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(BETA: CD) Ashior

Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The angel slid out of the net, free of its bonds at last, and brought up her shield to defend against the sprites. But she was already weakened, slowed by her wounds, and another two strikes got past her defence. She staggered for a moment, her vision clouding as her body collapsed under her weight, and her vision went dark.


She was in a dark place, blackness all around her. She could barely remember how she came to be here, only that it felt cold and empty. Looking over herself, she seemed to be wearing a heavily torn white robe, stained in several places with blood and other fluids, some kind of sticky green one. As she climbed to her feet, something slimy brushed against her ankle, causing her to flinch away from it.

Then she felt something grab hold of her other ankle, some kind of slimy hand, cold and wet, grasping it firmly. She flailed and tried to kick at the source with her other leg but found nothing to connect with. Pressing against the ground and tugging, she tried to pull herself free, only for her other foot to sink into the ground, as if enveloped by the same cold slimy darkness. She struggled, pulling her weight against whatever was grabbing her, but it didn't give an inch.

As she thrashed about, trying to pull herself free, she felt it touch her again, this time in the small of her back and instinctively swung around, aiming to strike at where it should be with her hand. This time she did connect with something as she felt her hand smash into and become enveloped by an all too familiar slimy feeling. She was caught, it had her, and there was no escape. She had failed. Every attempt to free herself from this being in the darkness had only brought her further into its trap.

She flinched, as she felt what seemed to be a cold, slimy fingertip upon her cheek, not that she could see anything there. Resisting the urge to lash out at it with her one remaining arm, she pulled back as much as she could away from it as it slowly trailed down across her neck and further south, as she felt it trail over her robe, more fingers joining it and wrap itself over her breast, the cold and slimy feeling softly groping her...


The angel awoke, feeling dazed and slightly nauseous. As she glanced around, she found herself laying on the ground between two cliff tops on a narrow trail. She had fought and fallen here, she realised, although her memory after that point was a little fuzzy. Still, her weapon and shield lay beside her and she was feeling better; and there was no sign of those who attacked her.

((Regain to 50% health, so 16/32, and gain 2 points of taint. (So 16/18 Taint Resistance))
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The two additional strikes proved too much for the Inquisitor, her endurance finally surpassed by the numerous wounds covering her body. The angel collapsed and blacked out as the sprites converged on her. Ashior, in her mind, or dream, or whatever it was that she was in, struggled wildly against the slimy substance holding her, but all her struggles proved fruitless. The angel emits a gasp of surprise as she feels a hand close on her breast, groping her through her tattered robe, and then.....

Ashior awakens with a start, snapping up to a sitting position. She gropes her body, feeling for the strange jelly-like substance that had been touching her in her nightmare, only to find herself back in the pass. The sprites were gone, but her weapon and shield were still intact. That was good. Ashior stood, and examined herself, firstly her wounds and secondly her robe. Then, she took up her weapon and shield once more, and continued on down the path. A scowl was upon her face, barely visible through the shadow cast by her hood, but the angels feeling were to be left a mystery to anything that might be observing her.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The path continued on, weaving back and forth through the hills making it very difficult to see what lay head in the path. In the end, sound proved to be the first indication, the sound of running water reaching Ashior's ears moments before a muffled feminine voice gave off some kind of moan from up ahead. Accompanying it was some low grunt sounds, giving Ashior some idea of the picture that awaited her.

Ahead, the narrow valley trial opened out into a small, well groomed garden with a marble fountain at its centre. The fountain itself was surrounded by a few marble benches and the path went from the rough dirt track it had become back to a well maintained cobblestone path. But that wasn't the first thing that grabbed the angel's attention.

Three figures stood in the shallow fountain; two of them could only be described as werewolves, man-shaped creatures covered in thick dark fur, with the features of a wolf. Their bodies were rippled with bulky muscles, it was clear physical strength was something they had in abundance, and once glance at both their clawed hands and pointed teeth told Ashior they had no need for weaponry, although they did look like they had the ability to wield it.

And between them, the source of the muffled gasps and moans, a naked blonde girl on her hands and knees; one of the wolves grabbing her by the head, the other by her rear, both violating her forcefully. So wrapped up in their activities, none of them noticed Ashior as they continued on, pounding themselves into the girl caught helplessly between them.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashiors golden eyes widened beneath her hood at the lewd sight displayed before her, watching for a moment rather than acting. The two werewolves would obviously be dangerous if it came to blows, their rippling muscles, wolf-like jaws and deadly claws marking them as more formidable than anything she'd fought before. She'd half-expected to encounter such creatures in the dream world, as they were present in many of the nightmares of humankind. The girl however...... Before she could intervene, she had to know that she wasn't there of her own will. Humans were hardly the purest of beings, after all, and some would surely have been excited by such violation, however much it repulsed the Inquisitor. So, the angel watched and waited a moment, meditating, before finally deciding that yes, this probably was something she should intervene in. So, she calmly lifted her shield while letting her mace hang low, spread her wings, and shouted in a stern authoritative voice at the creatures; "Foul beasts! Unhand her and flee, or be struck down and made unto dust for all eternity!"

