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C.Y.O.A.S DV Style, ended.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

go with the flow

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


(POV Veranda) *Ugh, I can't satisfy this feeling inside of me!* thought Veranda frustrated. She was fingering her wet pussy and sucking on one of her d cup breasts.
Unbeknownst to Veranda, something had scented her sex juices flitting on the night air. It silently stalk closer to were Veranda was standing, it's glowing red eyes that could see perfectly in the dark could see the silver sheen of her juices flowing down her thighs. It's ears could hear the squish of her fingers moving in and out of her pussy. It crept closer and closer till it was almost atop Veranda.
*Just a little more* thought Veranda as she was on the verge of orgasming.
The beast jumped as Veranda climaxed and knocked her down and landed on top. It began to snake out it's rasping tongue around Veranda's breasts.
*A single warg? It must be a gift from Vild. I haven't had sex with a beast since we left the stables and no one was looking.* thought Veranda happily as she exposed the convusling walls of her vagina to the Wargs penis. It immediately thrusted itself inside of her (missionary position.) As it thrusted hard and fast out of her body, it's dick enlarged itself. Veranda meanwhile was happily climaxing and stroking the wargs libido to dizzying heights with her scent. She felt it cum inside of her, the extreme heat from the sperm caused Veranda to climax even more. She felt the knot formed and smiled.
6 Hours later. Dawn's an hour away from breaking.
Veranda sent the warg away, knowing it was a gift from Vild. She then cleaned up all the cum. She stored it in a special flask. *Can't let all this go to waste.* Thought Veranda quite happily. Veranda then went about cooking.
1 Hour later.
Cassy awoke last the dizziness had gone down and her stomach was rumbling and grumbling. Cassy went over to where Veranda, looking quite refreshed and sparkly was preparing food. *She had sex.* Thought Goak, who enjoyed getting a good night's sleep. Cassy meanwhile ate, took a leave and went to the bathroom. Cassy then went and climbed onto her horse and waited feeling dizzy again. Veranda and Goak mounted and they went on their way. "By the end of the night we should reach Loki's swamp." Said Goak.

Barely Aroused. Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 28 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. Feels sick. Dizzy.

Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and with Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls sheathed inside the left scabbard while the right scabbard held Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1. (Holsters can carry quick items. Quick items can be used as a free action.)
Lower Body: Barely Wet Indigo silk panties. Blue-black studded leather pants with hole for tail (Also reveals panties.)
Feet:Blue-Black shoes with indigo silk socks.

56 Silver on Goak.
1 Health Potion. (Restores 65% Vitality. DOESN'T HEAL WOUNDS!)
Rations of Food. (7 Left.)

1.) They reach Loki's swamp without incident.
2.) Brigands attack. (1d15)
3.) Monsters attack. [Insert] (Depending on what I deem it as a class.)
4.) Loki tests them now. (The demi-god loki will test them sooner or later.)
5.) Other.

Secondary Option: Choice 4 Only.
Y1 = A Dire Monster Fight. [Random]
Y2 = Sexual Tension.
Y3 = A fight amongst themselves.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


Question what Veranda did last night, shall we?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

4 Y2

This should be interesting.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Veranda had sex with a demonic wolf that was charcoal black and glowing red eyes aka Warg.)

As they rode, the closer and closer they got to the swamp, Cassy felt her sex stir more and more. Veranda and Goak seemed unaffected. Cassy felt her sickness disappear as she felt her libido kick into overdrive. *I can't* thought Cassy, restraining herself from fingering herself.
(POV of Goak and Veranda) *Ooooo, a spell of increased libido. How nice of Loki. Now I will be able to have a good sex with Goak.* thought Veranda who was smiling quite lustfully toward Goak. *My dick's hardening. Well it would be if I had one.* Thought Goak.
8 Hours later.
Cassy was practically sobbing at the need to orgasm, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. It was as if something was stopping her. Veranda on the meanwhile had stripped herself naked. "The air feels good." said Veranda coyly and aloud. "Don't even think it." Said Goak looking pointedly at Veranda. They set up camp, or Goak did. Cassy just lay moaning on her bed, the sickness had returned and she still felt vagina walls convusling as well as a great wetness in her nether regions.
Goak cooked the food and placed some near Cassy. He then ate his and went to bed. Veranda tried to join him, but a fist up her ass changed her mind.
*Dammit I can't orgasm by myself. Sigh, why isn't it affecting Goak?* Thought Veranda angrily, trying to finger herself and couldn't. *There's always Cassy, but she has sort of sickness. I don't want to risk it, but I need release.* Veranda thought this as she stared at where Cassy was trying to sleep, but by her thrashing she wasn't succeeding.

Spell: Gushing Aroused. Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 28 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. Feels sick. Can't stop being aroused till orgasms twice.

Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and with Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls sheathed inside the left scabbard while the right scabbard held Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1. (Holsters can carry quick items. Quick items can be used as a free action.)
Lower Body: Gushing Wet Indigo silk panties. Equipment:
Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and with Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls sheathed inside the left scabbard while the right scabbard held Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1. (Holsters can carry quick items. Quick items can be used as a free action.)
Lower Body: Gushing Wet Indigo silk panties. Gushing Wet Blue-black studded leather pants with hole for tail (Also reveals panties.)
Feet:Blue-Black shoes with indigo silk socks.

