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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek waited impatiently for the food, measuring each second as it passed. He liked to cook, but it was a test of restraint at the same time. Such challenges were not easy for him, given his temper and urges. However, the results were very satisfying. Spaghetti a la ghoul - a humongous dish made to satisfy even the most ravenous appetites. Przemek took the pasta out of the water after checking a sample and ensuring it was soft enough, then put the sauce mixed with meat on top of it. He had to use a special dish for big abnormals, anything else would have been too small. The ghoul moved to a table and quickly began to eat.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Lycan, huh. So that means you're a werewolf?" Dante says flatly, still taking in the view of the Sanctuary "So. When do I meet the good Doctor? I'm always anxious to meet a lovely lady" he says, chuckling as his steps change almost to dance moves, as if all sense of seriousness had left his mind. "But I gotta admit. I was beginning to suspect something was strange when those guys in suits started showing up with the envelopes of money. And the 'demons' they hired me to kill? Easily class D demons. It didn't add up. Just glad someone can tell me what the hell is goin' on."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*seenig another creature just show up like Mikki did Zale was about ready to give a blast as she stepped back but with Chris greeting her as he did she calmed down quickly just figuring this was another.."friend" she waved to Mikki a bit out of sorts with everything and then came miradna and speaking to her the girl justmanaged a small smile and a nod*

"umm just call me Zale. easier"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry half shrugged.

"Yeah, suppose you could say that, though it isn't like that crap they spout off in Hollywood. It can be controlled if the person wants to make the effort. As for when you'll meet her, I'm not entirely sure, she just got back from London."

A pause as he considered the last part.

"Strange, they hired you to kill them? That's not standard for them, usually they want to capture and torture, try to control them. They must have had specific reasons why they wanted them dead, and must have been worried about you enough to not try taking you out too. Unless they were scouting your abilities to learn from you."

Miranda nodded.

"OK, cool. Nice to meet you Zale. How long have you been here?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man laughs "Scouting my abilities? Ha! That's a riot. You didn't see the wads of cash they paid for the hits." he says as he slides his hands into his pockets and leans back slightly. "Trust me. If they tried to capture me, they'd find I'm slippery as an eel. And strong as an ox."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"oh well actually less then an hour? or around that...my tour of the place from my first visit here was just starting when snake issues arose. was just gonna be given thre layout of the place but had to be put on hold afterall"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Sounds great to me, lead on!" Sarah replied, looking a lot less suspisios and a lot more relaxed as she shouldered her carpet bag once again.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Well, this is certainly impressive..." Max thinks to himself as he stares out over the sanctuary, taking in the grandness of the area. Shifting slightly Max rests his arms behind himself and leans his head back as he stares up into the sky. He sits there for a while, wondering whether he can really trust a group with such powers and a seemingly unlimited wealth.

Max ponders on this for a long while, though eventually decides to at least trust Helen and the rest a little bit until he can be shown they are worthy of his complete trust. Getting up Max flings himself off the edge of the roof before correcting himself midair and grabs onto the railing. Pulling himself up Max then flips himself back onto the balcony before making his way back into the building.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Mik'Ti'Kalik." She said to Zaleia with a wave back, spinning her hand as if to elaborate something. "orr, Mikki. Nisse to 'eet 'oo."

After setting her pair of books down in a corner for the time being, she reached down and hefted the unconscious snake, trying to get a feel for it's weight and how ungainly it would be to carry. The thing was really heavy, but if she couled it up so it didn't drag too much, she should be able to carry it back up to wherever. " 'ere iss he ko-ing?" She asked Chris, looking back the wat she had come.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris paused for a moment to consider her question.

"I'd say to the high control abnormal area. That one's too dangerous to let mingle with any others, it needs to be properly contained. Hmm, now how the hell do you tell the gender of a snake though ...?"

Miranda nodded.

"Ah ok. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here, and if there's anything I can do for you just let me know, ok?"

Henry shrugged.

"Actually dude, they probably would try to kill you. If they can't capture, they kill so it's not a threat to them anymore. Though it's weird that they hired someone to make hits for them, must have been pretty important stuff for them to hire an outside gunner."

Helen led Sarah through a couple of halls until they reached the pantry closest to the main entry of the Sanctuary.

"Your more than welcome to anything here, I might actually eat something myself soon. Hmm, strange, someone outside with Henry over there ... Would you excuse me for a moment please?"

