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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Nude, Weakened
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 0/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude, Seal Collar, Weakened
HP: 38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

After their consciousness faded, neither would recall anything that happened after that. Around the same time though, they would awake from their sex induced coma. Erin was worse off than Denna, as the energy draining that was done to her left her with a headache when she awoke. It would pass with time, but it was still throbbing rather badly. Upon waking up, they would be able to look around and see that they had been taken to an underground cave. Their belongings were nowhere in sight, and Erin had a collar around her neck that seemed to act exactly like the seal placed upon her soul by the unknown woman. The collar was made of chain links that connected to a single lock in the middle that had a keyhole in the center. As well, the drug combined with the sex left some after effects. Mostly being that they'd both feel rather weak of body and spirit. Their bodies trembled from the gangbang they were forced into, and they weren't cleaned at all following their experience, so they were both covered in filth and dry cum; though there was a small body of water nearby that was flowing naturally through the cave and seemed like it would be handy for cleaning up.

Their surroundings were quite prison-like. They were trapped in a large room with only one exit being that of an open hole in the stone wall. There weren't any bars to block their way should they choose to leave the room. The room was round, but very large. A large number of comfy carpets were laid about on the floor, which they both awoke from. On the other carpets, Denna would recognize a lot of people. A fraction of her fellow guard was here. Men and women, now nude and without their pride, most of the women with bloated bellies and expecting, and all of the men rather drained, and looking as if they weren't going to be moving even given a week's worth of rest. Also with a presence was the sukuta girl they saw in the inn. Though the other inn patrons weren't present, just her. Brom was also missing from this room.

If the girls tried to immediately walk out, they'd perhaps reconsider, as they'd find the fanatics had begun their celebration with gusto. Food was everywhere, and so was the passionate love making going on. It would quickly become clear that leaving that room would just mean being caught up in the mess, though it looked reasonable enough to think one might be able to wade through the madness of men, women and monsters all rutting each other in this cave. It seemed there was more to the cave area outside as well, but not much could be determined from where they were. It seemed the room they were in was simply for those on reserve, to be used again later.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Life returned to her tired molested body, and she almost wanted to curse being alive still. Almost. Den weakly managed to get herself back up to her feet to look around with a wince, shuddering. A cave, her still goo'd up, the dried gunk cracking as she got to her feet and flanking off her. She swayed dangerously before seizing her balance with much effort.

She looked around. Water, her mercenaries, the females well on the way to expectancy. She felt sorrow for them, but it was obvious now that this rescue attempt would have been perilous. If they had gone forward they may have been able to rescue them without all these cultists around, but then this poor Su-Ku-Ta would have been still as abused.

Erin was in no better shape than she herself it seemed, and starting to come around as well. She had a coller on all of all things. Meant to humiliate her further, or something more? She couldn't say. She would check on her once she got her bearings, moving to the poor feline woman. "...One of my big regrets now is putting my dignity over checking why you were nervous... Come on, do you want help to the water?," she offered gently, expecting the woman to be in quite a distraught state. Erin would be as well she was certain.

Den didn't have time to be distraught or miserable. She had been raped, almost certainly impregnated. If she spent time crying as she wanted to, they may lose their opportunity to bring down this nightmare for good. They'd need all the help they could get though. Den was hardly an expert in unarmed combat, and if Erin had been sealed, whatever that meant, according to what she surmised was the cult leader, she guessed it was why that there hadn't been Bees all over the cultists followed by exploding fire.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin woke up feeling like a whole caravan had driven over her - a pounding headache, drying bodily fluids all over her, marks from her attempts to get free... and to top off a wonderful day, she was sealed off her power.

She clenched her teeth as she painfully got up, noticing the weight of something on her neck. Teeth grit as she checked it out - chain links, leading to a lock. She knew enough of the sealing technique to know this was the charm holding it together.

She put her hands to it, pulling, though she didn't really expect it to give an inch, and it didn't. Her fists balled up against the chains, tears of rage and impotence flowing down her face, though she remained silent.

