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Re: Atlantis

Sho returns the hug as best she's able, drawing back enough to keep hands on the other two in a familiar gesture. "Help? Guess I should ask how much they've told you about what's going on." Standing next to the two women, Aya might be able to pick up on the family resemblance between the two of them. While the genes don't make them easily recognizable as siblings, there's enough minute details that the two share in common that lend to the recognition: the shape of their eyes, the slant of their mouths, something in their build. It just comes together. That, and the looks the two of them share could only be the silent communication between two people who spent a lot of time growing up together.

"Been keeping busy. One problem after another. You know how it goes. Though if you are serious about helping, know that we're pretty much in full-speed-ahead mode right now. I'll be happy to fill in the blanks or give you a briefing, pending on how much you two might already know."
Re: Atlantis

The Klarnell didn't have to be told twice, especially after seeing Zaleia's face darken as his words pissed her off. He briefly considered saying something to her, then decided later would be better as he and Siphon crept away into the next room, the door silently shutting.

Aya for her part actually chuckled at Sho.

"Sho, you don't have to worry. Julia told me about our potential friend. Plus he's kind of hard to miss with him being so damn big. Zaleia, the one who called you ... well, you know the name, that's a Klarnell. They are a race from the future, and if what Julia told me is actually true, we finally have found a rebel section of them that opposes the main body."

Turning back to Sho again after the hug, she smiled back at her.

"As long as he doesn't turn out to be a liar or a trap, he's fine. He tries to harm anyone, and all bets are off. Anyway, what's been going on besides him showing up?"
Re: Atlantis

Once Sho has the newcomers distracted, and the Klarnell and Siphon are off for their discussion, Sarnael begins his work. After a brief pause, he looks around, probably trying to spot one of the Alverans.
Re: Atlantis

"does this klarnell have a name? or am i going to have to resort to big freaky guy while he is here? And by the way how the hell are we up to time travel now? I mean intergalatic wormholes is one thing but now time travel? Damnit Sho you keep getting into weirder and weirder shit when i leave you alone."

She would give Sho one more squeeze before stepping away from her to have some air. Glancing back and forth between her and Aya waiting to hear what was going on.
Re: Atlantis

Aya thought for a moment before she replied.

"Well, I don't pretend to understand the entire scheme of how the anomalies actually work, that'd be more Sarnael and Siphon's department, but I'll give it a try. Some time ago we discovered breaches in space and time, more like rips in the fabric of the universe itself. Now these rips seemed to lead to different time periods, and quite a few of them into the past of your own planet, despite us being in another galaxy. Anyway, we're not sure exactly what caused them, we know the Klarnell use them, but didn't create them. They seem to appear at random, stay open for a varying amount of time, and then close. Supposedly the Klarnell have the ability to force some open, but we never figured out how. Maybe our friend there could shed some light on that. As far as a name, hell if I know, but knowing how their language seems a blend of six or seven others, I doubt it's anything we could pronounce."

Sarnael spotted two Alverans, one of them being the young man he'd spoken to earlier when he'd been shown the future predators. Both were currently by one of the exit points, appearing to just be watching the room at the moment, as well as the doors.
Re: Atlantis

Although Sho hadn't told Julia about the information the Klarnell was said to possess, but at least seeing the thing wouldn't set either of them off, which was good, and she vocalized at least the last part. "We're going to have to get the rebels to start wearing, like, camo colored armor or maybe hot pink or something so we'll know them from the others. Although the whole not trying to rip your face off thing is usually a good tip-off. Although it goes without saying that if he double crosses us, he'll probably be vaporized before he can blink. Something I think we're all in agreement on."

At her sister's comments, Sho laughs. "I was getting up to weird shit when you were around. How is now any different? And Aya's right. We haven't gotten a name out of him yet, but knowing Siphon, he'll probably come up with something like Bob or Fred to call him in the meantime." The tension seems to leave her shoulders. "As long as you two know he's here, I'm going to go butt in on Siphon's conversation and make sure it doesn't turn stabby or something. I will be back. You're safe to browse around close to the gate room for now, but I wouldn't go too far into the city. We lost power for a while--long story--and we need to get things up and running eventually. See you in a little bit?"

