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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I have only continued to trod the path already lain out for me," Vezina said in reply to Pallas' comment. "Abetorius put a rather large rock in my way, but a Tzimisce is not so easily thwarted. Nor a Ventrue, I'm sure. Share with me your discoveries, Sister Pallas. Perhaps together we can bring this blood usurper to Cainite justice. Was there anything of particular use within the sorcerer's journal?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Watching Jocelyn for a moment, studying her with furrowed brows, the Scot finally turned and nodded towards Lysandra, but let her be for the moment. She did not have any true desire to sink herself further into the political turmoil that was whipping across London.

'Well why don't ye just go home git,' she muttered to herself and shook her head and stepped up beside Jourdain.

"Seems I'm not the only one who's not entirely content with the company," Anabelle said with a small smirk that showed the tip of her fang behind her lips. She did not look towards Jourdain, just looked up with her back to wall, gazing at whatever his eyes were settled upon.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas nods as she leads the way to some chairs near a wall speaking as she brings forth the journal and a scroll of her own notes.

"There is much to be gleaned from this Abetorius' journal, though of what use it might be I'm not sure. I had little trouble translating the majority of the journal telling of how these usurpers have come to steal the blood of your own clan. As if that was not bad enough they have captured Gangrel and Nosferatu and used their magic to make servitors such as the one you captured. Unfortunately it does not say where to find these Tremere other than they originate from Vienna.

There is an encoded section with notes in the margins showing the efforts used to decipher said section. I have translated this section into both English and Greek for you to peruse though it makes little sense in any either."

I'm going to assume you know enough about the Tremere and gargoyles to not need it repeated. The code isn't really a code so much but you'll figure that out when Vezina examines it. I think I made this way to complicated though and for that I'm sorry.

"For the most part I don't care for the current company though it pays to keep an eye on them."

Jourdain says without moving from his spot where he stares at a silver mirror hung on the wall. Anabelle's glance shows her everything she expects to see in such a mirror but then she stops and does a double-take as she realizes that Jourdain casts no reflection in said mirror.

"Despite my clans predilections I don't care much for politics though I will participate when necessary. I hear you were busy last night after you left and judging from your kilt it seems I heard right."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Nervously glancing towards the mirror, the first she had really seen since her embrace, Anabelle wondered what other sorceries swirled about unseen. Frowning she continued to stare, but spoke to Jourdain.

"It was a gargoyle. Seems as if it liked my clan a bit too much. It wanted to take me," Anabelle said, fingers drifting over the holes in her kilt, feeling the pale dead flesh of her thighs underneath.

"Are these common in London?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"You mean to say that wretched thing was made from Cainites?" Vezina's mouth twisted grimly. "At least, that sheds some light on what it said last night. It seemed particularly interested in Annabelle, a Gangrel. It also said something about wanting me as well. I fear now that it was for the purpose of twisting us into some stony abomination and enslaving us to its will. Truly a crime of massive proportions, it is a practice that is nothing short of a war declaration on my clan and Gangrels and Nosferatu everywhere. And who is to say which clan their blood magics will target next? I doubt Lord Mithras would dare wait until they discover a method for warping Ventrue next."

Vezina's eyes skimmed over the notes, concentrating on the words in English, the first language Gyulu had forced her to master. Before her studies as one of the kindred, Vezina could have never hoped to be literate. Nor indeed did her breeding deserve such a luxury. She could only once again thank the dark fates that had brought her to her sire's attention, and struggle to put all memory of her brief mortal life behind her, forgetting it as best she could. An inconsequential fur trapper's daughter had died. A Tzimisce scion had been born.

The notes, from what she could read, described a close knit, intelligent, and deeply paranoid cabal of blood sorcerers. It seemed clear that they had indeed used the blood of Tzimisce's get to acquire the gift of Caine, and now sought to perfect their new powers and carve out a place for themselves in undeath. These gargoyles were just one of a great many efforts to claw out an edge against the vampire clans that would surely unite to crush them as soon as they were found out. She skipped ahead to the later entries, trying to gain an understanding of this Abetorius' personality from the way he wrote.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"The Lasombra curse, we cast no reflections. Sometimes you have to pay a price for your power." Is all Jourdain says in regards to the mirror before turning and looking at Anabelle.

"It certainly looks like a gargoyle, perhaps a bit uglier than the typical ones. I saw it earlier when the scourge was doing his work. Whatever it actually is it seemed more afraid of it's master than us. We were unable to get much out of the creature, though it seems to have the same weaknesses as our kind.

Probably not, you don't see many Scots this far south. We have plenty of tailors in London who could it repair it when you get the chance."

