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Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Dat lore dump.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B as well. And for Litu's new skills, I say Lust Wave and Control Monster.

Litu might need a drink of water after all that talking. Oh, wait :D
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, Control Monster, Icy Wind. Thunder Storm seems equally good, but I'm not sure about lust wave. It's also good in it's own way, no elemental weakness , but then lust damage is more erratic and unpredictable against anything not humanoid.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B. I personally think Control Monster can save lives and is a must-have. Personally would love to harness the awesome power of lightning, but to prevent a 3-way votelock I'll pick Icy Wind.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, Control Monster, Icy Wind. Thunder Storm seems equally good, but I'm not sure about lust wave. It's also good in it's own way, no elemental weakness , but then lust damage is more erratic and unpredictable against anything not humanoid.

This. Also did Sera tell anyone about the guy who set the fires?
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

For the most part, the spells aren't super super important. Next time they get a chance to rest, Litu will scribe one of the left over spells. Because it's an intensive process, she can only scribe one per day.

For reference, I imagine the process of scribing the spell as being similar to solving a ridiculously complex Physics equation, with maybe one given variable and a few constants.

And no, Sera hasn't told anyone yet. She had no evidence, and elected not to accuse a military officer of setting a fire. When the building collapsed, he was buried in the rubble, so an autopsy would assume the injuries Sera gave him as happening when a ton of building fell on him.

(For reference, 5 is human average. 10 is like Arnie. 12 is dragonborn average. I figure 10 is similar to an 18 in DnD, in that a character with strength 18 can lift several hundred pounds over their heads. So when Sera swings a guy at a wall, he feels it.)

Post should be up in an hour or two.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

What next: B, unanimously.
Litu's Spells: Control Monster and Icy Wind

The girls set off back down the road that lead off the mountain, having resolved to take the relatively easier path through the Great Forest due to Sera's injury. It had been a sticking point with the proud dragonborn, but Litu's measured arguments wore down Sera's resolve until she finally relented. The trio walked, chatting about nothing particular, as time wore ever onward. By mid morning, they reached the bottom of the mountain. The Great Forest was visible on the horizon, a mass of green with the plains laid out before it. Sera stopped, shifting her pack on her shoulders.

"Okay. Before we go in there, there's something we need to talk about."

Litu and Miara looked back at Sera, confused. The dragonborn took a moment and sat on a rock, stretching out her freshly healed knee. "I know who started the fire back in Daen. It was a military officer, who had assumed command of the fire brigade when I arrived. He admitted it when he cornered me in the house you two found me in. He tried to kill me, and those kids, and was planning on pinning the fire on me. So I killed him. But I don't think he was acting alone."

Litu gaped slightly at Sera. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"I have no evidence. Accusing a military officer of something like that? With no evidence? At best, no one would believe me. At worst, they'd accuse me of trying to pin my crime on someone else. Especially other Elnorians. And if he wasn't working alone, those he was working with might retaliate against me for saying something. In any case, he indicated that his end goal was to spark a war between humans and dragonborn. So it's entirely possible we're going to be walking into a trap when we get to the capital. But I'm going to walk right into it anyway. You two don't have to join me if you don't want to. It doesn't involve you."

"Sera, would you be offended if I told you that that is the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said? We're not going to leave you. No matter what."

Miara nodded, and Sera smiled at the pair. "I figured that's what you would say. Then let's go. We have a trap to fall into."

The trio laughed, then continued across the plains. Within an hour, they arrived at the edge of the Great Forest. The trees were huge and thick, and the floor of the forest was littered with needles. The whole forest felt oppressive and foreboding as the girls looked in. "Well. Let's go."

They began pushing through the brush. It wasn't too hard, due to the fact that the forest floor was as dark as an extremely overcast day. So there wasn't much in the way of brush. On the other hand, the needles that made up the floor were piled so thick, it was like walking on a feather mattress, if a mattress was made out of pine needles. Sera frowned down at them. "Maybe the forest was a bad idea. If I breathe fire here...."

A sudden cackling sound announced the arrival of 4 small creatures, each carrying a spear. They chattered at the trio. All three drew their weapons, ready for the creatures already.

