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ACT Barbarian Babes

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Re: Barbarian Babes?

Oy'. Was it really worth saying that and neg-repping a member from that site? I think not.

I'm not in the mood to take crap from someone who only posts in the hentai section (PbP section doesn't count), you're the equivalent of a /b/tard so your opinion is moot.

First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing.

And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not.

And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.

Welcome aboard the hentai forums, Miss Oni.


'Miss' Oni?

thing is, it's not porn.

it's more like the female wrestling/catfighting fetish taken to extremes. like reimagining the movie 300 with an all female cast and mostly naked for example :eek:

Like I said, hardly anyone cares about stuff posted here if there's no actual 'reward', 'T&A' doesn't really count. Granted, if its got a unique or interesting system then yes people who care about that kind of thing will most likely check it out though, and this is just an assumption here, I hardly doubt your games have them.

To recap; T&A doesn't count as reward for traipsing through a game when there's infinitely better options available to people.

Though if Ryona IS your selling point then may I direct you to our long time, and one of our most cherished members, Darkfire1004.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

PotC quote
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Ah, thats probably why I didn't get it then. I thought the series as a whole was meh. Though the scene with multi-Sparrow's was hilarious.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

thing is, it's not porn.

it's more like the female wrestling/catfighting fetish taken to extremes. like reimagining the movie 300 with an all female cast and mostly naked for example :eek:

like reimagining...

"My god, this is even bigger than the final battle in the Lord of the Rings movie! It's like... it's like TEN TIMES bigger than that battle!"

Yeah, you can make as many big claims as you want about how amazing this stuff is, but if we don't see any of the amazing stuff you offer, the entire thing is a farce. And when you finally give us a cut to any small amount of action, we see a few guys standing around with swords and half-heartedly cheering about their victory.

Everything we see is poorly rendered repeating animations with no real game attached. I tried to give this a fair chance, but the big two "games" you're pushing with are a little bar that moves up and down and you click it when it's at the high/low point. And a cheap animation of some girl getting punched and you sit there boredly watching it until it says "oooh wait! CLICK HERE and ... uhm... wait what? Was this supposed to actually do anything? Oh. I guess, jump to the end-game three panels, and call it a day."

I've seen more gameplay content out of Toonpimp's last game, and everyone on this site tore that thing a new one.

I don't care that it's not hot and heavy, and I love silly worlds and random sexyness, even if it doesn't go anywhere. By all accounts of what your claims are, I should be praising these sites endlessly and recommending them to everyone. The problem is, the actual content... is just... craptastic.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

I'm not in the mood to take crap from someone who only posts in the hentai section (PbP section doesn't count), you're the equivalent of a /b/tard so your opinion is moot.

So, basically if someone was to find this forum barely interesting only for its hentai section, his/her opinion, for reasonable and politely exposed it could be, would be reduced to "moot", completely stripping said person of any human dignity along with the freedom of expression. This is feature of radical and authoritarian dictatorships, like nazism or fascism. I suggest you try to be a little more considerate about other people opinions, wherever they might come from, for truth is truth even if spoken from a liar's mouth. If you really can't bring yourself to do so, at least try to ignore or limitate your "sacred fervor" to a more "politically correct" form of expression.

That being said, Barbarianbabes was not necro-bumping, but adjourning a pre-existent thread with new informations, and considering the fact that ryona is still considered part of the extremely vast specter of what we call hentai it does fit in the section it's posted on. Considering also the fact that there might be people interested in this kind of products lingering(or lurking) around in this forum that won't necessarily post, no one gives you the right to decide of your own accord what people might be interested into, but i guess since their opinion is "moot" that wouldn't matter much.

In the end you can find all excuses you won't, but they are just that, excuses, as a matter of fact you were just in a bad mood and needed to release the tension on something or someone, but for this i suggest a FPS or beat-em-up, where no one gets hurt from your needless rage.

I guess closing this with "no offense intended", would be stupid and sound very sarcastic, so i won't, i'm out, need an aspirin for this damn headache...
Re: Barbarian Babes?

