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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ messed up Rin's intro, lol, he will fix it probably so on the current topic...
I think that with our skills put in, they must have a purpose.
So the question is, where can we FIND the purpose?
There are many chances people can run into problems in a situation like this by not having the right supplies, and thats the exact thing we need! Problems that require certain skills to be accomplished!
I think missions that needs certain requirements should be implanted, although it might add a bit more complexicity, it should also be very easy to figure out. Like maybe we need more ways to transport so Mary would ask people that can drive to take one car to a car dealership shop place, and look for cars they can bring back. Or maybe a water supply source got blocked off, and we will need people with certain skills to fix it, there are many 'normal' everyday missions that can accomplished, hell, we'll need lock picking skills if we don't want to have to break down windows to get into a shop. It's times like this where more than one GM are present would be good because 2 people would be able to think up more problems for Players to solve and there would be less stress.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*raises her hands* Does the new inventory system affect what our characters already obtained? Not that it makes a huge difference, but I'm just curious if I need to change around Caityln's equipment at all.

Technically I haven't done anything yet, though, aside from talk to people so it wouldn't be a big deal if you wanted to reset things somehow.

Also, yay for Scavenging missions.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I was wondering if I could play with my skills a bit after this scenario <.<. I think I kinda made my character have too many conflicting stuff.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm assuming we get to keep our guns, but what about the extra ammo Christie had on her when she left on the hunting mission (4 clips)? I completely forgot about that during the thread, but did she find some alternate method of holding onto all that (;)) so that she still has it now that she's back in the Inn? Or do I have to ask for more from the shop in case she needs to go out again?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lets pretend everyone was given a backpack at the minute they entered the hotel, and it'll never get destroyed by the monsters. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I like the idea of keeping FP as they are, out of character (so we could get an update on what we have left via OOC brackets) and just finding an in character way of expressing barter, you know? No having to reset, just not having a character walk up and say, "I have 300 favor points, lady, what does that get me??!"

You had said something before about players being able to make up our own missions. Could we set something like that up so that you don't have to think up every detail of what needs to come into the hotel? Maybe we could make a pool of different supplies that the women need and as each day passes, you could notify us of what reserves are dwindling?

I kind of like the idea of more rescue missions, too. :D They don't have to be often or necessarily important NPC's that get rescued, but giving the women something to fight for like that would be neat.

For switching the days over, how about giving us a warning half an OOC day in advance? "I'm going to flip over into the next day by Xpm tonight, so wrap things up!" In other games that I've played that have forced time progressions, players make their own threads labeled with the time of day, which characters are playing, and location, and then if the day skips forward, it's not that the thread is forced to close because it's already been stated 'this happens then!'... so the players are able to wrap the thread up as a single scene (like the introduction chapters) without cutting off character development.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alright, once I announce a day is going to end, I'll wait about 24 hours after I say it to make the day pass, giving you guys plenty of time to wander about. :)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey Xivvix, maybe we should bring some scrap metal and welding supplies to the hotel so that Christie can work on a fancy patented metal chastity belt. XD I'd imagine they wouldn't be useful against things like slime, but they'd keep the solider things out! :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yay for photographic memory on Christie :) At least the director gets a complete story from her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Seriously! XD Janna, can't wait to get out to have our characters interact. Yours also had a white-haired-girl experience too, right? I'm sure she got to overhear the conversation, being at the door like that!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*nods* Yup, Caitly ran into her at her church, but she doesn't have photographic memory so I played it as she only remembered the big things that happened. (And in this case that was being attacked by crab things and tentacle monsters :p)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh good, maybe we can start them thinking about this woman and even tracking her down! :p

Can't wait to see where that cult bit goes, too.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm really interested in figuring out what's going on with her and the Director at some point. But I also want to go on a few non-plot missions (and I do hope that RJ will write up a few rescues at some point for us :D).
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Only Shiva's the one that's really out there looking, but you can find monster dens filled with captured women by searching the town.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm off to make some food, but I'll be on and off for the next couple of hours! :D If Claire and Caitlyn don't hook up in time, we can force them to interact later -- Claire won't be going anywhere unless RJ has a purpose for her. :)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I should be around most of the night tonight :) I'll look forward to getting to play with Claire when you have a chance.