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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

They're trying to put themselves on the line in order to rescue him, remember that was the mission. This isn't CoC, choosing to pass out doesn't benefit in any way, you've basically just said "I gave up on this mission"

And can anyone else see why I think David's a dick? Joseph's a bit of a fucktard too but he's got some nice streak to him.

Yes, I know he's a dick, that's half the reason he's awesome. Nice guys don't survive the apocalypse.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

...except, from what I understand, you declared Iris to faint before this fact became known.

All I was doing was correcting Tassadar. He thought Luna and Emily were on the line, they aren't. I didn't say I had Iris faint knowing that Luna and Emily were safe.

RaptorJesus, BurningGold obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with the remainder of the scene, so let him.

Maybe having Iris faint wasn't the best idea, I thought it would make sense if she passed out from stress. I guess nobody agreed with me. I just wished that if Raptor had such a big problem with it he would of sent me a message instead of making this public by posting a face palm picture at my last post, which felt a bit insulting, honestly.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

All I was doing was correcting Tassadar. He thought Luna and Emily were on the line, they aren't. I didn't say I had Iris faint knowing that Luna and Emily were safe.
And Tassadar thought it would be weird that Iris would LET herself collapse if her sister and friend were on the line. HE's aware of them being safe. IRIS isn't. THAT's the weird part.

Maybe having Iris faint wasn't the best idea, I thought it would make sense if she passed out from stress. I guess nobody agreed with me. I just wished that if Raptor had such a big problem with it he would of sent me a message instead of making this public by posting a face palm picture at my last post, which felt a bit insulting, honestly.
I'll agree that dropping the facepalm is insulting. I further agree that you two should've gone to PMs instead.

I think a more reasonable reaction would be her feebly pleading "No... don't...", confused between wanting the pink-haired succubus to finish fucking her and not wanting Joseph to sacrifice himself for them, ashamed at her weakness in the face of the succubus's assault. Iris just doesn't seem like the type to flee reality.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sidetracking this before we go to dramaville again...

Is Ashley just going to be stuck as the Prison's resident futa feeder for her entire time in the game?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

After reading Keylo's last post in the infiltration thread, if I could say, I think it would be very fitting if she managed to kill all three succubi through a blind rage. Sort of like how Mellisa was suddenly able to slaughter the boss on her own, I think it would be fitting if Luna took out the succubi by herself as her mind was unaffected by their magic or whatever.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sidetracking this before we go to dramaville again...

Is Ashley just going to be stuck as the Prison's resident futa feeder for her entire time in the game?

For a week, at least. Maybe at some point RJ will have Regina drag her off to kill monsters, but it's entirely up to him if he wants to give me the option. She's a week behind all the other characters until we decide to time skip. Really, all she's going to do besides hang out with Regina and sleep around is go to the gym, if left to her own devices.

I actually find the whole futas need to have sex thing interesting. It brings up a lot of psychological mamble-jambles about human nature that I get to think about while writing smex.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

So how long until the day officially ends for everyone?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion


- Melissa and Mina are done. Jenn seems to be done, unless David decides to make more conversation. Those're the only PCs in that thread, so they can go to the next day without causing trouble for other players.

- Iris, Luna, and Emily are not done - for quite a bit yet. But they're in a separate thread, so if they're tardy, it shouldn't be a problem for anyone else. Just don't get the timeframes mixed up.

- Selena, Jo, Dixie, and Serena are close. Selena did something stupid, Dixie did something equally stupid, and now they're into a Mexican standoff. They're a ways away from a resolution that doesn't involve mass bloodshed. Once they get it, though, they can hop back to the Inn and get to the next day easily. To be honest, I'd want to rewind to the point where Selena gashed open Serena's arm, and add some note to the effect that Selena promptly started bandaging Serena so she didn't bleed everywhere. Then Dixie doesn't go nuts, and they have an easier time for further negotiations.

- Kaila and Ashley have yet to be skipped forwards. They really should have been, but it hasn't happened yet. I suspect they'll wait until the day turnover so they can skip to that day instead.

- Aya's already on the next day. Getting slapped around by Mina was not good for her health.

- Everybody else is snoozing in the Inn. They can snooze through another night easily.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Possible continuity error: Aya has met all of the succubi currently under attack by Luna, and Aya is a day ahead of Luna. So, what happens if Luna kills one of them?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Geez, the suspense of waiting to see what happens in the infiltration thread is killing me. After Luna's crazy mental break down and her just opening fire on the succubi I can only guess what happens next. I can only hope that this doesn't end with the bat woman turning her craziness and rage into lust or whatever and mentally stopping her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Possible continuity error: Aya has met all of the succubi currently under attack by Luna, and Aya is a day ahead of Luna. So, what happens if Luna kills one of them?
... has she? We don't have any names... just the hair descriptions. It's not too unreasonable to assume there's two succubi with curly red hair, and two succubi with long blond hair. Pink-hair isn't even mentioned in Aya's thread.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Bleh, ok you know what? For simplicity's sakes, I'll rewrite Luna's action to another.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Thirded: That post made me cheer.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I agree. It fits what we know of Luna's past, and the effects it's had on her character, to a TEE.

Agreed. Plus, Iris's party needs a way to save Joseph from the succubi. Well Luna going into an uncontrollable rage and slaughtering all three of the woman would make sense, right? Kinda like how Melissa went into rage and killed the boss monster.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

All I can say is that from what I've gathered a while after making that post...

It won't end well ;X.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Why do you think that? I think this might be the action that saves everyone. Think about it, like Melissa did, Luna goes into a blind fury. The succubi aren't able to control her mind because she's literally just flat out snapped and is beyond control at the moment. She ends up shooting them all while Joesph backs away from them.

I think that would work out great, honestly.