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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin shrugged to Rantia's security. If something happened, she'd be the one having to explain, not Erin, and there were quite a few witnesses of the warning being delivered. She wasn't too worried. Her reaction to the orders was basically the same, for a moment, before she turned it into a nod as she smiled mischievously.

"Send me a dog then, I'll need it. Not too large, don't want them scared." She said, quickly turning around and going into the mess of bodies, looking around for just what she wanted, and making a straight beeline for it, dodging grasping hands.

"You two." She said, pointing at a fairly good looking man, draped in a bear's skin, right as he pumped into a bestial-looking woman, looking like some sort of hybrid between a cat and a human, with soft features and creamy, dotted fur; perhaps even a tail under the moaning bodies. "I've been charged with showing some prisoners the pleasures of the flesh, and I want you to come help me." She said, smiling. "Come as soon as you can, hm?" She walked away after making sure they'd heard her, looking around for more interesting things, glancing over Denna without recognizing, then walking towards the prisoners' room, smiling to herself, stopping on the way to give another beastwoman the invitation.

"Hey people." She said as she walked in, almost before seeing the room itself, the smile still present, friendly and warm.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Rantia grinned, and reached out, suddenly putting her finger to Erin's forehead. Not stabbing, but drawing. She drew a vertical symbol of a fox tail on her head with strange magical ink she seemed to summon, and did the same on her breasts, drawing tattoos of nine tails sprouting forth from her areola in a half circle formation pointing upwards. "This will mark you as a priestess. Beasts and Kyubi's followers will recognize your position." she declared.

It appeared she was telling the truth as well. The hands no longer reached for her, instead they bowed to her respectfully. "Our new priestess...!" a woman noted. "My god... She's beautiful." a man swooned over Erin. The men that were in the room with Erin before she went into the world inside herself that saw her looked particularly pleased, though not with themselves. They looked happy over having had the chance to lay with someone so important. "I'll cherish the memory!" a man declared. "Choose me again, mistress! Let me be by your side!" another begged her. "Marry me!" yet another pleaded. It spread like wildfire. Erin was suddenly the most coveted person in the cave, mind Kyubi. And if Erin looked Rantia's way, she'd suddenly see seething jealousy from the monstrous woman. "She's not marrying you lot, so shut the fuck up!" Rantia scolded them.

With her new status, Erin got what she wanted. A dog, average in size, answered her call. A friendly looking adult male that would look like man's best friend mind the tentacles it had coming out from it's back and the fact that it had black scales in some places instead of fur, especially in a patch around it's left eye, giving it a somewhat sinister look that would be maintained as such if he didn't have his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and wagging his tail at Erin while giving her a doggie smile. Then, she got herself the man. Turns out that wasn't bear skin draped over him, but it seemed natural (after the effects of the corruption took place). His back was covered in fur, as well as a patch of hair on his chest with some symetrical patches on his arms, forearms, and his legs beneath the knee. His fingers thankfully didn't end in claws. He was just fuzzy. Though his length might be a little intimidating, sporting a thick ten inches as he withdrew from the feline styled human girl underneath him. He grinned at her, the same as the feline did. "We will gladly serve, priestess~" they agreed happily.

And Erin also picked up along the way.

Walking into the next room, where the victims were hiding rather than being kept, Erin saw everyone inside give her a mixture of hateful and terrified looks. They seemed to know that their time was coming, and were debating on how they were going to let it play out. Some of the faces in the cave were possibly familiar as those that tried to defend her. A few moments passed following her greeting, the men and women inside looking to one another, before one of the defeated soldiers rose, and charged at Erin. "You fucking whore!" he screamed angrily at her, drawing an arm back to slam into her face, before the burly bear man grabbed his fist in mid swing, and then grabbed his facing, squeezing his skull as he cried out in pain, pushing the man down to his knees. "Don't hurt the priestess, okay?" the man requested in a kind tone, before letting the man's face go.


Krill smiled at Denna's announcement. "Ah, I see. I apologize, Denna. Though could I encourage you to return my wife's feelings? She is the one who helped me understand this religion, so long ago." he explained. "When Kyubi first came to these lands, she found my wife among others. We led a band from the village with fire and whatever weapons we could find. We couldn't stand before Kyubi, and I saw my wife amongst a pack of wolves, wrapped in lust, and birthing pups before my eyes. I thought she was lost to me, but she responded to my voice. I laid down my arms, and joined her. She didn't forget her love for me, and invited me to join Kyubi, and learn the new world Kyubi had to show us. I spent many days with Kyubi... We made passionate love together... And I felt sorry for not knowing the beauty, and the bliss. I enjoy watching my wife enjoy herself with the animals now~" he cooed, as he and his wife shared a moment of staring together.

Then, he answered her later question, while he began idly rubbing and massaging her thighs. "There are beasts and the like among us that seem altered by magic. My wife, after being with the wolves for so long, has gotten well along thanks to their alterations." he indicated, holding one of his wife's large breasts in his hand, and gently squeezing it, causing milk to pour out. "She shared such changes with me as we laid together. Any woman I impregnate seems to give birth much faster, which I am happy with~ I can hardly wait to see our baby~" he cooed, rubbing Denna's belly gently while kissing her cheek.

