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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin took the woman's hand and led her to the corner silently, standing with her arms crossed. She looked at Rose for a couple of seconds, before replying quietly enough that the rest couldn't hear her.

"Name's Erin, and I have to say that if I didn't have this collar on the place would already be a scorched graveyard. But I do, so I couldn't do anything, and then they were the ones who did things to me. Rose, was it? Making enemies from the people around isn't going to benefit you any.

"Now I've brought you here because I'd rather not have everyone in a panic, but you probably should know that what happens from here on is up to each of you, but the end result is the same. There's a circle back there that they use to wipe your mind and rewrite it with whatever they want - how do you think I was promoted to priestess so quickly? If you people keep resisting, they'll use it on you, and then by the time any rescue comes you'll be too far gone for anyone to help you. Your mind will be lost forever, and you'll think the girls over there are prudes by the time they're done with you.

"So hate the place all you want, but try to fit in, because otherwise they'll use magic to force you to fit in, and then you'll be like me, knowing everything you're being forced to do and unable to stop it." She shrugged, then looked at the woman. "Besides, it's pretty high and mighty of you to claim everyone who takes an animal as companion should die when you were getting wet yourself when the hound walked to you, and there were no drugs involved in that. I don't know why you'd want to pretend you didn't like it, but being honest here would help you... and them." She added, nodding with her head at the other women. "And if we have to do things the hard way, you won't get to choose some nice uncorrupted man or woman to snuggle with. So please, work with me here. You won't even dislike it, you're just being stubborn out of pride."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh waved her hand as Denna's concerns seemed to pile up. "I've been in worse situations." she stated. "There was one time I was enthralled by a member of the fey. I ended up making a lot of alraune before she got distracted one day and I slipped out of the effects and fled." she told one of her stories. "But that's not even the half of it. I was trapped by wolves, sold by demons on a slave market... I've been around." she revealed. "I'm not even bothered anymore when something jumps on me. it's just the whole imprisonment that gets to me." she declared.

Though, Loroh looked a bit put off by Denna's marching about and wall punching. Eventually asking Loroh for help, the sukuta shrugged. "I was just going to go along with it until I could slip away. Hopefully if they find me willing, I might blend in with the massive crowd. I doubt those two leaders keep tabs on everyone. There's just too many people to check on." she declared. "But... Well, I don't have any better ideas than you may, but suicide is suicide... Isn't the fox's assistant a big problem no matter how you look at it? She looks interested in having a little fun. Why not make some food, and have Krill give it to her and invite her for some fun? If she bites, then she isn't focusing on protecting the fox. See?" she suggested.


Rose pursed her lips at Erin as she continued to try and sell the idea, mostly with personal experiences. "I would honestly rather have my mind destroyed than willingly lay with the scum of this place. Purification by death and fire is the best mercy that can be given to the people and animals warped by the corruption." she stated, though Erin reminding Rose of her own excitement through coming into contact with the dog made the woman go red, and fume with anger. "T-that dog is possessed by a substance! It was the creature altering my own natural desires to match it's filth! If you wish to make this place burn, then make it burn! We will route, and charge at the wretched fox! If any one of us make it, may they stick their thumbs in her eyes and hang on till she's dead!"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I... I'm very sorry that happened to you, Loroh. I truly wish that I could have prevented your life from taking such a turn. That's why I hope to get you out of here, no one deserves to be forced into things like this. I do appreciate the aid you've given. And if nothing else, the supports kept me a bit saner a little longer. I've never been through such an ordeal before. I admit it seems to be getting to me.," sighs Denna, calming down a bit, feeling very sad for Loroh.

She peeked out the kitchen at the stage a bit. "I had considered that as well. But Rantia being a threat distracted is not a threat removed. It gives me a chance to get at Kyubi but it doesn't negate all the other priestesses up there, at least one being a caster as well. And there's no guarantee Kyubi can't crush me on approach either. Still, it's a step forward and maybe it might open a path that we can't see yet."

She grumbled, thinking, "Okay, but how do I get him to go for her, not me. He's pretty focused on making me his wife. And while deluded he's not stupid. And he's definitely perceptive. I need him to give her the food and NOT mention me. She's looking for me, so if he mentions me this fails hard. Hm. I think I got it."