So long as she's not needed, she'll head over to the door and, provided the thing doesn't automatically open, she'll knock before heading in.
Re: Atlantis

Lifting her hands to her temples she laughed softly at Sho's comment before just shaking her head

"you know here for five minutes and already got a headache from all this sci-fi stuff...anyways you know how i am at staying out of trouble..i'll probably just wander around unless Aya is ready for that tour now."

She turned her eyes out to the rest of the gate room looking about to get a feel for the place she didnt know how long she would be here and this was atlantis after all this place would be so cool to explore.
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded to Sho.

"Agreed, and I can take her on a tour for now, maybe get things back up and running."

After Sho walked away, Aya led Zaleia into one of the corridors. After a few moments she casually asked, "so, do you manipulate air like your sister, or something else?"

Sho found the doors DIDN'T automatically open, so she had to knock. The good news was that Siphon didn't seem to have killed their ally yet, the bad news being that he had to stop in mid sentence to let Sho in.

Once inside, Siphon motioned to a seat for her, retaking his.

"Right, so your saying that we know when and where they are, but it'll take some time to actually get to them?"

"Yes. Anomalies, as we currently understand them, can't be forced open on a whim, but rather in certain spots at certain times. In about a month from now, the placement will be right to open one at the coordinates I gave you, which will take you very near the facility they are being held captive at. You'll need some kind of personal cloaking device to get inside past the guards though. I am willing to help you as well, but before we begin planning, there are a few things you should know."

"Such as?"

"For starters, this is only part of the reason I am here. As Shoni is aware already, Anubis is involved in a few less than pleasant activities right now, one of them being the implantation of the Gou'ald Nirrti inside of the woman you call Cassie. I was hoping to stop her from getting back to Anubis, but that didn't happen. As such, we must act quickly. In the time period I just came from, Anubis is about to completely wipe out all life in your galaxy. He garnered much of his information from Cassie, as well as the child she carries. That however, isn't all."

He turned to face Sho, an almost apologetic look on his face as he dropped a bombshell on her.

"In my time, Anubis used some of the technology at his disposal to convert your sister to his cause, turning her against you. Ashrak technology to convert people into assassins. He used her to kill both you and Aya with her electrical abilities. By the time we realized she was an assassin for him, she'd already killed Aya and was attacking you. Siphon and I were forced to kill your sister, but not before she delivered a fatal jolt to your body, which killed you as well. It's why I said what I did loud enough for her to hear. Once turned into an Ashrak, certain things that would trigger a normal response from the converted no longer do. In that time line, calling her zappy got no reaction, something I now realize was a warning sign. The fact she was visibly angered right now when I said it is a very good thing, it means Anubis hasn't gotten to her yet. We MUST keep it that way."

Here he stopped, to allow them to process what he had just said. For his part, Siphon stared blankly like he'd just been told the universe was about to explode, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
Re: Atlantis

She shook her head as they walked along into the corridor she held her hands up in front of herself giving about a 2 foot space between her hands

"my sister controlling air is her thing..mine is a little different you see. plus its been getting more interesting being around all these new power sources"

A soft blue glow started then a single little bolt of electricity started bouncing between her hands she was essentially playing pong with lightning
Re: Atlantis

Whatever Sarnael had been thinking when he'd looked up, he'd apparently decided against, as rather than say anything, he merely shifted back to a normal position.

The projector that he'd previously used to show images of an anomaly to Aya, and the now late Thor, popped on again. This time the display was a mess of characters, likely the written form of the Karsin language. Every now and then, he'd reach up and "adjust" part of the display, which would cause other parts of the displayed text to shift.
Re: Atlantis

Aya blinked slightly, a small smile coming to her lips.

"Interesting. I wonder ... let me try something here, this might do nothing, or this might feel strange."

Gently placing a hand on Zale's shoulder, she closed her eyes. After a moment or two, Zale felt as if something inside of her were ... pulsating in some way, as if her powers were resonating within her. At the same time, she almost felt like there was a second resonation coming from Aya's fingers as well, and after a few moments the other woman stepped back, blinking.

"Well I'll be ... you DO have it."
Re: Atlantis

She let her lightnign bolt absorb back into a hand as it struck and just cast a curious look to Aya when she felt the other 'resonations' the look became a little more confused.