Her resolve hardened. They could break her body with their drugs, they could take her powers away, but they'd never have her in spirit, in mind. She wiped her fingers clean on the floor, and then brushed the tears away, shaking her head and long flowing brown hair as she did, determined grin on her face.

Denna was already up, and if she felt angry about herself, she felt sorry for the poor warrior. She herself might be pregnant, she didn't know, but the warrior... she shuddered to the memories. Whatever she could remember of her involved man after man dumping their seed into her.

Around them, the unlocked cave looked promising, as did the stream running through it, but the bodies in it - men and women, used and discarded like rags - were highly discouraging. Denna was already tending to the sukuta woman they'd seen in the tavern and, knowing her even from just one day, Erin could tell she was going to try and make things better for them the best she could. Her anger flared at her too, at the futility of her efforts, at her refusal to admit that she couldn't help.

Deep breaths, deep breaths... the moment passed, and she felt like she wouldn't try to bash anyone's face in, which given her current weakness was probably doomed to end up badly for her. She stood up, eyes ablaze still with rage, and walked to Denna.

"Denna. Tell me you can break these links." She pointed to the chain on her neck, nodding at the sukuta on the floor. "Bastards drugged you too?" She asked, wanting to know more about their way of working before... before something. She'd find a way to get back at them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The sukuta looked quite startled as Denna drew near. "N-no! Stay away!" she demanded, weakly crawling away in a panic as her movements caused more fresh cum to spill forth from her abused holes. It took a moment, but the sukuta would eventually realize Denna was not one of them. "I-I'm sorry..." she apologized, before letting out a sigh. "I could use some help to the water, before I think of a way out of this mess... This is the third time I've wound up caught by a group of perverts, but... I've never had to deal with so many people before. Or so many dogs. I have no idea how they got so many dogs..." the cat woman shivered, though there was a blush on her face. Once helped to the water, the sukuta would begin cleaning herself in the water, while looking at Denna, and Eris too if they stayed together. "Don't worry about me." the sukuta said with a slight smile. "I'm too strong to be taken down by something like this. I mean, my body has to try and keep up with my mind, but once I get my strength back, I'll probably find a way out of here, even if I have to indulge in our captures a bit more." she announced without too much concern. "Sex isn't a big deal to me, it's just getting dragged around and locked up that bothers me. I don't know why some people can't just ask me to fuck them and then let me go..." she sighed with frustration.

"My name is Loroh. Nice to meet you." she said politely. "If you two happen to make it out with me, I'll gladly fix you up some medicine for the babies you likely got brewing. I'm glad the fathers seem to be the humans. It'd be too late if the dogs knocked me up."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I'd love to make sure there's not that many people left. Or dogs." Erin said as she took one of the catwoman's arms, softly, hoping Denna'd help with the other side, and slowly taking the catwoman to the stream. She didn't just do it for the sukuta to start cleaning up, though, as she did the same herself. She liked the way the sukuta was thinking, though - because it was exactly what was on Erin's own mind. Sooner or later they'd slip up and she'd get out. Sooner rather than later and if, by the sound of it, this woman was a mage that hadn't been sealed, sooner might be the right term.

"Might want to be careful with their witch, she knows sealing rites." She grunted as she scrubbed, letting her anger spill into the motions once more as she cleaned herself from what she could only describe as filth. "Only reason why they're not a smoldering pile of corpses right now." She tapped the collar.

