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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Everything going on was just to weird right now for Zale and while she tried figuring it all out in her head she watched chris just poof into the tank and while he was there doing whatever he was going to try she stayed quiet hoping these people knew what was happening.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry paused a second before replying.

"Uh yeah sure man. It might be a few though, I'll see if maybe Chris can do something faster for you if I can catch him. Gotta run now though."

He hung up, then nodded to Mikki and took off down the hall at a sprint.

After an unknown amount of time, surely too long for a person to hold their breath, Chris appeared again, soaking wet and with a light scratch mark on his face that seemed to be healing right before their eyes.

"OK, not good. From what I gather Sally was able to trace the source of the vision. It came from somewhere near Bermuda, it looks like something big is going down there. Sally says there was a cry for help from her own kind there, has been for an hour or so now, but she thought it was under control. Now this vision, and suddenly the cries are gone. She can't sense them anymore, she's totally cut off. We think something very bad has happened down there. She apolgizes to you ... Sarah I believe she said your name was, but right now she wants to be left alone. It took me a moment before she even recognized me. She uh ... attacked me at first."

Helen's eyes shot wider and wider as he went on, but hit their peak when he mentioned Sally had attacked him.

"She attacked you? Their species isn't hostile at all, they don't attack. For her to have attacked you ... something more than just a cry for help came through that vision. There's no other explanation."

Chris nodded grimly.

"I know. And I also know you have to run the place here Helen. So ... anyone want to come with me to Bermuda to find out what happened?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki nodded right back and followed him, her longer legs keeping up with him at what looked to be an awkward lope.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"A-attacked...." Sarah said, stuttering a bit, blinking in shock. "Woah woah woah! If there's something attacking her family we can't just stand here! What's the first ride outta here, huh?" She was ready to act, if a bit rashly due to her earlier release from other hostile sources.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Alright." Przemek put his phone away and looked at the abnormal near him. "We should get some means of transporting you without looking too conspicious quite soon..." A sudden thought occured to the ghoul. They've been standing out in the open for quite a while. "Crap. We ought to move somewhere where we won't be seen, though. Best not to draw attention while waiting." He looked around, trying to spy a suitable place.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded.

"Nautilis Helen?"

She nodded in reply.

"Go. She's all yours."

Nodding again Chris turned to Sarah.

"We'll make our way quickly to the coast of Florida where we'll use a Sanctuary submersible to go the rest of the way. We'll have to be under water for this. Your welcome to join if you want. Zaleia ... you want to join? We may need the extra help if this turns sour."

John suddenly appeared with his two 'passengers' right in front of Henry and Mikki as they rounded a corner, causing them to have to skid to a stop. Quickly they explained each other's predicaments, John seeming a tad taken aback by the possibility something had happened to Sally's people. However he agreed to go get Prez and bring them back.

"Just take care of these two, especially her, we don't fully know her situation yet."

He then vanished.

((Kinda glossing over a bit to speed up things. Will let Mikki decide what she wants to do.))

As Prezmek started to search for a place to go, suddenly the air shifted, and after a moment he spotted John walking towards them.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"huh? you want me to go with you? in a submarine to some place underwater..what makes you think i'll be of any help?" *

she was really just stumped as to what had been going on so many things at one time were leaving her just crossed in all the hapenings*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek smiled slightly. He didn't get to see John too often. He had the movements of an experienced fighter - and the ghoul was willing to bet an arm that he knew how to kill. It was just a feeling, but the guy had an air of someone who did things the hard way and got the job done, in spite of his stature. The more animalistic part of Przemek's psyche was on guard around this man, but the ghoul seemed to enjoy the company.

"Yo! John!" Przemek raised one hand in a greeting. It seemed he already had the man's attention. "Good to see you here. Got a bit of a problem here..." He gestured towards the huge abnormal near him. "I hope Henry filled you in. Anyway, we need to get him to the Sanctuary, and we need to find out who attacked him." He made a short pause, thinking about what to do. "Think you can deal with the transport on your own? I'd like to sweep the area. We might be dealing with Cabal."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki stood there and listened to the conversation without saying much at all. When John left again, she looked to each of the group, then made a shrugging motion. " 'Elp Sssally?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"I'm in, just let me grab my, er, supplies before we get started, ok?" Sarah replied, one foot allready going to move towards getting her carpet bag.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded to Sarah.

"Meet in the main foyer where you came in from before. Will be there shortly."

He turned to Zaleia, and for a moment paused, as if considering.

"Well honestly, I can't do everything by myself on that sub and still be able to figure out what happened. It's usually a three person operation when we use it, and well, you seem to grasp things quickly. Plus if your going to be staying here or having to hide from the Cabal, you deserve to know what's out there and what your up against, getting yourself into."