As Max entered the building, he would see something that looked an awful lot like a pixie go flying by him, and around the corner.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki held a hand up in response to Chris' question. "Theress ssuh'ossed to 'e a nnud or 'atch sssome'ere..." She said, laying the creature back down again and searching for something on it for a minute. Then she shrugged, grabbed it by the tail and spun a couple loops around herself, then hefting the main body segment in her arms and started carrying it towards the exit of the catacombs, and after that, to the high-security area.

The books and oversized pencil she had originally brought down remained on the floor where she had left them.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*Zale would give a small smile and nod to miranda as she turned her attention a bit interested in the giant snake being hefted by Mikki still having to get used to all this vareity of abnormals appearently. she walked around to Chris's side and just watched Mikki start dragging it away.*

"yah this can definately go down in history as one hell of a day for me"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek finally finished his monster meal. Temporarily satisfied, he cleaned up after himself and left the cafeteria. Moving out of the room, the ghoul took a deep breath, taking in the scents. He thought he sensed something new for a moment before dismissing the thought and setting off, wandering aimlessly. Somehow, he ended up moving roughly in Sarah's direction.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded to Mikki, and let her go about what she was doing, giving not another thought on it. He was fully aware it was the snake who'd be in trouble if it came to it, and not his friend. He did however grunt lightly to Zale's remark.

"Just another day at the office for me. You'll get used to it, trust me."

((Will let Shrike and Grave determine their characters next move as nothing pops into my mind. Still waiting for Occam and Oni.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki trudged all the way to the high-security area and deposited the snake creature without compliant, then paused and looked around as she considered what to do next. She wasn't hungry anymore, and she had no idea where to find Miranda anymore, so... Back to the book then.

Mikki groaned. She had left her books down in the catacombs. She'll have to go back down and collect them. Letting out a sigh, she started back the way she had came.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Slowly growing bored out of his skull, the ghoul changed his course. Przemek came to the conclusion that he needed to get out - perhaps some fresh air would help him clear his head. Fortunately for him, he was able to blend in quite well with other humans, at least as long as he remembered not to grin. Moving straight towards the exit, the ghoul let out a low sigh. He had some steam to let out and little to do recently. Irritation and stress were considered as normal disposition for him, but recently he started to lose his drive when left with nothing to do for too long. This frustrated him even more.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Max simply stares at the passing pixie for a moment before it goes out of sight. Blinking twice he then shakes his head as if to get rid of some illusion placed on him.

"I didn't actually see that, right..?" The young boy thinks to himself for a moment, before his youthful curiosity finally gets the best of him and heads in the direction the winged creature flew to.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Quietly Sarah nodded and went to gather some of the food she could find. The smell itself was driving her crazy with hunger, due to the diet of chips and various rations she had scavanged.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man nods a few times as Henry speaks, then merely scoffs. "They'd find I'm pretty hard to kill." he says, thinking back to all the times he had been cut, stabbed, and burned over his demon hunting career. He then decides to change the subject away from the Cabal, and onto other matters. "So. This place you have here. It must cost a lot to maintain. Keeping all the things that go bump in the night locked up and such." he says, his head swiveling back and forth to keep an eye out for anything suspicious, as if paranoid of the place.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry half nodded.

"Yeah, decent amount of money, but we've got the funding. Oh don't worry about anything jumping out, anything dangerous is kept quite secure. Oh hey Doc."

At this last, a woman who didn't appear much older than her middle thirties emerged from one of the many doors exiting the room they were in. She was still attractive, and her hair was jet black. She regarded them for a moment before nodding back.

"Hello Henry. Who do we have here?"

Sarah found no shortage of food stuff stored away. Hamburger, hot dogs, what seemed to be a pre-made meatloaf, and many other wonders just sat there, waiting to get used up. It was up to her what appealed most.

As Max went around the corner, he discovered the pixie was gone. However a second later he heard a voice above him.

"You following me? Hey wait a second, yer new here."

A sudden idea might hit Przemek. There was supposed to be some kind of festival in the main town, perhaps he could check that out?

After a long flight, Natasha was probably relieved when the pilot informed her they were about to land, and within just a few more moments she was on solid ground again, accompanied by Will and Kate.

"So ... ready to head on over to your new workplace?"

Will seemed amused, though she could likely understand since he'd told her of his encounter with Magnus, and him being dragged into this in much the same way Natasha was now.
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