That being said, Barbarianbabes was not necro-bumping, but adjourning a pre-existent thread with new informations, ...

Except that it was NOT new information, while I agree with with you that it seems as tho Sir-oni was venting, his/her point was valid. I have read through this thread and every game listed in the bump post is previously listed elsewhere in the thread. Which in fact had not been posted in for quite some time, so yes it was a nercro-bump
Re: Barbarian Babes?

JohnDoe said:

Having an opinion about something sucks doesn't it? You feel obliged to tell the world about it, regardless of how asinine it may be. Well, here's mine.

The guy necrobumped this thread, there's no way about it. It looked like he was trying to pick up a conversation that had been dead for over a year as though nothing had happened. It's bad forum ettiquette to necro threads without good reason. In this case, he could have just as easily made a new thread advertising his games, and I'm sure people would have been completely fine with it, as 99% of the people on this forum had likly forgotten this thread and it would have been treated like new information.

Honestly, I don't care about the content of the games, they're not my thing, so I won't play them, but I'm not going to say they're bad games. Honestly, I havn't tried them.

As for our community outside of this little section, if you're not interested in what people have to say that isn't about porn, feel free to ignore it. Just be aware that some people are given more credibility than others because they've been around for so long and are involved in the community.

I'm a little amused that you'd use the terms Nazism and Fascism to describe the situation you're feeling, as really, that's not too far off (well, you're way off, but the percieved intent of those words wasn't). Aika, Nunu and AI are our benevolent overlords and the rest of us are perfectly happy with that. Just because it's a dictatorship doesn't mean it's bad.

And what the hey, I feel like attacking your post too. I really have more important things to do, so I'll make it short.

You use several words incorrectly, most notably 'adjourning' which is the action of suspending something until a later time. Really, I have no idea what word you ment to use there, but whatever credibility you might have had with my went completely out the window when I read that (You could even say it was defenistrated, as you seem to like fancy words). Finally, your style of writing makes it seem like you're trying to increase your credibility by appearing 'cultured' or 'refined'. Whatever those words mean...
Re: Barbarian Babes?

So, basically if someone was to find this forum barely interesting only for its hentai section, his/her opinion, for reasonable and politely exposed it could be, would be reduced to "moot", completely stripping said person of any human dignity along with the freedom of expression. This is feature of radical and authoritarian dictatorships, like nazism or fascism. I suggest you try to be a little more considerate about other people opinions, wherever they might come from, for truth is truth even if spoken from a liar's mouth. If you really can't bring yourself to do so, at least try to ignore or limitate your "sacred fervor" to a more "politically correct" form of expression.

That being said, Barbarianbabes was not necro-bumping, but adjourning a pre-existent thread with new informations, and considering the fact that ryona is still considered part of the extremely vast specter of what we call hentai it does fit in the section it's posted on. Considering also the fact that there might be people interested in this kind of products lingering(or lurking) around in this forum that won't necessarily post, no one gives you the right to decide of your own accord what people might be interested into, but i guess since their opinion is "moot" that wouldn't matter much.

In the end you can find all excuses you won't, but they are just that, excuses, as a matter of fact you were just in a bad mood and needed to release the tension on something or someone, but for this i suggest a FPS or beat-em-up, where no one gets hurt from your needless rage.

I guess closing this with "no offense intended", would be stupid and sound very sarcastic, so i won't, i'm out, need an aspirin for this damn headache...

I was going to let this little pissing fest go until Maiko pointed out your post. Truthfully, I didn't read it at first; you aren't from the original forums or from TentacleHaven, so I don't care who you are. Maiko's quite right when it comes to you being a dumbass and using the incorrect words; so I've highlighted the mistakes just for you.

The last part I highlighted because it seemed redundant. We get you're pissed. You should know we don't care. You haven't been around these forums forever, which means you should learn to sit down and shut the fuck up before you start throwing around big words you don't understand. You won't get banned, but for everyone that matters, we won't really care about anything you say.

Let me reiterate:

Before you decide to defend a spammer, crack open a god damn thesaurus, look at how the other members of the forum are reacting, and you won't have people coming out of the woodwork to bitch at you.
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Re: Barbarian Babes?