She mused and grabbed some of the nicest looking food, making sure it's properly prepared, and maybe a little of the happy drug with the aphrodisiac, hoping to mix it with a glaze with a grumble. "Hope I know what I'm doing here..." She then puts it on the nicest plate with a smirk. "Given her reaction to Erin, I suspect Rantia is a little vain. Let's see if I can get this to work."

She looked back to Loroh with a smile. "I'm sorry you had to see that before. Thank you for calming me down. I'm going to make sure this is an imprisonment you slip out of early, one way or another. And punish these two monsters for what they've done. Even if I can't save all these people, I can at least stop this madness from expanding. Alright let's see what I can pull off. Oh and for effect, ugh this is gonna be gross."

With a look of disgust she goes to the semen jar and grabs the chefs hat before dabbing it and blotching the gunk on her in various places with a cringe. "I told Krinn I was going into the orgy to "catch up to their enlightenment" and be worthy of him. If I look pristine he might be suspicious. Ugh, I feel like being sick. Alright. Off I go. Stay safe okay?"

She retook the food and headed out to find Krinn once more, hoping this would work.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at the woman neutrally for a few seconds, before frowning at her. "Do you actually think that you'd be given the mercy of death? Or of forgetfulness? You speak very lightly of things you haven't experienced yet. It's very easy to claim now, when none of you know what you're exposing yourselves to, that you'd rather have it happen than give in willingly. There's over a hundred people out there. You stand no chances of getting to Kyubi without being raped, and even if you did, Kyubi herself is at least a powerful magician, and she's guarded by eight more." She sighed. "The dog was twisting you, or so you say, but the fact was that you were enjoying it nonetheless. So instead of trying to make this as unpleasant for you as you can, you could try to make the best of the situation. And there's absolutely no chance a revolt would work, not when you're all naked and unarmed." She paused for a few seconds, tapping her cheek. "I guess it all comes down to, either you accept to try something out here, or I'll take you to the brainwashing circle as you wanted, and make you serve as an example for the rest of them. I'm sorry, but I'm not letting your stubborn pride get all these women in trouble, just because you cannot accept that things aren't as you'd like them to, because you're not willing to see that what you want to do is not even an option. Please, don't make me do that. I know just how horrible it feels. I don't want to make anyone go through that."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Loroh arched an eyebrow at Denna. "Are you seriously taking responsibility for events in my life that occurred without you even knowing them? You're honestly reminding me of a rather stupid man I met once. A group of bandits had their way with me, which is fine. I don't care about sex, but they also wanted my money. He came in and kill them with his hammer, and acted like I was ruined for life. Crying his cute little eyes out." Loroh rolled her eyes. "People like you and him need to take a step back and worry about yourselves. Between you and me, I'd say you look worse off than I do, despite how 'horrible' my life has been. Think about that." she advised, before letting Denna go off on a thinking spree again.

"Well... That's not pleasant..." Loroh agreed to the idea, cautiously watching Denna get to work.


Denna opens the jug, and may be compelled to close it immediately. Not only the smell, but something about the after effects of the smell would compel her to put it away. The semen inside was tainted, and as such, carried with it some arousal effects. Denna might be able to put it on her skin for reduced effect, but it would slowly make her increasingly horny.


The woman still frowned, and gave Erin her wicked looks. Especially when Erin said she'd take her to the brainwashing circle. "You know how it feels, yet you'd readily do it to others!?" the woman replied. "I'd love to see you try to take me to such a place!" the woman challenged her, while the giant bear of a man stood up, towering over the woman from behind, while looking at Erin, as if waiting for a command while Rose in particular remained oblivious to his presence.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Responsibility? No. I can't undo things. If I could have I would probably stop more major harmful events first. It's your body Loroh, and if not getting to choose doesn't bother you, that's your own thing. But I still would rather such events didn't happen to people. I admit him crying instead of you is a little odd, but he meant well. As for me, well, when you get down to it, it probably is stupid. The world's full of people who are ready to take advantage of others and use them for their own gain to their detriment. I can't get rid of them all. But maybe I can at least compensate for their existence a bit with what I do. I won't question that it's probably foolish. And ruined for life, well, some may feel that way after such events. I might feel that way about it if I wasn't too busy to be upset. Plus in my case, I made peace with the fact sooner or later I was going to be raped before I ever settled down. If I was smart I'd live in a city and have an unremarkable life away from all this madness. But we've already figured I'm not very smart, and I'm willing to put it all on the line for what I believe in. Foolish, but if I make the slightest difference in the world, then I'll consider it time well spent.," shrugs Denna, as she tried to get the lid off the jar.