(Meditate to regain MP. Then shout at them.)
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

One of the beasts looked over at the angel, even as he continued to roughly pound into the blonde girl sandwiched between them and gave her a glare. "Mind your own business," he growled at her in a coarse voice. The other one was not so nice. "Either get your tits out and get on your knees of piss off, bitch," he added, speeding up his violent thrusting in the process, causing the blonde girl to give out a surprised gasp as she struggled to cope with what he was driving into her mouth.

((You really need to start remembering to meditate after a battle :p))
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

(I do. Also, priceless response.)

Ashior was completely taken aback by the beastmens response to her demands, and stood sputtering for a moment as they continued violating their victim. They had started speeding up with their thrusts, and she definitely had an idea of what that meant, however, so she sprung into action. Lifting her mace, which began to glow with a soft white light as it had before, the angel shouted; "You are speak to one of the heavenly host in such a manner! I will crush you where you stand, beast!" Her wings beat as she hurled herself toward them, giving the angel added speed, before her mace came across i a wide swing, directly at the head of the werewolf thrusting into the blond girls mouth.

(Use Blessing of Light, and then rush in and smack the one that called her a bitch in the face.)
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The angel rushed towards the trio, leaping into the shallow fountain and slamming her mace, glowing with holy light, into one of the two werewolves solidly. He recoiled back, bringing up his arms to guard him from further blows as the girl began to gasp for her, her mouth now free of his member.

"Stupid angelic bitch," he growled back, lashing out with his claws and raking across her torso, tearing away most of her already heavily damage robe in the process (5 damage). "I'll give you one last chance to apologise, kneel before me and... repay me for the trouble you've caused," he declares, barring his fangs.

The other werewolf seems unconcerned by the goings on, continuing to pount himself into the girl, who with her mouth free new, between gasping breaths, cries out weakly. "No... stop... please..." She stares at the angel with a pleading look on her face.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior shrieked as claws tore into her flesh, also tearing her robes away from her body, revealing her full, round breasts. Most of the rest of her garments other than her hood fall away as well, leaving the angel almost totally nude except for the top of her face. Her cheeks flush red in shame at her nudity, despite the fact that, as an angel, she was naturally gorgeous, her body toned but perfectly rounded where it mattered. But at the werewolfs words, her lips turned downwards into a scowl, and she harshly spat; "Vile abomination!" Had she not been nude, the girls pleading tone might have given her pause, as it seemed entirely possible that she was asking her to stop attacking the werewolf. The Inquisitor was far too angry to consider such a possibility, however, and so she assumed that she was begging Ashior for help. The angel lifted her mace over her head, slamming it downwards toward the beastmans head. Then, regardless of whether her attack struck or not, her shield came up defensively.

(Attack, block.)
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior slammed her mace, charged with divine energies, into the werewolf once more, the impact of the blow sending him staggering back. "Christ, what a crazy bitch," it growled, motioning to the other werewolf. "C'mon idiot, lets get out of here before she kills us," he yells, turning tail and fleeing down the path at a speed Ashior couldn't hope to match, running on all fours.

The remaining werewolf looked down at the girl before him, up at the angel, over to his fleeing friend and with a growl of annoyance pulled back from her, causing her to collapse in a heap into the water. "Fine, take her, she's all yours" he says scornfully to the angel as a parting shot, running after his wounded partner.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior stands there, confused, as the two werewolves turn tail and flee. Turning toward the girl, Ashior steps toward her and holds her up out of the water while saying; "Are you all right?"
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl clung to Ashior's leg as soon as she steps near, tears in her eyes. Up close, Ashior can now see the girl is almost flawlessly beautiful herself; her pure face ringed with her slightly curled blonde hair. Her eyes were a deep blue and her lips ruby red, she seemed closer to an ideal than a real person. Her body was small and slender, but undoubtedly mature; and perhaps alarmingly, where one of the werewolves had been her hand now was, desperately driving her fingers into herself.