1. Miara
2. Sera
3. Gremlin #1
4. Gremlin #2
5. Gremlin #3
5. Litu
6. Gremlin #4

A. Attack one of the gremlins.
B. Use an active ability
C. Other
A. Attack one of the gremlins.
B. Use an active ability.
C. Other
A. Cast something!
B. Use an ability.
C. Other
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 35/35
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/35
PD: 20
DR: 20; 5 Fire, 5 Ice, 5 Lightning, 5 Lust, 5 Poison, 5 Acid, 5 Force
Status: Crippled: Sera's wings are broken. She cannot fly, though she can still move them slightly.
Weakened: Her right shoulder is not yet fully healed. Has an increased chance of breaking.
Level: 5
EXP: 5/500
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
((Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.))
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Improved Dragon Skin: Gives +5 DR to all damage types.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
Grappler: Gives a +10 bonus to all grappling attacks and defenses.
A belt (worn)
A shirt, brown, which covers her whole torso.
A pair of shorts which cover her upper legs and crotch.
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 6 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
2 unlit torches
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (950/1000)(worn)(was repaired while Sera was laid up)
7400 gold pieces
Strength: 14
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/75
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal.
Level: 4
EXP: 391/400
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Erosion: Blast a target with water for 2d6 damage, and halve DR.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Control Monster: Take control of a single non-humanoid enemy. Save to end. Target will do anything the caster requests.
Icy Wind: A blast of arctic wind disorients, freezes, and possibly knocks enemies over. Target up to 4 enemies. Attack does 3d12 +intelligence/2 damage. Save for half damage. Ice has a chance of immobilizing a target. Attack also causes disorientation, which cuts PD in half. Attack has a chance of knocking the targets prone, which further reduces PD.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Cynthia Rath's journal
3 Lust Scrolls
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 30/30
SP: 40/40
LP: 0/20
PD: 40
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 4
EXP: 265/400
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
Evasion: +5 PD and +5 to all speed defense rolls (+10 total)
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Gremlin 1:
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
LP: 0/10
PD: 15
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
Gremlin 2:
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
LP: 0/10
PD: 15
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
Gremlin 3:
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
LP: 0/10
PD: 15
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
Gremlin 4:
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
LP: 0/10
PD: 15
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
Last edited:
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

You only marked 3 Gremlins in yon stats thingy, but said that there were 4.

Miara: A, doing so only after Sera attacks if possible.
Sera: B, see how they respond to cold breath.
Litu: C, nothing for now. Save her magic in case it looks like it's really necessary. If things go really bad, Acid Splash.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Miara: Delayed A
Sera: B, Ice Breath
Litu: C, wait

Sera reared back, calling upon her ice breath again. She blew out a huge burst of icy wind, which left a rime of frost over the ground it passed over before it struck Gremlin 1. The Gremlin chattered in agony, trying to move out of the blast, then slowed and collapsed, overcome by the ice. The other Gremlins chattered in fury, shaking their spears at Sera.

Miara rushed forward, swinging her axes down at one of the diminutive creatures. Her axes struck hard and true, severing the creature's arm and biting deep into its rib cage. It gurgled as it tried to take a breath, then collapsed. The remaining gremlins shook their weapons at Miara, clearly enraged.

Gremlin 3 charged Sera, lunging forward and driving his spear toward her. She pivoted, deflecting the attack with the flat of her sword. She twirled the blade in her left hand, preparing herself for offhand attacks.

Litu hung back, seeing no need to aid the warriors. The Gremlins were hardly a threat at all. She stayed alert, in case something else came along.

Gremlin 4 thrust his spear at Miara, who twisted out of the way of the attack without any issue. The gremlin danced backward, growling in his throat.