"But we must be careful..." his wife soon began, looking at Denna seriously with one hand on her shoulder. "While Kyubi performs her ceremony, she welcomes the priestesses into her very own existence. If someone with malice were to take the place of a priestess... We're told that Kyubi very well could be injured." she announced.

"She exposes mortal weakness to us in order to join with us on the mortal plane, but all good will seems to invite weakness to evil..." Krill replied warily. Though, the grim attitude they both had vanished as they refocused on Denna. "I can wait no longer, Denna. I must make love to you, and you feel so ready...!" he declared, rubbing his length along her soaking wet folds. With his wife's aid, they tried to help Denna onto all fours, with Krill eager to line himself up behind her, his hands squeezing her rump affectionately, and spreading her cheeks apart to show her two holes to the cave's air.

Meanwhile, Denna saw some development occur on the ceremonial stage. The woman riding Kyubi was no longer moving, and Kyubi was using her own hands to move her up and down along her length. Then, they stopped... And Kyubi began to grow a single, brown tail from behind her, while the priestess in her lap seemed to lose all life from her form. Kyubi's laugh echoed throughout the cave. No one seemed to detect the obvious malice in it but those with normal minds. "The first priestess has joined with me... I can feel her blissfully sleeping inside me, waiting to be reborn!" Kyubi declared, before looking to Rantia. "Rantia." she called out her second in command.

The horned woman nodded at Kyubi. "I haven't seen the other one. The first seems to have escaped the ritual, but she is obeying my orders. Or rather... She may possibly have been taken with you." Rantia chuckled.

Kyubi giggled, while getting on all fours and shaking her shapely rump at a male priest, her canine knot sinking back into her body to look more like a normal woman. "Good~ She's a sweet girl, so it makes sense for her to appreciate the fluffier things in life~" she cooed, while licking her lips hungrily as the male priest rose, and eagerly gripped her hips, thrusting into her folds passionately, moaning as he drilled himself into her. "Keep looking. She's likely to run off, but you never know." she instructed, deriving a nod from Rantia.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at the faces of the people around her and grimaced, though her worry was quickly washed by her own fear when she was attacked, and finally relief at the bearman's intervention.

"Don't hurt him, please." She said, putting his hand on the bearman's. "I'm here to help, not harm." She said, sighing, and turned to look at the people.

"Well... this is going to be awkward. I know I can't say anything that will convince you that I'm trying to help you, and I know you've no reason to trust me. But please hear me out before you do anything... like that, alright? I... Even if you don't agree with what I'm saying, at least it'll help you survive, because there's other priestesses here that would've had him beat you for trying that." She sighed, looking at the kneeling man. "I understand what you're going through, though, because I've gone through it myself, and I really wish someone had taken the time to explain some things to me back then."

She took a breath for a few seconds, standing proudly among the people.

"My guess is you've all been brought against your will. I'd... rather that hadn't happened, because I don't think forced recruitment is the best way to go about it. So... I'm going to try and explain where you are, and what... well, what happens here. First of all, this is a very... open-minded place in a few subjects, namely sex." She paused, remembering a speech she'd heard back at the cult that rang very similar. "Through your entire life, you've probably been told that sex is something to keep to yourselves. Something to keep to your mate, something that should be private and secret and, all in all, you should feel ashamed for wanting. You should feel ashamed for thinking this girl has good looks, or that one must be good in bed, or wanting to kiss your workmate. And the same goes for girls, you're not supposed to ask men out, or invite them to your bed. Why?

"I haven't found a good answer to that question yet. There's all this talk about chastity and morals and ethics but, in the end, it all adds up to people telling you you shouldn't do what you want, because they don't think it's right. And I'm not going to tell anyone not to do what they think it's right, but I want to ask, right now, if you do think that's right. If you want to spend your days blindly following a set of instructions that just make you stay away from what you want, without a clear motive.

"This is the first and most clear difference here. Here there's none of that. You see someone you like, you can ask them out immediately. Nobody will think worse of you, nobody will judge you for behaving like an actual person, with actual feelings. You have to realize, most people here are pretty adventurous." She smiled to the beastmen around her, placing her hand around the waist of the feline and pulling her close. "And, eventually, people move on to whatever feels better, as you can imagine."

"I'm here to encourage you to get rid of those prejudices before you move on. Those of you who feel that they really cannot accept this in any way, please stand back." She pointed to the back of the room. "However, if you feel even slightly curious... this is the time to try new things, and satisfy your curiosity. And feel no shame, and worry not about what others may think. Wildest desires, weirdest fetishes, if you don't think you can ask anyone here then feel free to come to me and I'll do my best to arrange or oblige." She smiled at the two, sexy beastwomen, then at the prisoners. "These two ladies here have generously agreed to help sate your desires, as well as this one strong man." She patted the bears chest, hand sliding down it afterwards to his navel in a soft caress. "Is anyone brave enough to be the first one to ask?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"You can encourage but it's unlikely to happen today. This is all fairly sudden for me. And you guys had days to learn, I've had, what, half a day or so?"

It seemed the two were corrupted into mockeries of their selves. Not fully gone but there was no doubt now that there was a high chance she too had been touched by this horror. To a lesser degree given the short time, most likely, or at least she hoped.

