the upper hand for the first time in this fight, she swings quickly down onto the robot's top deck, where all of it's instruments are located. However, her attack is stopped cold when an appendage with a grabber arm juts forward out of the top and grabs her pipe.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 4

Flee N/S (33%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley shouts wordlessly and tries to yank the pipe away from the robot for another swing.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley pulls, and manages to yank the pipe out of the grabber's grasp. In the process, she rips one of the four "finger" off of the grabber arm. The grabber arm attempts to grab at Ashley.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 3

Flee N/S (50%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Ahhh! Get that thing away from me!" Ashley shouts, and smashes at the arm grabbing at her.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

She now swings at the grabber, hoping to knock it apart. She connects, severing the grabber arm halfway up the arm. She is sprayed with an oil or something from the arm after she makes contact. She is covered in the slick oil before the stream stops.

(Crit hit)

Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3 + 1
Tank HP: 1

Flee N/S (83%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Ahhh! Gross!" Ashley shouts, getting some of the oil in her mouth accidentally, and swings for the turret one more time.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley instinctively recoils from the spray. This gives the robot to strike out at her before she gets the chance to strike again. The robot shoots a large triangular piece of rubber at Ashley, landing in her groin. The rubber piece quickly shoots hoses around her hips, locking it into place. The rubber piece is attached to the robot with a large, flexible tube. The device quickly seems to disolved the scrubs and underlying pantyhose that it covers, exposing her croths to the strange device.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 3
Tank HP: 1

Flee N/S (83%)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(How can I have a flee chance of 83% if it's attached to me?)

Ashley ignores the thing dissolving her clothes and tries, once again, to smash the tank into slag.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Because it is getting close to my bed time and I am not paying attention lol)

Ashley continues her assault on the instrument panel, ignoring the strange sensations below her waist. Before she can land a good hit, she feels a sudden pulse on her mound, drawing her concentration away from her swing long enough to cause it to miss her target, landing instead on an armored portion. The device attached to her is now pulsating and almost electrical sensation through The desperate girl's pelvis. She has to struggle to not to thrust into the pulses.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 2
Tank HP: 1

Submit (Risk succumb/game over roll)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Ahhh... Holy shit....." Ashley gasps, and tries to rip the device off of her before she gives in to it.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley's hands find the straps wrapped onto her hips, hoping to rip them out and having the device fall harmlessly off. She manages to pull one of the straps off, causing the device to fall partway away from her hips. The device slides off her body, smacking back into the tank. Something fires off inside before the tank grinds to a halt. Blue smoke rises from the robot.


Ashley DEF: 0
Ashley CONST: 2
Tank HP: 0

Search the tank
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Rest (38% chance encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel N/S
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley, enraged, takes her pipe to the robot until it's so badly mangled as to be unrecognizable. When she finished, she pieced through what was left for anything valuable.
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