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First hentai ever?

Apr 17, 2009
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I don't know if anyone has tried this before, but I'd like to ask you all, what was your first hentai ever? Mine was Demon Girl, amazingly enough. I was trying to figure out how to get porn through my mom's net monitoring program, so I went to the mature section on newgrounds, and found Demon Girl's description to be enticing. Now I'm posting here! (almost like I've come full circle.) Incidentally, please post a link to the flash/pic/vid, etc. in question. Mine is here:

Re: First hentai ever?

I aggree, I've never really gotten into it until I stumbled across Jungle Girl on Newgrounds.
Re: First hentai ever?

Yeah, if it was one of those "click and see titties" type of games, I probably would never have played another one. Too bad I never got the chance to thank him lol.
Re: First hentai ever?

I stumbled into hentai when I googled tentacles because of a boss on one of my games...

Heh.. heh... heh......

That was when I was 10~11(about 8 years ago). xD

Re: First hentai ever?

I downloaded a Final fantasy Doujin/pic library thinking it was roms.
Re: First hentai ever?

I stumbled across while doing some random Google search.
Re: First hentai ever?

my dad always looked at porn. I started like many young perverts, snitching my dad's magizines. As for online, I soon discovered hentai- then Jungle Girl. And then the nickname took form, and the rest, well, is history.
Re: First hentai ever?

I'm going to take this a step further back and also tell of my first time with porn, cause it's relevant to the story.

I had a friend (name unimportant), who was really into porn and such. I mostly kept out of it, but this one time we were having a party at her place, and she decided to throw a movie in out of the blue. I couldn't leave, so I just kinda sat there and watched the rest of the room all night. The movie was called Camp Cuddly Pines and the Power Tool Massacre, and the only enjoyable part I found at the time was about ten seconds after the six of them have sex in the back of the van they're driving, including the driver o_O They realize this, and ask him why he isn't driving, to which he replies in his calm hippy voice, "S'okay man, it's on Cruise Control." Needless to say, they all rush to the front in time to run over a hobo in the middle of the desert.

Anyways, that turned me off all smut for a good long time, until anout two years ago, spending a week at that same friend's house. I stayed up later than her, decided to check my email. Wouldn't you know it, she had a browser open with Demon Girl right there.

At this point, I feel it necessary to break into song, apologies...

I started playing it not knowing what it was,
And I'll continue playing it forever just because
It is the game that freaking wins,
I fapped on and on my friends...

So yeah, that's my story :)
Re: First hentai ever?

My first case of Hentai, i think it was 1997 maybe, all i remember is i was still playing final fantasy 7, i used to collect all the official playstation1 magazines the ones that came with the demo's? and oddly enough there was a black box censoring the parts, but it involved a character called Tifa getting attacked by Tentacles, I've ran into the picture once or twice and its actually very rare.

One tentacle looks like its wrapped around her left knee lifting it up two have wrapped around her arms and one is under her top, it looks like the tentacles are hanging down from the wall or if you ever played in detail, there was monsters in a sunken submarine called "unknown a/b/c" one of them used to hang from the air with all different types of tentacles hanging from it, ending with mouths hands claws etc, that was what was fondling her, i had been corrupted ever since.
Re: First hentai ever?

I'm going to take this a step further back and also tell of my first time with porn, cause it's relevant to the story.

I had a friend (name unimportant), who was really into porn and such. I mostly kept out of it, but this one time we were having a party at her place, and she decided to throw a movie in out of the blue. I couldn't leave, so I just kinda sat there and watched the rest of the room all night. The movie was called Camp Cuddly Pines and the Power Tool Massacre, and the only enjoyable part I found at the time was about ten seconds after the six of them have sex in the back of the van they're driving, including the driver o_O They realize this, and ask him why he isn't driving, to which he replies in his calm hippy voice, "S'okay man, it's on Cruise Control." Needless to say, they all rush to the front in time to run over a hobo in the middle of the desert.

Anyways, that turned me off all smut for a good long time, until anout two years ago, spending a week at that same friend's house. I stayed up later than her, decided to check my email. Wouldn't you know it, she had a browser open with Demon Girl right there.

At this point, I feel it necessary to break into song, apologies...

I started playing it not knowing what it was,
And I'll continue playing it forever just because
It is the game that freaking wins,
I fapped on and on my friends...

So yeah, that's my story :)

and this mystery lady is? and if she isn't here why not?
Re: First hentai ever?