A. Do the same thing.
B. Sera switches to just attacking
C. Something else (Use last post's ABC as the secondary component of this)
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 35/35
SP: 8/10
Lust: 0/35
PD: 20
DR: 20; 5 Fire, 5 Ice, 5 Lightning, 5 Lust, 5 Poison, 5 Acid, 5 Force
Status: Crippled: Sera's wings are broken. She cannot fly, though she can still move them slightly.
Weakened: Her right shoulder is not yet fully healed. Has an increased chance of breaking.
Level: 5
EXP: 5/500
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
((Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.))
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Improved Dragon Skin: Gives +5 DR to all damage types.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
Grappler: Gives a +10 bonus to all grappling attacks and defenses.
A belt (worn)
A shirt, brown, which covers her whole torso.
A pair of shorts which cover her upper legs and crotch.
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 6 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
2 unlit torches
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (950/1000)(worn)(was repaired while Sera was laid up)
7400 gold pieces
Strength: 14
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/75
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal.
Level: 4
EXP: 391/400
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Erosion: Blast a target with water for 2d6 damage, and halve DR.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Control Monster: Take control of a single non-humanoid enemy. Save to end. Target will do anything the caster requests.
Icy Wind: A blast of arctic wind disorients, freezes, and possibly knocks enemies over. Target up to 4 enemies. Attack does 3d12 +intelligence/2 damage. Save for half damage. Ice has a chance of immobilizing a target. Attack also causes disorientation, which cuts PD in half. Attack has a chance of knocking the targets prone, which further reduces PD.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Cynthia Rath's journal
3 Lust Scrolls
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 30/30
SP: 40/40
LP: 0/20
PD: 40
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 4
EXP: 265/400
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
Evasion: +5 PD and +5 to all speed defense rolls (+10 total)
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Gremlin 1:
Status: Ded
Level: 3
Gremlin 2:
Status: Ded
Level: 3
Gremlin 3:
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
LP: 0/10
PD: 15
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
Gremlin 4:
HP: 20/20
SP: 0/0
LP: 0/10
PD: 15
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 3
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera struck quickly at the Gremlin who had attacked her, making two slashes with her left-hand sword. The Gremlin gurgled as blood flooded its throat and lungs, then slumped over, desperately trying to draw breath as it died.

Miara struck quickly with her axes, chopping the last gremlin's head off. Its headless body stumbled backward, then collapsed, blood pouring out of the open hole.

Sera: 80*3/5 = 48 exp
Litu and Miara: 80 * 3/4 = 60 exp
LITU LEVEL UP (even though she didn't do anything. Oh well.)

"Well. That was easy."

"Saying something like that is basically an incantation to summon some sort of terrible rape beast. You should not tempt fate like that."

Sera snorted, wiped her sword and sheathed it. The trio continued pushing forward, guessing their heading by the position of the sun. Around midday, Miara began to show signs of uneasiness. Sera watched her out of the corner of her eye.

"Something wrong?" she asked quietly, eyes shifting to the forest around them.

"I feel like someone is watching me again. But what could be doing so in this forest?"

"The fair folk? There's stories about them inhabiting these woods. On the other hand, they don't usually care about people unless they are trespassing, at which point they generally try to kill them. We haven't been attacked, so I don't think it's the fair ones. Litu, how are you doing?"

Litu started slightly, having been lost in thought over something. "I'm fine. Don't feel nervous about anything. Just thinking about that journal."

"You made any progress with that?"

"The translation isn't the hard part. The journal was written in code. Without the cipher, it's difficult to break the code. However, I suspect Cynthia used some sort of equation to encode the book. Probably not a simple one, but an equation can be reversed, if one can figure out what it is. I'm doing math."

"Wow. I forget some times that you're a hell of a lot smarter than me."

Litu smirked at that.


The trio continued walking, still being spied upon by someone. Whoever was watching them did not show their face, so the trio decided not to worry about it too much. They continued in this manner for several hours, and saw nothing more dangerous than squirrels. Without much warning, they crossed through a circle of trees and emerged in an old clearing. Near the center of the clearing was an overgrown house, which looked like nobody had lived in it for ages. Sera and Miara approached cautiously, calling out to see if there was anybody within. There was no answer.

