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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man withdraws his hands from his pockets, his right hand crossing his chest as he bows, his left arm sticking out behind him as he does so. "Tony Redgrave. At your service. Though my friends just call me Dante." he says as he then stands, the woman easily able to see the sword on his back as he bowed. "So. You're this doctor I've heard so much about." he says, then folds his arms over his chest.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"alrighty chris so we have everything taken care of down here right? no more need to camp out in these lil dungeons and whatnot? i say elts get out of here before we discover some other nasty lil thing creeping around down here"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As he continued forward, the ghoul vaguely recalled the festival that was supposed to take place outside. He briefly considered the idea. Last time he went to a festival was in Germany, and it was a funny experience. Perhaps he could catch a breath and have some fun at the same time. Przemek moved outside, setting his sights on the town. "A change of pace, huh... Ah well. Why not?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Several years of being on the run has made Max a little more than a bit twitchy when being snuck up from behind, and as the pixie calls out to him the young man instinctively places his hand on the wall and absorbs some of the material. Shaping his now coated hand into a blade he spins around though stops mid-slash as he spots the pixie he had seen only a moment before.

"Uh... No, I wasn't following you..." Max says a little sheepishly, embarassed by his reaction and to be caught so easily. He had thought himself better than that. "Okay...I guess I was...and yeah, just arrived. Not sure about the place though.."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah would grab a few hot dogs, several hamburgers, some chips, candys, and various other goodies as she goes back to her room, easily scarfing down the junk food. After polishing off the small feast she relaxed a bit, finally feeling safe and quiet resting on the bed. "Finally... some food...."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The Pixie moved with incredible speed, easily avoiding any movement Max made.

"Ah well ... welcome. Mind not trying to impale me though? Anyway, yeah you'll get used to it. Besides, there's some real babes here, if ya know what I mean."

It wasn't long before Przemek would catch the scent of baked goods, particularly funnel cakes in the air, a smell that was wonderfully good.

Helen regarded him for a long moment before nodding.

"Helen Magnus, yes, I'm probably who you've heard about if it's from Henry. What can I do for you Mr. Redgrave?"

Dante would probably get the impression she was a true English woman in manner, but that her demeanor could change quickly to adapt to her surroundings if she had to. She also didn't seem too concerned about his weapon, which meant either she'd seen something like it before, unlikely, or knew something he didn't, which was most probable.

Chris nodded to Zaleia.

"Yeah, agreed, let's get out of here. I think outside for some air first might be ... good."

Once more his hand brushed her shoulder, and they made a teleport jump, though she noted again he had pushed some kinda of wrist device first before doing so.

Once outside, he stepped a few feet away, and she'd realize they were in a rather large courtyard, quite well decorated with statues and the like. It was now that she'd also note the true size of this place, taking up far more territory than she'd previously thought. It was almost like a mini-city of it's own, which technically, it was if she thought of how many abnormals the place had to be housing.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*looking around at the courtyard hey now occupied she offered a whistle looking around at the statues. After a moment of lookign she began to walk along deciding she was curious about the statues for now finding art interesting every now and then*

"ooh seems like someone is a bit of a collector...either that or your just using this place to house all the medusa victims! hah"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek pressed on. The smell was starting to affect him, even though he wasn't very hugry at that moment - his natural abilities allowed him to gorge on food as much as he wanted, though. Moving faster, the young man followed his nose towards the fair, intending to blend into the crowd and have some fun. Being near a large group of humans wasn't something he particularly enjoyed, but he'd have to bear this.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Sorry about that, kind of a natural reaction now..." As he apologises Max retracts the blade, his hand appearing once more. Then he releases the material. "I'd like to get used to it, though I've never really stayed in one area for long, much less had reason to trust people."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki made it back to the now-abandoned catacombs hallway, coughing a little from the dust that was only now beginning to settle. She found her books and pencil, shaking a little more dust off of them, then started trudging back towards the Sanctuary proper.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante smiles as he places his hands casually on his hips, slowly walking towards the doctor and slightly turning to slowly walk around her as he talked, examining her every feature as he did so. "I was wondering if you could tell me about this place. I find it fascinating that you can keep so many in one plaaaace." Dante says, extending the A as he notices a certain aura about Dr. Magnus, then begins to laugh. "So that's how. You're one as well. Either way, I am intrigued by how you've rounded so many up under one roof without them at each others throats. Demons often hate being near each other." he says, being so accustomed to calling them by that name. He begins to walk away from Helen, then turns around, facing the doctor face to face. "Though something strikes me as a bit odd. The aura sees distorted. As if.....You both are demons. But are not." he says, then raises both of his arms in a shrug.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"That I can understand. Used to be the same way myself, up until about six years or so ago. Damn, it really has been that long ..."

Przemek soon discovered the source of the funnel cake smell, coming from a small establishment. There was a short line for the moment, but more people were on their way over having decided perhaps they too would like a piece of it.

Helen seemed to gauge him for a moment before replying.