"Sorry, name's Erin." She said, realizing after a couple of seconds she hadn't introduced herself. "Pleasure to meet you and all that, Loroh. I'll gladly take your offer to get rid of whatever spawn I'm carrying." she said, trying to keep some civility even through her badly contained fury. "Can't get out myself, not until we get the key to this stupid thing. Possibly on the hands of that fucking blonde bitch. She wanted a dick so bad, she just had to ask..." She muttered to herself, her thoughts going back for a brief instant to the previous rape, before she pushed it away once more. She'd have a lot to come to terms with when this was all said and done but, for now, she couldn't allow herself any distractions. "Anyhow. You two see a chance to get out, you do that." She said, turning to stare straight at Denna. "I'm going to be a dead weight until I get unsealed. Don't risk anything for me."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh blinked at the mention of a witch with sealing powers. "... I guess she does?" she said with confusion, not acting like she had any magic to speak of. Though Eris' desire for murder seemed to put the sukuta off. Her ears drew back, and she looked worried. "Ah... Uh, just don't get me involved, okay? I'd rather not fight if I can help it." she said nervously.

"Hi, Erin." Loroh nodded. Then, Erin requested to be left behind if Loroh found a way to escape. "Okay." she agreed without much complaint.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Not like there's anything I can get you involved in as I am right now. " Erin replied, shrugging, annoyed. "I guess not fighting's the safest route - not to mention the only one I can be of any help in - but..." She paused. No point in making the sukuta more reticent than she was by throwing threats she probably couldn't even make good on.

"Well, let's just say I don't take kindly to being used and abused. Don't think anyone does." She shrugged again, changing the subject. Keeping herself civil meant she couldn't spend too long lingering on anything that'd make her angry. "Guess you're not a mage, if the seal doesn't worry you. Wouldn't happen to know any other way to get rid of this, then, would you?" She tapped her collar. "It feels... well, imagine how losing both your arms and legs would feel. That. Helpless."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna blinked as the poor traumatised catwoman recoiled. "Hey, hey, easy, I'm not going to touch you. If you want to handle it yourself, you can."

The Su-ku-ta calmed down visibly at that, seeming to recognise that Denna wasn't all over her, or dressed up, or insane. "No problem at all friend, come on." She was going to pick the poor woman up gently when Erin was over, growling about that collar and helping with the girls arm.

They helped the abused woman to the water where she started cleaning herself, Denna taking a seat with a sigh, still feeling sore after all that, but trying not to look at the naked people around her as much as she could, and was stuck gazing at the ceiling.

"Wolves. And you probably don't want to know. I sure don't, but I suspect I will find out soon.," she said, blinking at the Su-Ku-Ta's comment and chuckling, "Well power to you, friend, I agree, breaking down here will accomplish nothing. I do have a problem with it, but others more active lifestyle is of no concern of mine. I don't judge others unless they're hurting others really."

"I'm Denna, but call me Den, it's easier.," she smiled, "And I'd be happy for such a potion. Nothing against carrying a child, but I'm in no position to care for them, and they don't deserve such a broken life."

She paused as Erin's temper flared up once more, it seeming to intimidate the poor Su-Ku-Ta. Den gently placed an hand on Erin's shoulder. "Steady, kid. Getting caught up in a fight here is not going to help. These people are insane but it could be magical or something."

Then Erin seemed to want to stay behind and Den gave a growl. "I will not be abandoning anyone who isn't lost to these people's madness, Erin. Not you, not my comrades, and not Loroh. I still have to find Brom as well, he's not here so hopefully the harpies have him in a tree somewhere else, better than here."

Erin seemed to calm down for now though, not that she blamed her for it, but this was the time a level head mattered the most. "Okay. First off, I'm leaving no one behind, but I agree, fighting won't help, not against a horde like that. And don't worry Loroh, I've no desire to involve those who have no desire to fight. I'd like to work together, but if you'd rather escape on your own that is fine. I won't make you fight either way. That collar has to come off, but I can't pick locks. We'll need to steal the key somehow."

She glances out the hole in the wall with a shudder. "Chances are going out there will be a short road to rapetown, but it may also be our only way out. There's talk of some god and ritual and such, so lingering may end poorly. I'm not really certain which route to take, so I'm open to ideas."

She grimaces a bit with a sigh. "If it helps any, Erin, I'm in not much shape to fight either. They've got my blades and my armor and bow. I can punch sure but that's not going to do much. No, subterfuge is probably our best bet right now. Sadly only the three of us are really mobile at the moment. Pains me to leave our comrades here, but to free them we need to get out and find our things."

