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Catherine (Quartz)

Re: Catherine (Quartz)

16 vs 11
20 vs 1

Catherine manages to get another slash on the ropes, it looks almost finished now. She allows herself a smirk as she carefully watches her footing. Although for naught as the next attack is at her feet, making her hop to avoid it, only to see her feet get entangled by the other arm while shes in the air! It pulls he as another rope whips her across her breasts, falling on her back into almost a nest of coils, which take no time starting to entangle her.

One ties itself around her crotch, but she manages to keep her head clear through the wave of arousal.

Rope Demon 1/4
Cath 3/5 FP 0/4 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

After landing with a dull thud, Catherine gasped slightly as she felt the rope fasten itself around her crotch and pull taut. She felt the soft fabric of her clothing getting slightly damp as it pressed against her. Before the ropes could entangle her any more than they already had, she tried to pull herself to her feet and take out her wounded opponent.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

2 vs 4
20 vs 15

Catherine fails to free herself as the demon whips her again, along the crotch this time. She feels a wave of arousal but manages to clear her head. She feels the ropes tightening, and finds she's unable to attack like this.

Rope Demon 1/4
Cath 2/5 FP 0/4 AP
-(Bound, unable to attack until escape)
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine yelped as she felt the rope's whip smack across her. Realizing that her arms were tangled enough that she couldn't even attack anymore, she started trying to wriggle free of her bonds before the ropes locked her down completely.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

-2 vs 17 counter
6 vs 6

Catherine tried hard to struggle out of the ropes, but they only tightened at her struggles, tiring her more, the crotch rope rubbing hard against her, but managing to hold off the arousal it offered.

In her struggles, she moved just slightly to the side, enough to avoid the next whip strike of the creature, but she found herself totally bound now! Escape would be difficult, but she wasn't out yet.

Rope Demon 1/4
Cath 1/5 FP 0/4 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Finding herself in a very familiar situation, Catherine kept struggling against the ropes, even as they further constricted her movement. Unwilling to surrender again, she continued to try and squirm free while rolling side to side to hopefully replicate her lucky dodge.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

-2 vs 19
Struggle as Catherine might, she found her last once of strength leaving her as a piece of rope went in her mouth as a gag. She was utterly helpless now. She felt arousal build as the crotch rope rubbed her, and she knew it would keep building and before long she would desire for release.

Rope Demon 1/4
Cath 0/5 FP 1/4 AP
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Realizing that she was totally contained, Catherine relaxed and offered only token struggles. The cloth between her and the crotch rope rubbing against her was becoming progressively more damp as it continued. She looked helplessly at her captor and waited to see if it would do something more or just continue to slowly tease her and let the tension build.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

The captor let the tension build for quite a while with it's prey. Before long though, she felt the ropes loosen a little as they try out different positions. She eventually finds herself hanging in the air, facing upwards, arms and legs pulled up above her. The demon whips her, alone the crotch and the ass, teasing her beasts as well.

The ropes pull aside her clothes as another rope rubs against her bare womanhood. Some other ropes coil around her breasts, squeezing them as they tease her, alternating. Eventually she sees some of the coils form a phallic shape, two actually.

The first one inserts itself in her ass, holding there, sort of just turning in place inside her, causing her to climax from the new feeling. The other enters her pussy and moves forward and back, stacking to fuck her earnestly. The ropes are smooth, so it doesn't hurt, but the new feeling of the bumpy rope fucking her while rubbing against the turning rope in her ass is an exciting one, as it causes her to orgasm again. She's let on the ground after a little while longer of this, passing out.
Waking up, she sees no sign of any of the ropes.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

After her captor began to lift her into the air, Catherine couldn't help but blush as it shifted her from position to position looking for one it liked. Being forced to pose for it like that while it decided what it wanted to do was incredibly demeaning, but not in a bad way. Between that and the continued teasing by the rope lodged between her legs, she couldn't help but become far more aroused. By the time the rope monster pulled her into it's desired position and started whipping, her body was already on fire.

While her clothes were being shifted away, she was already desperate for release. The feeling of the smooth ropes rubbing against her most sensitive places was placing her agonizingly close, but not quite over the edge. She watched as the coils finally arranged themselves into the proper shape and started to press into her. As the one in her ass began to turn, the strange stimulation immediately caused her go into an orgasm, crying out as loudly as her gag permitted. Between the novel sensation caused by that rope and the thrusting of the one in her pussy, it didn't take long before she felt the second orgasm wash over her.


Coming to again, Catherine picked herself up off the floor of the castle and moved over to one of the nearby pillars, leaning against it as she sat back down and decided what to do. Rummaging through her pack, she produced more of the rations. "I wonder what happens when I run out of these, since they seem to be this games potions of cure moderate rape." She pondered aloud as she ate. "Oh well, at this rate I'm bound to find out.." Finishing her snack, she stood up again and headed to the next room.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Moving into the next room, Catherine is surprised to find that it's actually a fully functional luxury style bathroom. She sees one corner a bunch of food, a small sign next to it. "Please don't take from the room."

A small note pops up. "Safe room. Saving and exiting possible from here."

Although looking through the room, she spots a man sitting in the bath, facing away from her. It seems he didn't notice her enter.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

A man in a bath tub being the least dangerous thing Catherine had seen so far, she calmly walked towards him a bit and cleared her throat to announce her presence. "Ahem.. Sorry to interrupt your bath. I'm Catherine, and I'll probably just be passing through." She does her best to avoid looking directly at him as she waits for a response, after all he is bathing!
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

The man seems to decline to turn his head, after all, they were in a bathroom, she might not have noticed him and stripped. "Oh? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you enter." the man says. "No need to leave on account of me, the bath is plenty large if you're feeling tired. And it might be nice to have someone to talk to for a little while."

During this time Catherine caught a glance of the mans clothes, folded up on the side of the bath. She also spotted a large axe, probably used in two hands.
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Well, I'm not particularly tired, but it's always nice to have somebody to talk to for a while. So, why not?" Catherine began stripping away pieces of her clothing, taking care to fold each one and place it in a neat stack. Once fully stripped, she placed her sword and clothes next to the mans and stepped into the bath opposite of him. Settling into a good spot, she relaxed in the warm water and smiled at him. "So, I told you my name, it's only fair that you tell me yours."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

The man tactfully avoids looking at her while he hears him strip and get into the other bath.

"Alright fair enough Catherine. My name's Marc." He lets the air stay quiet for a moment as he talks again. "So, what are you here for?"
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

Catherine paused for a moment as she considered an answer. "Adventure, I suppose. And what about you, Mr. Marc? What brings you here, aside from the lovely baths."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

He chuckles. "Adventure, of a sort, I guess. I hear there's quite a few lovely women trapped in here that could desperately use a rescuer."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"I see, so you're here to find a damsel in distress all chained up and be her knight in shining armor then." As Catherine said "Damsel in distress", she jokingly held her wrists above her head as if her hands were bound. She blushed slightly a couple seconds later as it dawned on her who that description matched earlier.. "Well, that seems like a roundabout way of finding a lovely woman if you ask me."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Who said I had to rescue her?" the man chuckles. "Though...I guess that'd be the knightly thing to do."
Re: Catherine (Quartz)

"Now that you mention it, I don't really see any armor in those clothes of yours, let alone shiny armor. So is that your plan then? Keep exploring this place until you find some poor damsel who needs you to save and/or ravish her?"