"Well. It's getting on toward evening. Having 3 and a half walls and most of a roof over our heads would be preferable to sleeping on the ground, I suppose. Do you want to set up here for the night?"
Decision Time:
A. Set up here.
B. Do some more investigation of the area first, then decide.
C. Keep moving. This is too open.
Pick a skill and a stat:
Asphyxiation: Can attempt to drown any one opponent. Opponent takes -10 to attack rolls and damage versus Litu while she is drowning him.
Breathless: Litu is immune to asphyxiation and any attack that deprives its target of oxygen.
Lustful Torrent: Reduce your lust by half, and blast one target for lust damage equal to half that number.
Healing Spring: The fluid that makes up your body acts like a weak healing potion, healing one ally 1d6 +5 hit points when they drink it. Downside (or upside): it only comes out of places you would expect it to.
Crush: Drop yourself on an opponent, doing 5d10 damage, knocking them prone, and stunning them for 3 rounds.
Tidal Strength: When it is raining, or if Litu is near a large water source, all of her stats double.
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 35/35
SP: 8/10
Lust: 0/35
PD: 20
DR: 20; 5 Fire, 5 Ice, 5 Lightning, 5 Lust, 5 Poison, 5 Acid, 5 Force
Status: Crippled: Sera's wings are broken. She cannot fly, though she can still move them slightly.
Weakened: Her right shoulder is not yet fully healed. Has an increased chance of breaking.
Level: 5
EXP: 53/500
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
((Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.))
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Improved Dragon Skin: Gives +5 DR to all damage types.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
Grappler: Gives a +10 bonus to all grappling attacks and defenses.
A belt (worn)
A shirt, brown, which covers her whole torso.
A pair of shorts which cover her upper legs and crotch.
2 swords which do 1d12 +6 damage each. -5 attack.(Equipped)
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 6 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
2 unlit torches
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (950/1000)(worn)(was repaired while Sera was laid up)
7400 gold pieces
Strength: 14
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/75
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal.
Level: 4
EXP: 51/500
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Erosion: Blast a target with water for 2d6 damage, and halve DR.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Control Monster: Take control of a single non-humanoid enemy. Save to end. Target will do anything the caster requests.
Icy Wind: A blast of arctic wind disorients, freezes, and possibly knocks enemies over. Target up to 4 enemies. Attack does 3d12 +intelligence/2 damage. Save for half damage. Ice has a chance of immobilizing a target. Attack also causes disorientation, which cuts PD in half. Attack has a chance of knocking the targets prone, which further reduces PD.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Cynthia Rath's journal
3 Lust Scrolls
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 14
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 30/30
SP: 40/40
LP: 0/20
PD: 40
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 4
EXP: 325/400
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
Evasion: +5 PD and +5 to all speed defense rolls (+10 total)
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Any time I don't preview the post first, I always make a mistake. Christ.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B. +2 int and tidal strength.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B asphyxiation, speed
I'm not exactly that expierienced with D&D stuff, but is there a reason we are always choosing the same stats when we level up.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Okay. I'm probably not going to get the post up tonight, because I need to do homework and then collapse into a coma for 8 hours. I kept slipping out of consciousness today during class.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Don't stress yourself over being unable to put up a post every day.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Unanimous B
+2 Int, Tidal Strength

"Let's look around a bit first. There might be something or someone living here, even if it doesn't seem that way. And the clearing seems a little strange to me."

The trio split up and wandered around the clearing, looking for anything weird or out of place. Sera searched by the house, and found nothing more than an old fire pit, though it was not as old as the house. She estimated it to be about two or three weeks old, and it looked like it had been abandoned in a hurry. There were some signs of a struggle occurring here, although that didn't necessarily mean anything. The forest was known to be dangerous - the gremlins the girls had fought earlier were among the weakest creatures in the forest.

Miara's search showed nothing of much interest. The clearing was almost perfectly circular, and the trees on the very edge of the circle seemed to avoid crossing the line of the circle. There was a definite sense of magic in the air, but it wasn't the heady scent of lust magic. If she were to guess, she would say that the owner of this hut had been a mage of not-inconsiderable power. Probably, he got in trouble with the fae, and they took him. She looked out into the forest. She could still feel the strange eyes on her, but she saw nothing.