"For magicians they don't seem to be very bright in their ways. Making enemies of the Tzimisce, Gangrel, and Nosferatu in their homelands. Now they come to London and clumsily fumble about like so many fledglings in Mithras domain. It makes you wonder if they perhaps have a wish for final death."

Pallas almost allows a smile to creep across her face as she says these words. She certainly seems to bear the same disdain for these usurpers as Vezina.

The notes seem to indicate that Abetorius is rather enigmatic. His writing makes her picture a cross between both of her brothers: the cruel taskmaster and the sly sycophant with an ambition to perhaps match her own. Of note is the frequent mention of his apprenticeship to one Meerlinda, who seems to have been one of the first members of the usurpers to be transformed.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Although no reflection showed in the mirror, a small shadow tickled across Jourdain's chin and then up his face before fading away.

"Quite a small price to pay for entry into such an exclusive club don't you think brother?"

Behind the two cainites, Eliza was standing there watching them, kiwi eyes burning brightly as her lips curled into a smirk. The Lasombra woman had an immaculate black cloak wrapped around her dark blue dress, white blonde bangs poking through the front of her hood. She looked quite amused with herself over her trick of sneaking up on the pair.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I meant the gargoyles, but thank you for the tip. I'll will certainly keep an eye out for one when I have the chance," Anabelle said, before a familiar voice came over her. Arching an eyebrow, the Scot turned and regarded the other Lasombra.

"Eliza. Beautiful as ever," Anabelle said, and glanced towards Jourdain. "Guess I can throw a hint of etiquette out after all."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza kept smiling crookedly, shifting her kiwi gaze to Anabelle after she greeted her. After focusing for a moment, another small shadow swirled itself around the Gangrel's face lightly before fading away.

"Of course I am darling, though it is flattering of you to notice. What is this I hear about ...gargoyles?"

Eliza seemed geuinely curious but finished the last word of the sentence with a hint of revulsion at the thought of such nasty monsters.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina indulged in a more genuine smirk than Pallas. "I know very little of mortal will workers, and they would be intelligent to keep things that way, for I wager their blood is sweet. But these Tremere, the boldness of these fools will be their downfall. So brazenly they have attempted to tear into our ranks. Now that they are known, I have little doubt that the elders of all clans shall proclaim that we hunt them down and extinguish their brief flame of unlife."

Vezina handed back the notes to Pallas. "Perhaps when this matter of the gargoyle is resolved, you and I can retire to private quarters where I might read more closely your translation. Until then, keep hold of your work, Sister Pallas. You have my thanks for your efforts. With your knowledge, these villains have been uncovered. By the work of Scions, this realm will be saved."

The Tzimisce noticed Annabelle then, talking to Jourdain and Eliza. Had it only been the Gangrel standing there, she might have moved off to say something to the stalwart soldier, but the seed of courteous disdain for the Lasombra ancillae prevented her from joining that particular conversation. Instead, she remained with Pallas, whose reserved and clear-thinking manner pleased her.

"I hope they will have got something out of the prisoner. I would prefer to begin the hunt of Abetorius tonight. No doubt he is fretting in some dark cellar, worried that one of his guardians has gone missing. We shall have to take him alive if possible, so that the scourge might pry the location of his sire, Meerlinda, from him. The Scions of Vienna must be alerted and sent to quell them."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

experimenting with writing out Anabelle's accent... forgive me if it looks like shite, never written an accent before

"Well, we met it somewhere that certainly was not your alley. The stink of piss was pretty damn bad. We were poking around about the kindred who met his second death, leaving behind only armour and dust. You remember me and you finding the guards standing watch over it, thumbs up their arses in confusion? Well, we stumble into this alley, tanner nearby to make that tolla-thon smell, and find more remains," Anabelle starts, her voice coming out a little more feminine than usual, even recognizable as a woman's now rather than someone mistaken for a man.

She noticed Vezina's gaze from across the room as she was half way through the story, and offered the other woman a small nod, with two fingers tapping to her own forehead in respect, before turning her attentions back to Eliza.

"Well, Jocelyn is getting a little scared of what I thought was a luinnseach mhor 'a stone. Buy nay, it was a living gargoyle. The rach-air-muin leapt on down, an he tried ta take me away. Well, we fought 'im, and pinned 'im down we did, and brought 'im right here," Anabelle said, and cracked her neck.

The fight had been invigorating, and if she were still living it would have sent the blood coursing through her veins just to recount the tale once more.

"So. How was yer night lass?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The kindred seem to gather into the main room at a slow trickle as they each finish their business and arrive, only to separate into their cliques. Even Rodger has seen fit to join the gathering for once, Lysandra leaving her conversation with Ulrich to stay near his side protectively. Ulrich moves off to sit alone but he is soon joined by another dressed in the finery of a rich merchant.