Once she did, she immediately slammed it shut with a cough. "Ugh... That craps drugged, I can smell it. So much for that plan. Damn it, even drunk, Krill is pretty damn observant. Going out plain will make this harder."

She looked out and considered things a bit. She needed to be liquided up, sweaty. This was going to be disgusting. "Ugh, no matter how I cut it this is going to be gross. I can't afford the drug undermining me, but with the mess all those lot are causing I can probably borrow some of it. Ugh, making myself nauseous. Sweat, hm. No time for exercise so let's see."

She went over to whatever cooking device the chef was using to cook, lighting it if need be, and stood near it and let the heat get her flushed and sweaty. She then set the drugged food aside and decided to slip out there briefly to gather some "fluids" to dab upon her in places to give the illusion of being used. She then retrieved the plate before heading for Krill. This was going to be a really hope it will work out moment. She was completely out of ideas after this if it didn't work.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Not readily, you blithering idiot. I'm giving you a choice. If I had it my way, I wouldn't have to harm any of you, but if you force my hand, I'm more than willing to use you as an example so I don't have to harm the other women. In case you haven't noticed, this is just me being nice towards you, because I don't want you to go through the same things I did. My orders don't involve any being nice. Now choose." She said, glaring at the woman. "I want to hear it from your own lips, that you'd rather be taken and had your mind twisted until you were only a slave to pleasure and spent your life only as a sex toy, that you'd rather have that done to all the other women in this room, than forget about your pride for a while."

Her eyes didn't stray at all to the large bearman, but should she fail to provide a proper answer, or should she actually give her the go-ahead, she'd nod at the bearman to take her away.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Fair enough," Loroh sighed. "Guess it doesn't hurt to do your best towards what you think is right." she added, before deciding to leave it at that.

Using the oven, she got herself nice and sweaty. Denna looked to have worked up quite a sweat to the observer now. "I guess that helps." Loroh nodded, though at the next bit, her going towards the orgy, Loroh looked hesitant. "I can't help you if you go out there..." she stated, though Denna would then ask if she had any other ideas. "No... Not really." she shrugged. Then, Denna decided to risk it to keep up appearances. She approached the orgy, and found a particular mess that would do well to make her look like the other filthy members of the orgy...

(Risk rolls happened)

She found a few samples, and unfortunately their owner as well. As Denna gathered some up and dabbed herself, a man emerged towards her, crawling as it were, and grabbing her ankle, before moving up behind her as he stood on his knees, using both hands to fondle her rump and spread her out. "Hey there~" he cooed, "Remember me?" he asked, and she wouldn't, but he made it clear enough that he knew her from the night before. In the corner of her vision, Denna would also see Rantia's eyes scanning over the orgy. There weren't too many people standing up, so Denna would stand out a lot more if she decided to bolt away from this man.


The woman looked quite ready to nod her head, that her pride was more important, but it was soon a conflict. She looked unable to say anything in response. She breathed heavily, gritting her teeth, before the large man put his hand on her shoulder, causing Rose to give a start. She looked at him as if she wanted to kill him right there, but didn't budge an inch. "... I'll see to it, that you and that fox are killed one day...!" she swore, before the large man took one of her legs, and lifted it, spreading her out wide as she braced her hands against the wall, growling with frustration as the man adjusted himself, lining his length up, and easily slid his moist cock into her folds, stretching her out wide. Rose let out a scream, while the man cooed. "Oooh~ Tight~" he chuckled, before pounding away, making Rose whimper and yelp each time he hilted into her. Her own moisture began to add to that which coated his cock, clearly feeling some pleasure despite how much she seemed to hate it. "You're going to... Kill me... You freak!" she cursed at him. The man didn't seem to pay too much mind, only replying to her by leaning over, taking her face into his hand, and forcing a kiss on her, which she fought and screamed against, her noise going into his mouth, muffled and silenced. Many moments passed of this, before Rose seemed to lose spirit, loosening up and going limp as his tongue danced with her own, and his length pounded into her pussy.

