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[Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

I have the feeling I won't have the full thing done when my time ends, but at least I'm going to give it a shot.
Nice to know someone's already done with theirs though.

mine doesnt have any porn (youll have to imagine it)
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

I'm uploading now, but I might not be able to post the link until later today, I got recruited to help a family member with remodeling a room. :p
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

I'm uploading now, but I might not be able to post the link until later today, I got recruited to help a family member with remodeling a room. :p

OOOOH yay :)
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Got it before I had to leave. Arrow keys to move, z to fire. Cutscenes should be self-explanatory, click on buttons. The 2nd stage enemy is a bit buggy, will fix later.

Not a AAA title by any means, but done in 72 hours.

Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

My masterpiece!

Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Hm. I might try to throw a game together... Although, I might get bored and quit halfway through. Let's give it a tentative project name of "If I Can Be Bothered." Engine... probably Ren'Py.
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Well, around this time is when our (me and LustFire's) 72 run out, so I guess I'll be posting what we managed to get done, which is basically half the game.

Here's the link to , including an exclusive test NPC to unlock the one CG that was to be in the part that didn't get made because of time running out.

EDIT: Here's a link with the two worst errors removed.
I know I said I wouldn't, but those bugs are too big to ignore.
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Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Since we're ignoring the no gor rule now considering posting the game commission i made too... but also might reserve it for when i have a bunch of them and i can release them as like a 2 dollar multipack
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Well, around this time is when our (me and LustFire's) 72 run out, so I guess I'll be posting what we managed to get done, which is basically half the game.

Here's the link to , including an exclusive test NPC to unlock the one CG that was to be in the part that didn't get made because of time running out.

Your game sucks, it's full of bugs and completely unbalanced. Did you even bother trying it out?
Wait a sec... That's... Yeah, that's my game.
So I guess it's a good thing I didn't dare to call it a "completed" thing because I really failed at checking if the game was playable.
(The start point isn't it should be, and that's just the beginning of my failures)

I guess I'll leave it as it is for the challenge, and when I get some time make an updated version and post it on its own.

As a side note on the challenge, I changed the "No GOR" from "Rule" to "Just a suggestion" because it seems that the three who started when it actually was a rule don't mind that rule being removed.
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Well, around this time is when our (me and LustFire's) 72 run out, so I guess I'll be posting what we managed to get done, which is basically half the game.

Here's the link to , including an exclusive test NPC to unlock the one CG that was to be in the part that didn't get made because of time running out.

EDIT: Here's a link with the two worst errors removed.
I know I said I wouldn't, but those bugs are too big to ignore.

For some reason I get an error whenever I try to run this game - "RGSS3 Player has stopped working." Anything I can do to fix it? Is it because I'm in Japanese locale or something?
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

For some reason I get an error whenever I try to run this game - "RGSS3 Player has stopped working." Anything I can do to fix it? Is it because I'm in Japanese locale or something?

I'm in Japanese locale and it worked fine for me (so do other English RPGmaker games). The fixed version that is. Are you able to play other VX Ace games without issue? (may need the RTP, although if you play RPGmaker games you should have it already) Not trying to talk down to you or anything, just best to start with the simple things.
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

For some reason I get an error whenever I try to run this game - "RGSS3 Player has stopped working." Anything I can do to fix it? Is it because I'm in Japanese locale or something?

Well, if other RPGVXAce games work correctly for you I'm going to guess it's because of the script that I used that breaks the 640x480 limitation.

I'm going to upload a version with that script removed to see if it works for you.
If so, I guess I'll have to pack it both with and without the script to break the 640x480 limit.

Here's the link:

EDIT: Forgot to mention, if you have an interest in participating or challenging yourself, it would be nice if you stated your interest before... Uhh... monday morning here?
Oh, I know, there's this thing I've seen two or three times, gives you your local time for a specific time. Here's a link:

Note about that: I'm closing the joining only to wrap this up and put up a vote in the first page, which will happen around 72 hours after the time specified above because of how the thing was put.

Edit 2: Also to mention, I'm going to be out for almost two days (the weekend) so I don't think I'll be able to reply to any issues with my game if that version without what I believe is the offending script doesn't work.
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Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Well, if other RPGVXAce games work correctly for you I'm going to guess it's because of the script that I used that breaks the 640x480 limitation.