Jesus man
Re: Barbarian Babes?

And here we see in this thread, old members strut their veteran status at the lurkers.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

*logins in* Oh hey a thread :D
*clicks This thread*
Gee I wonder what I'll...


Get o-o ...
*quietly leaves the shitstorm*
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Oi, he's smart, and seeing JohnDoe working on a post for more than 15 minutes, I think I'm going to follow suit. I have a feeling this is going to degenerate into a flame war and I just don't want to be part of that. My objective was to try to get people to think rationally about things (with a little harping on bad english, I'll admit), not to start name calling and shit throwing. So, without further ado... Exit stage left.

Completely unrelated: I'm a veteran member now? Yay! I still think I'm something of a minor member, sticking mainly to the pbp section though.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Seriously you guys... I believe this thread is about Barbarian Babes. I think we should put all our petty differences aside and just agree these games suck... I would rather eat out the rotten asshole of a road killed skunk than help promote these in any way. They're just... bad... like... really bad. In my eyes anyways...
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Having an opinion about something sucks doesn't it? You feel obliged to tell the world about it, regardless of how asinine it may be. Well, here's mine.

The guy necrobumped this thread, there's no way about it. It looked like he was trying to pick up a conversation that had been dead for over a year as though nothing had happened. It's bad forum ettiquette to necro threads without good reason. In this case, he could have just as easily made a new thread advertising his games, and I'm sure people would have been completely fine with it, as 99% of the people on this forum had likly forgotten this thread and it would have been treated like new information.

Honestly, I don't care about the content of the games, they're not my thing, so I won't play them, but I'm not going to say they're bad games. Honestly, I havn't tried them.

As for our community outside of this little section, if you're not interested in what people have to say that isn't about porn, feel free to ignore it. Just be aware that some people are given more credibility than others because they've been around for so long and are involved in the community.

I'm a little amused that you'd use the terms Nazism and Fascism to describe the situation you're feeling, as really, that's not too far off (well, you're way off, but the percieved intent of those words wasn't). Aika, Nunu and AI are our benevolent overlords and the rest of us are perfectly happy with that. Just because it's a dictatorship doesn't mean it's bad.

And what the hey, I feel like attacking your post too. I really have more important things to do, so I'll make it short.

You use several words incorrectly, most notably 'adjourning' which is the action of suspending something until a later time. Really, I have no idea what word you ment to use there, but whatever credibility you might have had with my went completely out the window when I read that (You could even say it was defenistrated, as you seem to like fancy words). Finally, your style of writing makes it seem like you're trying to increase your credibility by appearing 'cultured' or 'refined'. Whatever those words mean...

I checked the thread too, for small it is, and no, they are no the exact same things as far as the thread is concerned, since there are no references to the cowgirl thing sequels or the spartika game, if you really need to make a statement, double check your sources with a cooler head, if you are too angry you might miss something. Also making a new thread for the same thing an existing thread already is talking about is as good as necrobumping.

I was pretty sure i made it clear enough, butyou seem to misunderstand the object to which nazism and fascism are referred to, which is not the way the forum is handled, but the act of SirOni of attacking DarkWarpalg6's statement, using his relatively restricted interest in this forum as a form of repression. Nazism and fascism both used repressive measures to silence all non-conforming lines of thought, basically stripping people of their freedom of expression, now, if you apply this to the idea SirOni has that someone who is part of a minority has no right to speak his mind, you might find a connection you earlier missed. It is obviously not a strong form of repression as nazism and fascism used, but the two terms were simply used as an example, there was no intention of calling anyone a fascist or nazist, you shouldn't focus on the big words. In addition the fact that someone has more credibility don't justify treating those who don't in an hostile way.

