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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Agreed. Sleepy time for me too.

Today was not at all what I expected after last night's ending.

But this certainly pushed the plot forward some. Azure now has a goal of killing the director.

Gonna have to see how she can accomplish that... Seems like it's going to be a bit rough with her current gear. I'm sure that'll change after a few more missions getting new gear though.

Also going to need to have her train with guns. Hmm...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm absolutely not going to quote Bible verses constantly, but come on that one was perfect :p

In other news, I can't wait to finally make it to the inn. It looks like the real fun starts when you can interact with the other characters. (Also it might be nice to find a teammate who is better at the fighting than Caitlyn.)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

yeah, what is the verse, exactly? the numbers don't really help me...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Seriously though, it is:
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lazy player posts breeds lazy GM posts.

I always try to be as descriptive as I can think of while I make my post.

I don't see the fun in saying:
"Okay, Azure fucks the slime."
"Now Azure gives it a blowjob."
"Azure takes it doggystyle."
"Azure passes out."

It's bland to write as a player, it's bland to read as the GM (not to mention observers), and it's bland to write a reply to.

These kinds of replies are what RJ said about the, "Press A use the shop" comment.

It's not actually roleplaying, it's sitting in front of a generic RPG and mashing the "attack" command until the battle is over.

The whole point of roleplaying is that we don't NEED to mash the button for hours as we grind up. We can dive in, play as we are, and really enjoy the act of playing without it ever being bogged down to this kind of non-fun.

oh well, just my two cents.
I could be way off my mark though.

I think you'd have more luck if you PM'd the person in question and asked them to put some more effort into their posts, instead of posting this here, though I 100% agree that it's boring to read posts made in that fashion, and kind of annoying, too, considering that we're supposed to be playing a game with horror elements. Shouldn't the character feel in the least threatened, or like her luck, life and/or limb is on the line? 9_9 As much as the game is based around a bunch of stats, and leveling, and stuff, RJ did say that the focus was going to be on characters interacting, and on the mood of the game. (Something along the lines of 'real women in really bad situations'... or something similar!)

How frustrating, then, when a person wanders out on a hunting mission and lol's through it! (I'm only talking about Zero's thread from last night, at the moment... everyone else has been fine and/or awesome. XD)

Here's a few tips:
Always try to use full, descriptive sentences.
Try to keep pace with your partners if you can.
Be descriptive. Describe how you look, how you feel, how you act.
Don't oversimplify. Missing descriptions makes for dull actions.
Don't use first person or second person perspective for describing actions.
(character speech and thought obviously can be in whatever they're thinking (first person usually))

And the biggest tip...
Read other good posts and take ideas from them.
Learn how to describe things and run with it!
And eventually you'll develop your own style.

On the other hand, don't try to describe every little thing! Sometimes a post can get bogged down when a player tries to write about the ~*~*~*~ethereal beauty~*~*~*~ of their character, which can be a drag. X3 All you need to aim for is to give enough description that the other player knows what your character is doing while she's talking (hand gestures, body posture, where she is in the room, if she's interacting with anything in the room, etc.) and give the person you're playing with something to reply to. For example, 'She sighed and sat in the corner of the room.' is not going to get you much of a reply, whereas maneuvering your character up to someone else's and interacting with them will get you somewhere faster! It's kind of different when playing against a GM, since you can't control elements outside of your gal, but the idea is generally the same.

I'm sure you guys already know all of this stuff. XD I just like to share the soap box.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Woohoo! I'm finally ready for mah own missions with ya gals!

One thing I'm a little curious about - I've been thinking of crafting some molotovs (oil, a cloth, and any bottle will do). Would I be able to find some of the items needed to make them?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I've played a few RPs before just nothing like this <.<. Also the longest post I've ever done ended up coming out as 2 pages on Microsoft word. Then I had to delete cause of a mistake. It was amazing.

But yeah I want to get better and I've never done an erotic RPG before so... please bear with me xD.

I'm leaving for a bit. I don't know how long and was just told a few minutes ago. Some graduation party I'm assuming it's only a few hours at the most because my parents are going to another party after that <.<.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lazy player posts breeds lazy GM posts.

Oh I agree, it's very reflective the post and response.
I try to write but I don't like repeating an idea, so i tend to skimp on a bit, but if it's something especially unimportant like buying something, I just go ahead and say "Yeah, she gets this, can I go now?"
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

There have been multiple people making less-than-a-sentence posts which is why I posted it here. I'm not going to point fingers, I was just reading over many old posts right up through recent ones and figured I'd try to snip this problem with a general post to everyone.

Also, great tip about not describing TOO much.
The best post describes enough that everyone can picture it, but not enough that you feel yourself dragging through it, hoping it ends.

Toxic, you're right about that too. Shopping in and of itself isn't really a big RP point either. After all, how much interaction with others do you really have when you go down to the local corner store and it's just you and the clerk standing around, right? Those posts aren't really a complaint by me. It's an example of where the game isn't meant to be bogged down by excessive descriptions. (Although a bit of idle-play chitchat with the seller isn't a bad idea.)
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm assuming that playing out the idle chitchat with the seller helps with the haggle skill, maybe? Or is Haggle only used with other players?

Toxic, I'm not sure if Josie's stopping by Claire's room at the same time that she's out hunting, but if you want 'em to interact some more, let me know and I'll poke you when Claire's hunting scene is over! (If she makes it back... she and Christie are looking like they're in trouble at the moment. :x)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I like having Nerves of Steel and Situational Awareness. I get to have Caitlyn act like an action hero (even though she doesn't have the stats to back it up, unfortunately).

I do freeform RP on another site, and really it's a learned skill. Some people are naturally good at it but others (like me, if I can be smug :p) can develop into good players over time. It's definitely more art than science though, so there's no hard and fast rules. Sometimes really descriptive and detailed posts are the way to go and other times really short sentences can convey urgency or get the point across just as well as a huge flowery paragraph.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

HAH! I knew the director was evil!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I am now fully convinced the director is evil and needs to die...

However, I need to go out momentarily.
If you want to roll the day over before I get a chance to go on any missions, then Azure spends the rest of the day training.

Will be back later tonight!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What happened?
Did another Squirrel rape Lin?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You guys are pirates?
Oh shit, you wont try to steal my gold half will you?