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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I work with 2nd grade kids every summer. They have better conflict resolution skills.
Most things I say are a joke. This, I'm afraid, is not.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

My hand will not raise, I've had a pretty piss poor day and I'm upset with a lot of people right now.

Just saying, all of jujitsu today, I didn't get to sink a single armbar, which is my favorite and I throw it all the time. The first stray arm I see is getting tucked into my legs, and not in a good way.. Well I mean, unless elbow snapping is worth having your arm against my nads for a while
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Consider this conflict resolution.

In addition to Azure being retired, I hereby am ignoring all of the emo-drama-whiners that shouldn't be commenting on issues they're unassociated with.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Case in point.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Not to rush you or anything RJ, but do you mind starting the looting thread before everyone goes to sleep?...

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whatever the dice roll says, just say I knocked out Dixie so I can drag her back to the inn and we can start one looting run as the other ends
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Whatever the dice roll says, just say I knocked out Dixie so I can drag her back to the inn and we can start one looting run as the other ends
Hate ta be the one saying it, but it looks like it's gonna be the other way around.

Oh well, she went out with an orgiastic blast.:D
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


I'm pulling Selena out. There's too much drama bullshit, too much players who aren't fucking involved getting involved bullshit and there's too much real life bullshit.

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

there's too much real life bullshit.


That's something separate, please for your own sake don't combine the two. If you're upset about something personally, you can take a pm with any one of us or post it in the general threads and we'd talk to you, but don't let it take bearing on whether or not you want to continue with something as silly as a text game.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


I'm pulling Selena out. There's too much drama bullshit, too much players who aren't fucking involved getting involved bullshit and there's too much real life bullshit.


Loli, everyone is a bit pissed because of the drama with Kayi.
Please don't quit because of that.
Whatever problems there may be they can be solved.

At least talk this over with us before you quit.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If it makes any of you feel any better, I know I have nothing to do with the argument, that's why I felt I'm not at all qualified to try and put together some type of construction. I did, however, feel the need to remind everyone else that they too were not being constructive. I want you all to really think, do you think that you yourself or any one else in the situation, at that given time, was doing anything that was benefiting everyone? I don't think so and I would honestly be surprised if anyone answered yes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm not disturbed at all by the argument to be honest... It's what happens when people come together. Honestly I think that is a horrible reason to quit Loli but we can't stop you if you want to.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

No, she's right, this has already gone too far.

I'm thinking of just switching, offering to GM for Jumpers, if they'll take me, as that game has less seriousness involved in it, and I think that was my greatest mistake when I made this. I made it too serious, and people would often rather submerge in their own fantasies, rather than journey into someone else's and abide by their rules and restrictions.

I was fine with Kayi's attitude being her own, but since it's effecting other people, I won't allow it to continue if it's making everyone so unhappy and distraught, as that's not what I intended at all when I wanted to make this game.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

No, she's right, this has already gone too far.

I'm thinking of just switching, offering to GM for Jumpers, if they'll take me, as that game has less seriousness involved in it, and I think that was my greatest mistake when I made this. I made it too serious, and people would often rather submerge in their own fantasies, rather than journey into someone else's and abide by their rules and restrictions.

I was fine with Kayi's attitude being her own, but since it's effecting other people, I won't allow it to continue if it's making everyone so unhappy and distraught, as that's not what I intended at all when I wanted to make this game.

>_> please don't. I actually ENJOY the fact it's more on the serious side, thus the only reason I actually bothered to implement a character into on of these games rather than just watching them or GMing for them...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I really have no idea what to say.
I really think this game is fine the way it is and should continue.
Certain people need to stop trying to break the game by doing stupid and/or pointless crap and just play the game.

On a side note.
To be honest with all of you, I would still be a lurker who visits the hentai game section of the forum if it wasn't for this role playing game.
I got to know all of you because of this game.
I'd be a bit upset if this game got shut down.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If this ends, there will literally be a lot less wall in my house and a lot more hole.

Also, I'd file for divorce
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I wouldn't want him to shut it down, but at the same time I would understand if he did. RJ it really isn't your fault this shit is happening... I thought I was lucky to sign up at the same time you started this game. I'd really like to not see it get shut down.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You are the 1st person to actually apply logic in a game RJ, which is why I am so serious about this with Kayi. I mean, people can be silly but at least keep it logical, I mean look at Lin, she was insane, but guess what? She made enough sense.