She chuckles wryly, glancing at Loroh before looking back up at the ceiling as she recalled everyone's nudity. "Any skills or ideas you can bring would be appreciated Loroh. As it is now nothings off the table except abandoning these folks for good to me."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I don't know if these people are actually bad or if they're just crazy. Well, some of them are bad, but you get that in every community. As far as not giving my consent goes, the first man that was on top of me made the experience very enjoyable." Loroh stated. "Given that they haven't killed anyone... I wouldn't kill them if I had the option. I'd kick them around a little for inconveniencing me and forcing me into their little cult, but not much you can do with those that suffer from the crazies." she shrugged. Then at Erin's comment, Loroh blinked. "Really? If it's that restricting, it must feel a little better to be able to move your actual arms and legs then?" she theorized, not knowing too much about it.

Then, she looked to Denna, before putting a hand to her chin. She seemed to be getting the idea that the two girls before her were seeking to rely on her skills to escape. "I suppose I can help you two escape... Though I'll admit, I don't expect to escape without having to get at least a little dirty. I mean, it's almost assured that walking out there will get you caught up in that mess. Though if it's a key you're after, I think I know where that is. You said a blond woman had it, right?" she inquired. "There's someone with blond hair in the middle of that crowd," she announced, pointing her finger to the orgy outside. Indeed, the woman that had raped Erin was out there, holding a wolf on it's back while she sucked off his knot. A man was also behind her, thrusting vigorously, bouncing his hips off of her ass. "She's wearing a belt. Might have keys on it." she theorized.

But just then, they heard a familiar voice, that of the woman that sealed Erin, preaching to the crowd at large. "The time is nearly upon us! Our god of beasts and sex stirs as your juices flow! Let your essence and soul lend itself to Kyubi! Submit not to fatigue! Let the Grin Priestesses tend to your weary form, and continue to writhe together in worship, and in ecstasy! Gather yourselves, for the final ceremony shall take place soon! Ensure our most recent additions are ready to worship with us!" she commanded, before the crowd gave their moans and praise and affection for the yet faceless voice.

Loroh, after listening to the apparent leader of the cult, seemed to think for a minute. "Hmm... Maybe cooperating for this ceremony won't be a bad idea. If sex is all they're after, slipping away after they're satisfied with their objective is possible. Still, there's always the possibility that they have worse planned for us after we've served our known purpose..." she hummed with worry. "... I'm going to investigate this god. I'm honestly curious to see what they're awakening. The exit and all else may be blocked by legions of horny things, but..." Loroh peaked out, seeming to investigate a bit. "I can see a way to the shrine they seem to be worshiping. You two can come, or not." Loroh stated. "Looks like one of the few places we can get to without running into crowds." she explained, before walking out without waiting to see if they'd follow.

Should they choose to follow, Loroh walked out, and to the left. The small bubble in the rock they were in led to a large ceremonial hall filled with the many fanatics and beasts from the forests, but to the side was a separate passageway, mirrored across the room as well, with another section where prisoners seemed to be kept, all architecture seeming to revolve around the 'shine' which seemed to be located in the deepest area of the underground cave.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin held back on shaking her head after hearing the sukuta's plan. It sounded reasonable, it sounded like it'd get them away... but there was something major missing from it.

Revenge. Whatever the sukuta said, just because they hadn't killed them didn't suddenly make their other trangressions excusable. They'd abused the trust of the women, they'd abused their power, they'd raped them. They'd used their strength to do with them as they pleased - and that was exactly what Erin intended to do back on them. And, right now, what pleased her was death and murder, and reason and logic were second to the alluring song of spilt blood.

Still, she'd have to bide her time. She wanted blood, but there was no way she could get it now, so patience was the name of the game. The sukuta's claims of spotting the blond woman brought her back from her thoughts as her eyes narrowed on the distant figure, giving her a particular object, or in this case person, on which to focus all her welled up resentment.

