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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

OH OH! Instead of like how Aya is evil and still goes out on parties and we're good. Selena could be a neutral who hangs around outside and tries to rape us if we go on looting runs!

..that should be sure to help get her back into the hotel..

"Some weird blue haired girl raped me out there... It was the best sex I've ever had! We should make her join us in the Inn girls!"
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well... I suppose I could include the chance to find women wandering around the city, most likely NPC women from the hotel, but pretty much all of them would be in at least a group of two, most three, so it'd be pretty hard for Selena to rape them all.

*Needs to put more points into smooth talking -3-*

If you're serious about this though, I will have Selena run around, raping solo women, and offering to help larger groups in trade for essence ;3
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse.
Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse. Feed her to Jesse.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*Needs to put more points into smooth talking -3-*

If you're serious about this though, I will have Selena run around, raping solo women, and offering to help larger groups in trade for essence ;3

I can only promise that Selena will be able to find other looters from the Inn walking around, most likely not alone. Actually convincing them to let Selena fuck them, is up to her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ya know, Letris hasn't been completely fucked yet. ;)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Haha, actually. Josie hasn't either
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Haha, actually. Josie hasn't either

Do sex shops sell chastity belts (never been in one)? If so, someone could get the idea of going after them, and Letris could pick up a big giant dildo. And use it to club monsters.

Later: "KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME! There's still [MONSTER] brains splattered on it..."

Edit-> And I'm hinting that they can fuck each other too. After Letris discovers the shortage of cute boys to molest.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

There are chastity belts, never had one on, but I can imagine they're not comfortable, even in some sexy bondage way.

But yeah, Jo's been penetrated like 4 different times, still no finish. Thank goodness, eh?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lin's gonna get drunk the moment she makes sure Rin's safe, it's her way to get past the rape experience so if anyone wants to rape her, that would be a good time.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So.... in order to get over being raped, she drinks, which makes her vulnerable to rape, which would force her to drink tOH GOD MY HEAD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I feel like I am missing piece of your thought...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yea but it feels like I am still missing something, like, he's adding something more into it....
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You wear a disguise to look like human guys, but you're not a man, you're a chicken boo.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You wear a disguise to look like human guys, but you're not a man, you're a chicken boo.

That cleared up so much confusion for me TS

Thank you

(Because you're a tool RJ)
(No just kidding)
(No really you are)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

HAHAHA! I was just watching a bunch of Chicken Boo episodes.

Speaking of uncontrollable laughing. I started this video right before I saw your response and the rep and I was laughing at your response combined with the video for the entire thing, 4 minutes straight
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Dumbledore Dies!
Darth Vader is Luke's Father!

Sorry, couldn't help myself...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Luke Skywalker is Dumbledore's father!
Darth Vader is people!

Sorry, couldn't help myself...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Dumbledore Dies!
Darth Vader is Luke's Father!

Sorry, couldn't help myself...

I have a shirt that says,

(Warning, Harry Potter fans)
"Dumbledore dies on page 596, I just saved you 4 hours and $30"

And I wore it when I went to one of my classes in spring. One of my friends got so pissed at me, she yelled, "You know what? You're an asshole!" right in front of about a dozen people.

I couldn't stop laughing, and she hated me for a good long while to. XD