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Re: Atlantis

Sarnael snorted. "Contagious, as in..." Here, he rattled off a string of medical jargon. Pausing, he turned slightly towards Sho and added, "I triggered the onset of an extremely fast-acting disease in it, rapidly accelerating muscle decay."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon chuckled slightly.

"Similar enough to Aya's Necrosis then, only spreadable. Brilliant."
Re: Atlantis

"That's the one you don't want to shoot," she tells Siphon as the Klarnell comes into the room, listening to the exchange regarding the hive and the various diseases that are getting flung around.

"Only you would call a contagion brilliant." Sho gives Siphon a look, but it's fairly clear that she understands the implications of such a thing. "So, if you guys can cause this stuff, any chance you can use that ability to maybe work on an antibody for the one that's crippling the planets?" She glances more to Sarnel but also Siphon, given he mentioned Aya, too.

"Okay, so we've got rebel not-Wraith, rebel Klarnell, we really should be calling about Nirrti right now, and you two," she jerks a thumb between Siphon and the Klarnell, "need to sit down and have a talk, preferably without ready access to weapons."
Re: Atlantis

Sarnael shrugs at Sho's comment. "I can try. I'd need to see at least information on what I'm trying to deal with, though."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon withdrew a small device that looked like a data storage unit and handed it to Sarnael.

"That should work with your stuff, it contains everything we know of the disease. Last I heard, the Ori were getting involved in trying to cure it, so hopefully someone has something soon. As for us curing it, it's not the same thing Sho. Aya has an ability that can quite literally sap the energy out of the body of another living being, in effect causing weakness, and potentially paralysis. Temporary in her case unless she really goes overboard, but effective to say the least. Only in her case touching the afflicted person doesn't spread it. I'll contact Peltas and warn them about Nirrti, and then he and I can try to have a civil discussion."
Re: Atlantis

Sho's hands go out in a "Just throwing things out there" gesture, then, given she and Jacobs were about to make a call themselves, she starts going through the dialing sequence on the gate, intending on getting them connected so as to minimize the potential damage their escapee could cause. There's a pause after she hits the button to "dial out" and she glances over at Jacobs.

"Think we ought to send Henry back with this? Get him taken care of?" she asks quietly.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon turned to Sho as she mentioned Henry, and for a moment his eyes showed surprise, but it was quickly gone.

"So that's who you meant ... How long has he been dead for, and was the symbiote removed?"
Re: Atlantis

A crooked half-smile turns up the corner of her mouth, confirming his statement. "Too long, I think. And yeah."

Once the gate has finished dialing, she'll request a direct and secure line with Julia. Granted, it's almost impossible to get a hundred-percent privacy talking through the gate this way, it's sort of a "clear out the non-essential personnel while we talk" sort of thing. If it's better to not talk about all of this in the open, she'll actually head back through the gate to make the report. She'll also see about getting Henry sent back and sent on to either family or to be taken care of as one of the Petlas crew.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon growled.

"Damn, so much for the Nox possibly having a chance to revive him. Nirrti will pay for this, dearly."

With the wormhole open, Sho might be surprised to see Julia herself answer, seemingly the only one in the gate room at the moment.

"Oh god, I know that look Shoni. What's happened now?"
Re: Atlantis

"Don't think that'd work this time." Her smile grows a little sad, which is likely about the point that she connects with Julia. "We've...had an incident. Two, actually. I'll keep things brief because you need to get connected with the Tokra asap." And Julia will get a slightly more abridged version of what Siphon got, which was pretty 'bullet point' to begin with. The object is to get her the information, quickly, so they can start making calls and while she's keeping things slightly more professional than the frank explanation that Siphon got, there's something of an undercurrent, should Henry be discussed any longer than bare bones facts.
Re: Atlantis

Letting loose an unhappy sigh, Julia responded "understood, we'll contact the Tokra. Go ahead and send Henry back now, the Tokra will undoubtedly wish to put his body to rest. If you find his symbiote, send that back as well."

Jacobs meanwhile had brought in Henry's body, wrapped up in a sheet he had found somewhere, and gently he walked through the Stargate, taking him home.

"We'll be in touch as soon as we've contacted the Tokra."

With that, the wormhole snapped shut.

Siphon turned to Sho and shook his head.