As the pair started to get worked up and wanting to take her, she thought fast, pausing their attempts to force her to all fours. "Hold on, hold on. You two gave me an idea. You weren't entirely wrong, I am still adapting to your religion. As it is, while I appreciate your love, I'm not yet worthy of it. So in honor of you two that's something I should change. I should go out into the crowd of worshippers and let the worship of the goddess force those thoughts away. And when they do, then I'll be able to truly be worthy of your length and to lie beside your wife beneath such beasts. Don't worry, I'm the loyal type, no ones gonna take your place in my heart. Plus then we still get that whole day together thing just the three of us after. Wouldn't want our love to ruin the ceremony, supposed to be about the goddess right? And who knows, maybe I'll get a fluffy wolf tail just for you two?"

Though they seemed reluctant, she had her chance to slip away. They'd quickly distract themselves with each other she figured, heading back to her hidden feline friend. If Loroh was still there, she grimaces. "Bad news, folks are corrupted, so chance we might be sporting appendages by the end of this. I got some info though, though how reliable it is... It strikes me as being vague. Supposedly if she screws someone not her friend up there, she could get really hurt. That seems unlikely, she steals souls. Though it might mean she's vulnerable while coupling. What do you think?"

She wasn't sure what to do with this information. It was unlikely they could get one of them up there and risk their soul. Maybe Loroh had some idea or a different interpretation. They needed a plan here. She could try and get more information maybe, but there had to be something they could use.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The bear man agreed, letting the man go without further harm, before the rest listened to Erin's speech. She had their attention, that much was certain, but they still greatly shied away from her as she gently tried to sell the corrupted individuals and dog with her. They never looked to one another, just staring at Erin and her companions as she tried to expand their horizons a bit on being sexually open. The staring would continue until she was finished. The bear man stood up straight when he was touched, smiling at Erin as he grew stiff, his cock still wet from the feline in the room, who embraced Erin in return. Despite how ready each looked to answer any takers. All that followed was silence. None were eager to be the first one up, but they didn't move either. After a moment, it was the man kneeling before her that spoke. "You think... Anyone is going to buy that!?" he exclaimed. "Put your money where your mouth is! Preaching and filled with pride! I can't believe Brom told us to rush out and save you! Only for you to turn and side with these things!" he said with disgust, before looking at Erin firmly, up and down her voluptuous assets. "You know what I want? I want to fuck you. Hard. There's a reason why we separate ourselves from dangerous ideas and creatures, as well as foul magic. If you think that's all a lie, then let me do something no girl ever let me do. I want to hurt you." he announced, sadism seeming to fuel a growing erection as his eyes went lustful. "Pull you by your hair, slap your ass, and grope your tits while slamming myself in your ass." He didn't even wait for Erin to answer as he finalized. "That's why people have to learn that they can't get what they want. Why things can't be allowed. Because then I could get a good rough fuck out of any large breasted slut like you whenever I wanted. You might as well rape and break us here, because we won't go willingly!" he declared, seeming to fire the others up as they appeared to be following his lead against Erin.


Krill and his wife seemed to understand, though Krill was a bit let down. "I thought I could teach you..." he sighed. "But... I'll hold you to your promise. Come back to me soon, my love~" he cooed, watching Denna leave with a shrug.

Returning to Loroh, the sukuta would be found in a bit of trouble. She was up against the cave wall, apparently under assault by the chef who was delivering food. His large bulky and round frame easily had her pinned against the wall, with her legs going over his sides, barely fighting against him as he seemed to be trying to force something into her mouth. "No...! G-get off!" Loroh demanded desperately, fearful of the strange jiggling red jello he seemed to be enthusiastically pressing against her lips. "Just have a taste~ Just a taste~" he encouraged. "You wanted to know about my food, didn't you? No better way than to find out with direct taste! Here..." he licked his lips, holding Loroh's chin with one hand, and slowly opening her mouth as she cried in panic, bringing the red jello to shove into her mouth.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

He wasn't a bad sort. If they weren't led by an evil demented fox, she may actually like these people. they were earnest, shame it was twisted into something unwholesome. It wasn't even the sex that bothered her or the interspecies or the wild relationships. She already could see a better way of life for them, if she could just remove their desire to force themselves and their ways on others.

As she reached Loroh though, there was trouble. Seemed the kitty hadn't been idle and decided to investigate the chef and his things, and he was determined to show her the direct way. Of course. Nobody in here could just fucking answer a question without some sort of force. She'd say they were worse than the animals, cept the warped creatures probably were their role models.

No point in letting him cause more of a scene, she decided to come up behind him and give him a blow much like Loroh had the other one, hoping to knock him out. He might be missed, which would be unfortunate, but not for a little while she imagined. And maybe they could investigate his kitchen for blades or something they could use to fight back.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin raised her eyebrow, looking at the man with a smile. "I said you could ask for what you wanted, not that you would get it. See, the idea is to make it a pleasant experience for everyone involved. Sex should be fun, exciting, erotic. Not painful." She paused for a couple of seconds, biting her lip softly as she thought.

