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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ehh... I feel a lot like Loli right now. I want to post but every time I try to I give up.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I feel like that too. I've got to post, but I just can't bring myself to type something. I'll try again tomorrow. Good thing I'm not holding anybody up, unless Loli-D wants back in.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ehh... I feel a lot like Loli right now. I want to post but every time I try to I give up.

XD, do what I do. Type a vote in OOC, and just say that you're lacking creativity fluids.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Having caught RJ online for a moment...

Guys, I'm a lot busier then I thought I was when I last posted. RJ, unless you and Dematt and TheTwo want to wait three more days, maybe more, you're going to have to play as Aya. I've got like, three minutes to post this so don't expect to see me online until my work is done.

Are you going to be playing Aya or not? It's fine either way, but it'd be nice to know. (your previous "no" was before that post, I think).
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'd rather not... As a decision I make might be out of Aya's character, and then Burnt would get all pissed at me... >.>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What if Burnt doesn't come back for a few more days? That would really hold the mission up. I'd say go for it Raptor, I'm sure whatever you make Aya do won't be out of character. Besides Burnt gave you permission to play he character, he has no right to complain if you do anything he doesn't like.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Anyway, vote is needed from TWO. Whip him?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

yes, i want to know what will happen:mad:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Make OOC vote post and seal the deal? >.>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well, it's doesn't seem we're getting through that lock any time soon. Lets go a different way? >.>;;
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Luna fired a bullet at the heavily reinforced lock, and while she noticed she did good damage, she found that she only seemed to damage the lock enough to make sure it couldn't be opened via a key anymore...
Wuh-oh. I sincerely hope the door can be bashed back open - because that's the way back for our group.

At least, as far as I know. My mapping got confuzzled after we went through that door.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Though I really wish Keylo would stop saying "dome". There are, as of yet, no dome buildings in the zoo.

Do you mean the central building? Do you mean the Aquarium, northeast of it? Or do you mean the Plant Conservatory, to the northwest instead?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

After some time in the helicopter, mostly spent in silence due to the eagerness to accomplish the mission, the three reached their destination. Overhead, they saw the entrance area, surrounding some kind of building, a road going around it in a circle, as if linking all the different attractions to the one spot. That only accounted for a quarter of the zoo, however, as there was also a large dome at the North East corner, a Forest/Jungle area in the NorthWest area, and some kind of storage looking area in the South West, with the entrance being in the South East.

Excuse moi? I believe I see dome :p.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ah. My group didn't get that description - we drove to the Zoo - and I didn't read your thread that thoroughly.

Okay, something new for the map - the Aquarium's in a dome building.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

For those who cannot pick locked doors, there are various, "Other passages" that you may traverse, provided you pass a perception test, and if that fails, there's always keys to said locked doors just laying around! ;)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(Joseph has high perception, and a lust for a fight. I already knew after I made him, that he'd want to fight Luna if he ever saw her in the Inn/Prison, or a relaxed setting, as he'd notice right away that she is a skilled swordswoman.)

Wait, Luna is dex3/str3/swords3, Jenn is dex4/str3/raiper4... obviously not so confrontational, but certainly at least as skilled with a blade...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wait, Luna is dex3/str3/swords3, Jenn is dex4/str3/raiper4... obviously not so confrontational, but certainly at least as skilled with a blade...

I said in a relaxed setting.

That, and with Jenn right with two other women who he knew would help her out if he chose to engage, he knew he didn't stand a chance in that fight, so he ran away.