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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Charging up, and seeing the altar, Karaz would come upon a sight she'd never seen before. Just then, the nature of the opposition she faced started to dawn on her. The woman before them was likely raped and possessed with a foul spirit. Odds are she was just an underling that didn't matter and was cut loose. But there was a chance that she was someone powerful turned mad. Karaz safely assumed the latter, which meant that she might be the one who knew how to get the other girl free. Karaz already had her axe ready, as she couldn't exactly sheath it without it dragging on the ground. Before challenging the possessed nun, she looked to her goblin. "Grobbi, you can resist that stuff. Smash up that altar, and I'll ask that mage to see if she'll let ya plug her too. This is yer chance to earn two women all to yourself, Grobbi!" she declared. "And more... Only more awaits ye if ye obey." she laughed wickedly, almost feeling like her own nature was at odds with the corruption around her. As if for a moment, nature couldn't decide which aura was wicked.

When the woman spoke, Karaz spoke back. "Ye be silent, Baraz-Elgram." the dwarf called the nun out on weak faith by literally calling her 'one of weak oath'. "I'll be the judge of whether I'm happy or not. I'll be grinning most wide with your subjugation, rather than futile resistance." she declared, a malicious smile of her own on her face. A shame she couldn't just cleave the girl in two. She was too potentially useful. Her axe at the ready, she was ready to fight the possessed nun. Non-lethal blows, with the goal of bringing her mind back to a place Karaz could reach. She could only hope the goblin could sneak around during the fight and remove the source of corruption while they kept the main bitch occupied. He was in for quite a treat if he was successful. Oh yes... She'd drain his balls dry. Only a fitting reward for making her so proud.

Karaz cracked her knuckles from how hard she was gripping her axe. She was filled with Determination.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Ragana taught me, my sisters. She taught me wonderful things, happiness that my former goddess kept from me. But I am so, so happy now! I can teach you how to be happy too..."

The orange haired nun spread her legs, closing her eyes as if in agony. She hand reached down to her crotch, but the bondage gear wrapped around her kept her questing fingers from her pussy.

"Please, my love," she begged, "please don't make me wait any longer!" she said once more to the otherwise empty room.
Re: Battle & Breeding

( Fail)

Faeyna pocketed the teapot for now, putting wax on the holes so the fluid couldn't escape on her. Be awkward to tip over and have tea end up everywhere.

On the way up, she found her eyes drawn to the humans rump as she went. her furs were very tight, and she couldn't help but imagine the mage round and egg heavy, baring several eggs that'd hatch into cute little mage's with lizard tails.

She shook her head. Had to keep her head in the game, this was dangerous territory. But she couldn't help but feel like she was on the cusp of going into heat. She had to keep it together, going into full blown heat would be, well, catastrophic.

Getting up inside, the darkness could be felt here. The altar the source of the energies affecting her so. She was unsure the origins of this cursed thing, but the human shaman clearly was lost to it. Bred and clearly out of her mind. Had she become a brood sister, or a full knight of the brood? Time would tell. Faeyna had to just resist the urge to try and add to her burden. She wasn't liking the way the dwarf was looking at the nun though. Then again, she'd like to see the dwarf rounded like her too. Gah, these damned thoughts!

"Right. Who are you talking too?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

The corrupted nun laughed wildly as a could of deep violet smoke poured into the room, seemingly from nowhere. It pooled behind the seated woman, swirling and coalescing into a pillar, and then, out of the peak of the pillar arose a humanoid head and torso. The demon's face was handsome and cruel, and four twisting amethyst horns curled into a crown on his bald head. Only the faintest hint of his loins could be seen through the veil of infernal smog, but nevertheless the shadow of his oversized and fully erect manhood wavered ominously in the violet mist.

The nun stood, entwining herself around the muscular demon, laying kissed on his neck and shoulder. "Look, my love, new sisters have come to join us!" she said, little more than a lustful moan.

"Let's make them ours."

(Orokos is only working intermittently for me at the moment, so I'll periodically have to roll dice manually. If it stops working for you, I'll roll for you was well.)

