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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki reached the hallway corner where she had originally been reading, and looked down both ways. Satisfied that nobody had claimed the spot in her absence, she hunkered back down and began to read again, full and content.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Six years ago? So how long have you been here?" Max asks the pixie, his curiosity in this odd little creature overriding his desire to find somewhere isolated.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante thinks, then shakes his head. 'Not that I know of. Though they always asked me to meet them at this one bar." he states, recalling his many meetings in that bar. His mind then snapped back to the situation at hand. "Either way, why exactly are they trying to destroy you guys? You seem alright, considering you do pretty much the same thing I do, just with a different style." he states, sliding his hands into his pants pockets, seeming to suggest something with that last statement.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen only shook her head at him before replying.

"The long and short of it is, the leaders of the Cabal seek to control any and every abnormal they can, and use them to force world leaders into giving them total control of the planet. They're leaders are descendants of Hitler's personal guard and still follow his ideals to this day. A year or so ago we accidently set free three abnormal sisters with intense telekinetic powers that the Cabal had been holding hostage, trying to find a way of controlling their power. We ended up at the time forced to return them, partially because they wished for us to do so, why I still don't know, they escaped and vanished completely shortly after the Cabal came to claim them. Since then, they've been trying to destroy the entire network as they view it as a threat. They're right, we won't stand for them to forcibly enslave abnormal or human alike.

The pixie thought a moment.

"Shit man, a good ten years now I guess. It's kinda strange til you get used to it. Hell, you want a real wake up call and a way of getting used to it faster? Go visit the telepathic mermaid on the ground level. Her name is Sally."

Sally seemed to bob her head in the water before replying.

"Then please, allow me to welcome you here. I do hope you'll find peace here, I can sense your ... apprehension. I can tell terrible things have happened to you, though not the specifics. I don't suppose you wish to relax some with a swim would you?"

Chris nodded slowly though his eyes perked a bit at the mention of disturbances.

"Hmm, so they set a trap ... Which means they had known about you and been tracking you somehow for quite some time. They never move in until they've found a 'perfect' ambush spot. Please, don't take any offense to this, but your probably very lucky Nikola DID show up there and catch them off guard. Most abnormals that the Cabal target who run solo ... they end up dead or captured. We still don't completely know what becomes of those abnormals they do manage to capture, but I can be sure it isn't pleasant.."

He chuckled slightly at her second comment.

"Yeah, New York City is something isn't it? I haven't been there in several years now. I actually was supposed to go there with Ashley, but Clara needed to be out in the field, so she's out in place of me. Ashley and I usually are ... well let's just say we're something of a couple and leave it there."

As Przemek drew closer to the tent, he began to smell something awful. For a moment, he might think it was sulfur from the smell, but then suddenly something MOVED inside of the flame and rubble, something BIG.

A few moments later, a hulking creature resembling a cyclops emerged, appearing to have crawled out from under the ground, and it looked very angry. The explosion cause wasn't clear, but what was clear was this creature was visibly angry.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"A swim? Now?!?" Sarah asked, a bit alarmed at how friendly the mermaid was, but she tried to hide the surprise nerves. "Er, I don't think I got spare bathing clothes onhand..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"ahhh now you should know that telling someone to just leave a bit of juicy information like that be is ASKING for snooping!. but perhaps i should be a good little girl and let it go hehe. next time i meet some Cabal people i think i am gonna owe them a bit of payback or two..ruining my enjoyment of a place is tantamount to genocide! just ask my sisters"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris blinked.

"You have sisters? I hope they're someplace out of the Cabal's network, I really do. Let's just hope the Cabal hasn't tracked them down, aye?"

Sally seemed to go on at first.

"That's no issue, look at me, I can't even wear human clothes, I have no need for them so I swim nude. Though your people seem to insist upon swimming with ..."

She trailed off a she obviously picked up on something, then she spoke again, this time with perhaps a hint of sadness to her voice.

