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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

if you bring it up they will come...
Re: Bondage Corner

fair enough people of the bondage community... i pose to you the questions that apparently fuel this thread BEHOLD!!!! another one

I demand your thoughts on sensory deprivation and there applications in bondage both sexual and non.

i thought real hard for about thirty seconds and realized we hadn't covered this:eek:
Re: Bondage Corner

First off, a heavy wooden kitchen chair works great if you don't have a chair with loops, trust me ;)

Have you heard of those sensory deprivation baths? Supposedly you put salt in them and they get to the same temp as your body, they are pitch black, and since the salt is like your body's salt, you can't tell where the water ends and the salt begins. Supposedly these things lead so some wild dreams and visions.

As for sexual, who doesn't like a blindfold and gag every now and then ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

I used to be very interested in bondage, though I haven't looked into it for a while, now. People can get some pretty crazy results (I think the suspension idea is really neat!) but it looks a little too painful to try for long periods at all -- at least the complicated looking stuff.

XD I'm not enough of a sub that I'd want to try bondage any deeper than dabbling... but then again, the blindfold sounds like it could be pretty sexy. >_> I'd bet a gag, or at least a cloth strip tied around the mouth, would be kind of hot, too. Always looking for something to keep the noise down. Damned roomies. XD
Re: Bondage Corner

I did suspension once and was not a real big fan. It hurt too much to be fun, but then again we were using ropes and not those harnesses and seats and stuff they have. They have some cool ones out there, but I'm in love with rope, probably because it's cheaper lol

One thing to be careful with cloth rags is that they tend to get wet with drool and can pose more of a choking hazard than balls or tape, especially if they are in the mouth. I'm a big fan of the ring gags too ^_^

And don't get me started on roommates...
Re: Bondage Corner

Ewww, yeah, that'd be a real turn-off. "Halp, too much drool in throat!" XD I haven't actually tried it! What kind of take would you recommend -- just duct-tape across the mouth, or something?

Definitely haven't tried ball gags or... ring gags? I haven't heard of those! X3 How do they work?
Re: Bondage Corner

Pics should help:

Re: Bondage Corner

my lady wont let me use either T_T life is so unfair and suspension with rope can be fun too although the knots have to be perfect and you have to do some math regarding tension and the angles of the cinch knots you use as for tape if your looking for simplicity duct tape, if your looking for effectiveness..... well packing tape has never let me down :D but its a bitch to get off smells funny tastes terrible and unless you cut it incredibly strong up to you
Re: Bondage Corner

I'd go with duct tape. Sometimes it leaves a red square when it's ripped off, but it's never lasted more than about 5-10 minutes on me. I've heard that the wide scotch tape works too, but I haven't tried it.

Then again there also is saran wrap... ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

use with caution... and a blow dryer
Re: Bondage Corner

Plastic wraps shrink with heat, so applying a blow dryer over everything would tighten it in theory. I don't know, I've never tried it. I was basing it off of what I heard, and hoped someone else knew about it here, this way I wouldn't look like an idiot. I hope it actually does work or I have completely failed here today.
Re: Bondage Corner

Interesting. I might need to experiment on my legs tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens afterwards ;)
Re: Bondage Corner

Thank you, I was gonna do the same with my arm and a scissor at the ready but a) I live with 3 other guys so complications may arise and b) I live with 3 other guys so we don't have blow dryers.
Re: Bondage Corner

o_O Be careful! I'd imagine that that could be painful, given the hot air and the melting and stuff. Chafed skin, at the very least, if you're not!

Maybe try the blowdryer x seran wrap on something other than your own body at first? (I was under the impression that it was a special plastic that shrunk under application of heat! Seran wrap may just melt and go bad, or do nothing at all!)

Let us know if it does work, though! My blowdryer is buried under a bunch of other junk. XD I can't be arsed to experiment.
Re: Bondage Corner

Well I definitely suggest some distance between it and the dryer and do not at all endorse it with open flame, but I have had hot plastic wrap shrunken in my hand before. Of course it wasn't wrapped around it, but for personally safety, I suggest any burn ward/medical appliances about while experimenting, and probably having it loose in the first place, so as not to cause a panic if it does start melting on your flesh.

It doesn't take much heat to cause it to shrink, so please don't get overzealous or pain may ensue

*edited so to not double post*
Hey, what's a good household substitute for lubricant, keep in mind the internal, so things won't irritate and won't be difficult to wash away or out.
I had heard melted butter, but I was told that may have later complications: I don't know much about natural oil and whether or not it can become oxidized, and become things like blackheads or pimples.
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Re: Bondage Corner

why bother with a substitute get a good water based one that you've at least sampled so as to kno how good it is how long it lasts etc.
natural oils can Oxy-nate so skin problems will arise if your desperate... bar soap works well if desperate of course...
as for plastic wrap it WILL shrink if wrapped around anything and heated BUT THIS IS NOT TO BE DONE for 2 reasons A) your body breathes through every pore in your skin if you tighten not only will it be painful but if you were say completely wrapped in the stuff it could kill you B) melting plastic of any kind causes second degree burns and then the plastic grafts to your skin making the healing long in the process... instead of heating it just use 2 or three layers of the stuff its much safer and its still crazy strong. plastic wrap is one of my favorites :p
Re: Bondage Corner

Well it is out of sadism.
And I really don't have any use for lubricant except the obvious one, and I don't want to raise suspicions or show any indication of sexuality around my roommates. And soap can be an irritant.
Re: Bondage Corner

-random- Oh lube, you are my friend. XD -/random-
Re: Bondage Corner

I never understood oil, it's good for your skin, it's bad for your skin. I have no idea anymore.
It's the eggs of the dermatology world.

Oh and