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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'd like it if Azure came back to the inn and Iris could go on another mission with her.
Funny, most people would like to go on a mission with Azure.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

As I said in my little informal survey. The final choice of what to do with Azure is up to you RJ.

*Slaps hands together*

Okay! So, Azure tries to seduce one of the women in the prison, finds out they're all penis ladies, then gets fucked by them heaps. She spends her time, getting fucked by the futa women, and occasionally joining the looting parties, and forgives the Director and everyone at Apple Inn for stuff.

Then, she decides that the Director is super awesome, and wants to be her friend.

After they become friends, the slap their hands together, and transform into a huge robot, which the use to step on the woman in white.

But then, godzilla appears! And the combined powers of the Director and Azure were not enough to defeat the large reptile, and they were raped fiercely by it, being impregnated and forced to squish godzilla babies out of their butts for the remainder of their lives.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


I actually meant your choice out of the options I suggested earlier. But if you really want to send the entire RP on that path, that's fine by me RJ.


and BG: That's exactly what I said. Almost everyone who's read Azure's threads want to get involved with her plotting and planning. It doesn't even matter if her missions succeed, but they need to actually be run. I still hardly think that getting a newspaper to pass around is going to do anything other than give us a valid IC reason why we could learn general facts about other people's missions instead of forcing all knowledge to remain OOC.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Kayi, I think we may be the only two sane people in the world, because I for one agree with most of your logic, bar some stuff near the early start.

RJ, quit fucking around and GM properly, this part's serious business now.

And on an entirely different note, I hate squirrels. Look at what that psychotic mammal did to this poor reptile. He was just minding his own business and some cracked up squirrel damn near nearly bites the poor critter in half.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But... but... But River's already outside, waiting for Regina to finish changing...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But... but... But River's already outside, waiting for Regina to finish changing...

Regina's already in her skivvies, those rags.

She was going to wait on River to change into said rags, cuz she'd have to get nekid. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

ah yeah, okay, makes sense. Didn't she ask for privacy though? I may have read it wrong, but it sounded like she wanted River to wander out for a minute, not asking if River wanted her to...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

ah yeah, okay, makes sense. Didn't she ask for privacy though? I may have read it wrong, but it sounded like she wanted River to wander out for a minute, not asking if River wanted her to...

She thought River wanted to change, and she said, "Want me to give ya some privacy?"

She didn't think River would want to strip naked right in front of her, especially after she revealed she likes her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

yeah, i misread, went back to check and edited out all my confusion :/

please, continue :)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Thank goodness, looks like I will be able to do the looting run today.
I might even be able to have Iris spend some "time" will Jesse.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

For the heck of it, lets all talk about our characters weaknesses.
Iris has a great weakness.
Her friends.
If her sister or Emily tried to do something harmful to her, more then then likly, she would let them.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

For the heck of it, lets all talk about our characters weaknesses.
Iris has a great weakness.
Her friends.
If her sister or Emily tried to do something harmful to her, more then then likly, she would let them.

On that note, Luna's greatest weakness is probably her fanaticism and tendency to obssess... as well as her utter disdain for her life otherwise. Chances are if Iris ever did tell Luna to "disappear from her sight", Luna would seriously do so. Especially as she has already "arranaged" a way for her to die through Fleur. (Although Fleur doesn't realize it).

Anyway, \going to sleep now. I can't believe I stayed up till 9 in the morning doing this...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Same coast as you, I won't disclose more.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whoa, i missed that part. Lets see, weaknesses... River is just really too nice of a person. Case in point, letting Regina snuggle, there's no harm in that, right? Sure, she's physically attracted to River and can probably rape her while she's asleep, but honestly, she seems nice enough not to. I mean, the yelling thing was a bit wierd, but maybe she's just self-conscious...

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

There were all friends of her's, so they were eaves dropping on Regina talking with the new girl. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Hrm... probably about time to go on the roof, even if there's already another player up there. :p