I'm going to upload a version with that script removed to see if it works for you.
If so, I guess I'll have to pack it both with and without the script to break the 640x480 limit.

Here's the link:

Yup, new version works. Thanks! Though, I'm too sleepy to play now.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, if you have an interest in participating or challenging yourself, it would be nice if you stated your interest before... Uhh... monday morning here?
Oh, I know, there's this thing I've seen two or three times, gives you your local time for a specific time. Here's a link:

Note about that: I'm closing the joining only to wrap this up and put up a vote in the first page, which will happen around 72 hours after the time specified above because of how the thing was put.

Edit 2: Also to mention, I'm going to be out for almost two days (the weekend) so I don't think I'll be able to reply to any issues with my game if that version without what I believe is the offending script doesn't work.

Should be able to get my game done on time. I started about 2am, so I have 20 hours left, I think. But for now, sleep time!
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

I need to work out one thing before I officially "start" on my game. If I cannot get that mechanic to work properly, then it would make little difference if I actually made an entry to this or not.

Just a little update: It seems that my encryption technique is sound so far. So I think the most relevant thing I would get out of this competition is seeing if someone is able to decrypt the game.

I will be using rpgmaker vx ace.
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Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Finished my game just about on time, but I'm having difficulties uploading it. Bear with me!

Okay, my game is done!

Now, I must admit, I cheated somewhat. I'm no good at art, so rather than commission it (expensive!) or draw it myself (awful MS Paint stick figures!) I've, um, stolen it. All the coding and writing was done from scratch, of course.

The game is basically this one: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=368 but from the antagonist's point of view. Plus I wrote all the scenes and whatnot myself, so I guess really it's quite different...

How to play:

First, general Ren'Py commands - there's a help button on the main menu to explain all of them. Right click takes you to the in game menu, holding Control puts the game into Skip mode, clicking on the screen advances text boxes, etc. It's all fairly self explanatory. I have disabled rollback, though, as it would probably mess with the coding.

For the game itself - you play Drillman, a monster guarding a haunted mansion. Your goal is to track down and capture three girls who've wandered inside. Inside rooms, you can click on some objects to search for the girls. (Only places they might conceivably fit, of course - under beds, in wardrobes, etc). You can also click the Move button in the top left to go to the map screen. To move around the map screen, just click where you want to go - but you can only move to an adjacent room or section of corridor, of course. The front door is locked, and cannot be moved out of, though the back door can be moved through. To move upstairs, you first have to move to the Hall, then click the Move button, then click on the staircase.

The girls have different responses to you tracking them. They might hurl a weapon at you to escape (each weapon is single use, so you can make them use them all up), and they can also hide. Their clothes represent their health. If you catch them, you'll tear the clothes up a bit - once they are fully naked, you'll be able to capture them properly and remove them from the mansion. There are extra sets of clothes hidden around the mansion, though - if their clothes are getting too torn, they'll seek out a fresh set! Of course, the number of other sets of clothes is limited.

The girls are aiming to break the curse on the mansion by finding four talismans. Each girl has her own set of four to find, and once any girl has a complete set you'll have failed your mission. So be quick! The girls won't enter a room you're in, so you could in theory try to camp out somewhere and stop them getting to a talisman - but you don't know where they're hidden either.

To help you, you have access to magic spells. You can scry the girls, letting you see their location on the map for a certain number of turns (usually, you can only see them if they're in an adjacent room and not hiding), You can call up a status screen to find how many talismans they have left to get. Or you can spend all your magic to send a girl through a portal for a certain one hit capture - but only whilst in combat with a girl.

Completing the game (to either ending) once will unlock the gallery from the main page; you can then zoom in on the pictures, but only after seeing them at least once in the game.

I haven't rigorously bug tested it, so there could well be a few bugs left. Let me know! (The gallery in particular hasn't been fully tested!) Also point out any typos; there's probably a few lurking away...

Oh, here's a lint, for people interested in that kind of thing:


The game contains 861 dialogue blocks, containing 10,099 words and 54,077
characters, for an average of 11.7 words and 63 characters per block.

The game contains 3 menus, 275 images, and 40 screens."

And, finally, some download links!