This would go on for a while, until she would let out a cry of climax, Rose moaning loudly as the man moaned as well, his large cock throbbing, and filling her pussy with his seed.

With that, Erin was left where she was, with the demoralized women behind, and a few more men coming into the room, following the sounds of Rose's moaning, and looking excitedly to the extra women in the back.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Appearances were important. There was much at risk, and if she had to endure another humiliating rape to save everyone, so be it. With that in mind, she moved carefully and quietly out there. Unfortunately for her, her determination was about to be put to the test.

She grimaced as she was grabbed and groped from behind, gritting her teeth. she'd have happily kicked him and ran, but spotting Rantia's continued vigilance stayed her hand. "I was drugged so no. I'm trying to do something nice for someone, so make it quick alright? I can make it up to you later."

She hoped this one was far less observant than Krill was. On the upside, it'd only make the disguise all the easier.

Will resist pleasure, though will try to groan to play along and such.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin nodded, sighing in relief as the bearman took the woman almost forcefully - almost, because in the end she'd finally understood Erin's points. Or maybe just got tired of arguing, but in either case, she walked towards the newcomers.

"This way, boys." She said, pushing her previous concerns aside and giving them a smile. "You're going to have the honor of showing the ladies in the back just how good you can make them feel, convince them to join us. So put on your best performances, if not for your own satisfaction, then for the Goddess' glory." She winked. "Now give me a minute to make the introductions, alright?"

She walked towards the women in the back, giving them a reassuring smile. "I've had a talk with Rose, and she eventually agreed that giving in was the best choice. I know you don't trust me, but I'd hope you trust her judgement in this. In any case, the men are here so... it's time for you to make your choices. Pick your lover, or lovers, anyone from this room. Or ask me if you'd want something you can't find." She gave them an encouraging smile, even while knowing they'd probably refuse and she'd have to take measures. These men's intrusion complicated things a lot.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The man was about to indulge himself, before two pairs of hands from a regular human woman and a bestial woman reached out and dragged him back, freeing Denna of his attention as the man complained. "Nooooo!" he whined as less attractive women took him in. A couple more men were looking her way, before standing up and approaching her. Even at a walk, she'd make it back to the chef's room. But they seemed set on following her. "Excuse me," one inquired, seeking her attention.


The women seemed defensive, while the men behind Erin happily followed her, a few behind her even reaching around to grope her, smiling as they seemed to appreciate her assets. "We would like to be left alone." came the girl's request. The men would seem to strongly disagree, convinced that sex could only be a good thing at all times. "Rape 'does' exist! Stay away from us!" another woman replied to one man's comment that rape is only an illusion, and every time he ever took a woman, she always ended up cumming, which meant she enjoyed it. A very absurd line of thinking that could only come from extreme stupidity, denial, or brainwashing.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den blinked in surprise as she was abruptly saved by more demanding women. She'd have found it almost absurdly hilarious if not for the situation she was in, and began slipping away. However she evidently had collected followers. She didn't want to lead them back to Loroh though so didn't go all the way to the chef's place.

They were being surprisingly polite though, one asking for her attention. So she looked back. "Yes?," she asked. Maybe they weren't like the more mad cultists? Or maybe she was in for even worse instead.

Then again with how her luck was going, maybe it was time for a turn around and they were secretly undercover inquisition agents or angels or something. Fat chance of that.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin turned around and glared at the men angrily, interrupting the comments.

"Settle. Down. Silence." She ordered. "And hands off, you'll have to earn that. You're not here for your own pleasure. You're here to provide a service. If you're going to be looking for your own pleasure, then you can walk out the way you came, and join the celebration again. There is no lack of men here, and I will have no trouble finding some that are more willing than you lot to put the Goddess' orders before their own desires." She added, acidly, glaring at them for a couple of seconds more, before turning to look at the women, sighing before speaking.