Initiative: Nun rolls 4, Djinn rolls 6

Initiative is 1d20+DEX bonus. If anyone in the party beats 6 you all go first.

e: I should put in the monster stats!

---Corrupted Sister: 33/33 HP; AC 15; Toughness 13; Cleverness 12; Will 9
---Djinn: 45/45 HP; AC 17; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 15
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Smash the demon, capture the woman!" Karaz shouted out. Her axe was aimed for his neck!


Karaz attacks the Djinn:

Karaz charges, aiming to swipe for his neck, before her massive axe swing was side stepped. "Oi, a giant pile of krut like you isn't supposed to dodge!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

( )

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." Arkeia muttered, keeping near the door as her eyes darted to every corner of the room. She shifted away from the group, creeping aside as the dark mist formed, letting the rest of the group take the brunt of the attention while she slipped just out of immediate line of sight so that she could advance on the edge of their vision... Assuming of course that the monstrosity forming to face them that the former nun seemed so enamored with even HAD a cone of vision or limited attention that she could exploit.

Well, I hope I didn't waste a 20 on this, total of 29 subterfuge+dex to slip aside and avoid attention.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Initiative roll: 2

"Oh Heeeeeeeeeeeell." The mage swore as she recognized the thing that materialized. A Djinn. Yeah, this was not going to end well. "Holy shit, we gotta take that thing down and FAST!" She called out to her allies. "And someone slap the nun down too, last thing we need is her pulling something on us!" Sure, she couldn't call on the protection of her goddess anymore, but she likely still had some kind of power to call upon at her disposal. With all that in mind, the mage decided that perhaps this was the time to do something about her personal safety. "Harnisch!" She called out, creating an armor of magic around herself.

(Casts Mage Armor on self.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Tass: you can make an attack the turn you sneak, unless you just want to stay hidden to get behind the altar or something)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Do that. The sneak behind the altar thing.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

One of the defiled spirits! While she mourned for it's loss from the cycle, she would not allow it to continue the corruptions effects! She snarled and charged at the beast, claws bared.

(Initative 13 )

She rushed upon the beast and struck with her claws, finally achieving bloodshed at last!

( Hit, 7 damage )
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Oh, witches' words and devil's touch, I knew so little, and you taught so much!" the nun cried out in a dark prayer as the altar unleashed a wave of corrupting power, filling the adverturess' minds with the salacious whisperings of fiends, while strengthening the corrupted nun and her lover.

The djinn gasped with pain as the lizardwoman's claw slashed across his harm. He turned towards her, and a wicked grin crossed his face as he noticed the bulge beneath her furs. "You are and interesting one, aren't you?" he said, his voice rich and resonant in a way that seemed to caress Faeyna's already needy body. "Your needs are obviously... unfulfilled. You should join us; we'll give you all you desire. Wouldn't you love to see your friends swollen with your eggs..." came the suggestion, demonic hypnotism heavy in his voice, attempting to plant the seed of corruption in her mind.

Arkeia slipped silently along the edges of the room, and soon found herself behind the befouled altar, and the corrupted nun.

[Arkeia 15/15; -1 to all rolls]
[Alia 15/20; -1 to all rolls]
[Faeyna 22/26; -1 to all rolls; Aroused (-3 to AC and Saves); Charmed (must try to help subdue the other girls)]
[Karaz 23/25; -1 to all rolls]

[Faeyna should roll MND+Communication-1 DC 13 to escape Arousal, then MND+Subterfuge-1 (or -4 if Arouse test is failed) DC 12 to escape Charm. Remember that Heroism applies to ALL saves during the round.]