Litu searched through the middle of the clearing, and it was she who had the best luck. She found a large white stone, which was hugely out of place here. After some examination, she found that the dirt next to the rock was less compacted than the other dirt, and the grass growing there was much shorter than grass elsewhere. Something was buried here. "I found something!"

Sera and Miara approached Litu, who was examining the shape of the disturbed earth. "Judging from the size of the hole, I'd guess it's a box about three feet by one foot. Maybe a bit smaller."

"Anybody have a shovel?"

Nobody did. They ended up digging with their hands, which was slow work. Evening was approaching by the time Sera and Miara pulled the heavy wooden box out of the hole. They carried it over to the house, then lit a small camp fire, which Litu stayed safely away from. By the firelight, they examined the lock. "That is certainly a lock. Iron, probably."

Sera stood up, adjusted her aim slightly, then stomped on the lock. She did this twice, and the second strike snapped it off. The others stood back slightly as Sera opened the lid, but there was no trap. Within, there was a short sword in a sheath that seemed to glow slightly. The sword was beautifully crafted, slightly wider toward the center. Sera carefully removed the sword from the box, careful not to touch the hilt with her bare hand. Enchanted weapons (and she suspected this was one) had a tendency to mark the first person to touch their hilt as their owner. Other than the sword, the chest had quite a bit of gold. The only other unusual thing was a lasso made apparently from black thread. It had a definite magical aura around it, strong enough that even Sera could pick up on it. Once again, they took it out of the chest without touching it bare handed.

"Hey, Litu. Can you figure out what kind of enchantments are on these?"

"I can try, but I offer no guarantees. Lust magic has no focus on things like enchantments, so I'm not exactly an expert."

Litu held her hands over the lasso first, concentrating her energy on it. Her hands emitted a pale blue light, and she nodded slowly. "Okay. I think this is what's known as a rope of binding. You throw it around someone, and it binds them until you say the release word. Standard release word is simply saying "release" with intention. Since only the thrower can release the rope, the word can be something like that."

Sera nodded, then coiled the rope up and attached it to her belt. Something about it made her feel uneasy, but Litu had said nothing unusual about it. Sera put it down to nervousness about magic in general.

Litu turned her focus to the sword, doing the same to it. She let out an appreciative whistle. "Wow. That's a good one. This is a bound sword of sharpness. The binding enchantment means that the first person to wield this sword is the owner, until such a time as her life ends, or she willingly gives up the sword. This is a particularly advanced binding enchantment as well. The sword will not hurt someone if the wielder doesn't wish to hurt them. In other words, it responds to the wielder's intentions. Beyond that, the sharpness enchantment allows it to ignore armor, though I don't think it will ignore natural armor. Ultimately, this is a very nice sword."

"Wow. Almost makes me wish I could use a sword like that effectively. You can have that one, Sera. Can I have those other swords in exchange?"

The warriors made the trade, and Sera put her left hand on the hilt of the sword. A jolt went up her arm, and the sword grew slightly warm in her hand. Her mind was filled with strange colors, like an alien mind was trying to communicate with her. The colors shifted to a cool blue, with a very slight gradient to red. The colors made her feel like the sword was comfortable with her, which was probably one of the weirdest things she had ever thought. She swung it gently, testing its weight and balance. The sword felt like an extension of her arm, almost like it had been crafted specifically for her. She sheathed it, noting that the sword seemed to almost glide into the sheath.

"Well. That's really something. As for what I found, I think this place has been inhabited fairly recently. I found a fire pit that was about 3 weeks old. There were signs of a struggle around it. It's likely that the person who camped here was attacked by one of the more dangerous denizens of this forest and dragged away. I found blood, and another substance I couldn't identify by sight. I don't really see this as an argument against staying here, though. It will be just as dangerous no matter where we set up camp."

"I concur. I suspect this place would keep most weak things out, as well. The clearing appears to have been magically created, probably by the same mage who made those two artifacts. Whatever the magic that created it, it apparently outlasted the mage who cast it. The trees seem to avoid entering the clearing."