56 Silver on Goak.
1 Health Potion. (Restores 65% Vitality. DOESN'T HEAL WOUNDS!)
Rations of Food. (7 Left.)

1.A) Veranda risks the sickness and goes into bed with Cassy.
1.B) Veranda doesn't and instead looks for another entity to do it with.
2.A) Cassy falls asleep having erotic dreams.
2.B) Cassy has a sleepless night.
3.) Other.

Secondary Option: 1.B only.
Y1 = A monster.
Y2 = Nothing.
Y3 = A hidden ambush of brigands.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

1b Y1

To tired to think of anything else.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(The Warg appears again.)

(POV of Veranda) Veranda prayed to Vild. "My God, send me the magnificent creature you sent me last night. I am starving."
Veranda felt it's presence and smiled looking at the glowing red eyes and it's hard dick. (Dogs have a bone in their dick.) She threw her cloths off and made herself presentable to the Warg, who then mounted her. Veranda casted a spell on the surrounding area as soon as it entered her, using her climax as a fuel for her spell to keep all enemies away from her and her companions during the night.
Cassy groaned "My- my privates." She was desperately trying to orgasm through she had no idea why. Her stomach had settled down, but her vagina was working overtime.
(PoV of Goak.) Goak hearing Cassy moans and unused to them, walked over to her and prodded her in her nether regions till she climaxed.
30 Minutes later.
Goak had knocked Cassy out through repeated climaxes, he then went to bed and slept.
5 Hours and 30 minutes later.
Veranda sent her Warg away and made breakfast. Cassy was feeling much better and more cheerful. She ate her food with her old gusto and mounted her horse. "We are now entering the swamp" said Goak, pointing at the odd colored swamp. "We need to reach Loki before night falls. Otherwise there's going to be some unpleasant side effects." Goak continued. He then rode forward and signal them to follow him.

Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 27 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn.

Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and with Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls sheathed inside the left scabbard while the right scabbard held Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1. (Holsters can carry quick items. Quick items can be used as a free action.)
Lower Body: Gushing Wet Indigo silk panties. Equipment:
Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and with Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls sheathed inside the left scabbard while the right scabbard held Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1. (Holsters can carry quick items. Quick items can be used as a free action.)
Lower Body: Wet Indigo silk panties. Wet Blue-black studded leather pants with hole for tail (Also reveals panties.)
Feet:Blue-Black shoes with indigo silk socks.

56 Silver on Goak.
1 Health Potion. (Restores 65% Vitality. DOESN'T HEAL WOUNDS!)
Rations of Food. (6 Left.)

1.) They reach Loki without incident.
2.A) They run into A monster.
2.B) They run into some monsters.
3.) They don't reach Loki before night falls.
4.) Other.

(Am I getting less detailed as time goes on? More then likely.)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


maybe this history need a little of action XD
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Just 2a.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Mmmm eating food. Food is yummy.)

As they travel through the swamp, noxious gas bubbles and raises from the areas of purplish like swamp water. Cassy sensitive nose picks all the scents out and almost sends her off to dreamland. Apparently Goak noticed what was happening and gave Cassy a cloth to cover her nose with. Veranda meanwhile stood in the very middle of the path to get away from the muck. "Argh, I hate swamps, they ruin all my clothing." Said Veranda. Cassy just winced, while Goak grunted and moved on ahead.
2 Hours of traveling.
"How close are we?" asked Cassy as she followed Goak on his horse through a maze of swamp stank water. Veranda meanwhile was doing her best to keep from touching the water. Goak replied "2 more hours at the least, due to this part. That's if were lucky the guardian monster isn't here." "What?" Cassy said back. "Were on the maze of submerged stones in the swamp, one slip and we end in a pool of diseased water, leeches and who knows what else. The Guardian monster through purifies the water, so if you see the water change from black to pink tinted blue, that means the monster is very close." Replied Goak.

Cassy is unknowingly Pregnant. 27 days till birth of a random tentacle spawn. A little woozy if Cassy smells the swamp stench.

Head: A veil like cloth that fits snugly over Cassy's nose and mouth, blocking out certain smells.
Neck: Blue Black silk collar, cannot be torn off or taken off unless by a wizard. Doesn't have any special effects except above.
Upper Body: Indigo silk bra. Blue-black studded leather armor shirt.
Waist: Black Leather skirt with 3 holsters and with Cassandra's Barking iron blood dagger of Souls sheathed inside the left scabbard while the right scabbard held Cassandra's Roaring Inferno Iron wooden dagger of pleasure lvl 1. (Holsters can carry quick items. Quick items can be used as a free action.)
Lower Body: Wet Indigo silk panties. Barely wet Blue-black studded leather pants with hole for tail (Also reveals panties.)
Feet:Blue-Black shoes with indigo silk socks.

56 Silver on Goak.
1 Health Potion. (Restores 65% Vitality. DOESN'T HEAL WOUNDS!)
Rations of Food. (6 Left.)

1.A) Guardian Monster appears around exiting path.
1.B) A different monster awaits at the end of the maze.
2.) Cassy slips, falls into the water and becomes diseased for 20 days, going in and out of consciousness.
3.) Other.