"But let's give it a try, why not. You want to get rough on me? By all means." She grinned, walking to the kneeling man and pulling him to his feet, planting a soft kiss on his lips before pressing her generous mounds into him as her hands slid down his back in a hug. "Just remember, I can ask the same of you." She whispered into his ear, winking as she pulled away and turned around, opening her legs and planting her hands on the floor, giving everyone in the room a good view of her wet, dripping slit. "So what are you waiting for?" She asked as she teasingly shook her toned rump from side to side.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Nude, Grappled
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 0/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude, Seal Collar
HP: 1/38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

(Denna applies the basic function of fist to head for 28 sneak attack damage.)

Denna's fist flies, and she punches against the back of the chef's head. Unfortunately, she wasn't too trained on how to take someone down, so all she did was hurt him a lot. The chef growled after he was hit, turning to Denna in a fury. "You!" he growled, his sample of food falling to the floor, but it appeared he had more of it in an odd satchel on his side. He held Loroh tight against him with one arm, before reaching out, and grabbing Denna by her neck. "You could have just told me if you were jealous!" the chef declared with a chuckle, pulling Denna in closer, seeking to pin her against the wall with Loroh. "Don't worry! They all struggle at first! Once you taste it, you'll be blown away by it! It's exquisite cuisine!" he promised, promising to feed Denna whatever he was trying to feed Loroh, while the sukuta struggled within his arm.


The man's glare and confident anger vanished instantly. The kiss came, and the man was suddenly withdrawing instead of advancing. "What the hell are you...!?" he questioned, before she revealed fully that she would allow him to ravage her. He stood in place. He seemed to have no answer. He appeared not to have expected Erin to accept his violent conditions. The others in the room saw this, and lost their vigor. Their leader was a leader for only half a minute before Erin made him eat his words, ready to fulfill his desire. Once on all fours, he stood still for a moment, as if unsure of what to do, before she asked him what he was waiting for. He swallowed a lump in his throat. "You...!" he tensed up. He tried to say something, but nothing came out. Growling, her wiggling butt was too appealing. He couldn't say anything further. Standing over her, he crouched, lowing his length, and gripped her ass, eagerly thrusting himself into her rear entry. Easily slipping in, he seemed to notice how her ass was full of cum that lubricated his entry, and his initial thrust, and following motions were all but rough.

Seeing that Erin had bagged the most zealous of the group, the others look disheartened. Soon, others were relenting, a woman approaching the large bear man, before she squeaked as he took her, kissing her, before getting her to lower down and suck him off. Other men in the room seemed to get horny as well, the feline and the other beast woman taken, the feline riding one eager captive while the other engaged in standing sex. The man held her up by her ass while driving his cock into her folds. The dog then found his own bitch as well, mounting one of the girls in the room and driving his canine cock into her pussy. The captives seemed to relent to Erin under the circumstances. The main aggressor himself moaning helplessly while her tight anal rim gripped him, before Erin would find him exploding inside of her before he even began, moaning as he added to the cum in her ass, and went slightly limp, panting with the stimulation of such a quick climax. Seemed he was overwhelmed by her highly sexual appearance.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna struck true but clearly the man was tougher than she gave credit for, and clearly she wasn't as skilled as Loroh. Evidently she was as skilled at being grabbed though as he immediately turned on her and tried to pin her too.

"How, your hands are full? Anyways, this is not how you serve food.," growls Denna, before bracing a leg against the wall he was trying to pin her against and tried to use it to push back, hard, and hopefully bowl the man over and free them both, or at least Loroh. She couldn't let them be drugged now, it'd be all over then. They couldn't afford a long fight though or outcry, if they were caught, they'd be in huge trouble.

Grapple 1d20+40. Bonus for leverage possibly? Or not as it may be, your call.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

(Denna aids in Loroh's escape. Succeeds. Loroh finishes off the fat chef.)

Pushing against the wall caused the fat man to tumble backwards, while Loroh slipped out from his arm, and quickly twisted about to drive her elbow down upon his face. He quickly let go of Denna as well, going limp on the floor as the blood from his broken nose leaked onto the floor. Standing up, Loroh sighed. "Sorry, I was just trying to see about drugging their food with something other than lust." Loroh offered. "Then he was just forcing himself on me, trying to rape me. I personally wouldn't be against drugging all these sick freak's food with poison and letting them all die." Loroh growled, kicking the fat chef. "Disgusting freaks..."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Good hit. You need to teach me that move.," grunts Denna, rubbing her neck with a cough. "Don't be too hard on them. What they've done is terrible but they are victims too, brainwashed by that monster on the stage. She destroyed them. If we remove her, there's a chance, albeit slim, we might be able to get them to be better. I couldn't stomach murdering so many people anyhow."

She shakes her head with a sigh, "I'm glad you're okay. You're the only one I have left. I got Krill talking. Evidently, this whole ritual, she's going to make tails, then use their souls to knock people up with furball versions of the people she soul sucked, and is going to devour the sacrifices entirely. That monster though, he says if someone "evil" were to couple with her, she'd be really hurt. Sounds like bullshit to me, she sucks souls for gods sakes. But it might mean she's vulnerable while she's screwing up there. Just need a way to exploit it."

She glances at the chef before shrugging and starts searching his bag and pockets. "Maybe he has something useful, and if not we could check out his kitchen after. Maybe there's a debrainwashing formula. Do you know anything about alchemy? Maybe we could get that paralysis drug they used on me and Erin and make it into a cloud and fill the cavern with it?"