"I ... don't scare you, do I? I'm sorry if I did ..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*Zale just smiled at the thought before shaking her head* "ohhh if they are where i last saw them...the Cabal will have more trouble getting them there then anyplace else...trust me my sisters were surrounded by friends when i took off. friends who wouldnt let the end of the world stop them from protecting each other" *she chuckled recalling a few of the people before turning her eyes about to her surroundings once more and picking a random direction to start walking* "alright tour guide come on keep up before i have to get you fired!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded.

"Good good. May their combined efforts keep them safe. The Cabal rarely will attack a large group without extensive searching of them. By then, hopefully this bullshit will be over. I'm still itching to pay those bastards back after what happened in Chicago a few years ago. That cost me dearly, I'm no longer human because of them. That still is a sore spot for me, and I'm just dying for a little payback."

A nod and he added, "alright, well we got most of the lower areas, I guess you wanted to see the more .... dangerous abnormal facilities then?"

If Zaleia had kept up with the times, she might actually have a sudden flash in her head about having heard of a STILL unsolved massacre in Chicago a few years ago. If so, she might wonder if Chris here had played a part in that.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Oh for the love of..." Przemek didn't finish the curse. This was the worst possible development. A huge, feral abnormal in the middle of a city - during a fair, no less. The number of potential casaulties could go through the roof if this thing continued it's rampage. The ghoul was itching for another chance at a fight, considering he could do little before... But he doubted he could take this guy on by himself. First, he'd have to get it's attention and lure it to an unpopulated area and hope that HQ would notice the problem. Tensing and preparing to dodge out of it's way, Przemek stepped in the behemoth's path. "Hey! Ugly! Over here!" He didn't know if the beast understood that, but he showed it the "highway salute" just in case it was confused about who it was supposed to pursue.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah grew quiet for a bit, before slowing speaking again.

"It's just... back when I was smaller, I used to think, well, I used to think that ceatures like you and... and, well, them, were the type of things I believed were made up by people to scare em or keep em in line. Now... well now, I've lived through a hell featuring such creatures, I'm part one of them due to circumstances I can't control, then when the horror's finally over... I'm thrust into a world where creatures like me are hunted down by a crazy group of ex-nazis and find out it's not just bloody zombies that are real but half of mythology! So ya, I'm kinda still in a mix of shock and confusion here..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"There's a mermaid here?" Max asks, a look of slight doubt on his face though it disappears a moment later. After all, if there's a pixie here and other people with powers then why couldn't there be a mermaid? "I guess it's worth a try I suppose. Where would I find this mermaid?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

((OK, I'm told Occam's is gone for an indefinite time, so I'm dropping his convo with Helen out for now. If/When he returns, some assumptions will have to be made on it. Dreana I need a reply from you though.))

The pixie nodded.

"Yeah, she's on the first floor, in a large tank in the habitat ring there. Like I said, be forewarned, she's telepathic, and she'll probably ask you if you want to go swimming. I'm the only one she hasn't actually, cuz I'm so small a large glass of water would kill me even."

Przemek got a bit of a surprise suddenly. The beast whipped around, growling, then stopped as it looked him over. As the remainder of the people there made their escape, the creature lumbered out of the wreckage, glaring down at the ghoul. Then, it actually spoke.

"Why? No. It wasn't you. Who dares disturb our kind with gas?"

The creature seemed to be confused somehow, and still very angry, itching for a fight. Yet something suggested it wanted to be sure whoever it attacked deserved it's fury, a fact backed up by the fact it still hadn't made any move towards the fleeing people, leaving them completely unharmed. It was possible this creature had known all of them were here, and it hadn't bothered it in the slightest.

Sally seemed to just float for what felt like forever before she finally replied.

