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Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(13 not bad)

Laura being the closest takes a nasty wound that destroys the rest of her leotard, she flips back to give Alicia some room but Camillia presses her attack by taking to the air and swoops down at Alicia landing behind her "How rude of you to injure Laura like that after she was nice enough to bring you here. If you keep misbehaving I'll have to get my whip." She places two fingers into Alicia and gives her pale cute little butt a slap.

Alicia takes 8 damage.
HP:5 MP:6
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Yeah but unless I roll 16-20 plus, its seriously GG Alicia, hello 2nd gameover.))

The pain from the attacks and the self inflicted holy burning becoming almost unbearable, Alicia struggled to keep her grasp on her scythe, her hands now badly burned and seared from the effort. This was made even more difficult when she had two fingers plunged into her...


Caught in a difficult and awkward position, the girl did the only thing she could do... stab the handle of her weapon, brimming with searing holy power backwards towards Camillia, and hope it was enough to knock her backwards for a decapitating followup. Desperation getting to her, she also had her knives close in on Camillia at the same time...

((Knives AND Demon Hunter >.>;; Expend whatever MP is needed to get the knives to hit.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(a dos ;-; )

As if feeling the expendature of so much energy Camillia leaps away, before she can attack Laura though Alicia feels a whip entwine around her neck and her legs quiver as if all the strength is being sapped out of her body. "Now now.....be a good girl." Laura comes walking back over smiling and slips behind Alicia and begins rubbing her ass. "Are you ready to be rewarded for keeping me safe?" She whispers hotly in Alicia's ear before kissing it.

Alicia took 5 damage and gets captured by the devious duo.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


As the whip drains Alicia of her strength, the girl finally released her grip on her weapon, the pendulum blade reverting to its bloody red self as it was seperated from its user. Not only that, the surrounding knives in the air also fell unceremoniously to the ground, the white-haired girl apparently no longer possessing power to keep them afloat. Strength sapped, telekinetic powers denid, and her two hands scorched to the extent that they were smoking and useless...despair begin to fill the girl.

"No...I can't... not like this..."

A feeble attempt to tug at the whip with her injured hands was the only real resistance she could muster, and even then...she found herself unable to even budge it in the slightest. Truly a pathetic sight, and perhaps one befitting of a girl doomed to be a toy for the two demonic 'sisters'...

((And NOW I remember that I had the alura une nectar. FFS!))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"Aww you poor thing you look so sad." Laura pouts. "Well we'll just have to make a nice game won't we?" A few minutes later Alicia's finds herself kneeling in front of Laura. "Now after being so rough on her I think you should apologize to Laura." Camillia grins and places Alicia's face in Laura's sex to have her begin eating Laura out. "Mmmm of course we wouldn't let you go without..." As she buries her face in Laura, Alicia feels something slip into her sex and begin moving in and out. "Ohhhhh you were so worth it..." Both moan out at the same time, whatever was inside her made her climax quickly but she remained strong somehow. It seemed like hours, the moans of the two demons filling her ears as her own cries of ecstacy joined them. Whatever was inside her was filling her making her stomach swell a bit, eventually her body simply ceased to function and she blacked out.

When she regained her bearings Alicia was laying on the floor, nearby she could see a set of her clothes neatly folded, with the addition of a very elegant cape. After glancing around she spotted Laura and Camillia laying on the floor apparently having continued without her. Even after all that Alicia felt renewed, like waking up well rested with to sun shining outside your bedroom window, the only odd thing was an odd tingle between her legs.

(Alicia now takes +2 damage from any attacks that target her crotch)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Awakening...remarkably refreshed, asides from a tingling sensation in certain regions, Alicia was relatively astonished to find herself still in one piece, much less free. Normally when people were captured by demons one expected some horrible fate yet...

...Alive again...And with the two of them over there...thought demons were supposed to eat their captives...well, no...they did...in a sense...

Shaking her head to clear the memory of 'that' from her mind, Alicia busied herself with getting dressed and armed again before the two demons awoke, even bothering to don the new cape that she had been provided (which fit her remarkably, in more ways than one). However once she was armed, it was then that a dilemma came to her...

...Do I leave them alone?...Or cut them down?...

