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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn frowned a bit at the declaration. “Didn‘t look right? Do you think it was another one, maybe? Should we warn someone?“
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"The scourge's position sort of requires he be an outcast by necessity. The scourge is the prince's personal executioner hunting and destroying the enemies of our society. Autarkis are those who would reject the laws of our society and the prince's rights under the traditions. Caitiff are those with blood so thin they are more human than vampire, a more and more common occurrence in these nights." Pallas explains in regards to the scourge.

A small smile creases her face at Vezina's statement regarding her position as Tzimisce primogen before looking at the other primogen and answering.

"There is little reason to keep Jourdain in check, he avoids politics when he can. As such I would say my chief rival is Donegal and to a much smaller degree Isleena. Donegal concerns himself with the educated, which of course brings him into contest with me as the church tends to have the most highly educated people. Isleena concerns herself with little more than the nobility. They also share a bit of an alliance as they were once coterie mates."

Jourdain merely nods as Eliza excuses herself to go and mingle, turning his attention back to the mirror as soon as she has departed.

Donegal merely busies himself with the hilt of his sword though he does take a moment to nod politely before doing so. Isleena has all the bearings of a rich noble about her, from her silk gown and gloves to her luxurious brown hair perfectly framing her pretty though pale face. She smiles politely as Eliza suddenly breaks in on their conversation and her eyes lock with Eliza's own.

"You aren't intruding at all Eliza, though I must confess to feeling a bit hurt that you don't remember me. We have met several times before, once at Amalfi in your own court long ago at a ball celebrating one of your brother's victories. Of course that was a masquerade so I guess that should be forgiven but surely you remember my frequent visits to Adria?"

Eliza almost immediately recognizes the voice of the woman before her as the mysterious Toreador who had visited so frequently during her fledgling hood. For some reason the woman seems chillingly impressive in Eliza's eyes that she might do anything to be around her.

Dundundun. She is using presence on you, which can be resisted with willpower if you want to resist it.

"That she is. Thankfully like everyone else she can be manipulated into doing exactly what you want." Jourdain says with a smile into the mirror though low enough that only Anabelle could hear.

"I don't know, perhaps he could have been. I have seen a few strange things in my travels. I once saw a Tzimisce Vozhd I believe it is called, a towering monstrosity made of several ghouls for the sole purpose of combat. The Serpents of Egypt and the Saracens of the Levant both use blood magic. There are mortal wizards, and devils, fairies, and even dragons so nothing would surprise me."

"No he was like us, he just seemed to be very bad. He seemed to enjoy the thought of causing pain to the creature." Aubrey says as he starts rubbing a circle with his foot on the floor.

"Is it wrong to hurt a demon. They are bad but if you hurt a demon are you any better than the demon you are hurting."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I see," Vezina said in simple reply to the Ventrue's explanation. The nature of these Caitiff was something of an unexpected turn. Gyulu had never explained that term to her, though he had once made some obscure reference lamenting the thinning of the blood. She eyed Donegal and Isleena some more, then smirked as Eliza, the Lasombra waltzed over to them both and began making introductions in earnest.

"The power of the Church cannot be denied. Yet your position as a humble sister must be limiting. Do you exert control through ghouls? Is this how Donegal challenges your influence among the educated? By threatening them? Or is there some other way, and I am just too fresh from my sacred earth to see it?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Having expected the possibility of a steely response, Eliza waited patiently through Donegal's nod and even nodded courteously back to him. She was much more relieved when Isleena actually replied, making the situation much less awkward. As the Lasombra took that as a cue to sit down, she did so next to Isleena, looking momentarily confused by the woman's reply, stroking a finger through her blonde hair uncomfortably until it suddenly dawned on her.

"Oh my, how crude of me! Although I am fairly certain we were never properly introduced..."

It was about then that Eliza began to feel how compelling the Toreador woman was. Of course she was beautiful and powerful, there was something else. Ah, of course it was too good to be true! When she realized what was happening, Eliza kept her expression the same, focusing too much on her will power to think about frowning. That sneaky little bitch! The Lasombra thought to herself in indignation. If she was able to resist, Eliza had a plan - to try to use one of Jourdain's tricks from so long ago against Isleena.