"Why... why did you drive them off?" she asks pleadingly, her other hand wrapping firmly around Ashior's leg even as she worked herself. "I need... I need more..." she begs, letting out a few short gasps.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Gahhh!" Ashior cries, as the girls hand touches her inner thigh. "What... what are you doing?" She sputtered, confused. The angel tried to pull herself away from the girl she thought she'd rescued, suddenly much more conscious of both the girl... No, womans nearly flawless appearance, as well as her own nudity. Her wings began to beat furiously, fanning the water as she attempted to pull away, and her shield reflexively came up between herself and the girl. As she did, Ashior began going over the encounter in her mind, including both what the werewolf had said, and what the crazed woman had begged her to do, and it lal suddenly clicked together in the angels mind.

(Block. Is it still the same combat?)
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

(What combat? :p )

As Ashior pulls away from the girl once more, she collapses into the water again, and rolls onto her back in order to keep her head above water, still vigorously masturbating. "Mm... why... don't leave me... help..." she practically begs of the angel, as she pants and bucks her hips against her fingers.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

At a momentary loss for words, Ashior can only stare at the girl, still trying to keep away from her. Then, utterly flabbergasted, she said; "Well.... What is it you expect me to do?"
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The girl continues to writhe in the fountain water, splashing it about as she works herself desperately. "Mm... help... please... ooh..." she repeats. "Where did they... why... mm... help... please..."

The girl's other hand made its way to her chest, firmly grabbing herself and roughly kneading her own breast as she bit down on her lower lip. "Not... enough... need more... help... please..."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Staring down at the girl as she masturbated in the fountain, Ashior came to the conclusion that it might be best if she just left. While she had spoiled the girls fun, there wasn't exactly anything she could do to help her. Well, a better way to say it might be that there wasn't anything the angel was WILLING to do that would help her. But, the result was the same, as Ashior slowly backed away until she felt the edge of the stone fountain press against her thighs, at which point she climbed out of the water. Then, she turned back toward the girl and bowed, saying in an almost comically serious tone; "My apologies for ruining your evening, miss. If I do not meet them again, please extend my apologies to your... Partners, as well. Good day." Then, turning down the path the werewolves had taken, Ashior started forward slowly. Her belt upon which she'd hung her mace was gone along with the rest of her robe, torn to useless shreds back in the fountain, so she had to carry her mace with her. She paused only a short distance down the path, however, to sit and meditate for a moment.

(Meditate! I remembered this time.)
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

As the angel walked away from the begging pleading girl, something shifted inside of her. After all, why should she help the girl, she was clearly overcome by lust; an angel does not stoop to such measures as giving sexual relief. The idea wormed its way into her head, subtly, that she was better than that depraved girl. For now, it remained just a seed, but... (gain 1 corruption)

After her brief meditation to restore magical energy, she continued down the only other path away from the fountain; which seemed to be leading her back into a forest. "My, my, what have we here? A naked angel, walking around alone?"

The voice came from a tall tree not far up ahead, a shadowy figure, difficult to make out. More so than it should be, considering the light conditions around it, in fact; clearly this creature was somehow cloaking shadows around its form unnaturally. "And she looks a little battered at that, doesn't she? Very curious, considering where she's leaving. But perhaps she doesn't know what we know? Yes, that seems the most logical explanation..." the voice mused loudly, as if talking to someone while Ashior couldn't overhear it. The voice was masculine, but high pitched for a male and carried a sense of haughty condescension with it. All in all, there was something about this shadowy figure that put the angel on edge, moreso than anything else she'd seen here thus far.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"And what might you know, creature? And, perhaps more importantly, why do you bother me?" Ashior replied to the shadow cloaked figure. Whatever this thing was, it was clearly not friendly to her. That meant that anything it had to say was almost certainly a lie. Still, lies could be useful, even if all they provided was knowing what was not the truth. Her shield raised itself slowly to stand between herself and the source of the voice, though her ears strained to discern if an attack was coming from some other direction.

(Block. No attack yet.)
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Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Ah, she speaks, she speaks to us, yet expects answers when she insults us in the same breath," the creature remarked almost excitedly, as if telling another about the amusing actions of a pet. "And yet it puts up its shield towards us, as if we had somehow threatened it. Such a strange creature indeed. Pitiful, and ignorant of any truths..."

The shadowy form disappeared from the treetop in a flash of darkness.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior did not respond further, at least not verbally, to the shadowy figure. She waited a moment, in case it should attack, or perhaps return to taunt her further. If it didn't, Ashior simply continued onwards down the path cautiously. The world of dreams had so far proven either hostile, or far too complicated for her her liking, and this shadowy figure was the worst so far.