"what are you doing? I have what?"
Re: Atlantis

"Siphon and I have a unique mutation in our mitochondrial cells that is the source of our abilities. What I did was reach out with my own cells in an attempt to communicate with your own. See, anyone who has a similar mutation to our own will have their cells respond to that communication attempt, why I don't really know. What I do know is that the attempt to ensure that specific advancement in physiology when we seeded life on your world worked. You have the same mutation Siphon and I do, Zaleia. Which means your sister might as well, and possibly many more people on your world. Now in theory, if awakened properly ... you might never age. I only did that because well ..."

She trailed off, seeming lost in thought for a long moment before shaking her head, a hint of sadness crossing her features.

"Never mind, just suffice it to say I recognized the ability you have."

Just like that she had let go, continuing on, though Zale might be able to tell something in her thoughts had clearly changed the mood, and not in a good way. She didn't seem upset with Zaleia, but rather something that she had thought of when trying to explain what she'd done. The question was, what had caused the sudden change?
Re: Atlantis

she was kinda at a loss for words this was certainly different..never again thats..maybe cool maybe not but with Aya's change in mood she moved to keep up next to her.

"listen if it hurts to talk about it i understand and wont ask again but..is there anything ya wanna talk about? sometimes just talking about it can make things a little better."
Re: Atlantis

Aya stopped suddenly, and for a very long moment, Zaleia wondered if she might have made a huge mistake. Finally, Aya turned to face her.

"I'll explain as best as I can, I have to remember you're coming into this thousands of years after the fact. Your ability has some of the features that Siphon has, or had. I'm betting you can store energy within your body correct, and possibly act as a conduit for it?"

She waited until Zaleia replied to that before continuing.

"Siphon has an ability like that, or he did anyway. Jultahn, our youngest son had an ability almost identical to your own. He was killed many years ago I'm afraid, trying to find some way of slowing down, or stopping the Klarnell forces that our new ally opposes. I suppose you could say that a lot of things are still fresh on my mind. Stasis does that to you, it keeps you from aging or dying due to lack of food or drink, but it also stops your mind from moving on. When you wake up, it's as if no time has passed."
Re: Atlantis

"With me here and now a power so similar if not the same it brings up memories you didnt want to think about. I am sorry for dredging that up. and like i said earlier..i'm antsy being in one place too long starts getting to me..i imagine being in stasis might still make me crazy when i woke up having not been doing anything but thats just me. So big and ugly from before is supposed to help us take out the rest of his people? but being that his kind cost you alot already i can imagine trust may be an issue?"
Re: Atlantis

Aya shrugged slightly.

"If he's what he claims to be then it shouldn't be an issue, but I'm not 100% sure about him just yet. I'll keep my eye on him, if he becomes a problem, then it shouldn't be anything a little combustion trick won't fix. That's just one of my abilities, I can make living things combust into flame."
Re: Atlantis

laughed a little bit shaking her head some
"you almost sound like our other sister..she was a bit of a pyro...but if ya need to llight him up and want some help i'll be glad to electrocute the crap out of him at no extra charge!"

making a rathe rcorny joke she just grinned to Aya
Re: Atlantis

"Have fun then. No explosions." It's difficult to tell which of the two women she's talking to.

Picking up on the conversation as she enters the room, she can guess what the topic was before she entered. The Klarnell is still in one piece, which is good. Obviously the news was delivered tactfully. For the time being, she stands behind her chair, not really for any reason than she just wants to listen and then will sit. She'll wait until the Klarnell finishes speaking, though he might here a muttered "So was I" as he mentions stopping her from getting back to Anubis, and given that Siphon's at a loss for words, she picks things up.

"What sort of cloaking are we looking at needing?" She leans forward, lacing her fingers together. If the news the Klarnell relayed bothers her, it barely registers. "There's various technologies available but I'm guessing there's also various ways to counter said cloaking devices. Also, how much time do we have? That'll give us a ballpark on what we can put together."