Part of her argued, that for humiliating her so, the two should be torn asunder. While the other part of her argued that the two had really done her no 'real' harm, and that she should focus on Dracula instead... Indecisive, the girl opted to walk over to the two demons with her scythe in hand, and to raise it over the closer of the two...After debating/mulling over it for a bit, the girl opted to let fate settle it, bringing her blade down. If fate wanted them to live, they would be able to dodge the blow easily. If it wanted them to die...her blow would strike true.

((Meaning, hit roll to decide whether Alicia misses or not.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


Alicia's blade falls silently only answering then it hit the wood beneath, both women jump and scramble away startled by Alicia being awake and at full power. "H-How are you awake? You should still be unconcious, lusting to be our pet!" The two cower on opposite sides of Alicia waiting to see what she did.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Alicia appeared to be fairly amused upon seeing the two demons scamper in such a way out, even managing a rare smile as she shoulders her scythe.

"Well then...who knows?...Maybe I'm a fangless vampire?...That or Death's new apprentice..."

In good humor for the first time in a long while, Alicia even manages to make a joke, beginning to feel confident and sure of herself once again, despite her earlier loss.

"Care to show me the way out?...I have yet to meet Sir Dracula again after all..."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Intimidate fail, good try though)

"Y-You just caught us off guard and we own you now, you will do as we command!" Camillia glares defiantly standing while Laura pushes herself up still appearing to be badly injured.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Guess I'll find my own way out. See you in hell then?"

This time, brimming with power and confidence, Alicia manages to shift her scythe almost immediately, easily ignoring the pain from holding the weapon as she struck forth...

((Demon Hunter. Lets start this battle off flashy!))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Haha that was so close, started landing on 1 then *tink* fell over to 19))

As Alicia's weapon slices through the air Laura simply burns away screaming and Camillia nearly gets cut in half. "You....bitch.....I'll make you suffer for that...." She snarls holding her chest.

HP:53 MP:9
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Upon seeing how easily one Laura had been reduced to nothing, Alicia merely smiles at Camillia's threat as she suddenly changes the direction of her swing midway for a diagonal slash that would effectively sever Camillia in half from her hip to her shoulder...

((Will toss out the one-liner 'after I manage the killing blow >.>;; More Demon Hunt.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(another 19)

Camillia screams as she gets split in half, as she vanishes Alicia finds herself back in that empty hallway staring at herself in the mirror though he reflection seems somewhat transparent. As she looks at herself she sees a robed figure with a skull for a face appear behind her. "Eh heh heh heh...."

(Alicia does not gain a level but gains the ability to warp to any part of the castle she's been in through mirrors through the defeat of the demon sisters.)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Oh you are bloody kidding me, this better not be a second fight in a row...))

Letting out a sigh of relief as she finished off the second sister, Alicia reverts her scythe back to its normal form, so as to have it not burn her hands any more...then sees the robed figure with a skull behind her. Spinning around, the girl prepares herself for a possible confrontation with a being she was all too familiar with...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Hehe nah, but the reaction I was shooting for))

"Heh heh don't worry girl I'm not here to claim you yet. I'm here to see how you are progressing in your development. I see you are rapidly growing, the master will be pleased by this news." Death "smiles" as he floats there chuckling to himself.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Uh huh...))

"...Your master's still up to his games I see..."

A tinge of scorn evident in the manner she spoke, Alicia continued to clutch her scythe tightly, even going as far as to taunt the reaper.

"Speaking of games...Lord Death, are you not getting sloppy in your work?...By all rights I should have died twice already yet..."

The girl's voice is dripped with sarcasm as she carefully observes the skeletal figure's expressions as he responds...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"Who ever said that blessing from Lord Dracula was meant to kill you?" He laughs after dropping his cryptic line and flies away cackling. "I'll be at the clock tower if you wish to test you might against death itself!"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Alright I can't resist cracking this joke.))

"...I'll think about it after you remove those flaccid rotting medusa heads!"

Relatively annoyed by memories of her past encounter with Death and being petrified repeatedly, Alicia opts to return to the intersection from when she had first entered the castle...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

It seemed the path she had cleared reamained so and the trip was short, still unsure the path to the throne she was met by either going down or the.....*shudder* clock tower.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...I think I'll take my chances with the undead."

Apparently dreading the clock tower to an extreme degree from past trauma, Alicia opts to head towards the basement... Better zombies than medusa heads and difficult terrain.