Whatever they found, unless Loroh had a different suggestion, she'd try to sneak with her over to the kitchen after hiding the unconscious chef out of the way.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin clenched as she felt the tip of his shaft on her rump, but then it slid in effortlessly, helped by the generous helpings of sperm lubricating her holes, and she began a relieved sigh that quickly turned into a low, long moan as he bottomed out. Truth be told, she wasn't keen on being hurt more today, but she'd been willing to give that up if it helped convince the others.

The man's confusion had brought a playful, mischievous smile to the woman, and that plus his surprisingly gentle pumping made Erin choose to give him as much pleasure as possible. She started thrusting back into his shaft, gripping it tighter every time it plunged into her depths, enjoying his unconscious moaning that signalled his quick approach to orgasm, until she felt hot seed fill her rump once more. She hadn't had her chance to enjoy one herself this time, but she didn't quite mind as she leaned forward, popping his shaft out of her dripping ass, then stood up and turned around to look at the apparently exhausted man.

"Just lay down for a rest." She said, teasing, as she pushed him with one hand, holding his butt with the other and helping him to the floor, ending up right on top of him, her tan breasts pushing into his chest.. "It's not as bad as you thought, is it?" She leaned down, giving him a soft kiss that ended up with a playful bite on his lower lip, before standing up. "Though I have to say... I'm a bit disappointed in your performance..." She chuckled, putting a foot on his shaft and rubbing it up and down against his own belly, paying special attention to his glans with her toes. A few seconds later, she'd stop leaving him, erect and probably eager once more, with a wink.

"My turn to play with you next time... just give me your name for now, so I can summon you when I need you."

She looked around the cave with a smile, watching the prisoners slowly give in to their pleasure urges. It worked really well in such restrictive societies, where almost everything related to sex was considered dirty and sinful - and there was nobody free of sin. But still, she checked in case there was someone who still wasn't participating and would need her encouragement and, if there was nobody, then she'd go back outside to continue observing the ritual.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Thanks," Loroh sighed. "And thanks for helping me get away from him. I didn't think he was as strong as he was fat." she grumbled. After being told about the villagers, she sighed further. "They seem a little too far gone to be saved. I think you're asking for too much." Loroh said her piece, before helping to get the chef hidden away as they made their way into the kitchen. "It's a good thing everyone here is so irresponsible. Even though he was regularly bringing out food, he may be missed, but no one will raise an alarm if he stops." she announced.

Denna then spoke of what she heard, Loroh merely shrugged. "I wouldn't know if any of that was true, but it's something. If you want to take down Kyubi, you need as many 'somethings' as you can get." she described. Then, they came into the kitchen, hiding the chef's unconscious body while Loroh found some string. "Is this used for cooking?" she pondered, before shrugging and using it to tie him up as best she could.

Digging through his back, Denna found various snacks and the like, all likely infused with the powerful lust drug. He didn't seem to have much else of value. The real value though, was in his kitchen... Asides from being filled with food, some cooked, others ready to be cooked, the most noteworthy section of the kitchen was his pantry, which was filled with various powders and liquids. Loroh's attention was drawn to the pantry, as she inspected it's contents. Rather than words, it appeared that they were labeled with symbols. "Garlic... Onion... Pepper...Nutmeg... This man is oddly stocked with a lot of condiments for being a chef in a weird village like this. A lot of trade must have occurred... Who would trade with these people?" Loroh wondered.

Loroh and Denna would be able to determine most of the condiments for making tasty food, and ignore them. They brought out the ones to ponder about. One was a jar filled with purple leaves with yellow spots, and had a skull marked on it's label. "Deadly," Loroh commented. "It looks full. Were they actually planning on using this?" she wondered. Then there was a jar full of black liquid. It had a symbol of a coil on it's label. It didn't seem thick, though Loroh didn't wish to open any of the containers to smell them. "The smell from any of these might be fatal." she said, before looking at the rest...

List of Condiments
-A jar filled with purple leaves with yellow spots. Symbol of a skull.

-A jar three quarters full with black liquid. Symbol of a coil.

-A jar half-full with gold colored dust. Symbol of a happy face.

-A milk bottle quarter full with pink liquid. Symbol of Mars and Venus united by their circles (commonly known as the symbols representing gender).

-A wine bottle three quarters full with yellow liquid. Symbol of a pumping, muscular arm.

-A wine bottle full with blue liquid. Symbol of a human brain.

-A square vial half-full with white liquid. Symbol of a single eye.

-And a huge jug half-full of gooey white liquid. No symbol.


The man growled a bit, still not quite being complacent with Erin having won their little dispute, though he was easily put onto his back by the new priestess, moaning and unable to help but look at her with lust as he watched her breasts, and felt her foot against his crotch. He again looked like he wanted to say something, but asking for his name and declaring further fun to be had, he bit back his words. He seemed to enjoy Erin rather much. "Pico." he replied simply, before looking to the other accomplices of Erin's in the room, as they copulated with the captured prisoners. The canine was pulling his knot from his first bitch, her pussy and his cock dripping with the aftermath of their juices mixing with one another. The bear man had just finished letting one of the guardswomen swallow his load, before he had her on her knees with her ass in the air, while he began drilling into her pussy, making her cry out as everyone in the room could see his long, fat cock stretching her open as he pumped her ruthlessly. The two beast women were happily servicing five men at a time each, leaving all the women in the cave huddled in the back, looking to one another as if wondering what to do.