She'll wait for him to answer the question and then continue. "Zale just got here. From Earth. And Anubis was cruising around out here, looking to pick up Nirrti, so in spite of your test, I think we're good." She shifts, elbows on the table, though her fingers remain twined together. "Also, given that, even though Zale is probably the most likely candidate, he's already proven he likes his moles, so there's a good chance she wasn't the only assassin he had. Good to know. Bad for my paranoia." She takes in and lets out a slow breath, rather calm, given the news that she's going to be murdered by her sister. Then again, they now have that information and the future, as they've proven, is never set in stone.

Her attention will roll over to Siphon and, given the stunned look on his face, she'll just flash him a grin. "What do you say we just go kill Anubis and not have to worry about all this?"
Re: Atlantis

The Klarnell seemed to think for a moment before replying.

"I would recommend our own cloaking, but I realize you may be loath to trust it, and to be honest, it's never been tested on your species. Based on the way it works, I can't promise it wouldn't cause temporary illness later on down the line. The Sodan in your galaxy, however have a type of cloaking device that still eludes the ability of our sensors to punch through and detect, so I might suggest those instead. As far as time, you have a little less than a month measured in your time units. After that, a singular anomaly opening won't be possible for another ten years or so. I have mapped out a few potential multi-anomaly paths, but those come with risks considering one of them would take you back in time enough to be dealing with creatures of Earth's past, while another would place you uncomfortably close to the Ori war you just fought not long ago."

He listened to her, nodding as she mentioned Zaleia likely not being the only mole.

"Yes, which is why we need the Tokra to survive. They have a technology in development, which I can help them complete, which would be able to detect an Ashrak the moment it steps foot on a planet. Anubis is aware they are on the verge of that breakthrough, and seeks to wipe them out before they can complete it and share it with you. As for killing Anubis, that may be slightly trickier than you think. He's caught somewhere halfway between a physical form and ascension. Killing his shell won't stop him, it will just free him to become anyone, anywhere."

To that Siphon snorted.

"Of course the others would fuck that up, and then leave us to clean up the mess. I'm getting real sick of cleaning up their shit, especially since this would be twice now they've caused a problem for us, and created interference with our plane of existence and then refused to clean it up on the grounds of non-interference. I'm guessing a Sangraal device won't work on him because he's not fully ascended?"

"Correct. You tried that already, it had no effect on him. When I left, he was attempting to create his own to wipe out the other Ancients so no one would be left to stop him."

To that Siphon blinked a few more times.

"Right. Probably best not to give him any kind of hints to it then."

Turning to Sho, the Klarnell spoke again.

"If we can keep the Tokra alive, and finish their device, Anubis won't risk trying the Ashrak approach, which means your sister will be spared whatever ordeal I imagine she would have gone through in my time line. Now that being said, there is another matter, one that may become more pressing depending on the time frame this takes. It is something I am ... loathe to share partly due to knowing you won't like it, but I feel it would be ... impolite of me not to mention it. Due to our physiology, and an imbalance in chemicals within our bodies that occurs roughly every year ... well, I'm sure you are aware that certain animals on Earth enter heat as you call it? Our species undergoes a similar thing, only in our case, failure to do so results in either the death of the subject in question, or the complete insanity causing them to become violent and attack anything. We call it the blood rage. Before you ask, no, our resistance doesn't take anyone by force. We have developed realistic hologram technology in our time period which allows us to deal with this issue, however the technological devices couldn't be brought with me. Now fortunately, I still have another ten months before that. However if we have not found a way of ending this war, and solving our own species issues before then, I will be forced to either return to my own time, which could cause some issues, or you may be forced to kill me. I refuse to lose my mind and become like the others, and I doubt greatly there would be any volunteers. And before you ask, the likelyhood of duplicating that kind of technology for holograms in that short a time frame is ... unlikely at best. If it comes down to it, I must ask you now to ensure I do not devolve into a savage."

This time there was no hesitation from Siphon as he looked right at the Klarnell and replied, "done. I give you my word if it comes to that, you won't get that far."

Aya looked at her, trying to keep a straight face for a moment before failing miserably.

"Alright, deal. You said your other sister had similar abilities to my own? Hmm, I wonder how many of your species share the same mutation then? How effective was our process? To be honest, I never expected the chance to revisit your world, to see what kind of life came to be after our departure."
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