"That's the one, yes." She nodded, watching her mate with animals with disgust. "And she has the gall to insult me when she does... that."

She listened to the following proclamation by the apparently priestess, then Loroh's plan, and quickly joined it. "I'm in. I don't want to be here when they come to make us ready." Specially given that the way looked clear - she didn't feel any kind of urge to cooperate in any way, shape or form with these people.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"To be honest I agree Loroh. I'm angry, don't get me wrong. I would see them punished, but I'd rather solve the root of this forest of rape rather than have to do something unfortunate. Being able to at the very least make them less... Aggressive would work as well. If they had asked I'd have turned them down but I wouldn't judge them for wanting to lie with other species or to be free with their attentions...," says Den with a sigh, "But I question whether they are controlled or manipulated magically as well. It's something I need to account for. There's obviously mages amidst them after all."

She listens to Loroh carefully, observing the outside as she spoke. She could certainly agree with her logic. It was nice to talk to a level headed woman. Erin was nice, but she seemed to let her emotions run away with her. Didn't help that Den thought of her as more of a youth, despite the woman clearly being mature.

When the cult leader spoke above the Din she peered out amidst the crowd hard, trying to spot the woman, but to no avail. She did not like the sound of that though.

"Sex and souls, Loroh, they want to drain our energy for whatever they are up to. I definitely would not want to experience that. Bad enough the demons and aliens try to do similar...," she grimaces, "They can damn well ask if they want to try draining me... Screw it, time table moved up."

She listened to Loroh's logic, nodding. Erin seemed to have the same idea. "I agree. Whatever this... God is, though I have my suspicions, it's probably the source of this trouble, if not the priests themselves. Let's find out what we're up against and decide from there. I swear if they're raising an alien eating super wolf or something though I am going to have so much conflict..."

She then followed the naked catgirl quietly, watching about carefully as she moved. They needed information before deciding to move and now was as good a time as any. Once it was noticed they were missing... She'd worry about that later.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

And so, they followed the sukuta, and her fine brown tail as it swayed back and forth with each step she took. The side path still had a few members of the cult at work, but they were occupied with each other and their victims. Two cultists, a man and a woman, were enjoying each other passionately. A man with a fine build was on his knees providing tongue service to a female cultist with feline head decorations. Another man was wrapped up by a naga, something of a rarity among all the beasts, but present none the less. They also had to side step around a woman and a large boar rutting together on the ground. Thankfully, none were available to make a grab at the three fine women passing through. However, not all of them would go without torment, as the woman underneath the boar suddenly called out to Denna. "Denna...!" she voiced. If Denna looked to see, she'd identify yet another knight that was taken from her company protecting Brom. "Help me... Please...!" she pleaded.

Before Denna could answer, Loroh put her hand on Denna's shoulder. "We can't do anything for her right now. You might be able to save them all with a little patience." Loroh guided Denna, asking that she leave the mercenary knight be so that more good can be done later.

The distraction would go missed at first by Erin, who came to the end of the cavern hallway, and to a archway of sorts with sheets covering the entrance to the room. If she peeked inside, she'd see a most luxurious room, filled with eastern decorations, fox masks, and bamboo trees, as well as a hot spring and ornate design around a three step climb up to a small shrine of carved stone in the shape of a woman with fox ears and tail sitting with her legs folded, and her armed outstretched as if ready to accept praise. Much like a deity. There were also two figures in the hot spring, one she couldn't see, but could see the other fairly well. A blond kitsune, who was giving off a rather wicked grin. "I can't wait~." the blond kitsune announced, before Erin would notice the distraction of the woman and boar.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin walked forward, decisively and almost at the same height as the sukuta, the sheer figure of someone who had work to do and couldn't wait around for silly things, be it guards, or couples in heat of varying species.

She rushed through, sidestepping the various bodies, giving the multiple couples barely more than a brief glance to note their numbers and species before moving on, feeling herself boiling, needing to do something.