---Corrupted Sister: 28/33 HP; AC 15; Toughness 13; Cleverness 12; Will 9; +1 to all rolls
---Djinn: 35/45 HP; AC 17; Toughness 15; Cleverness 14; Will 15; +1 to all rolls

[Alia is hanging back near the door, Arkeia is behind the altar opposite, and Karaz and Faeyna are both fighting the djinn in the middle of the room. The nun is standing right in front of the altar.]
Re: Battle & Breeding

There was a time and place for everything, and Karaz knew she wouldn't go without sex. So the whispers promised her something she already knew she'd acquire. "Ya don't need to join them if ya want to fuck me, drak! He promises nothin' ya don't already have!" she declared to her comrade, before taking another swing.

To-hit: 14+6(Heroism)=20, successful hit

Damage: 17 damage to the Djinn.

Leaving a large wound on the monster, Karaz grinned. "Want to feel another wound like that, giant? If'n you submit to 'me', ya can enjoy pleasure. Otherwise... Die." she declared coldly, with murderous intent.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Character Sheet link for my easy reference.

'Shit... Shit... Shit!' Arkeia internally panicked as she advanced around the edge of the room, getting behind the altar while the djinn and the fallen nun it had enslaved were entwined. Her companions quickly provided her the distraction that she needed in order to get fully into position behind the altar by charging in and engaging the djinn, but before she could strike the nun unleashed her wave of power and Arkeia's eyes widened. The dark magics spoke to the urges forcefully unleashed when she had been "broken in proper" by her former crewmates, as they had put it. Surrender whispered to her, but she fought it down yet.

She eyed the altar for a moment, pondering the significance of it. The power had seemed to wash out from it, but the nun had called it... Her eyes shifted back to the nun, who was watching the fight with the djinn. Woman or artifact... She would have only one strike unopposed, most likely, and she had to make it count. A glance at the seemingly hypnotized Faeyna decided it for her, and Arkeia silently vaulted over the altar and drew both of her hammers.

They weren't of dwarven make, barely more than a workman's tool in many respects, but of her arsenal they were the weapon most likely to not result in killing the woman. She gripped them upside down, hilt up and the metal heads just below her hands, an awkward grip but one that would keep her from smashing in the poor nun's skull. Rearing back both arms, she aimed both blows at the side of the nun's head, aiming to drop her with a clean double blow to the temple. Things didn't quite work out that way, one hammerhilt missing and merely glancing harmlessly across the woman's scalp, but the other landed a solid blow against her target's head.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Faeyna spends her one heroism then. Fail, Fail)

Faeyna was lizardfolk, and shaking off lust was simply hard without using another. Normally they had each other so it wasn't an issue. but normally they weren't fighting and horny at once either! Oh she tried, she tried really hard, but it simply wasn't part of her nature.

And with her lust compromising her will, the defiled one's charm was able to barely take hold upon her mind. But take hold it did, and Faeyna's eyes and mind went immediately back to the one she was ogling before. While the other two were very nice too, Alia had been on her mind since she got in this tower.

So with a feverish growl, she turned and pounced at the mage, trying to latch onto her and drag her down to the ground for a through breeding.

( Miss, Miss)

Swiping wildly in a feral lunge, she fought with less conservation than usual. However the mage's magical barrier was far superior to anything she could do. Still, til she shook off the spell, she was determined to breed this mage, culture be damned.
Re: Battle & Breeding

(I think you spend heroism to improve a roll you already made, instead of adding it to a roll. Correct me if I'm wrong though. If I'm right, that means since you couldn't have won even with heroism, you don't lose the count for heroism.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(DM said the heroism applied to all saves this turn, so I used it on that. Either way, makes no diffrence. though according to the houserules, I can't even use heroism anyways so meh.)
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Re: Battle & Breeding

(Also, I think you fucked a lot of stuff up, or nothing is making sense since there's no labels on actions and explanations on where bonuses are coming from. If you used Heroism, then if the second check was the Charm resist, you passed it. You rolled a 13, penalty is -4, and heroism bonus is +6, so the total becomes 15. You also have +1 from subterfuge, which turns it into 16. You pass the Charm DC)
Re: Battle & Breeding

(Technically I can;t use heroism according to the house rules, which I checked. Also, I missed it was +6, was looking at the book which was it is +1, which I missed when I checked. But yeah. Can't even use it so my bad.)