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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

That takes care of the mental half, but still leaves the problem of a tentacle thin enough to slide into a woman holding up it's entire weight in the air, spread out over 100 feet, with it's grounding point on the extreme end. I guess it doesn't have to be in the air the entire time, but there's a reason stuff like this doesn't happen in nature, ya know ;)

It's magic. Well, metaphysics. But still, not natural indeed.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Guys, I'm a lot busier then I thought I was when I last posted. RJ, unless you and Dematt and TheTwo want to wait three more days, maybe more, you're going to have to play as Aya. I've got like, three minutes to post this so don't expect to see me online until my work is done.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*whipcrack* BG, TWO, get posting, or I will RAGE >:O.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Guys, I'm a lot busier then I thought I was when I last posted. RJ, unless you and Dematt and TheTwo want to wait three more days, maybe more, you're going to have to play as Aya. I've got like, three minutes to post this so don't expect to see me online until my work is done.
Don't worry, it'll give the Infiltration party time to catch up. I get the feeling there's not gonna be a third group any time soon, so RJ might decide to trigger the end boss just on the two groups thus far.
*whipcrack* BG, TWO, get posting, or I will RAGE >:O.
*watches as Keylo rages impotently*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*continues killing bunnies uselessly on rage path*
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


I think I might of lost my will to role play in this game... I don't know why... Maybe because Raptor isn't on much these days, maybe because we lost over half the members we use to have... Maybe because I've been playing this game for over two months. I don't know why. Maybe all those reasons.

I can honestly say this game has seen better days, and I miss those days. The days where a plot line mission would get finished in two days or less, not two weeks or more.

Eh... Ill continue to play for old times sake. Maybe if we're all lucky Raptor will decide to end the role play while it still has members then quickly make the sequel...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah, but I mainly blame it on summer... everyone's traveling, visiting relatives, going around, working... But yes, it's become a lot slower than it was in the past, and closer to that or a "normal" roleplay, you might say.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Meh, if everyone leaves, I can always go back to the good old days of making these kinds of games just for myself. :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Playing this game has been a lot of fun for me, if it wasn't for this game I would still be a lurker. That's why ill be bummed out if the game ends without a sequel.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

But Burning, a lot of those people that joined were lurkers, just like yourself, that got tired of the game. They're more than likely not coming back, so a sequel to this will only hold similar traits that you currently dislike, while the most that will likely change is gameplay mechanics.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

AWMBI has been around for over two months, people didn't get bored with it after a few days. Things didn't even start to slow down until about three weeks ago, I think. If the game had a sequel more then likely new people and old members would come and join, wanting to give the new game a chance or wanting to relive the old days. Or just wanting a good PBP game.

Plus sense the game would be new posting would be past pace like this game was in the beginning and slow down after a month or so. The new game play mechanics would also be nice.

By the way, Raptor, would you consider getting a second GM if you made a sequel? Someone to take care of basic things like looting runs or hunting missions?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't know what you were thinking, but the open spots for extra GM's has never vanished, the volunteers only need to be ready to learn a very complex system.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm interested int he system itself, but I really don't have the time to Gm a second game, sorries :/
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm interested int he system itself, but I really don't have the time to Gm a second game, sorries :/

Unlike yourself I have much to much free time on my hands.

Raptor I'd be happy to become the second GM if you would actually consider me. I'm sure learning how the system works wouldn't take too long and is no more complicated then learning to play Monopoly.

That last part was a joke.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, personally I wouldn't be opposed to gming... except for the fact I have little experience in writing erotic material...Oh well, practice makes perfect?

(BG: Go place your vote on what to do in the Infiltration topic please)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It took me two days to learn it without having to look back to the original rule book all the time, making sure I was doing everything right.

I've uploaded the All Flesh Must Be Eaten rule book to megaupload, once you read, and understand it, I'll fill you in on the changes I've made to the system, as well as test you on your understanding of it, both by asking questions, and by running a mock scenario.

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It took me two days to learn it without having to look back to the original rule book all the time, making sure I was doing everything right.

I've uploaded the All Flesh Must Be Eaten rule book to megaupload, once you read, and understand it, I'll fill you in on the changes I've made to the system, as well as test you on your understanding of it, both by asking questions, and by running a mock scenario.


Just kidding. Ill get around to reading at some point within the next week.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*prod* Just post already :X...

*plays earthbound again while he waits thanks to RJ bringing it up*