When she reached the lavish room, however, she froze in place, trying to figure out where exactly she was entering. Some sort of... bath, or maybe shrine, perhaps a mixture of the two.

The call for Denna's name made her glance backwards, noticing the two women distracted with the one rutting with the boar. She looked away once more, none of her business. With them two being busy, however, she could finally get something done.

She stared at the blond kitsune for a few seconds more, pondering, trying to figure out what the best course of action would be. Blood called to her, but she didn't really like her chances unarmed, least of all against someone with obvious animal features, so instead she rubbed her eyes, walking forward completely naked towards the two figures, making no effort to hide herself.

"Hey. You two look like big shots." She stated in a neutral tone, almost friendly. "Mind sharing what's going on?"

A minute before, if asked, she would've sworn that given the option she would've torn the head off these two, but right now, with them in front of her... She didn't have anything personal towards those two and, even angry as she was, she wouldn't have been able to walk up and kill those two for the crimes of the other villagers, even had she been able to.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It was a disturbing sideshow to say the least and she was glad to avoid the bulk of it. Beasts, humans, even a few beastkin like a Lamia were there. She did her best to not watch the writhing insanity when someone called out to her, her heart jumping up, worried she'd been discovered. What she found might have even been worse.

One of her comrades, raped by a huge boar right on the ground before her. She wanted to help, do something, anything, but with no weapon or such she could do little to assist her. Loroh consoled her to do the same and she grimaced, eyes tearing up a bit.

"I can't, I have nothing. I'll find away to stop this, I promise, but I can't fight a boar with my hands.," she said painedly as she forced herself to look aside, "I'm going to fix this, if I need to beat sense into every one of them somehow... You can punish me for my failure later..."

She cringed and moved on, it tearing her up inside. She failed these people, but she could at least save their future, hopefully. She'd accept whatever penance they placed upon her then, but if she was ruined now, she'd have no chance to help them at all. It didn't make it any less bitter.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

And so, Erin charged right in, throwing caution to the wind, allowing the other two girls to eavesdrop. Seeing the blond kitsune in full, she also got to see her other companion. Also a blond woman, though her hair had a more brown tint to her blond strings, accompanied with piercing green eyes that seemed to be something other than human. Her lack of apparent humanity was also a given by the sight of her hands, which began to look pale white, down until it reached her finger tips, which were of a blood red color, as if she just recently dipped her fingers into raw flesh. Such was the whole picture.

It was she who rose in light of Erin's presence, having been sitting in a wooden chair and speaking with the kitsune in the bath, fully clothed while the kitsune enjoyed her nude bath. "What is the meaning of this intrusion!?" the woman exclaimed in demand, her voice familiar. Very familiar. In fact, they heard it but a few minutes ago. It was the woman who sealed Erin before. The apparent leader of the cult. Once she recognized Erin though, her face relaxed. "Oh... It's you." she chuckled, as if finding Erin amusing. "You want to know what's going on, do you?" she inquired, before directing her hand to the spring. "Come, and sit. Don't be rude~" the woman said with a wide, almost monstrous grin. "I can satisfy your curious little mind..."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

As she had turned painedly from her fallen comrade, she had discovered that Erin had charged into the shrine alone. From the cry of outrage within, this was poorly thought out. Denna inwardly cursed. That foolish girl, she ought to put her over her knee for this move!

She snuck closer, there wasn't sound of struggle or pain... She didn't dare manipulate the curtain or go near it, lest her silhouette or the movement give her presence away. As such she was blind to the appearances of whoever lay within, but it sounded like the cult leader was inside.

Tuning out the sound of the monstrous orgy, she focused in on the voices beyond the curtain with a grimace. Perhaps Erin could get them something they could use, some secret to undo this terrible act, or perhaps demoralise the cult and give her means to convince them against their current path.

