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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It seems like the best idea might just be to drop a bomb on the entire hotel and then clean up afterwards.

Wow, I didn't think you could fit so many blatantly evil characters all into one RP.

I really wonder if any of them have any motivation other than "be evil".

We already know the director doesn't. Otherwise she wouldn't have been such a bitch to Azure.

(FYI, yes I'm still unhappy about that as a player, and IC, Azure is not going to get over this.)
(Edit: I'm doubly annoyed at this because after all this it's interrupted my promise that I get to play with the lizards soon. ;-; )
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, the problem isn't if the Director is evil or not, it's about are we gonna make it?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think the director's evilness is making it so we can't survive.

If we don't eliminate her influence, we're going to land in worse and worse situations with no hope to get out of it all.

Edit: going to sleep now. *sigh*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah lets all kill the director.
All we have to do is get past her badass body guard, assuming the director is just weak and can't defend herself.

Oh I just thought of something.
Now is the best time anyone has to kill the director.
With Shiva being out on a mission and all that.

Edit- Night everyone.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alrighty, i'm back, if there's anyone else still on :)

Friends came over for gaming and such, bur everyone got bored and left, so yeah.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I see...
Suddenly late night burst in?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It was half planned, i just wasn't informed. No biggie, we ended up playing the Order of the Stick Board Game, which is epic win :)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ, can we be serious here for a second, look at my eyes.

...now, is this really about the director? Or are we displacing our feelings? Are we sure we're not talking about you?
I know, I know how hard it must be for you, the savior of people yet a dinosaur, hoping to bring people together but scaring most away. I'm here to tell you, it's ok, we're here for you. We're all here for you. Isn't that right gang?

Deliciously epic. I was going to try to +rep for you, but wasn't allowed to... so have a cookie for being a shining light of lulz in this otherwise rather grim/srs business section of the OOC thread. How ironic~
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Everyone's always pickin' on da poor Director...

Hey, she started it with Azure. Az just thought she was a bit weird at first, a bad feeling in the back of her mind. Which she was happy to talk herself out of after her first mission started going bad.

Unfortunately the mission ended awkwardly and then the director proved once and for all that she's utterly evil.

So anything the director has done to her is 100% her own fault.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I think the Director's secretly good. She has info to all of this that nobody else does yet and she knows how deep everyone is going to be unless she gets everyone to work together... she's just socially retarded and so comes across as evil.

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I suggest you re-read her actions with Azure then. Because Azure was only trying to help out everyone and the director was a raging bitch about it.

"Good" characters don't make unreasonable demands and abuse their allies for no reason.

If she tried to explain why she didn't want it there, if she offered to release it, if she agreed to letting volunteers feed it, pretty much anything she could have done other than mindlessly murdering it would've been a "good" choice instead of what she did.

What really pisses me off the most about this particular thing is that RJ said there was a good surprise for Azure, and instead of "good", I got this shit.

It's good for the plot... IF the director is evil and everyone is supposed to kill her.

If the director is secretly "good", then this scene pretty much fucked the plot over forever, because this is a blackmark against her until she makes it up to Azure.

And Azure is a VERY charismatic person who knows how to get people on her side. (As defined with her backstory)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

She's not evil!
She's just neutral!
She doesn't care if we get hurt but she's aiming to fix everything, that'd make her neutral if not good!
But she's still evil as fuck because she doesn't care about people around her (Except the people she trust) or their thoughts!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

No dice.

Even if she was neutral, or only in it for the greater good, then she would've either decided that the slime was too big of a threat and demanded it gone. OR decided that it was a great subject to study and accepted volunteers 'feeding' it.

Both choices I offered. Both choices rejected. She's evil.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The director could have seen that Azure was corrupted to the side of the monsters, and decided that she wasn't going to give in to the reporter's demands because the woman was acting batshit -- out of anger, maybe. But it's been proven that the slime is dumb as fuck, so even if it was coming to Azure's aid, it was coming to her aid alone and only because it realized that she was giving it an easy lay -- same deal with it easing her burden during her giving birth: feeding her some of its energy for now saves it waiting for later, and she'll just pay it back.

To that effect, it sounds like the slime's working perfectly within its natural MO: coerce the victim into wanting to have sex with it, and using various non-violent (or mostly non-violent) means to get what it wants. Since Azure seems to be so willing, of course it's going to display some other behaviors that it hasn't shown towards other women yet.

Frankly, I'm surprised that the director hasn't had her booted. The only reason she decided to keep the slime around at all, as far as I can reason, is because of Azure's valuable contact. I'm sure she doesn't want to risk the loss of a capable pilot just because some bitchy reporter (who may or may not be insane -- she certainly shows jack for compassion) is tossing her nut about whether she's evil or not.

In any case 'good' is kind of relative. She seems to fit the character type of 'get what shit needs to be done done, even if it means that some will fall.' Whether it's to suit her own purposes (or the purposes of evil) or to save mankind (womankind) we have yet to see... but since she is against the white-haired girl(s?) who have been going around screeching about how great it's going to be to see mankind fry, I'm tentatively placing her in the 'good' camp.

In short, Azure's probably going to wind up the evil one, here... I can definitely see her heading that way if she's not there already.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Nothing nicer than letting a girl feed people to a monster slime. :D
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Nothing nicer than letting a girl feed people to a monster slime. :D
That was going to be my point. She seemed interested in studying the thing after it was captured, but wasn't going to let it possibly infect other people. (And from her perspective, Azure is acting a bit strangely about the slime; I can see how she might think it has some kind of mind controlling ability.)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If this was the case, she could've demanded the slime not stay at the hotel.

Azure even went out of her way to offer that option. To simply shove the slime out and not let it return.

The director didn't even consider that option.

Worse, the director went out of her way to say she wanted to study the slime, THEN demanded that only Azure be used to feed it.

Now that you know the whole story. Mind telling me who's evil?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You've got to admit that having a bunch of girls visiting the slime monster would make them all much happier and more relaxed.

Or just more horny, who knows. XD

Eta: I'm not making any set judgment about the director just yet (I really want to see RJ's plot unfold so that I can 'lol, I was right!' or 'gasp, I was wrong!' about it later!) but considering she wants to study it, tossing it out of the hotel would mean more risk to getting to it to study in the first place, if it were held in the neighborhood somewhere. Azure was the one that brought the thing home (or gave it cause to show up at the hotel and leave its safe den, anyways) so I can see why the director would make feeding it Azure's responsibility! The fact of the matter is that we really don't know the whole story, and that's what's exciting about the game (the plot parts, anyways!)

Some more fodder for you: if, in the current plot-thread, the women are heading to a breeding den, why are they going solely with the purpose of blowing it up? What if there are other women in there, why isn't it a rescue mission as well? (Or did I miss that it was a rescue-and-then-bomb thing?)

eta2: Remember that one of our white-haired PC's is supposed to suss out another white-haired woman in the hotel and turn her -- we're fairly certain that the white-haired NPC's showing up in the intro threads are evil, so I would keep an eye on little miss eye-scar deus ex machina there. I'm guessing that RJ is setting the director up all along and that she's going to get a sweet betrayal scene at some point, here. >:3
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