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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Haha, oh comon Josie found her as a baby machine, she can't be new to this whole 'rape' thing

Fuck, considering all the anime and doujins I've seen, by this point she should start liking it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Another thing I heard from anime, the average Male, between 14 and 30, can jump up to 50 feet in the air.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You and I are watching different animes. I told you we should only get 1 tv, but nooo.

I feel like we're drifting.

(I wonder, if this keeps up, we could get some marriage counseling suits in the court cases section)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


*Tosses dishes around*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Side note: 3 rp's for me at once and for a while I seemed on top and ahead of all of them. Lately, I slipped behind and thought it would take a lot of work to catch back up on everything, but after reading everything that I missed, which takes less than an hour, I realized I'm good and still have plenty of time. I mean CoC is very easy, it's post per post, so I'm not holding anyone up. Here, I realized, though I still have many missions ahead of me, however I go from here is dependent on what other people are doing, so technically I still have to wait. And UN, I caught up on EVERYONE and again have to just wait for a small indicator before catching up. I technically don't even have to wait, I just don't want to interfere with anyone else's actions.
Hell, considering all this, I've been putting my extra time into thinking about making an rp myself. I've had plenty of ideas and scratched the surface of a few number systems, but wanted to really have more time to bear down and write this stuff down. Should be easier when I get my computer back and if I get just a bit more free time, but work just started up and my instructor added more classes. Meh, hopefully I'll get fired and a leg cut off, then I won't have to work and I can stop doing fitness. (actually, I probably wouldn't stop fitness for that)

oh and I want a divorce
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

haha, I was just joking.

But seriously, like half of them aren't even mine.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Side note: 3 rp's for me at once and for a while I seemed on top and ahead of all of them. Lately, I slipped behind and thought it would take a lot of work to catch back up on everything, but after reading everything that I missed, which takes less than an hour, I realized I'm good and still have plenty of time. I mean CoC is very easy, it's post per post, so I'm not holding anyone up. Here, I realized, though I still have many missions ahead of me, however I go from here is dependent on what other people are doing, so technically I still have to wait. And UN, I caught up on EVERYONE and again have to just wait for a small indicator before catching up. I technically don't even have to wait, I just don't want to interfere with anyone else's actions.
Hell, considering all this, I've been putting my extra time into thinking about making an rp myself. I've had plenty of ideas and scratched the surface of a few number systems, but wanted to really have more time to bear down and write this stuff down. Should be easier when I get my computer back and if I get just a bit more free time, but work just started up and my instructor added more classes. Meh, hopefully I'll get fired and a leg cut off, then I won't have to work and I can stop doing fitness. (actually, I probably wouldn't stop fitness for that)

I'd like to hear more about that idea.

oh and I want a divorce

Meh, heh, heh, I'll never sign the papers. ;P
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm pretty sure two or three of them are mine.

Anyways I'm so damn tempted to have Aya just go to her bedroom.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Guess who's back? Reading up on topics now... would appreciate a summary if possible.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Guess who's back? Reading up on topics now... would appreciate a summary if possible.

Good side:
  • Lin found Rin, and the party rescued her, but was attacked on the way back with Lin getting captured. Zerospace is unhappy.
  • The 3 M's (Melissa, Mina, and Melanie) rescued Kali. Mina's little secret is getting out one PC at a time.
  • Meredith and Stacy went out looting, rescued a NPC, then Meredith got hit with an aphrodisiac and started assaulting Stacy. The raptor that did it to them let them go home eventually. They are now making up.
  • Selena got a penis, went on a rape mini-rampage, stayed the night at the Prison while Jesse talked her victims into not blabbing, and is now back. Hasn't seen Kitty yet today.
  • Iris is making out with Jesse in an attempt to make up.
  • A new day has begun, everyone's recharged.
  • Vina went out solo and got screwed again.
  • Melissa, Mina, and Jenn are the first group scouting the Zoo. They have yet to leave the Inn parking lot, but other PCs are encouraged to listen to the radio for further reports.

Evil side:
  • Aya and Bianca rescued their mother from a breeding den, and managed to kill the den boss at great cost (Bianca raped, Aya drained dry). Aya received tentacles similar to the Goddess. Mother is now going to challenge the Goddess over Aya's behaviour - over Aya's and Bianca's protests.

Think I covered everything since you left.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hehehe, what defines "Good and Evil"? I remember the infamous Hitler being reported in historic documents as a man who thought he was doing good, while others thought he was evil. Good and Evil, by default, does not exist. It is the perception of humans that gives all terms meaning, and purpose. While the majority of humans will call their actions good for the sake of their beliefs, many others would call them evil. As such, there is no true, "Good and Evil."

No idea why I wanted to type that. :rolleyes:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hehehe, what defines "Good and Evil"? I remember the infamous Hitler being reported in historic documents as a man who thought he was doing good, while others thought he was evil. Good and Evil, by default, does not exist. It is the perception of humans that gives all terms meaning, and purpose. While the majority of humans will call their actions good for the sake of their beliefs, many others would call them evil. As such, there is no true, "Good and Evil."

No idea why I wanted to type that. :rolleyes:
Bah, when we find out what the Goddess is trying to do beyond "rape anyone who disagrees with her into oblivion", then maybe I'll revise. But so far she's "evil" from my, and presumably almost everyone's, perception.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Bah, when we find out what the Goddess is trying to do beyond "rape anyone who disagrees with her into oblivion", then maybe I'll revise. But so far she's "evil" from my, and presumably almost everyone's, perception.

He wasn't arguing "she is actually good" but rather "who gets to decide what good and evil mean?"

I think it would be relatively uncontroversial to say that each person can decide the specifics of what is "good" and "evil" for themselves. And that from this perspective in the game I'd say "anyone who would try to rape me is evil, and anyone who would help me avoid being raped is good." Though a good default stance for someone who you're not sure of is "if they have a penis or tentacle, evil" with the caveat that some humans may turn out to defy that conversion.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hey Keylo Iris' action is to have more sex with Jesse.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, I noticed. Probably going to have Luna camp outside Jesse's door if she manages to find out that Iris is in that room making love :x... that or I'll just have her wander around a bit.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Welcome back Keylo. I'm going to try and get Iris out of Jesse's room early, truth is that Iris isn't a big fan of having non stop sex with someone. :D
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You do realize that either way, Iris isn't escaping from Luna commenting on how she "smells" as if she's been "enjoying" herself, right? :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

You do realize that either way, Iris isn't escaping from Luna commenting on how she "smells" as if she's been "enjoying" herself, right? :p

Point? Iris will just say she spent the night with Jesse after she left Luna in Fleur's care. By the way, you do realize that Iris is going to chew Luna out for lying to her about being hurt right?