"I'm sorry you're in this situation, believe me. But I've got orders and... well, this isn't a place you want to go against orders in. I'm already bending the rules enough by letting you off this long, and leaving you a choice of partner." She shook her head lightly, closing her eyes in sadness as she wondered whether she'd be able to reach them or not. "Look, I really don't want to do this the hard way. I went through it the hard way, and... let's just say it's an experience that changes you forever. So please, I know it's a huge sacrifice to ask of you, but if you don't cooperate on your own you'll be forced to, and it'll be much, much worse."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Do you know where the chef has gone?" one man inquired, a rather tall man with a bald head, and not much body hair to speak of in fact. He also possessed a fairly long length, an above average nine inches with some thickness to go with it. "Ah, I'm sorry, where are my manners?" he asked, before holding out his hand. "We didn't get to meet before when you took shelter in the village, and my people surprised you with their welcoming. I was with a rather kind sukuta at the time named Loroh. My name is David, and you must be Denna. Krill has sung his praises about you." he smiled at her. The other man came up from behind, but kept silent. He seemed interested to know where the chef had gone.

"We want more food. Losing our juices." said the other man, a much hairier man with a stout and wide build. Though he was far more impatient than David. "I'll go see what the fatass is doing..." he grumbled, ready to head into the kitchen.


The men looked rather fearful of Erin, backing away at her words, heeding her authority. Meanwhile, the women looked rather firm in their stance. "We just want to be left alone... We don't want anything to do with this place. We don't want to fight, so just let us go." one woman said, and the others were happy to agree.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Oh, my apologies to have missed you. Yes quite a surprise. Nice to meet you David. Yes he's quite taken with me.," smiles Denna, before raising a hand. "No need to rush off, the chefs, erm, a bit out of it. I was asking about the food and well, one thing led to another and I may have been a bit much for him, combined with the heat of the kitchen. So I've sort of taken over for the time being, but I'm still figuring things out. Here, why don't you two wait here, he had some things prepared, and I'll fetch them for you. It's a bit of a mess in there, don;t want you guys stumbling into anything."

Her brain going a mile a minute, mostly swear words, she hoped they'd buy her lies. She figured they were believable lies, but one never knew. She had no idea how Loroh would react to all this herself. In either case she was committed now.

She hurried in, scrambling to grab a couple plates with the drugged food and hurried to bring them out to them, hoping Loroh had overheard and hid, or something! She was a competent kitty, but Den still had no idea what she would do.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"That's not an option. You seem to think I'm in charge, I'm not. I have my orders too." She sighs. "Try to be nice, and people always take advantage." She looks at them in the eye, one by one. "Look, you have two options. I'm not going to say it again. Either you accept my offer, or I let the men do whatever they want with you, and then you'll probably be brainwashed as they were. So choose."

Mentally, she was cringing. Sure, she'd put pride first too, but even she'd realize that there was something more to this whole mess than just pride, specially if she'd known what was going to happen to her. In any case, she'd done her best to give them a chance to avoid the unpleasantness, it was all up to them now.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." the hairy stout man demanded, giving Denna's ass a smack on her way into the kitchen. David suddenly followed as well, walking into the kitchen. "I'll help!" he declared with a smile. Loroh gasped as the tall man came walking in, spotting her trying to hide in the corner. "Hello, Loroh, want to help us cook?" he inquired, getting about helping Denna.

"Hi... No thanks." Loroh shook her head.

"Then get over here and get on your knees." announced the impatient man outside.

"I'll help cook." Loroh replied, causing the man to growl with irritation.


Each of the women seemed to deliberate, before the speaker sighed. "What's the difference?" she inquired with a disgust tone, before she opened her legs to the men. "Be gentle, you filthy freaks, or I'll bite your jugular." she warned them, causing the men to approach, though they stood right behind Erin, as if the woman had conjured an invisible wall of her influence that they couldn't pass. The other women seemed to follow suit, seeing no other way out. "I'd rather not get pounded like Rose..." another said. And Rose was getting pounded. One her knees with her face to the floor, the bestial bear man was plowing his thickness into her aggressively, copious amounts of cum flowing from where they connected.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"The difference is you get to choose. And you get to think whatever you want. It might seem small right now, but if you were to go through the ritual, you'd be... someone else. Your personality would be gone." She nodded, sighing in relief at their acceptance. "Thanks." She said, turning around to the men.