"Not demons in the sense of folk lore, though everyone calls us by different names. We call them abnormals, some are more human than others, some can even pass as humans. Myself, well for all intents and purposes I am human, just with the source blood running through me. It's what's allowed me to live for so long. You'll find that most abnormals are peaceful unless provoked Mr. Redgrave. Some of them however do need careful watching, and a more ... enclosed environment. Perhaps I should have Henry show you around, although I am curious how you managed to find us."

Chris groaned slightly at her joke.

"Seriously? Is that the best you had? Nah, actually the things are hiding spots for missile launchers and chain guns."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek checked his pockets. He usually carried some small amounts of money he got one way or another with him, just in case he felt hungry while in town. In fact, sometimes the people at Sanctuary considered giving him some money and letting him out as less stressful than employing guards at the kitchen. Przemek decided to take a place in the line, hoping to get a cake or two before setting off and exploring the town further.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*grinned and stuck her tongue out at him at his comment of he rjoke and just shook her head when told what they were there for*

"sheesh cant even have something artistic without making it abnormal can you? missles gatling guns really?"

*she just began walking along through the courtyard ahead of him to get a better look at all the statues..weapons in disguise*

"makes me think of some kind of transformers movie now..more then meets the eye"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante listens as she explains everything to him, then a smile forms on the right side of his face. "So. It seems they are not demons here, but something that feels like demons to me. Man did they pull one over on me." Dante says, rubbing the back of his head with his left hand. "Well. As for how I found out about you, the Cabal sent me. They don't know where you are, I just came here and winged it myself. They sent me to eliminate this erm, 'Abnormal' as you call it." he says, reaching into his coat pocket and drawing out a picture of the Big Guy, showing it to Helen and sighing. "But after hearing about this place, and the evidence I am slowly remembering from my own hunts, I'm beginning to suspect I've been played like a sucker." he says, then shrugs with his arms out once again, the picture still in his hands.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

After gorging on her junk food, Sarah would finish her unpacking, keeping all her lab equipment in her bag for the present time. Still, even as she layed on the bed in her room, she found herself feeling the need to move. The routine of survival and combat was pretty much installed into her psyche now, and she had to get up. Sliding off the bed, she walked from the room, wandering in the direction of what she hoped was the main atrium. She was curious about what other creatures were here, and perhaps if there was anything quite like her here....
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Soon enough, he had his funnel cake in hand, and was off on his exploration. He had no idea how much time elapsed, but he was suddenly snapped out of his exploration by the sounds of an explosion off to his right side. When he looked back, one of the vending tents had burst into flame, sending the people into a total panic.

Helen blankly stared at him for a moment before replying.

"I can't believe the Cabal were that gutsy to send someone here. They must have thought if they couldn't get rid of you, we either would, or you'd run through everyone here and take care of part of their problem for them, and gain combat data on you. Which does beg the question of how they planned to gather such data when you certainly don't have a tracking device on you. Even if you had, it would have been neutralized the moment you entered this place. They didn't tell you to take some kind of serum or anything did they?"

As Sarah entered a large room, she came to spot a large tank of water. Wondering what it was for, she didn't have to wait long before suddenly a mermaid swam up to the glass, looking at her. Then, she heard something that took her a moment to realize was actually in her head, and very real.

"Hello there. I'm Sally, your new here? Staying?"

Chris chuckled.

"How do you think we hide the defense systems from would be intruders? Gotta have some way to keep them concealed and safe until they are needed. Hmm, Transformers ... That does have a point to it. So .... if you don't mind my asking, just what did you do before the Cabal and Nikola came knocking on your front door so to speak? I just am wondering how they managed to track you down."

Zaleai's 'inspection' of the statues revealed nothing beyond that they apppeared to be statues. Save for what seemed to be small weather cracks in them, they seemed perfectly normal.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"wellll my front door so to speak was actually some warehouse...i came across some weird disturbances and tracked them down...it was a trap set by the cabal..i gave them a hard time about it and then Dr. creepy showed up and gave the Cabal people one hell of a beating..."

*she stopped and turned to look at chris and his reaction to her explanation*

"other then that i am kinda just travelling wherever i feel like going. before that i had been hanging out in newyork..had an awesome view looking down on Time Square"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As Sarah was almost pressed against the glass, staring intently in the empty water, the sudden appearence of the mermaid right in front of us brings Sarah to give a small yelp, falling back as one hand reaches fior her bag before she stops her reflex action. "Er, I guess it's a long term, to tell the truth I dunno... also, it's Sarah," she responded, flushing a bit. She needed to stop freaking out at abnormalcy when a place like this, she thought to herself.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek had been enjoying his trip so far, chewing down on the cake and walking around, taking in the mix of smells and sights that surrounded him. However, by the time he finished his meal and considered looking for something else to eat, his thoughts were interrupted by the explosion. Snapping out of his relaxed pace in just a second, the ghoul quickly rushed towards the tent. Was this an accident, or an attack? Cabal? Abnormal? Or a "normal" incident? Przemek had to find out. He was a person who thrived in action, and letting things pass around him wasn't something he liked.
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