"We just have to accept it..." said one man to his apparent relation, a blond woman on the floor with short hair going over one of her eyes. "Shut up, you pig!" she snapped at him. The women then all looked worriedly at the canine as he approached, looking for a new mate. He approached one of the women along the side, a cute red headed girl, sniffing her as she tried pushing the dog away, which only got him more riled up. "N-no! Stop!" the girl cried, before the dog got over her, moving his hips, and sliding his length into her mouth. "Mmmph!!!" the girl cried, looking rather helpless as she was face fucked. Though after a moment, it looked as if her resistance was fading, and her nethers were growing wet. It was as if the canine's fluids had an arousing effect.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"We're in this together, and I don't abandon folks til there's no chance at all. And I might very well be. But if we stop Kyubi, then the overall threat is neutered. No more fake gods riling them up, and perhaps we could de-program them then by getting help. And if not, the chaos should give you a chance to get away, and maybe even take a bunch of my comrades and the sacrifices out of here. Long as we get the victims away, then if I fail it;s no longer as big a cost. Besides, I owe everyone a debt for leading them into this."

The chef had little, but his kitchen seemed to be quite the bounty of substances, as they started looking trough. Spices, so many spices. Many Den didn't recognise, growing up she was lucky to get some oregano or something.

"This all might be a recent event. And while strange, they can put up enough of a front not to be obviously nuts. It's no shock.," says Denna, commenting on the many trade goods in the kitchen, "What's nutmeg? No, nevermind, not the time."

They gathered up the ones Loroh didn't recognise either and looked at the labels. "Times like this I wish I could magic knowledge from people to me, then could get the knowledge from hefty there...," grumbles Den before looking. "Okay, poison. Black... coil...? I dunno. Oh, maybe it's a paralysis thing, cus it binds your body up. Okay next um... happy face. Mood booster? I dunno. This ones lust, gotta be, with the gender stuff. Strength potion. Smart potion? Um... Perception booster? And... oh god, is that semen? Was he mixing that in the food? Now I'm glad I slept through eating in the village..."

Denna's stomach rumbled on that note. "Shut up you, we can eat when we're dead.," she growled at her stomach before musing over this stuff. "Okay. Now we got three options. We do the immoral thing and use cultists as guinea pigs. We take a wild guess with this stuff. Or we experiment on me... My vote is not the former. Could also try mixing em in a pot... See what happens. I'm not adverse to being the guinea pig if I gotta. Not good plan but throwing mystery concoctions at folks ain't a good idea either. Need hard facts."

She pauses a moment, then starts searching about. "Or maybe he has a recipe book, and if we can identify the ingredients he uses we can narrow down what all of these do. Longshot but hey, may as well find out. Other option is if that poison works on injury, you know how to work a blowgun?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Pico it is then. Welcome." She said, keeping the playful smile, before she looked at the room and noticed the lonely women - everything else seemed to be working fine. This would not do, not in the least, she thought as she walked towards the woman who was being forcefully taken by the dog.

She walked up to the dog. "Hey, boy. Wait until they call you, hm?" She said, frowning a bit and pulling the pup back softly - not strong enough to drag him, but enough that he'd understand she wanted him to leave the woman alone unless she called him back, of course. Then, turning to the women, she explained.

"Sorry about that, the pups are really excited with the whole celebration going on outside. The invitation extends to you too, I just... miscalculated the number of men needed. This place isn't run by them, rather the other way round. Want to come with me outside and pick one for yourselves? Bear in mind, it's... a bit wild out there, so if we do, you'll have to keep an open mind. Think of it as shopping for guys, hm?" She added, returning to a half-smile. "At least in my case, I'd always wanted to be able to do that. You can do anything, from just cuddling to, well, whatever your wildest dreams may be."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh turned a curious eye to Denna. "You're asking me? I don't care what you do. I'm just helping you out. I'd take the poison personally. That seems the most reliable choice." she said honestly.

Denna searched about, and indeed found an ingredient book. It listed everything she needed to know, telling her what each item was.

Identified Ingredients!
-Anesthesia leaves: A jar filled with purple leaves with yellow spots. Symbol of a skull.

-Paralyze Potion: A jar three quarters full with black liquid. Symbol of a coil.

-Happy Potion: A jar half-full with gold colored dust. Symbol of a happy face.

-Aphrodisiac Potion: A milk bottle quarter full with pink liquid. Symbol of Mars and Venus united by their circles (commonly known as the symbols representing gender).

-Strength Enhancement: A wine bottle three quarters full with yellow liquid. Symbol of a pumping, muscular arm.

-Mind Enhancement: A wine bottle full with blue liquid. Symbol of a human brain.

-Truth Serum: A square vial half-full with white liquid. Symbol of a single eye.

-Semen: A huge jug half-full of gooey white liquid. No symbol.