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Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

This whole thread reminds me of NaNoReNo. We could sort of plageurise it and call this NaNoHeNo. Too close. Must start thinking again.
It's a lovely idea, and one I might actually get around to joining one day - though admittedly I prefer writing slightly suggestive things than outright fap material.
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

This whole thread reminds me of NaNoReNo. We could sort of plageurise it and call this NaNoHeNo. Too close. Must start thinking again.
It's a lovely idea, and one I might actually get around to joining one day - though admittedly I prefer writing slightly suggestive things than outright fap material.

Ah, sounds like a good name to me - NaNoRenO is named after NaNoWriMo, after all. You're just swapping the Ren'ai (romance!) for Hentai (perversion!)... I suppose there's nothing to stop you making a game that qualifies for both. ;)

Of course, they allow a month. And we probably can't stretch to make it nationwide. So, SiHenGaMaThree? Sitewide Hentai Game Making Three days? Hm. Sounds Greek; ξ

Xi Hen Gamma Three.
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Something tells me a lot of people got the purpose of this thread wrong.. Regardless what the author might have intended, hentai games have been taking a slow decline lately..

Half a year/a year ago, I could hop on ulmf and always find either an update to a game I like, or a new game that really tickled my fancy.. As it is, we're getting flooded with mediocre RPGs, baby-projects that never get past beta, and uppity ambitious devs specifically making/advertising games on this forum just to guilt anyone out of asking "Okay it looks great but.. Where's the pirated version?".. (You know who you are)

Just being "that guy" again, saying how it is..

You want to end this decline?.. Well, I won't say anything like "Go make your own!" because the whole point of that brings up a few issues..

1. The people who do follow said challenge will probably be a bit proud of their work, and will either be VERY sensitive to criticism, or/and try charging money for it.

2. You're milking a group of half-emaciated cows here.. You really think you're gonna squeeze honey from a stone? Half, if not 75% of the entries to said contest are gonna be crappy micro-games with barely any content and minimal effort, "as requested"..

3. up-and-coming devs may be distracted, and disheartened by such an event because it's basically saying "Hey, look what we can do in 72 hours that took you a couple months.".. If you're to the scale of jaded where this paragraph just confuses you, you probably aren't even aware that said "up-and-coming devs" even exist.. And thus, they'll probably die out or scitter away before they have a chance to put out a good game.


Look, it's nice to inspire people to put something out, yes, perhaps giving the/a community a soft kick in the rear can get something done.. But this just isn't the time or place to do that.. This forum is a great hub/archive of the best (and worst) hentai out there.. I suppose just in my opinion, I think that's a mark worth settling down over.. Respected/popular devs will make new games, the flood of generic RPG-maker garbage will dry up, and balance will return to the world of hentai.. Till then, watching a bunch of people get in a pissing contest over who can make the best sub-par micro-game is just annoying.. Any big-time dev who notices this thread, don't bother.. Just focus on your REAL work and steady on..

The last thing we need is MORE sub-par hentai games flooding the place to mud up the waters.. It was entertaining 2 years ago, now it's just aggravating..


Remember to slow down with zealous baiting responses to my posts. Just because you don't like me, doesn't mean you need to make the thread suffer.. Take a number, sit in line, and one of the moderaters will beep you in when it's your turn.. Direct complaints/witty retorts can (And are suggested to) be filed in the forms of PMs.. I read them all and aptly respond, so feel free to get your troll on AWAY from the forums..
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Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

I didn't really feel any of this was directed at me, but:

1. The people who do follow said challenge will probably be a bit proud of their work, and will either be VERY sensitive to criticism, or/and try charging money for it.
I only speak for myself here, but I only did this to see if I could. Criticism wouldn't bother me in the slightest, I only spent 3 days on it. Hardly my life's work here. And if I were to charge money (not likely), I would finish it, polish it up, add more content first and use the existing version as a demo/alpha.

3. up-and-coming devs may be distracted, and disheartened by such an event because it's basically saying "Hey, look what we can do in 72 hours that took you a couple months.".. If you're to the scale of jaded where this paragraph just confuses you, you probably aren't even aware that said "up-and-coming devs" even exist.. And thus, they'll probably die out or scitter away before they have a chance to put out a good game.
If this is all it takes to make someone skitter away, they would almost certainly not have the determination to finish a game anyway. Would be just another abandoned project, hardly a chance at a good game. And there's the off chance it could actually motivate someone. "Look what so-and-so did in 72 hours. If that loser can do that much in 3 days, surely I can get something done in a month or two!" ...Okay, it's a small chance.

the flood of generic RPG-maker garbage will dry up
Unfortunately, I think that's overly optimistic. RPGmaker is too easy to make things with, it's not going to go away anytime soon. Especially on the Japanese/dlsite side. But I agree it's mostly garbage.