Henry thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Go on Mikki, I'll tend to the two of them. Uh, yeah ... what are your names? She your girlfriend?"

The last two parts were directed at the new people.

John nodded and briskly walked towards them.

"Ah yes, Henry did give me a short run down of things. I believe I can still teleport with our friend here and return us both to the Sanctuary. For the time being the super storage facility will have to do in order to keep you hidden and safe, the Sanctuary itself I'm afraid wasn't designed to allow someone of your height to walk it's halls. However, this doesn't seem to be Cabal related, at least not a capture. No, whoever attacked wanted those caught in the gas to get out. The question is, why? If your going to be investigating, be wary and alert. Something is quite odd about this."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek frowned. Not related to Cabal? Well, this was a possibility... But who else would target an abnormal? He imagined a racist fanatic and decided that he didn't like the image at all. "Alright. I'll stay here and seek, you take care of the transport. I suppose an investigation crew will be dispatched sooner or later, but the trail might grow cold by then. I'll check out the area and see if I can track the attackers down." The ghoul turned his face towards the big abnormal. "Can you tell me where exactly the attack happened?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki nodded to Henry, then gave the newcomers a wave and started jogging towards Sally's tank once more. After a few moments she reaches the room with the large window into Sally's tank, and peers in, trying to spot the mermaid.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*frowning a bit she wasnt entirely comfortable about going underwater in some stupid submarine and while chewing on her lip for a moment she thought it over quietly looking about herself before giving a huff of breath and nodding her head to Chris*

"oh what the hell i guess i'll come. but dont expect me to steer that thing or something or else your liable to end up having us crash into the sea floor or something. who knows i'll probably be the first person to crash a sub into a whale if i had to steer it"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris nodded back to her.

"No steering for you, got it. Let's get moving then, Sarah when your ready meet us in the main hall alright?"

He turned to Mikki as he shrugged.

"You won't find her, she's way deep in her tank. We think something has happened to her people. Sarah, Zaleia and I are on our way to check it out. We'll let you know what happens."

The large abnormal nodded.

"Down pipe take fifth turn to right, go further down there and take first turn to left. Is where gas came from."

When Przemek was ready and done, John would teleport away with their new guest.

In the meantime, with things seeming under control, Helen moved back to where she had left Dante waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. One of our residents here needed some attending to, as I imagine you can guess from the sudden mental flash earlier."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek nodded. "Thanks. I'll take care of the investigation." He looked at John. "I'll call ya if I find something interesting. Either way, it won't hurt to have some people patrol the area, just in case. Oh, and do remind the boss to do something about the underground passage in the Catacombs? We should have buried that thing a long time ago. Before something leaves or enters through it, like, say... A giant snake?" He set off, quickly, moving to locate the entrance to the pipe - it had to be big, considering the size of the abnormal - while grumbling some incomprehensible threats under his breath. Irritation was pretty much a default state of mind for a human-turned-ghoul, but this day was starting to rub him the wrong way. Big time. At least he had an opportunity to let some stress out.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Dante smiles, as he bows forward with his left hand over his chest and his right wrist twirling multiple times as he extends his right arm "No problem, miss. After seeing your beauty, I'd hate to keep you from seeing anyone." Dante says, a hint of lecherousness in his voice, though the rest of his words from that point on carried a touch more seriousness. "Now, about the main reason why I decided to hear you out. You seem like you've got a pretty nice setup here, and I wouldn't mind finding out more about the difference between these 'Abnormals' as you call them, and Demons." he says, then begins to saunter forward, his usual cocky attitude showing once again. "What I'm saying, lady, is I'd like to help you get back at these Cabal jokers, and you help me develop a distinction between Abnormals and Demons." he says, stopping directly in front of Helen and flashing his pearly whites. "So? How 'bout it?" he asks, his right hand reaching out to hold her chin up with his right index finger.

((I LIVE! As does Dante!))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki turns from the tank to listen to Chris, nodding along. 'Ookay.' She says simply, not thinking of anything else to say. That done, she simply sits down at the side of the tank, her tail wrapping gingerly around her legs as she alternates between watching the others left in the room and peeking back in the tank, checking to see if Sally has recovered and returned.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Sarah quickly goes to the room she had just left, grabbing her carpet bag and replacing the weapons and ammo she had just replaced it, and quietly returned to the hall, quickly sliding a few bullets into a Magnum revolver before with a small flick of her wrist and closed the chamber. "Allright, ready," she replied, placing the gun into the carpet bag.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*just feeling a bit out of her element still she would move off following Chris when it was time to move on still not entirely thrilled about going underwater for any reason but she maintained that to herself as she tagged along*
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