When Eliza was ready, she smiled charmingly, her face softening almost as if in awe. "I do hope you will forgive me. It is just I have only just arrived the other day and am still getting used to my new surroundings. It fills my heart with joy to know you are friends with my sire. You must be so.... powerful... Oh silly me, I have not even gotten your name... would you mind sharing with me your glorious lineage?" The Lasombra asked as she scooted closer, brushing her long blonde hair behind her shoulder, revealing the ravishingly smooth pale skin of her neck. Eliza smiled seductively as she looked into Isleena's eyes with her deep kiwi gaze.

Uh oh! Using willpower to resist.
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Everyone?" Anabelle said with a raised eyebrow, glancing towards her old friend. She took a moment to watch Eliza, intrigued by her actions. The Lasombra performed a dance that Anabelle had no experience with, and it was interesting to watch.

"I never knew that I even needed to be manipulated," Anabelle continued, watching the display, arms across her chest.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I think the Why is more important than the What. I hurt the demon, but it was to protect the others, when they wouldn't run. What the other petitioner is doing now... I would have to know the reason to guess properly." Jocelyn said slowly.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I have a few ghouls in key positions and a few of the older clergy who are simply bound and easier to manipulate with my powers should I need them. I do have to be a bit more subtle as a female though it doesn't hinder me as much as one might think." Pallas says in answer to the first part.

"Donegal prefers to concentrate on the younger clergy who are more easily molded. Though they have less power than my allies they are a bit more numerous. The church as you might imagine tends to change slowly which allows me to keep a slight advantage in his attempts to surpass me."

Isleena smiles deeply and laughs pleasantly. "Yes, I suppose it is true that we were never really introduced. It was rather difficult for me not to notice you however, you have such a striking beauty."

Eliza can feel the Toreador's incredible presence working on her emotions though it suddenly seems to fade as she exerts her will. Eliza feels a bit more tired after her exertions though she feels in control of her own emotions once more even as Isleena continues.

"I am Lady Isleena of York, the eldest of the Rose clan in Mithras domain. My taciturn companion is Donegal of the Learned clan. He doesn't say much though he is also familiar with both you and your sire. We adventured together in our youth as a coterie you see."

Success. You are now immune to any further attempts at Isleena's use of presence for the night. 3/4 WP.

Jourdain keeps watching Eliza's performance with interest from the mirror, though his smile has faded to reveal a more taciturn expression.

"Everyone is someone's pawn at some point. If you believe the stories we are all just pawns of the antediluvians and their great game, the Jyhad. If it sets your mind at ease I've never manipulated you into doing anything that I can remember. Though I'm sure others will attempt to do so at some point. Which is why it's often best to be more careful in civilized settings such as this."

Aubrey nods though he still seems a bit over concerned with his ever widening circle as he says. "I suppose your right. I guess he could have good reasons to want to hurt the devil but he shouldn't be so glad to do so. I heard someone mention something about the creature being transformed from a petitioner like us.

I suppose we'll just have to continue to take extra precautions against going down the wrong path. I wish there was someone we could really trust to learn what is right and wrong though. Did anything else happen the other night or was your encounter with the demon all that occurred."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina nodded at Pallas' explanation. She might have gone further with her inquiries, but she didn't want to push the matter too far. It was a reminder to her that if she expected to continue to follow the Scion's path without any previous local ties to the nobility, she would have to develop her blood discipline of Domination. Perhaps there was a local noble family of some note that had yet to be touched by a kindred influence. With the right nudging, she could patronize such a family into further prominence, naturally ghouling any patriarch and reaping the benefits of their rise in station. She would need such a mortal powerbase if she intended to control a proper demesne.

The Tzimisce was content to keep silent and listen to whatever Pallas felt was important to say, until the time came for this meeting to come to order.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Oh you are too kind Lady Isleena," Eliza replied pleasantly, "I always wished to introduce myself but never found the proper opportunity." Struggling against Isleena's presence, Eliza looked down momentarily. As the power began to fade from her senses, she felt relieved but also tired. Although this woman seemed friendly, there was clearly something sinister about her. Eliza decided that she should tread carefully for now.

