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Avarras -Old Version

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Re: Avarras

Shiraishi began openly chuckling at Jack's question, which lead to a groan from Anthony, who turned and vanished inside.
Re: Avarras

This only caused Jack to narrow his eyes further, looking at Shirashi. "Right, maybe I don't want to know then. Anyway... has Anthony told you about the visit I had with Igor in the velvet room yet or no?"
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi nodded, still looking amused. "Yes, he has. And I wouldn't worry about Anthony. Bell is bruised because she opted to try the obstacle course at its lowest speed. Fortunately, she had more control than Anthony did on his first attempt many years ago. But his current difficulties...He has been known to have issues trying to react properly around females, on occasion." The chuckling seems to pick up towards the end of his comment.
Re: Avarras

Bell smiled a bit at the first half of Shiraishi's conversation, self consciously reaching up and rubbing the bright bruise on her face. As Shiraishi explained Anthony's odd behavior, Bell found her eyes widen in surprise and her cheeks start to redden. She had thought he acted kind of funny around her sometimes, but...
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi somehow knew that Bell had reacted to his statements about Anthony. "Yes, that's why I've been amused ever since I figured out what happened this morning. Don't worry about it, though. It is a test he needs to face, one that he has been running from. For too long, he has tried to deny part of himself."
Re: Avarras

Jack smiled ever so slightly, clearly amused somewhat himself given these facts. "I take it then that course is set to be challenging for most people even under the lowest settings. Yet, I get the feeling that neither of you have much difficulty with it even at a higher setting. That have something to do with the persona's you use, or is there something more... otherworldly about you two?"
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi shook his head. "While the Personae do grant a slight edge, the training that I have, and have imparted upon Anthony, plays a much greater role. The course's difficulty is set to be impossible to block through precision. It is only through feeling where the strikes may come from that success becomes possible. His first time through, Anthony still had a hair-trigger temper, and he lost control after the first hit."
Re: Avarras

Jack nodded slowly. "Control thy emotions, for if you lose control of them, ye have already lost thy battle."

From the almost rediculous sound of how he said it, he likely was quoting something he'd heard.

"I wonder... have you ever played football Shirashi? American football I should say."
Re: Avarras

"Wait, Anthony has a temper?" Bell asks, surprised.
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi shook his head in response to both questions, then verbally answered Bell's. "Not any more. He has worked hard to control it... To the point that I believe he has actually lost a part of himself."
Re: Avarras

Jack thought for a moment. "If he's lost touch with his more primal side that can be just as bad as letting it run too rampant. Better to have a healthy mix of both level headedness as well as channeling your emotions into something constructive."
Re: Avarras

Shiraishi nodded. "Exactly. His has not been the best of pasts, though. He was only eight when..."

"When an arsonist burned down my family's home, leaving me an orphan and causing my Persona to awaken." Anthony had reappeared from inside, and seemed slightly grim now. He'd certainly heard what Shiraishi had just said, at least.

Shiraishi lowered his head and shook it, muttering something too quiet for Anthony or Jack to hear. He had his back to Bell, and Jack wasn't at an angle to be able to read Koike's lips, if he knew how. Bell, though...She clearly heard "Not all scars are physical."

"Well, since we're here...Shall we begin looking?"

((Bell's Persona has the ability to enhance her senses. This has triggered now. She doesn't know how to control the enhancement, yet, though.))
Re: Avarras

Belll takes the couple steps to Shiraishi, putting a hand on his shoulder for a moment. "I understand." She says, not sure if he meant for Anthony or Himself, but offering comfort anyways.

She looks up, to the group, and responds. "Sure, lets get started, there's bound to be a Door around here somewhere, right?"
Re: Avarras

"I would imagine so yes. If not here elsewhere. Let's get to it then, if Shirashi and Anthony are ready of course?"
Re: Avarras

"It was Anthony's idea. He can deal with it. I have other things to attend to."

"Right. It'll be inside." Anthony lead them into the main hall, and down one of the side passages.

Outside, Shiraishi stood watching the main hall for a bit, before very quietly whispering. "Very interesting."

After a while of searching the halls, the trio comes across a part that, in her explorations yesterday, Bell hadn't found anything. Now, though...A faintly glowing blue door stood against what had been bare wall. "So, there was one here, after all. I just didn't think to check here."

Both Bell and Jack would notice that their keys seemed to be glowing faintly, just like the door.

((GM decision. Both of them have their keys with them.))
Re: Avarras

((Jack was liable to bring his anyways for sheer idea that it probably would be useful to have around and ready in case.))

Jack let out a "hmm", noise as the keys started to glow, but for the moment said nothing further, seemingly trying to sense anything, though he knew it was unlikely.
Re: Avarras

((She was bringing it along too, no worries))

Bell pulled out her now glowing key, staring at it for a moment. She looks at Jack's key as well, before shrugging and walking up to the door. "It's what we came for, right?" She says, before leaning over and looking for the keyhole, sticking her key inside and trying to open it if she can.
Re: Avarras

She finds the keyhole in the normal place, and the door opens. When they pass through, they'd find themselves in a familiar place...

((Creating new thread for the Room.))
Re: Avarras

((Don't feel rushed. Just adding this before I forget to.))

By the time that the group finishes their business in the Velvet Room and leave, they'd be greeted by the smell of food coming from the kitchen, and the dining room off of the main hall. Shiraishi had been busy while they were gone.
Re: Avarras

Jack came to in the area, the smell of food hitting him. "Oh damn Shriashi, what have you been busy making?"
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