Pallas nods in agreement as she takes the notes back from Vezina and puts them aside. She notices the arrival of the merchant and a mix of disappointment and mirth crosses her face as she says. "Childer they can be so annoying in their rebelliousness. Still Bayard shows promise if he would only take up the path of a true scion like ourselves."

She listens to Vezina continue before adding. "If any can pry the information from this gargoyle, it will be the scourge. A horrifying but necessary office in such a large city. Though I do hope he passes the information to us through Richard. I would rather look on his twisted face then to have our scourge anywhere near my person.

Thankfully Lord Mithras' court is on good terms with Hardestadt's court in Magdeburg. I doubt if these usurpers could stand up for long with the Fiefs of the Black Cross and the Voivodate pressing to either side."

Jourdain laughs softly at Anabelle's answer. "Oh, no this is the first I've seen of such a creature. I forget some neonates are capable of handling simple things like their clothing without advice."

His smile fades as he feels the tickle of the shadowy tendril across his face and hears the voice of Eliza behind him. "I see you've already picked up Genevieve's bad habits of showing off our powers as though they were parlor tricks. I was hoping that the common sense Adria instilled in you would rub off on her instead of the other way around."

His brief chastising over with he listens closely as Anabelle gives the details of her encounter with the gargoyle. His attention seems to stray a little as he notices Donegal, the Brujah, and Isleena, the Toreador, make their entrance into the hall. He does little more than stare and move protectively between the pair and his sister however. When Anabelle finishes he simply nods as though thinking through the information.

Aubrey practically burst into the room and looks around wildly for a few seconds before he notices Jocelyn sitting by her lonesome. He runs to her as soon as he spots her and throws his arms around her as he cries out.

"Thank heavens you're alright. You didn't come back last night and then I heard about the creature and I though the worst. A-are you alright."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Bah, why should I hide my greatness? I am descended of the King of Shadows all the way to my beautiful and magnificent sire, and I am not ashamed of it," Eliza hisses in reply to Jourdain, even showing a hint of her fangs as she glares.

The Lasombra looked like she wanted to say more about the superiority of her clan but stopped herself and turned back to Anabelle.

"Pardon my brother's boorishness. You were saying? Ah yes. That sounds like a positively ghastly encounter! Thankfully you made it out unscathed hmm? Apart from that unfortunate tear to your clothes I suppose. Ah well, they can always be fixed unlike yourself. Although, I would actually recommend a whole new outfit. Why fix the torn when there's a whole world of new out there?" Eliza paused for a moment, considering her words. "I'm afraid my night was much less adventuresome but a bit less foul for the senses. I arranged plans with my dear Genevieve to hunt within the nobility. Then afterwards, we performed some... clan experiments."

Eliza stopped there, actually fidgeting and looking around the room uncomfortably. Something seemed to be bugging her paranoia. "I can't help but wonder why bring the gargoyle here?" She glanced between Anabelle and Jourdain and then to the walls, cringing as if a gargoyle might jump out at her. "Why not just... kill it?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Sometimes questionin ah thing with pain, can unveil more," Anabelle said as she glanced down towards her kilt, and shrugged. It might not be enough for the Lasombra, but it fit her fine. No need to tell her though.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina made a tight lipped smile as the court of Hardestadt was mentioned. Gyulu had spared no short an amount of time for vitriol against this ancient and his forces. The Hungarian invaders had been a pox on Vezina's mortal people as much as they had been upon the Tzimisce holdings in that area. For his own radical views, Gyulu had been abandoned by his clan to the onslaught of the Ventrue-controlled invaders, but just because he was mad at the Voivodate, it did not lessen his hatred of the Black Cross.

She wondered if he would disapprove of her preference for Ventrue company in London? Most likely he would, yet she was also sure that he would hold the destruction of these Tremere as a higher priority. Perhaps though, not without first stealing the secrets of their blood sorcery. As much as she detested these usurpers for their arrogance, she could credit them for their accomplishments. When the time came to strike at this Abetorius, Vezina wanted to be there, so that she could acquire whatever notes and rituals the blood mage had written down. This knowledge could likely be developed by her sire or even herself if she worked hard enough.

"Does his work truly discomfort you so? The physicality of the scourge may be distasteful, but as you say it is necessary. Our time is short, and pain is quick." Vezina smirked, remembering the torture she had gone through as a mortal, how she had overcome it and been reborn. She also recalled watching Scorylo work on the captives, and the hands-on lessons that Gyulu had given her in extracting information with a knife. She could not claim to be anything but an apprentice torturer, but such a tactic did not gall her sensibilities. Whatever was necessary to secure one's realm was justified.

