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ACT Ci-En Enty Fantia Ryona [Chairi Soft] Guilty Hell II / A2

Hey, at least he's not sucking patreon money. Then again, dude only adds fat guys..... so I don't even know...
Don't worry you guys will get the game at an online booth somewhere after all this end.
You don't have to donate.

Otherwise you may spend 6000 yen a year.

But you can't buy games.
based on past experience with this guy, i will no support shit, once i ll see noticeable progress (which obviously gonna take more time he promise ) than only ill consider him feeding with my money.
Inappropriate behavior
I hope he makes the same with the same fetishs just to piss off you people who constantly bitch about it not specifically catering to you. It's not like what he made was originally part of some other fetish and then switched. I wouldn't go to a yuri thread and whine that there are no males over and over again but then again I'm not autistic like you retards.
I hope he does things that I like because I like his style but I only like things that I like, and I'm afraid that if he makes something I don't like, then I won't like it.

I hope he makes the same with the same fetishs just to piss off you people who constantly bitch about it not specifically catering to you. It's not like what he made was originally part of some other fetish and then switched. I wouldn't go to a yuri thread and whine that there are no males over and over again but then again I'm not autistic like you retards.
I hope your parents ground you.
So I can bitch about other people bitching as long as I don't use the nono words right? Yuri is garbage and a waste of his talents. Sorry, I might've offended you personally janny. Keep up the great work moderating (y)
Are you going for a speedrun fastest ban on ULMF any %?
So I can bitch about other people bitching as long as I don't use the nono words right? Yuri is garbage and a waste of his talents. Sorry, I might've offended you personally janny. Keep up the great work moderating (y)
I didn't do any moderation, I posted, like a poster does. You didn't offend me and I didn't tell you to stop breaking any rules. Try not to victim so hard.

And wait, yuri is garbage? Did he not put a shitload of detail and length into the final game over of the first game? Was that not yuri-centric?
Huh... okay, I actually like that there's justification for her appearance now. That makes me a little more accepting of it because now we know it's not just "Oh, an angel magically aged and looks like a milf for no reason," but it's "This is how the angel was always supposed to look, but she was weak before," or something like that?

There's still ONE thing that needs to change though... those. bags. under. her. EYES!! Lol. I do not understand why they had to make her look like a tired, overworked mom. It makes her look a bit elderly too, but only in the face, so it has that weird Skyrim effect where the old people have wrinkly faces but fit young bodies. (Obviously her face doesn't look elderly and super wrinkly, but I think those bags definitely make her face look a bit too old for her body... or something. Idk. Something feels off.)
Tbf, i wouldn't blame her looking like that after spending her time fighting monsters that wanna fuck her