When she looked up again, she smiled. "How pleasant of fate to finally grant us the opportunity to get to know one another hmm? In fact, I would be very interested to hear about your travels with my sire. What kind of adventures did you go on? It must have been fabulous."
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Aye. An' so the circle continues, long after death," Anabelle mused quietly. She leaned against the wall, arms crossed, as she continued to look about the room. Her mouth stayed closed now as she watched each scene unfold around her.

Not much to do now save wait. She could do that.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas simply notes the arrival of a few more Cainites before saying. "I should probably note which of us are Scions, should you need aid from someone of like mind.

Mithras of course follows the road, as does Valerius and Aethelwulf. Guy of clan Toreador follows the path of chivalry and Ulric and Bayard the path of the merchant. I don't really consider those on the path of the merchant to be equal with the rest of us, though they can be counted on to follow the same dictates as us."

Isleena smiles pleasantly as they converse. "Yes, I suppose it would have been difficult to introduce yourself before. Now that we have met I trust you will come speak with me whenever you wish. As to our adventures I would gladly tell you them some time. Though I fear this gathering will be getting under way soon perhaps when we have more time."

"Look on the bright side most of the others are smart enough not to mess with wild animals. I'm not that smart but at least I know better than to put my fingers near their mouths." Jourdain says.

"Shouldn't be too much more of a wait. Aethulwulf is all that we're missing now. I'll try to introduce you after the meeting, you probably won't see any other Gangrel for a while."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Oh yes, I would very much enjoy to get to know one another Lady Isleena, and perhaps you as well Sir Donegal? I have always felt that our three clans are particularly suited for alliances... judging from your relationship with Adria, I may have learned that instinct from her."

Eliza leaned close to Lady Isleena with a smile a cross between devilish and serene. "If you do not mind me imposing my opinion... I should think our future meetings would be far more enjoyable for me if you did not try to keep enthralling me."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"This is useful knowledge, of course. The Path of the Merchant? That is the philosophy of wealth over all else, yes? Coin is a means to an end, it is not the end itself. Still. Better that then a non-scion. The path of the Knight is also foreign to me. The kine are meant to serve us, not the other way around. My sire tells me that their code of honor is admirable however, and that any Scion should endeavor to emulate it. It mirrors mine own clan's edicts on the importance of one's word."

Vezina personally felt that the Via Regalis was open to interpretation, and indeed should be, for every ruler had the right to treat their vassals as they pleased. A poor leader wasted those that they ruled over, while a wise ruler cultivated their realm and the people in it to become an extension of their will. That was the destiny Gyulu had set for his bride, and Vezina had little objection to seeing his will be done.

"So how do Bayard and Ulric operate?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle's only notable response to Jourdain's last comment was a slow purposeful nod. She certainly would like to meet someone of her own clan, it was not exactly a common occurrence.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Aubrey nods though he still seems a bit over concerned with his ever widening circle as he says. "I suppose your right. I guess he could have good reasons to want to hurt the devil but he shouldn't be so glad to do so. I heard someone mention something about the creature being transformed from a petitioner like us.

I suppose we'll just have to continue to take extra precautions against going down the wrong path. I wish there was someone we could really trust to learn what is right and wrong though. Did anything else happen the other night or was your encounter with the demon all that occurred."

"Demons corrupt, that one wanted to do the same. We always have to be careful about what we do. Even more now that we're here. We know to be careful though, that helps a lot." Jocelyn answered slowly. "Don't worry so much, or you'll wear a hole int he floor, Dear. let's find something to distract you some, hmm?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Isleena might have blushed at Eliza's sudden statement if it were possible in her undead state. Instead a look of sudden hurt mixed with a hint of hatred creases her lovely brow as she turns up her nose slightly. "Why should I need to such a thing. I'm afraid you've spent too much time with your sire and grown as paranoid as she. That a simple neonate such as yourself should accuse a member of Mithras court in good standing is disgusting. Be gone before I seek recompense."

Donegal's face scrunches up at the same time as though he might burst a blood vessel. His anger quickly surfacing and barely held in check by his human half. Isleena quickly leans over and kisses him lightly on the cheek as she says. "Now my love, she is not worth it."

Pallas nods as though agreeing with Vezina's initial statement and briefly looks over at the raised voices before answering. "I do not completely object to the alternate paths of the Via Regalis though I obviously prefer the main path. Better to be lead by a merchant or paladin than a prodigal.