Pico grumbled at Erin, gradually losing his attitude, while Erin's progress with the others was less swift. The dog pulled off, and Erin would find the victimized woman kicking at Erin, shoving her back by hitting her torso. "Get away from me, you freak!" she cursed at Erin. "You're all going to die! The soldiers will come, and kill you monsters! And the traitors too! Enjoy yourself while you can!" she declared to Erin with hostility, while the other women looked at Erin like she was scum. "No sane human being would support these freaks! It's just a matter of time before your head will be on a pike!" she swore to Erin, growling.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"If you say so, I appreciate the help you've given me so far, Loroh.," says Denna gratefully as she hunted about. finally, hidden behind some pots she found a book. "Cmon, be useful... Yes, it has an index of the labels. Hey I was right on most of em."

She looked to the list and started pointing them out. "Okay so not poison, that's an Anaesthetic. Probably what was on the cloth they drugged me with the aphrodisiac. Paralyse indeed on black. Potion of... happiness? Makes you happy I guess. Aphrodisiac of course. Strength booster, mind booster. Truth serum? Hmmm... And.... gross. Okay so wrong on two, rest was right."

She mused a bit. "But how can we use it... If we could get Rantia alone and disable her we could paralyse her and give her a truth serum. But how would we lure her down. She was pretty hot for that orgy but she recognises me... And if we could lure out, how to make her drink the paralyse poison. Chefs knocked out and I have too tight a figure to fill his clothes realistically to drug the whole group with anaesthetics. And I doubt this jar is big enough to make enough anaesthetic to disable the whole cavern with it. Don't know how long the enhancers last and I don't got pockets, hm. Maybe there's something we could make into a blow gun and darts in here. I really have no experience with that sort of thing. At all. Do you? Actually don't even know how to use anaesthetics. Is it melted down or something?"

Denna hummed, pacing a bit, grimacing as she looked about for anything she could improvise into a delivery system to nail Rantia with, if they could lure her away. Every second was precious, Kyubi gained power the longer they took. Disabling her was key, but they had to strip her protection away. And then be able to escape afterwards.

"Mmm okay, I think... I don't know how to do anything with this stuff. Ugh another dead end. Least we got potions... Of unknown duration..." She blinked and looked over at the book, searching if there was durations listed.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin stepped back, grunting from the blow as she looked at the women with a heavy frown, but still said calmly.

"Please calm down. I know you're angry, and you're probably very confused right now, but yelling at me and trying to hurt me isn't going to help you at all. I want to help you, give me a chance to do it, alright?

"You're still holding on to what you used to think. You're still acting like you're in charge, like your soldiers and your laws and your prejudices hold here. But they don't, tou don't have to worry about what other people will think. So tell me, what's so wrong about what I'm doing? I'm just leading together people who want to be together. Sex happens, sure, but also friendship and romance, and I've seen people cuddle as much as I've seen them go wild.

"It's probably going to be harder for you to adapt, because for you it's always been be prim and proper, and specially for the guardswomen it's always been assumed that you were inferior to the guys. You had to fight, you had to prove yourselves each and every step of the way. You had to get used to people making things difficult for you just because of who you were. You couldn't afford to make any mistakes, you couldn't afford to have any flaws, you couldn't afford to show weakness,. You couldn't afford to have feelings, to be lovers or mothers. To be humans.

"Here, there's nobody you need to prove yourselves to. Nobody's going to look at you and think you're not fit or worthy because you like someone, regardless of whether that's a human or not." She said, looking at the woman she'd saved. "And there's no shame in whatever you happen to enjoy." She said, calmly, extending a hand to help the woman back to her feet. "I'm not going to force any of you to do anything, but my offers still stand, and I think you shouldn't dismiss them out of stubborn pride. You have a chance to be honest with yourselves. Ma'am" She added, looking at the rebellious woman. "I didn't get your name, but I'd like to have a word with you. Mind following me there?" She said, pointing towards the farthest corner of the room from the other women. "And please, don't be concerned. If I wanted any harm to come to you, I wouldn't need any secrecy about it." She said, offering a hand to the woman on the floor so she could stand up.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Yeah... You're welcome." Loroh sighed, seeming a bit tired after having been in this situation for so long. The book gave no indications how long any of the potions lasted. But there were many childish doodles of a cartoonish Kyubi smiling with her fluffy tail drawn behind her. "I wouldn't call this a dead end. We got some knowledge from the cultists, and we have access to the kitchen. We've got a good foundation for a solution to this, all we need is to build a solution on top of that. Though you don't want to harm the cultists... So why not work with them? They seem the welcoming sort. I feel like we might be able to get some to help us to unwittingly take down Kyubi." Loroh suggested. "It was just an idea. I don't mean we should whore ourselves out. Krill is a good example. He thinks you're on the same team as him," Loroh chuckled, congratulating Denna for fooling him.

"Some of those condiments may come in handy. Mix them into a drink or something. Then, we need to figure out what to do next." Loroh announced.


The women all glared at Erin. Her talk of peace didn't seem to be selling quite well to them, as they were less taken with the grizzly men than the men were with the monstrous women. "What you're doing wrong? You're encouraging us to have sex with corrupt ones! Not to mention animals! We don't want your toxins you got us high on before! Your kind already made us birth your pups, and others among us carry children of the warped human monsters." she announced, directing one hand to a girl on the floor. She didn't look pregnant, but she apparently had one in the oven. "We've shown weakness, you vile woman, and it ended up leading us here. Even if we weren't captured, we'd still slaughter the whole lot of you!" she gestured at her, the other woman cheering, finding this woman to be a better leader than the man. "It's your own fault for relating yourselves to the corrupt beasts. All we will do is treat you like them, and exterminate you. Humans are the master race, and any who treat a corrupt beast with as much compassion as an intimate companion are no better than beasts themselves. It's a vile, and disgusting act!" she snarled.