"This day just keeps getting worse. Now, tell me exactly why I need to stick around? Seems our new friend here along with Sarnael took care of any lasting issues, at least I hope you did?"
Re: Atlantis

"Do you really think I'm that senile? Of course I've made sure that what the..." Here Sarnael lapsed into some other language, likely Karsin, "...had done was fixed. The water damage still needs to be cleaned up, though."
Re: Atlantis

"Roger that. Over and out." Sho will effectively end the conversation with Julia, letting Jacobs head back through with Henry. Her attention goes to Siphon once he asks her about sticking around. "Because our new friend here apparently has information for us, or more specifically, you. Probably should be a private talk. With witnesses." The smile she flashes him indicates that she, at the very least, is going to be one of said witnesses. "And give me your gun." It's polite, but it's not really a request. If his family is getting brought up, the last thing she needs is him armed. Given that she will be in the room or wherever they choose to do this with him, he won't be at the Klarnell's mercy, should this turn out to be a trick, but she's not about to make it easy on Siphon if his temper gets the better of him.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon let out a snort in Sarnael's direction.

"Nah, I don't think you're there yet. Just making sure you weren't going to pop up with some random piece that needs repairs that you guys broke while I was away. As for the water damage, yeah, that will take some time."

He turned back to Sho, his eye half twitching for a moment at her words, clearly uncertain if he liked the implications. At the mention of her taking the gun he chuckled slightly.

"It's on stun to begin with, and if you're worried about my shooting him, you don't have to be. Besides which, you know how my abilities work. If it'll make you feel any better though, here, just don't drop it or we might all regret it."

Unclipping it from his holster, he handed it to Sho. True to his word, it was set to stun, though of course being the kind of weapon it was, it was ready to fire at a moment's notice. As for location ..."

He paused a moment, giving it serious consideration before smiling.

"Let's walk up to the control level and across the little 'bridge' there. On the other side of it, through the doors is the old commanders personal office. It's large enough for six people, and it's walls are sound proof. Shall we?"
Re: Atlantis

She knows his abilities and what he's capable of, but not giving him ready access to his firearm, especially with the conversation she knew was coming, was something that made her feel better. That, and his gun packed more of a bang than her zat, so if Siphon were the one needing to chill out, at least she had that going for her.

"Sounds like a plan. If you haven't already gathered, this is meant mostly just for you. I know what he's going to talk about already and I know you, so I'm going with you. It's up to you how much more of an audience you want." There's the incline of her head toward Sarnael, given these two seem to have a history.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon semi shrugged.

"I'll leave it up to Sarnael on that one, knowing him he's probably half way done with that damn contagion already and this would just slow him down. You coming, or staying?"

((Waiting for Wolf to reply before we move on, also might let Aya get in on this.))
Re: Atlantis

"No, I'll stay. Really need a moment to actually look at the data on it."

True to what he'd just said, the data module Siphon had given him was still in his hand, not connected to anything.
Re: Atlantis

"Alright, we'll be back ..."

He was cut off as the Stargate activated suddenly, and both Aya and Zaleia stepped through. Blinking slightly, Siphon smiled ever so slightly.

"Well holy shit Zale, it's been what, half a century?"

The Klarnell meanwhile looked down, and seemed to let out a low groan at the site of the two women.

"This is going to get problematic fast. Both of them, and the zappy one? If I didn't know better, I'd think you wanted me dead before I even finish telling you all I know."
Re: Atlantis

The gate activating so soon after Jacobs headed through startles Sho a little and at the sight of her sister accompanying Aya, her face does brighten. Until the Klarnell opens his mouth. Then she looks downright startled, her attention more on Aya than anything else.

"Go. Talk. Now." She gives Siphon a shove in the rebel's direction, clearly not wanting Aya to see the creature, especially given her penchant for lighting things on fire when she's pissed. "I will meet you upstairs soon. Go. Aya! Sis!"

Her arms go exceptionally wide and she puts herself between the other two women and the men, purposely calling attention to herself and giving them a chance to beat feet. If Aya was confused by the handshake, she might be downright startled as Sho envelops both her and Zaleia in a hug, pulling them close with arms around their shoulders and further hiding the Klarnell from them. "When did you get here?" She draws back, looking at them. "Why are you here?" It sounds almost suspicious, but there actually might be an undercut of worry in the question. And while they won't be able to keep the Klarnell hidden from Aya for the length of the stay, a buffer between her and it probably might be a good thing.
Re: Atlantis

travelling through the gate gave her a little rush everytime she did it as she always pulled just the tiniest bit of energy from the vortex. Coming into normal space and hearing Siphon she was about to smile before another voice suddenly dampened her mood. She cast a whisper over the Aya.

"who do i want to smack the crap out of all of a sudden?"

Her thoughts on that matter would get interupted even quicker as her sister came at them arms wide it would bring Zale's mood bright again uing both arms to hug Sho in return and squeezing her tight

"SHO! damn i missed you sis. Its so good to see you. hell i think i left earth maybe less than an hour ago to come out here..mostly just to see you again but i am going to throw my lot in and help out however i can now. how have you been? It feels like forever since we saw each other last."
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