"Alright, I hope you remember what I said. You're at these women's service. To show them pleasure, in whatever way they prefer. I'm going to be overseeing to make sure that none of you step out of line, and if you do you're going to regret it very, very deeply, so help me the Goddess." She looked at the woman who declared her desire to not be pounded. "So if they want it gentle, you treat them gentle. Got it? Great. Pick your partners then, ladies, and I'll be over there for whatever you may need." She said, nodding to the side of the room, while she walked over to Rose and the bear.

"Bearkin, please try to make sure she enjoys it too. Listen to her instructions on how she wants it, alright? She's not experienced like most people here." Her tone, however, was much softer than when dealing with the other men, maybe because the bearman had come to her aid when the woman had been threatening. With that having been said, she went back to the side of the room she was in, overseeing the whole matter to ensure nothing went off course... because she was sure that eventually something would.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna ignored the man who swatted her as she slipped in, but mentally cursed as Loroh clearly hadn't heard them, and David followed in and spotted her. Curse his helpful behaviour. She'd like him if his timing wasn't as inconvenient as all hell. And wasn't a cultist. It was things like this that kept her from grabbing a butcher's knife. For all their actions, they weren't bad people. If they had become monsters like the aliens made folks, she would feel little more than pity as she cut them down. But these were not bandits or monsters, they were people, both bad and good, who had been mentally twisted by a pair of monsters into something lesser than they were, yet still were them, in some manner.

She gave Loroh an apologetic look, before turning to her work. She had cooked much in her life and she was familiar with the work, even if she wasn't so fluent in drug usage. Though maybe she could get something out of this.

"So, some ritual huh? Guess I showed up at the right time, hm? What's your take on it all?," she asked curiously. Had to get him talking, before she could maybe see where she could wiggle with him.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David smiled at Denna as she spoke to him, likely a very kind man before Kyubi twisted his mind, and still kind even now, despite it all. Loroh was busy being focused on helping with the food while the hairy man seemed to be showing interest in her as he stared at her buttocks. "It's the first time we get to see it since Kyubi came here a few months back. We used to be a run down little town, struggling to get by, before Kyubi showed up. She used her magic to help our crops grow, and bring more people to our village. We've never been as healthy or as happy as we are now. She helped bring out the best of us. We used to be like other Badarians, attacking and shunning other kinds who come here, now we're like a haven for the inhuman to rest. She's truly wonderful... I just feel bad for those poor people that have to be sacrificed. I realize that they're bad for wanting to kill us and bring harm to our goddess, but surely they can be made to see reason? But, I wouldn't know how to help those people so... I guess I'm a little idealistic~" he said, trying to seem more happy about the topic than he was.


The men approached the woman huddled against the wall, the women not saying much as the men went about performing foreplay, licking and stroking them to make them wet. A few passing minutes of that and the men were penetrating them, the women crying out as the men gently moved their hips, thrusting into them.

The bearkin was startled by Erin's touch. "B-but... She is enjoying it." he announced, pointing at her face. She looked somewhat broken. Her tongue was hanging out, and her body limp as her belly stretched out to hold his big length inside. "See? She looks happy!" he said with glee, giving her a few rapid thrusts, their wet hips smacking loudly in the cave while Rose gave pathetic whimpers and moans. He did quite a number on her, and seemed to have no idea about her suffering.

Whatever Erin chose to do about that, she'd be leaning against the wall in silence as the scene went on. Moments would pass, before she heard a voice in her head. "Hello, Erin~" Kyubi's voice sang. "Rantia tells me you got free of the ritual circle, but that you're also helping newcomers to mold with my people. I'm quite happy to hear that, but it would break my heart to hear that you don't actually do these things with love for me. So, I want you to do something for me, Erin... I want you to prove your love to me. I'll take that nasty collar off if you do it, and you get to have me all to yourself as the head priestess~" she declared.

"I want you to find your friend, and bring her to me~" she declared.