"Tell me more about the politics of our city," she said, changing the subject as she saw two more kindred enter, and noticed Jourdain move protectively in front of his clan sister. "Who are those two? And why does Jourdain keep such a close eye on them?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Sorry." Jocelyn replied quickly, hugging Aubrey back. "The demon didn't really hurt me, it was after one of the others. We caught it, but by the time we got it squared away, I didn't have time to come back to the inn. I thought I'd see you here, though." She explained, reaching over to tap at a spot in the air a moment before returning to the hug. "You've been here so much, is there anything I have been missing?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Our dearest sire used to say, there is a fine line between being an overconfident braggart and being a Lasombra. There is little point in proving what you know to be true to those who don't care." Jourdain says in answer to Eliza as he continues to watch the arrival of the other Cainites.

Donegal and Isleena seem not to have noticed the stares coming from Jourdain and merely take a seat to discuss their own matters. Despite their seeming indifference to Jourdain, Eliza does catch the Isleena taking a furtive glance in her direction.

"The creature does seem to be kindred as well so the 5th tradition would still apply. Even if the creature wasn't an acknowledged member of the domain." Jourdain adds as an afterthought.

Pallas tilts her head as she watches the room about them. "I do not feel discomforted by the act of torture. I feel discomforted by the act of dealing with the scourge. Despite holding a position of note, it is something of an outcast from our society."

She tilts her head in another direction before continuing and pointing out the kindred as she explains. "Mithras is of course our prince though he is also lord of the baronies. This is where Valerius the seneschal enters in, he is in many ways the true prince of London. Aethulwulf is in charge of Mithras army in times of war and acts as a foil to Valerius in times of peace.

Rodger our chamberlain also serves in an important position, he keeps track of status and boons owed within the domain. A powerful though subtle position he is kept in check by the primogen. The eldest of the high clans: myself for the Ventrue, Donegal of the Brujah, Isleena of the Toreador, Jourdain of the Lasombra, and now yourself. Of course we all keep each other in check as well, which may be the source of friction you have noticed.

Finally you have the sheriff, Richard who's duties overlap in some ways with the scourge. So you see each of us is kept in check from becoming too powerful by another, much as the other barons are on a wider scale. Of course Mithras prefers it this way to allow him to concentrate on wider affairs."

Aubrey seems to relax somewhat as Jocelyn embraces him back. he holds her for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders and saying. "You probably know more than myself as you found the demon. I have learned a bit more about some of the other petitioners...and I saw a new one tonight...it didn't look right. He went down to ask the demon questions earlier tonight."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina nodded at all that Pallas had to say. On the topic of the scourge, she inquired as to what it was that made it an outcast. When the topic shifted to that of the primogen, Vezina offered a smooth smile.

"While I do not say that I am unworthy of such a title, I am not a complete fool. I am both the eldest and youngest of my clan in this domain, and I have much to learn. Until another comes to London to contest my claim, this Tzimisce primogen's chief concern will be the upholding of social order here and the advancement of Scion policy."

She was certain that this was what the Ventrue would want to hear. Gyulu had warned Vezina of how other Cainites would want to bend her to their will through various methods. Pallas would want to make use of her pet Tzimisce for as long as such was useful, but Vezina did not intend to be a pawn for long. She would work to carve out a domain for herself here in London and refine the powers of her blood. Then she would be a primogen that kept others in check.

She watched as Donegal and Isleena crossed the room and took a seat.

"So what is your opinion on the other primogen? Who do you keep in check?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"It is not bragging brother, it is the truth," Eliza replied dismissively with a roll of her eyes. "I was unaware there was such a clan of gargoyles. There are so many barbaric varieties among the heathens. We should really keep them in check moreso than we currently are. I suppose you are right though, torture will have to be sufficient if it is indeed kindred."

Right about then Eliza noticed the unknown woman looking at her. The Lasombra woman looked right back at Isleena, locking gazes so she would know Eliza was aware of her furtive glances. A small smile curled at the corner of Eliza's lips as she turned back to Jourdain and Anabelle. "If you'll excuse me, I wish to mingle with the other kindred. I find myself feeling dreadfully unaware of the social circles in this court."

Eliza walks slowly but elegantly to where Donegal and Isleena are chatting, removing her hood and smiling. "Pardon me. I do not believe we have met. My name is Eliza de Valletta of the Lasombra clan. I hope I am not intruding?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Yer sister is rather to tha point isn't she?" Anabelle said flaty, watching Eliza stroll across to the two new Kindred, before letting her eyes find Jourdain again.

"More so. Do ye think the seneschall could ha' been made one o' these gargoyles?" the Gangrel soldier continued, once more playing with the holes in her kilt, more so out of fidgets than any real concern.
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