Should they stay here tonight?
A. Yes
B. No

5000 gold, rope of binding, bound sword of sharpness
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 35/35
SP: 8/10
Lust: 0/35
PD: 20
DR: 20; 5 Fire, 5 Ice, 5 Lightning, 5 Lust, 5 Poison, 5 Acid, 5 Force
Status: Crippled: Sera's wings are broken. She cannot fly, though she can still move them slightly.
Weakened: Her right shoulder is not yet fully healed. Has an increased chance of breaking.
Level: 5
EXP: 53/500
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Lust for Battle: Raise lust to half of maximum lust.
Passive Skills:
((Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.))
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
Improved Dragon Skin: Gives +5 DR to all damage types.
Lust for Battle: While Lust is equal to half or more of maximum lust, gain + speed (7) attack and +strength/2 (6) damage. Gives + 15 Maximum Lust
Grappler: Gives a +10 bonus to all grappling attacks and defenses.
A belt (worn)
A shirt, brown, which covers her whole torso.
A pair of shorts which cover her upper legs and crotch.
1 Great Axe which does 2d12 + 7 damage. -5 attack. Has a 10% chance of breaking limbs on a successful hit that does damage.
1 Bound sword of Sharpness: 3d12 + Strength/2 damage. +5 attack. Ignores Armor DR.
1 Rope of Binding (10/10)
2 unlit torches
1 healing potion.
1 Elven Cloak (950/1000)(worn)(was repaired while Sera was laid up)
12400 gold pieces
Strength: 14
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/80
PD: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal.
Level: 4
EXP: 51/500
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow. (Also allows for shape shifting in general)
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Erosion: Blast a target with water for 2d6 damage, and halve DR.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 PD. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
Tidal Strength: When it is raining, or if Litu is near a large water source, all of her stats double.
Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Siphons lust from caster to target (or target to caster if target has more) until both parties have equal lust points, or one is at max. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Control Monster: Take control of a single non-humanoid enemy. Save to end. Target will do anything the caster requests.
Icy Wind: A blast of arctic wind disorients, freezes, and possibly knocks enemies over. Target up to 4 enemies. Attack does 3d12 +intelligence/2 damage. Save for half damage. Ice has a chance of immobilizing a target. Attack also causes disorientation, which cuts PD in half. Attack has a chance of knocking the targets prone, which further reduces PD.
1 Fire Resist Potion (in a waterproof bottle)
Cynthia Rath's journal
3 Lust Scrolls
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 16
Charisma: 10
Name: Miara Slatescale
HP: 30/30
SP: 40/40
LP: 0/20
PD: 40
DR: 0
Status: Normal
Level: 4
EXP: 325/400
Active Skills:
Tail Smash: Smash an opponent for 2d12 plus 14 damage. If opponent survives, they are knocked prone and stunned for 2 rounds. Costs 5 SP.
Bite: Bite an opponent for 1d6 + 7 damage. Even if damage doesn't overcome DR, attack poisons opponent with a poison that decreases each vital stat (HP, SP, LP) by 3 per turn for 1d6 turns.
Constrict: Roll a strength check versus opponent's Active Defense. If you succeed, the opponent is automatically grappled and cannot act until they manage to roll higher than you. Unlike a normal grapple, you are still free to move and act without provoking a counterattack.
Passive Skills:
Cold Blooded: Take double damage from ice attacks.
Snake's Tail: You get two strength scores: One is just your attack strength, one is used for anything where you would use your tail.
Snake Senses: You can see in the infrared range.
Snake Reactions: You gain a +5 to any active defense roll that uses your speed stat as its controlling stat.
Poison Immunity: You are immune to poison.
Critical Threat: If you roll an 18, 19, or 20 on an attack roll, you get a critical hit, which hits regardless of PD.
Evasion: +5 PD and +5 to all speed defense rolls (+10 total)
2 Lamian Axes: 2d12 + Strength /2 damage each. +5 to hit (+10 total, due to her speed)
2 Lamian swords which do 2d12 +strength/2 damage each. +5 attack, 10 total.
4 unlit torches
5 Potions of Healing (1d6 + 4)
Strength: 7 (14)
Speed: 12
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
By the way, I rolled a Natural 1 at some point during this update. See if you can figure out where!
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A! What could possibly go wrong?