"I see. My apologies then, I must have seemed ... scary then. Eventually you will find your place, and will find some peace. I've been here longer than most, for me when I first arrived ... I did not believe I could survive as long as what I have. There aren't many of my species left, so I interact with yours. It's the only thing I have now. I should let you get back to exploring, just don't try to enter any of the red zoned areas, the abnormals in there can be very dangerous."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*giving just ashrug of her shoulders she didnt know much of what he was talking about the biggest extent of her keeping up with the news was if she had done something herself that had become newsworthy.*

"i'm sure plenty of people have some reason or another to get back at them for but anyways lets move along then shall we? hut hut! before i make you go get a new day job tour boy!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sally seemed to just float for what felt like forever before she finally replied.

"I see. My apologies then, I must have seemed ... scary then. Eventually you will find your place, and will find some peace. I've been here longer than most, for me when I first arrived ... I did not believe I could survive as long as what I have. There aren't many of my species left, so I interact with yours. It's the only thing I have now. I should let you get back to exploring, just don't try to enter any of the red zoned areas, the abnormals in there can be very dangerous."

"I'm sorry to make ya uncomfy," Sarah admitted, flushing a a bit. "Perhaps I come back to that swim, but still, it would be nice to see what's around here. It must get lonely inside there with not much to do, hmm?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

'The Hell?' Przemek was not ready to handle an intelligent species. On one hand, it'd make his job easier if he managed to convince the abnormal to behave reasonably. On the other hand, negotiations weren't his strong side. Fortunately, while the creature was obviously angry, it wasn't malicious - it just didn't care much. "Ah... Wait a second. You said gas?" It could have been an accident... Or a deliberate attack. However, Sanctuary agents wouldn't take such a risk, and they'd rather negotiate if an opportunity presented itself. Could this mean... Cabal? Here? Not good. "If that's the case... I can help. But you have to stop breaking everything around you. It'll draw attention and someone innocent might be harmed. The humans might start fighting back, too, since they don't know why you're here. I can find those who did it if you have any clues, even get us some extra help if necessary, but raising havoc will make things difficult for both of us."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The behemoth squinted down at Przemek for a moment, before it nodded it's gargantuan head.

"Gas from above came into home. Choking, blinding gas, painful. Cause pain and anger. No wish to cause harm to innocent, but cannot return while gas lingers. Cannot remain here, must go back to hiding, humans not understand."

Sally nodded in her tank.

"Very. It's why I was hoping someone was free to swim for a bit. It can get very lonely here, especially with none of my kind present here."

Chris nodded, then led her back inside. However, as they approached their next stop, a woman entered from a side door, and Chris spotted her.

"Helen, hold up a moment will you? Good to have you back."

She turned, nodding, then fixed her eyes upon Zaleia. Before she could ask, Chris spoke.

"Zaleia, meet Helen Magnus. Helen ... Zaleia. She was attacked by Cabal soldiers. Interestingly enough, someone came to her rescue, someone who wanted to send you a message. It seems that John didn't actually kill Nikola."

Helen blinked several times before turning to Zaleia.

"Well, welcome to the Sanctuary then. Dare I actually ask what Nikola wanted? Ought to be interesting considering the last time he and I met he tried to kill me."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*tilting her head a bit she looked over helen for a momment before reaching into her pocket to retrieve the message she had written out from what nikola had wanted passed on to helen*

"soooo your this Helen magnus then...i dont need to ask for I.D. or anything to prove it do i? nah i'm just kidding. Here this is what mister sparky wanted me to tell you. i wrote it down so i wouldnt forget."

*she offered the little envelope over to Helen so she could at least say she did what had been asked of her and got the message to magnus*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Helen took the note carefully, looking it over before her eyes narrowed.

"Alright, well ... I must say I'm not quite certain what to say about this. Strange that he would ask that considering he has to know I'd be likely to ignore it given the past. How did he seem to you when he told you? Arrogant, or worried?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*giving a shrug of her shoulders she would think back to the meeting trying to get a guage on what she might describe his mood*

"well he was friendly enough..seemed a little concerned but didnt strike me as arrogant thats for sure..anyways whatever this disease he is talking about..seems to me its better o jump at some chance for a cure if one presents itself..but i dont know about anything thats really going on sooo.."
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