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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Getting yelled at by my parents because I don't want to go in a medical field.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yuck. I wouldn't want to do that either. What are you going in?

By the way, I'm going to get offline now. Ill check back around 12:00 Pm GMT. That's around 8 PM on my end.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Trust me, go into psychology. It's just like being a doctor except your not. Also you get to assume you know everything, as long as you admit to others that of course there's room for individual error. And in terms of the medical field, people actually have to call you "Doctor" It's awesome.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Bleh, my trip was to a medical convention thing so I'll state this much. If you feel like dedicating 413241221 hours a week to saving the lives of others, go into a medical field (barring family practice and psychology). If not, look for another field.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'll be busy for the rest of the day, just lettin' ya know in advance.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Kk, not going to check back till around midnight I guess.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion



In this picture, you can see a java program that allows one to distribute 20 attribute points between the various primary attributes with the formula RJ laid down for this game.

Also present are up to 15 quality points and 10 points in drawbacks (the spending of which gives you quality points). In particular, note that I have Iron Woman (5) selected.

One can additionally see that several secondary characteristics are correctly calculated. The bonus stamina points from Iron Woman are included.

It's hard to tell with just one picture, but you may also switch to "inspired" if you have 5 quality points left, which will grant you (for now) 50 essence points.

Things I've yet to do: skills, obviously. The "gift" quality and "increased essence pool" and "your first metaphysics spell".

"Resistance" "acute sense" and "impaired sense" all are disabled until I decide how to deal with them. Anything you have to talk to the DM for is just plain not going in.

The grey-ing out of buttons for qualities and drawbacks you can't afford isn't done. Nor are the functions of the +/- buttons for the drawbacks that require them.

And finally, the whole point of this: the pre-formatted textual output won't be done until I've finished everything else.

Shut up, I'm bored.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion


does it tell you how to make BEST CHARACTOR EVAR!?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


does it tell you how to make BEST CHARACTOR EVAR!?

Na, but that's easy anyway. Just cheat and put 5 in everything. You'll have to do it by hand, though, no cheats in this program yet. >.>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wouldn't that get you perma banned?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Only if he uses a third party program to interface with the primary circuit node, and modify primary data module.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wouldn't that get you perma banned?

At least laughed at... unless you're the GM, of course, then you can make things as OP's as you'd like. :p

ANYWAY... I cleaned up the interface a little and got everything working except skills and 3 qualities (resistance, improved/impaired senses).

Skills are just going to be a lot of typing now that I've made room for them, and I'll probably just make 3 different qualities for senses (sight, smell, hearing) and give the option of either improving or impairing them. "Resistance" with its "anything you can think of" will require a little more creativity. Not too much, but there are choices involved. >.>

I might finish the sense tonight, skills and possibly resistances tomorrow.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Apparently Iris made a mistake asking Emily for help. Lol.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well Luna's a tad busy at the moment. That and it really seems that Jesse will be the first to actually "rape" Luna asides from the goddess at this rate... this could be amusing. o_O;;
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Bah. I just realized a couple things:

-If we'd gone for the helicopter ride, Mina would most likely have accepted the pilot's offer of "one last lay". And then we wouldn't have a helicopter to play evac.
-Aya is going after the same guy Melissa and company ran into. If Aya's sufficiently slow in running him down, and Melissa and Jenn rush to get in the warehouse, there'll be a PC-on-PC fight.

Interesting... from our safely posting-imaginary-characters-and-story perspective.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Mina wouldn't have absorbed much, she can't. It's just the greed of wanting more that made her go nuts.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

How would that actually work? I mean, an 'evil' PC would obviously be trying to rape us, but our only way of fighting back seems to be trying to kill her... and I seem to recall that we're not supposed to kill other PC's. Unless 'evil' ones are considered expendable, I guess, but that was a hella long intro thread to die when she meets her first PC's.

Maybe she gets to run away at the end like the goddess did? Or she gets kidnapped and later rescued by the goddess?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Divine shield; the amount of damage Aya will take before she retreats.