I don't really care about people attacking my posts, english isn't my first language and somtime when writing fast i tend to use words that don't translate litterally, but have the same sound, in this case we have the correct translation "update" and the similar sounding word "adjourn", both translate to "aggiornamento", since i started i'll answer to SilentSilth as well, "specter" comes from "spettro" which i should have translated as "spectrum", and about the his/her part that is actually correct, what is not correct is that i placed a "won't" in place of a "want", there are some missing subjects, and beat'em up is written like this, but i guess you were not really paying much attention. As a matter of fact i'm pretty impressed by having made so few mistakes, so much that i'll go as far as putting an emote! :cool:

I don't care if you care about caring who i might be, but the fact you had to answer me like this already means you care about what i said, since it pissed you off so much you had to resort to my knowledge of the language to find a way to respond to an attack that wasn't even aimed at you.

In conclusion, i don't used big words because i try to sound refined or something like that, but because those are the words i know and i like trying to be polite (even tho i fail most of the time). Besides you don't need to like "me" or give "me" credits, if you think my opinion is wrong, prove it, and if i think your proofs are wrong, i'll prove it, this is the way we learn new things and develop our ideas, or at the very least thats the way i like doing it.:)

Hoping you'll keep trying to destroy his point,
your friendly neighbourhood JohnDoe!

PS: I couldn't care less about Barbarianbabes, his games or his site, but i don't like to see people shut up for being a minority when what they say is polite and correct, as it happend to DarkWarpalg6.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Hmmm...Actually, this is a suprising turn. It seems that there's a bit of misunderstanding on both sides here.

I don't think Oni was attacking DarkWarpalg6 (henseforth known as DarkWarp), but rather, explaining that the thread was indeed necro'd. In fact, I didn't even look twice at DarkWarp's post until now. I could be wrong. Oni's an ass afterall, but in this case I don't think he was.

The misunderstanding on my part, which was the main impetus for my post, was from this part:

So, basically if someone was to find this forum barely interesting only for its hentai section, his/her opinion, for reasonable and politely exposed it could be, would be reduced to "moot", completely stripping said person of any human dignity along with the freedom of expression. This is feature of radical and authoritarian dictatorships, like nazism or fascism.

Which I percieved as being something of an attack on the forum's community outside of the hentai section. As you state that's not the case, I'll retract my response, though I do want to point out that fascism is different from nazism which is different from repression. Just because the Nazi's were a fascist movement that repressed people, does not make fascism or nazism inherently repressive (nazism has other ideals that make it reprehensable anyway), but that's another discussion that I don't want to get into, so I'll just leave by saying that fascism has been tainted by association with Nazi Germany much like communism has been tainted by association with Soviet Russia.

One final note before I clean my hands of this issue, a matter of personal defense. I get angry at computers and video games, not people, though I'm endlessly irritated by people who post without thinking.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Oh i'm used to angry forum vets, i've been around a while.

anyway in a couple days the demo link i posted will go to something a lot more engaging; i agree that the drinking game is simplistic, but that is only one mini-game out of 22 chapters for Cowgirls & Vampires 2.

we have a lot of pretty neat stuff hidden behind the member doors and i have no problem with showing more of it to outsiders. i love designing games, and there's tons more to come. Sentry Slayer is one of our newer games that has generated a lot of good feedback. i'll probably open up some of that for outsiders.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Yeah, i'll admit i went a little hard on SirOni, but i say it's my headache fault.............

Nazism just made a lot more noise, but political repression was very hard under fascism too, i mostly know cause i studied it in school, since i'm italian, but i also live with people that actually lived it on their skin, it did many good things, like economical support for big families and other social things i don't remember out of the blue, but if you so much as tried to talk against it you would get beaten and made to drink bottles of cod's liver oil (or whatever it translate to in english) with its humiliating and very unpleasant after effects, if you were lucky, being killed if not. It was not as bad as others on a whole, but the repression of every differring voice was thorough and unmerciful, as it was the response when it fell.
Re: Barbarian Babes?

Summary of the thread (2 pages and needs a summary? GTFO)
-members informed of site.
-Members who have played the games tell us they're shit.
-Over ONE YEAR later, user with name 'BarbarianBabes', presumably a/the developer of the games, bumps the thread to tell us information about the site we already knew about, as well as to advertise their games.
-A wild Oni appeared. He used Rage. It was super effective.
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