I doubt that thieving the Heavy Metal magazines from my dad's stash as a kid counts. XD I'm relatively new to hentai; my girlfriend introduced me to various monstery-good images when I bothered her about her porn stash, and I was hooked. I get more enjoyment out of images than videos, actually... more free reign with the imagination, I guess. X3
Re: First hentai ever?

I just found it once, nothing specific, just browsing the web for something to do, and then BAM. Hentai.

Jungle girl was the second or third I found, not really sure.
Re: First hentai ever?

Cool Devices 9. So I got a head start on The Spiral - futanari and rape right from the get go.
Re: First hentai ever?

Y'know, I had a feeling someone was going to make this thread.

Cool Devices 9. So I got a head start on The Spiral - futanari and rape right from the get go.

Man, you picked a damn good one to go with.

and this mystery lady is? and if she isn't here why not?

Seconded. We want everyone we can get.

As for me, it's a characteristically long answer.

The first piece of nudity I saw, other than my family, is lost in the mists of time. The first piece of hentai I saw depends on your definition. I'm inclined to say Sex Friend, as it was the first hentai movie I had on my own computer, and it's still one of my favourites... but before that, I'd seen a piece of Love Hina hentai (same style as Starballs, probably from the same people) on my father's computer. Of course, earlier still, I had found some real porn from the same computer. (Dad really didn't bother with hiding his files.)
But even that may not be the first time I saw hentai. Triumph Studios, maker of Overlord, are also the creators of another game called Age Of Wonders. When I was a child, Age of Wonders was one of the games we had, and one I rather enjoyed; not for the strategy, but for the 12x4 pixel sprites of naked nymphs, fairies, ladies of pain, spider queens, mermaids, and probably something else I'm forgetting, some of whom had the ability seduce, complete with sexy moan and love heart on success. If I had to guess, I'd say I was 7 or 8 at the time... needless to say, my imagination ran wild. Even still, I may have seen Duke Nukem first, which is also debatably hentai, and certainly echii enough to arouse my imagination.
Re: First hentai ever?

Yeah, I haven't actually talked to her much since then, she moved off and I always thought she was kinda... I never really got along with her that well. And I'm pretty sure she never knew I did that, and i'd prefer to keep it that way...
Re: First hentai ever?

I actually got into hentai through ryona. For those of you that don't know, ryona literally means "Damsel in distress". In most cases though, ryona is when a woman is getting mutilated, however extreme or mild it is. It could be like getting punched in the stomach, or it could be getting their head chopped off with a chainsaw.

So whenever I played games that included control over a female character, I would always lead them to their doom. I still do that, to be honest. It's even better with this newfangled graphics technology(Sheva + Reapers = Gold).

So eventually I started to look online about what this fetish of mine was, and eventually Youtube gave me the answer. I guess you could say that Nanyate, a person who was considered the King of Ryona in Youtube, first got me into hentai. He had an archive of 1000+ videos of hundreds of video game ryona. Anything from Resident Evil to Trapt (Sadly, Nanyate's account was taken down by the Youtube police about a year after I found it. I haven't been able to find him since. But people are still trying to pick up the pieces of his legacy and restart it).

So my ryona fetish started to grow. I started asking myself why I enjoyed this. It wasn't so much that it was because the woman was suffering, but rather it had something to do with the actual definition of the word ryona. "Damsel in distress". I enjoyed it when they were going through distress. The fact that they were helpless and couldn't fight back. Almost like, as you might've guessed, rape.

So then it was the rape fetish for me. At the time of all, I was also surfing around Newgrounds. And yes, that was when I found Demon Girl and Jungle Girl. That, however, was NOT when I first saw hentai. I started experiencing actual hentai when I was google-searching about rape. I eventually found out about what hentai was through a search, and that search had this image:


That isn't the original picture. I just found it again in Aerisdies.

And there you go. From there, was Demon Girl. From Demon Girl was my own trip down the Spiral.
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Re: First hentai ever?

I was looking through the puzzle games section of Newgrounds when I came upon . I thought Hentai was the name of an anime, and I was intrigued, so I googled it, only to find out what it really was. I went to the hentai collection on Newgrounds and found mostly stuff that was either crappy, or had been done many times before among the submissions I'd seen. It was Jungle Girl (the game over screen in particular) that got me hooked, because the prospect of a woman being restrained and raped by tentacles turned me on more than anything else I'd found thus far. That was three or four years ago.
Re: First hentai ever?

Magic Woman Meruru.
Still a favourite
Re: First hentai ever?

Amazing how everyone stumbled upon it in so many different ways, but now we're all here. :D