And hopefully Erin would be alive to see it happen, as well as everyone else. She wish she had her blade though, but right now her wits and Erin's ability to manipulate would be key. She hoped Erin was good at that sort of thing.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The sight of the second woman might've been unsettling, had Erin not been pumped full of adrenalin and her fight-or-flight instincts screaming out for the fight. Instead, she stared back into the kitsune's amused look as she walked to the spring, knowing that she was outnumbered, and without her magic outclassed - but with nothing else to keep than her pride, she damn well was going to hold onto it.

She had to break eye contact when she reached the spring, however, if only to not trip over and ruin the effect in the worst possible way, and she started talking as she got into the warm water.

"Isn't it a bit late to worry about rudeness after you seal me and your sycophants gang-rape me?" She asked rhetorically, as she settled in, holding back a groan to the pleasant warmth. "But I'll take your offer, so what's going on here, and why did you need us when you obviously have so many far more cooperative women?"
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

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Denna chose to remain outside with Loroh, who also concluded that it was better to hide and merely listen. Meanwhile, Erin was inside, and she took the offer to sit in the hot spring. The obviously inhuman woman with green eyes smiled as Erin seemed to follow her requests, and sat back down in her chair with a relaxed posture. The kitsune meanwhile seemed to be completely ignoring both of them, drinking some kind of alcohol from a small bowl that fit into the palm of her hand, and easily carried with just three fingers. She occasionally poured some of the clear fluid into the bowl, and took a tiny, noiseless sip before giving off a gentle and content sigh.

After a moment in the water, Erin's questions going ignored for a while, the green eyed, horned woman looked to Erin. "It's all temporary. You won't have that collar on forever." she announced. "You'll have to forgive us as well. Not all goals can be accomplished by asking others kindly. How is one supposed to run a beast cult when no one around you cares for beasts in the way that you do?" she inquired, not directing her 'you' statement towards Erin, or anyone. "I'll tell you how... Persuasion~" she cooed. "Allies are not gained, they are bought. They have some reason to help you, the same reason followers of a religion worship a statue. Often enough, allies do not even agree, or like each other... Suffice it to say... I want you to be my ally, but I never expect that you will like me..." she says with intent, before leaning forward a little with interest.

"Tell me... Erin... Do you seek to perfect your deadly powers? I do recall you seeming to have a rather fine taste for using them, as I saw you slaying my pets. If you ally with me, Erin... You could become a god." she promised with a wide grin that showed off her deadly maw of sharp teeth.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den listened carefully at the woman's cajoling and offers. Politicians. Of course it was fuggin politicians. She clenched her fists but said nothing. She spoke not of her actual goals but justified her measures all the same. Offerings of power and godhood. Hah!

She doubted Erin was foolish enough to truly accept what the cultist was offering. But she did hope she was willing to play along enough. They had to find out what they were up to in order to proceed from there.

Nothing justified rape. One could explain but it could not be excused. She would see to it this place was fixed. But if what she said was true, she could undermine her yet. Though it was times like this she wish she knew magic that could record conversations. So many ways to use it...
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin gave the kitsune little more than a cursory look, ignoring her as she seemed to be ignored, turning her whole attention to the other, talkative woman.

The pause didn't do anything for her nerves, but she managed to hold onto her tension and keep it in check, managing to not pressure the woman until she finally spoke.

"Perfect my deadly powers. Why, yes, I do like the idea. Last time someone offered to teach me, however, they ended up having this weird idea that I would breed with one of their hellhounds, see. That hasn't changed." She said, looking straight at the woman. "Thing with allies is you must have at least something in common. Only thing I have in common with you is that we both abuse magic to harm others." She paused, huffing, biting back on harsher words.

"So before I accept anything of that, how about telling me a bit more. Why you want me, what you'd want me to do. Why this whole thing exists. What I can get in return for my help. That might sound greedy as I am right now - naked, bound, helpless. However, I'm assuming, as I expect you are, that setting me free would be the least. That's only fixing a wrong you caused yourself, though, and if you want me to actually want to help you then simply not giving me reasons to hate you doesn't cut it, does it?" She replied, grinning back to the maw of sharp teeth.