Till then, watching a bunch of people get in a pissing contest over who can make the best sub-par micro-game is just annoying..
I kind of said this before, but that's not what this is about to some of us. I did this to see if I could, and to get faster at animating and the game creation process in general.
Re: [Challenge] Make a short h-game in 72 hours!

Something tells me a lot of people got the purpose of this thread wrong.. Regardless what the author might have intended,

..Alright, when you start off your post with a massive contradiction like that, nobody's gonna take a word you say seriously, man.

The "purpose of this thread" is exactly "what the author might have intended", no ifs, ands, or buts. Nobody but said topic creator gets to decide what it's actually supposed to be about, and as far as I can see, he's using it as a fun way to get people motivated to just make some fun, short little games. At the risk of being too repetitious in my speech, it's supposed to be about.. you know.. fun. I really don't think this is an attempt to stem the tide of crappy H-games to try to get people to make higher quality games.

As it is, we're getting flooded with mediocre RPGs, baby-projects that never get past beta, and uppity ambitious devs specifically making/advertising games on this forum just to guilt anyone out of asking "Okay it looks great but.. Where's the pirated version?".. (You know who you are) ,

Ha. Cute. I'm certain I'm one of those you're referring to with that last bit, and personally, I find it adorable the lengths some people will go through to justify pirating..

First off, mediocre RPG maker games. Let's face it, not everybody has the time or programming knowledge to make a full game from scratch. Anyone old enough to be considering making a porn game is going to be old enough to need a job. Thus, they either try and use porn games as their job, or they make a porn game in their spare time outside of their jobs. In some cases, both. Somebody shouldn't be belittled because they don't have enough time in their lives to make a porn game from scratch, especially if they aren't trying to make a living off of it. You could argue against RPG Maker games being sold, but at the same time you really can't. Not only are you not being forced to buy any mediocre RPG Maker games, but you'd probably just pirate it anyway if you were interested, regardless of how high quality it is.

Second, baby projects that never get past beta. This is a very relevant thing in the game making world to begin with, not just H-games. Some people have great ideas, and they try to make it happen, but they just lack the technical knowledge to make it a reality. Does this mean that they should be chastised for their enthusiasm? I don't think so. Sure, it sucks to find a great sounding project and have it never become a reality, but I don't think it's very fair to try and scare people away from trying. Again, you could argue that they should learn how to make the games before talking about it on a forum, but there are so many effortless ways to make a game now (like RPG Maker) that you really don't need much knowledge beforehand to start making something. Besides, everybody has to start somewhere - you don't just magically get good without trying. You'll steadily improve with every project you work on. Those mediocre RPG Maker products could turn into some amazing games with a few more years of work and learning.

Lastly, your little attack on developers like myself. I'm not quite sure where to begin explaining how many things are wrong with that sentence..
You're shoving words into the mouth of every dev trying to spread the word about their game. You're assuming every single person posting about their own game is trying to guilt people into not pirating. Not only is that rude and wildly inaccurate, but how else is word supposed to spread about a project? To use my own blog as an example, nobody is ever gonna randomly stumble across purelukbowman.blogspot.com. Ever. Word of mouth is powerful, yes, but there have to be mouths talking about it to begin with, and that has to start with the developer. I'm sure you'd complain just as much if they asked their friends to spread the word instead of doing it themselves.
Besides, who's saying that developers care about pirating? As for myself, I care about people pirating in front of me. However, I don't expect people who would seek out a free download to my projects to ever pay me for them in the first place. One pirated copy does not mean one lost sale to me, so I couldn't care less if people are pirating the game behind my back. Think about it from a developer's perspective though; for just two seconds, imagine what it would be like to dedicate yourself to a project, making it as good as you possibly can, only to have to watch people steal it right in front of you. Try staying motivated under those circumstances. I dare you.