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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It isn't as if Azure was saying that everyone must go feed the slime.

Azure didn't say that she simply let the slime roam the hotel freely without any restraints.

There are so many ways that this could've happened without pissing off Azure and convincing her that the director is evil.

But sadly, now that those options are gone, Azure has no choice but to walk the thin line between good and evil.

In her mind, she's going to need to make a deal with evil to fight a bigger evil.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You're just building a case for playing an evil character, I can see it now. XD


Oh wait, wrong game.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Not evil.

Azure's goal is to destroy the Inn and kill the director and her lackeys with it.

But she already has a "safe house" in mind to take all of the people who aren't on the director's side away to.

Does that make her evil? Or does that make her the only "good" person here?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But sadly, now that those options are gone, Azure has no choice but to walk the thin line between good and evil.
It's no thin line, Azure has been behaving like a psychopath from the minute she arrived.

OOC, let me paraphrase from the Inn

DIRECTOR: WTF Slime dood?
AZ: I think it's trying to talk to me and I wanna be it's friend
DIRECTOR: Yeah, no. You're nuts. But what do you want to do?
AZ: I wanna keep my pet rapist and feed it girls.
DIRECTOR: Yeah, no. You're nuts. You can keep it but not feed it anybody else. We'll try to figure out what the deal is.
AZ: Nuh uh! I'm in charge of da' slime.
DIRECTOR: Getting tired of saying this but, yeah, no. Gonna have to kill the thing instead of letting it loose to rape more.
AZ: I'mma gonna shoot you!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wow, glad to see Janna didn't read the story at all and is just making shit up.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You guys leave me speechless sometimes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well if Azure is trying to get people on her side due to Emily's arrogant nature any shred of evidence Azure manages to bring to her will influence her to help her XD.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

TheWeirdOne is back online.
Shall we continue the mission?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

DIRECTOR: WTF Slime dood?
AZ: I think it's trying to talk to me and I wanna study it.
DIRECTOR: Yeah, no. You're nuts. But what do you want to do?
AZ: I don't know. But we really should study it.
DIRECTOR: Yeah, no. You're nuts. I want to kill it.
AZ: WTF? This could be important! At least set it free and we'll study it from afar.
DIRECTOR: Yeah, no. I'll let you keep it if we get to watch it rape you everyday.
AZ: OMGWTF? I'm not just gonna let you do this to me!

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The part of, 'feeding' it other women was a bad choice of words. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I got four hours of sleep because of you people. You should be happy I'm not in a comatose state after my little graduation shit when I was tired as all hell and had diarrhea.

Good to see you guys again. Let's continue.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well she doesn't want to stay there and be raped day in and day out. But how else would we keep it alive long enough to study it?

Azure is a realist. And apparently the director is evil. /enddiscussion.

P.S. Still waiting for "good thing" promised to Azure.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well she doesn't want to stay there and be raped day in and day out. But how else would we keep it alive long enough to study it?

Azure is a realist. And apparently the director is evil. /enddiscussion.
You're like either intentionally trying to be strange or you must think nobody can read the thread.


"Miss Watson, I don't know what happened yesterday, and quite frankly, I couldn't care less. However, would you mind explaining this?"


"During our exploration, we came across a slime that decided to mimic human form. It was an attempt of communication. And I was the one to take the creature up on its offer. After we... had a bit of... Let's say physical communication, it must've decided to take my form to show its friendship. It doesn't very well know how else to communicate, after all... Or at least, it didn't when I was last dealing with it."


"Miss Watson, your theory that this thing is friendly is ridiculous, things like this feed off of our mental being to survive. It's likely that it was nursing off of your mentality while you were, 'playing' with it, while not feeding to much as to avoid a hostile reaction."

The Director sat back in her chair.


"But seeing as how you're an enthusiastic reporter, and also seem to be infatuated to this creature, I'm interested to know... What would you have become of this situation?"


"My demands are simple. You will release this slime to me. I will tend to it, keep it in its place. Take willing girls to help feed it... You see, it took me after I gave birth from a previous attack. I should have been pregnant again. And the birth should have hit me as hard as it hit Kali. But this creature went out of its way to protect me from the mental damage. I have no doubt it still fed upon me slowly, but it can control how much it feeds. And it protected me. In the very least, I am required to return the favor and have my friend released back into the wild... but the things we could learn from a friendly creature are immeasurable. Unless... you'd rather not learn why all of this is happening so suddenly..."

It was an overwhelming demand, a stretch to say the least, but she saw no reason not to go big, not after having her investigation so rudely interrupted. The worst case, her request would be denied.


"I'll tell you what, we'll keep it in the basement, but you will feed it, as I'm sure you wouldn't mind doing. All while we research it's new parasitic behavior. Agreed?"


"You see. I have more information. I will be in charge of it directly. No tests will be conducted without my approval. You either accept my way, or you can go without such a rare opportunity."


"How unfortunate. I was hoping we could come to an agreement, but I was also hoping to not have a creature roaming freely inside my hotel. If you will not agree to my terms, then this creature will be disposed of, just as many have been before it. You may leave my office."


"I'm afraid that is not an option. Your thugs dragged me away from my research, so I will demand that you release my research subject. The only reason I was offering to let it stay here was so you could benefit from my research as well."

She drew her gun quickly, but did not aim it at anyone yet.

Azure brought up bringing other girls to it first. The Director offered to continue studying it if Azure was the one to keep it satisfied. You stonewalled her. She said, "Fine then we'll just kill it like the rest" and then you pulled a gun.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

When you cut the conversation wrong you can make a lot of things seem to say things they're not saying, can't you?

Shall we try it?

I (...) has been behaving like a psychopath (...)

i (...) like (...) intentionally trying to be strange

The Director pulled a gun.

I can go on if you'd like. Or you can stop cutting things wrong to suit your purposes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Kayi, it's a game. Ergo, not real.

Stop your OOC nonsense before you offend everyone.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

For the sake of ending these problems, Azure is going to attempt to talk to the director again.

If the director is still a bitch, then we know how things are going to go down.
If not, then maybe Azure is going to give everyone a second chance.