Bayard operates what is probably the finest brothel in the city, catering to the higher class. He also has made efforts to serve some of the more rarified tastes of those at our court. He has a talent for finding rare vintages shall we say. Ulric is an alchemist, seeking for a means to turn the baser metals to gold. Half con-man half natural philosopher, he is also quite knowledgeable when it comes to poisons, medicines, and drugs."

Jourdain's attention is quickly drawn to raised voice of Isleena, though his concern doesn't seem to be for his sister exactly. He seems more concerned with what the Brujah is about to do. Anabelle notices his hand slip almost unconsciously to hammer at his belt. Though he doesn't grab it or make any further moves than to watch more closely.

Aubrey stops his slowly widening circle and looks up as though he didn't even realize he had been doing it. "I'm sorry. I suppose we could talk about something less depressing, surely this place isn't devoid of sadness completely. Is it? I kind of wish we didn't have to leave Rebekah and come here. It seems so lonely and sad for some reason, like we're all damned to just sit here for some reason."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza jerked back, lips parting in shock, her kiwi eyes looking equally affronted as Isleena if not more so. She immediately got up, tossing her hair over her shoulder dramatically with a scowl. "Well then. Good night to you." Eliza replied coldly before stomping off rather loudly. Learning from past experience, Eliza channeled her emotions into the darkness within her heart, conjuring shadows that swirled about her form as she pulled up her ebony hood. It might earn more scoffing from Jourdain, but it was better than the alternative. She had no intention of frenzying again. Eliza didn't stop to talk to anyone, simply stomping off out of the main hall and toward the exit.

How... dare she insult Adria like that, Eliza brooded in her thoughts. Not only had the ugly old hag blatantly tried to use her lowly Toreador powers against her out of nowhere, she then had the audacity to deny it and sling offensive slander all over Adria! Apparently the "lady" had spent too much time ogling hideous paintings to learn proper manners!

The Lasombra did not really know where she was going, she just knew she wanted to be rid of that filthy Toreador and her leash dog Brujah. She hoped to find something to crush and make to squirm beneath her dominating form as she guzzled away its life. She also hoped to find Genevieve so she could learn the best way to send a letter to Adria.
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina watched the disturbance between the young Lasombra and the Toreador primogen with mild interest. The volume of the heated voices had drawn attention and would possibly provide talking points for nights to come, but at least Eliza had the prudence to walk away before saying something she would come to regret.

"Do Isleena and Donegal have any reason to dislike Jourdain's brood?" She asked Pallas as everyone returned their conversations. "It looked like the Brujah and Lasombra primogen were both were quite ready to go for their weapons, despite the laws against quarrels at court."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn nodded, giving Aubrey a smile. "I kind of miss Rebekah too, but we weren't safe there, remember? Hmm... If we're doomed to sit there, we may as well have something to read, right Dear?" She replied with a teasing nudge. "It's all part of the test, I'm sure. Come on, then."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Even the aid of the shadows is not enough to block out the sound of several of the gathered tittering and laughing in anonymity. Despite the incredible insult she has received and the bruised ego Eliza has managed to head off her beast before it could take control. She is almost to the doorway of the mansion when she runs into Genevieve garbed as attractively as ever. She smiles seductively as soon as she sees Eliza without even taking notice of the shadows clustering about her.

Don't forget you're spending blood when you do that. 10/15 BP

Pallas stifles the urge to giggle at the embarrassment of the young Lasombra unlike many of the others gathered and instead turns her attention back to Vezina to answer. "Not that I'm aware of, but it should be pointed out they likely have no reason to like them either. I highly doubt if any of us can be said to be friendly though alliances are possible even with your worst rival.

I'm sure Donegal probably would have gone for his weapons being a Brujah. Of course that would be rather embarrassing and problematic for him especially if he had killed the Lasombra. Certain types of violence as you pointed out are not for court though dueling is a perfectly fine way to settle disputes."

Aubrey nods and allows himself to be dragged along wherever Jocelyn decides to lead him as he says. "I suppose we really couldn't stay in such a dangerous place. It just seems that place is just as dangerous though in a different way. I guess it could just be another test."
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