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RPG RPG Maker [アスガル騎士団] REBF (RJ310786)

i miss the days when he would to go /2dhgg/ and scream at everyone for playing his game. last time he tried to DMCA a ipfs link
Guess he figured if he appeal to everyone no one would torrent his game (upon release)
Guess he figured if he appeal to everyone no one would torrent his game (upon release)
Probably not that no-one, but that the west wouldn't disproportionately torrent his games.

In Japan, fans actually have face-to-face interactions with creators. They go walk around the stadium, buy directly from the creators and the creator bows while saying thank you. I think this closeness with indie content creators makes Japan less likely to pirate or steal eromanga and games.

It's not the same in the "west" where the content creator is an avatar on a screen. Some people don't even interact with the creator or care who they are as they pirate (and enjoy the games no less... You have no idea how many "big" fans of Kamidori Alchemy Meister I've met that don't even know who Eushully is.)

Still... I can't fault them. The games are in Japanese after all. It's like the devs are saying "This isn't for you go away." So people don't generally have any qualms about just taking it to see what the fuss is about.
I don't understand his anger in this regard though. If people didn't pirate literally NO westerner would buy his game. It's in Japanese. He literally only stands to gain in this regard.

Releasing in the US on reputable platforms like Steam is him getting the business sense to finally reach out to the audience he has around the world.
Just curious have there been any updates on his twitter or ci-en lately? I've seen one update with a pixelated image, so just wondering if that's the latest update.
Just curious have there been any updates on his twitter or ci-en lately? I've seen one update with a pixelated image, so just wondering if that's the latest update.
There have been a few. He's talked about new combat mechanics showed off some new enemy designs and we've gotten a hint at the skill tree.

Just glad the artist and programmer are on good terms again.
There have been a few. He's talked about new combat mechanics showed off some new enemy designs and we've gotten a hint at the skill tree.

Just glad the artist and programmer are on good terms again.
Ok thanks for the update :D

this was written 2 days ago, he's struggling with game balance. If he balances enemies for dex builds, the physical attack builds all die

22 characters done, 20 characters remaining he says
The developer submitted the demo 2 days ago and boy... It is #1 trending upcoming work now.

I kinda got a mixed feeling about this.

First, I'm glad he decided to reach the Western countries through Steam.

On the other hand, it's hard for me to forget the time he went nuclear against pirate and picked a fight with the Internet, or to be specific, the people who uploaded his games.
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I tried downloading the demo, but it says file corrupted, has anyone had this issue?
nope i was able to play the demo try and re download the demo, sometime that does happen and re downloading it fix that.
Its ok I solved it, just had to rename the game folder, thanks for the input!
i guess ive hit a wall in the demo, i cant get past knight girl (enemy 3). im doing very little damage. im level 3, and i spent my skill points and stat points. i think i bought moves, but they dont appear in my movelist. they are however, in my status screen or whatever, so i DO have them. maybe they're passives....
i guess ive hit a wall in the demo, i cant get past knight girl (enemy 3). im doing very little damage. im level 3, and i spent my skill points and stat points. i think i bought moves, but they dont appear in my movelist. they are however, in my status screen or whatever, so i DO have them. maybe they're passives....
I beat the demo a bit ago. I don't remember any enemy being hard or anything.

What's your build?
I beat the demo a bit ago. I don't remember any enemy being hard or anything.

What's your build?
agility and strength so far. im hoping this is the type of game where agility makes your turns more frequent, and not something else. anyway, the boss isn't difficult per say, i can tank it, (if i horse those unlimited healing items) but the damage is so low it clearly wants me to do something else. i just want to make sure im not missing something im supposed to have. especially since i just messed around with the skill tree and got stuff i don't know how to use
agility and strength so far. im hoping this is the type of game where agility makes your turns more frequent, and not something else. anyway, the boss isn't difficult per say, i can tank it, but the damage is so low it clearly wants me to do something else. i just want to make sure im not missing something im supposed to have.
Man I deleted it after beating it. I really don't remember it being difficult.

Agility doesn't make your turns more frequent, it decides who goes first.
Basically if your agility is 99 and theirs is 1, you go first, and then they go second.

In the demo it's fine for basic attacks to be your primary source of damage if I'm remembering properly.

STR+Agility build is the maledom build though. You'll need to build maledom skills. Let me redownload the demo again to check. Stuff like the skill "Provoke / Word Blame"

Also having only 1 point in a skill isn't very worth it. It's best to reach Penis mastery 3 so your basic attacks actually do damage.
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