With that said, the woman, spitting out some of the dog's fluid in her mouth, took Erin's hand, and rose to her feet, looking Erin in the eyes. "My name is Rose, and I cannot wait to see this place burn to the ground with all it's foul worshipers of that kitsune with the god complex. What do you have to say, wolf wench?" Rose inquired.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna seemed to note Loroh's exhaustion and came over, patting her shoulder gently. "I know how you feel. I'm tired too. I've not eaten well in two days, been raped and molested more times than I can count, and haven't had a safe place to be in days. I can imagine you've had as bad or worse. If I could somehow teleport you or make it so you were never here or have to endure this I would. If I had to pick between having you all with me or just losing myself I'd sacrifice me. Sadly I wasn't given that choice. We'll get through this, or at the very least, I'll make an opening for you to get yourself and as many as we can out of here."

She blinks as Loroh says work with the cultists, furrowing her brow as she thought. "I've no objections, but I fail to see how. They're one track minded, as you've experienced yourself, and I barely avoided getting more than molested. fooling someone who wants to marry you and has impregnated you... Not too hard. I'm already starting to show it too, ugh. What would we use them for even if we could get them doing something other than groping us?," she muses before shaking her head, "This isn't my sort of thing honestly. I hit things with sharp stuff and take hits for people in danger. This sneaky assassin stuff is a far cry from something I am competent at, if it wasn't obvious. Mmmf."

She paces back and forth, grumbling. "We've got some potions and concoctions but no means to truly deliver them in a meaningful manner and no understanding of their greater effect. Any of em could last a minute or a lifetime, and I doubt it's standardized between them. We guess Kyubi is vulnerable while screwing, or screwing someone who hates her would hurt her, but that seems like bull cus I doubt the sacrifices like her at all. My theory is more likely if the whole thing wasn't bullshit altogether. I'm just hoping I am right. We've got... pans pots, and cooking utensils, and a bag of lust drugged food. And a stalagmite outside I can stab things with."

She growls frustratedly and punches a wall. "If there's a solution here I am far too dense or too unlearned to see it. There's always the back up plan, sneak up and stab the furball. No guarantee of success or survival though. Pretty damn low chance I reckon cus I don't even know if they can be hurt by mere stone and with all the casters, I'll probably be dust before I got near her." She eyes the potions idly. "I suppose the mind enhancement might give me some more clarity, but I'd hate to waste them. And might be they aren't strong enough to do such a thing. Ugh it's a big trap. I want to do something, I can't rush into it, but I can't think of a plan and every second I wait she get's stronger and more people die."

She returned to her pacing, muttering to herself. "Has to be something. Get Krill to offer Rantia drugged food? No guarantee she'd take it and if she goes all woozy people will take note of that. And if people note it there's a direct line from Krill to us if asked. Get Krill to take over for the chef who sampled his own food and ended up passing out and have him transfer the newly drugged food to the crowd. Has potential but that only ensures the groups handled if it works at all, it does nothing to the true threat, and might alert them to something being amiss. No powerful acids in here or something to undermine that statue and drop it on them, and it'd risk killing the sacrifices anyhow. Even if I was willing to resort to mass murder as an act of desperation, something I've considered unfortunately, we lack the means and it still wouldn't eliminate all those casters. Hell, I don't even know how to use half these drugs properly."

She leaned back against a wall with a groan, biting her lip, closing her eyes as she tried to centre and calm herself. "Not giving up. Never giving up. Okay. Toxins are a bust, and the potions aren't of use right now. We've got a kitchen, but unless either of us can cook up a fire storm or a sentient cake automaton, it's only good for hiding for the time being. I've got a rock, you've got superior brains and a left hook that can do more than my sword does. We've Krill we could potentially manipulate into doing something. Could uh... Drug all the food here with something then let the Chef wake up and deliver it. However don't know how long he'll be out and it still leaves us with 12 alarmed and angry spellcasters. Damn it, I can't think of a way to deal with the casters. One caster from ambush or something I might have a chance. Two, ahaha no. Need to get them off that stage without getting Kyubi off the stage. And incapacitate them somehow. Hm."

She frowned, seeming to be calculating. "If we paralyse the crowd, Rantia will probably pull back to protect Kyubi. Kyubi probably would stop as well and be on guard. That'd be a disaster. Even if we could take down all 12 priestesses with your skills if we had them stumbling alone after us in the dark, those two would still be more of a match for me. Also the beasts might not be eating the drugged food either, and we're screwed then too. Ugh. Unless you've a better idea, I'm about ready to go do my suicide supremely unlikely sneak attack and hope the sheer brazen foolishness of it catch's the casters off guard they don't see it coming."

She really hoped Loroh had a better idea. Any better idea. At this stage she was about ready to throw all the drugs in a boiling pot of water and slip it outside and pray it exploded into a friendly diety who'd solve everything.