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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow hoped up and down barking at Rikke happily wagging his tail. Soon enough though Rikke managed to grab him up and cuddle. Willow tried to squirm free but Rikke had a good grip on the poor pup and soon enough had him calmed down enough to yawn. The cot that was brought was more like a bed than a portable sleeping device. Still after Rune made the thing she stripped to her nighty and crawled into bed and covered up. "Night girls!" With that it was just her and Jess and one drowsy puppy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Night Rune." Rikke gently placed the pup down,letting him scurry offto his corner forthe time being... though likely he'll roll up near one of the girls when they sleep. The heroine blew out the last of the torches, neither of the two remaining girls really needed light to see. Their exposures to certain elements left the two with certain gifts.

Rikke smirked at her companion "Looks like we'll be sharing the bed after all." with that Rikke quickly pulled her quick release allowing the armor slide off her curvy body seductively.

Unless Jessica had other things in mind the two girls fall asleep in their close embrace and hopefully have a calm and restfull night. Who knows what will tommorow bring.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We may have the bed but we hardly have the room." Jess kissed Rikke and wrapped herself up tight to her and was quickly asleep. Morning would bring a curious looking Sylph stairing at both Rikke and Jess while Willow slept in a little nook between the girls legs. Rikke ever the eairly riser was the first up just as light was streaming in to the room. Rune was still alseep though from her tossing and turning she wouldn't be for long and as always Jess was close to Rikke her tail in its customary position. "Lots noises many metal men not as many as before."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wha'?" Rikke yawned sleepily, still drowsy from just waking up, the rogue would gently uncoil Jessicas tail and check outside. What was Sylph talking about?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was early morning and Rikke had just opened her door when Ericka and Cassandra came running up to the room. "Rikke hurry Sauls been hurt and so has Rhea." Rushing with out further adeu Rikke ran to where the girls lead her to find Rhea nursing a bandaged arm in a sling and Saul laying on his back a big bandage covering a puncture wound. Rikke also noted several sheets completely covering several of the wounded. Rhea frowned when Rikke came in. "Im sorry Rikke I had him in my grasp when some demon came crashing in and rescued the bastard. We managed to drive him off but not with out loses." Rhea's ears drooped as she looked at Saul. "He's such a brave and foolish man took a hit for me when the demon came in. The fool almost got himself killed."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes widened,but she supressed her shock if only that Rune wouldn't wake up. Hopefully Jessica knew to keep Rune safe while Rikke went to investigate. Quickly getting into some proper clothes Rikke dashed downstairs to where Saul and Rhea rested.

"I warned you about him having a demons under his command!" Rikke angrily glanced at Rhea, though it was an anger born from care for her allies "He's going to be okay right?" the heroine turned to Saul worry in her eyes.

"Tell me what happened." Rikke would sit down and listen to what exactly went on while the girls slept.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul coughed but looked at the two woman. "Ill be fine you nagging harpies just need to rest this is the last time I go out on a battlefield thats for sure." He coughed again and turned his head away so as not to see the girls crying or rather see Rhea crying. Indeed Rhea was crying but Rikke could tell it was more happiness than anything else. "Yeah the old goat will be just fine. Hows Rune dose she know?" After Rikke gave her update on Rune Rhea informs her how it all went down. Apparently the warehouse was full of DeGravel's elite enforcers and from the get go the Wargs where outnumbered thankfully Saul evened the tables for them. The battle was going smoothly when the Demon broke up all the fun. "I literally had DeGravel's scrawny neck in my hands Rikke until the demon chucked a spear at me. Thankfully Saul saw it and took it for me." With that the battle turned against them but threw sheer determination and a little luck and some unexpected help they managed to defeat the remaining forces. "Yes we where lucky the newest church Templar came to our aid." Rhea pointed over Rikke's shoulder. Turning to see who it was Rikke was ecstatic it was Janet of all people decked out in full battle gear rather revealing battle gear but battle gear for sure. "Hi Rikke!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet!" Rikkes eyes light up as she ran up and hugged her friend warmly "Look at you~" the rogue stepped back inspecting the battle gear "Already in the frontlines and everything! I take it my little chat with the high-priestess went well." the heroine continued to smile widely "Rhea this is the last member of the Venus girls - Janet."

"Talk about a sudden shot to the top... what happened?" the excitedly continued to eye the very well crafted armor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well after the priestess freed me from the brothel she had me escorted to the temple. Where she explained she couldn't abide by the injustice I had suffered. She told me she couldn't force my former order to accept me back but if I was willing to convert from the Stargod to the worship of Venus then she could let me be her knight." Janet beamed brightly at Rikke. "What could I say after all it was the old priests of the Stargod that handed down my punishment and well Venus has no restrictions of chastity for her knights. I should know after all Im the first. Anyway after I agreed me and the priestess spent time learning about the goddess with some personal teaching." Janet started to blush but refrained from saying more. "When the messenger arrived about DeGravel she insisted I go immediately and gave me her armor to use until I get my own."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The first knight of the Venus order..." Rikke beamed a smile and looked over the tantalising, but actually surprisingly sturdy and safe looking armor "Well they sure got the armor right... wonder if they come light or leather variations" the rogue giggled warmly "Looks like DeGravil won't have a safe hole to crawl in soon enough, with the church enforcers and the wargs on his miserable hide."

The rogue turned back to Rhea "Did you get any info from your raid Rhea?" the heroine was left to wonder... what now? Likely DeGravil will go underground now, if they can't find him. Rune won't be safe and Endus will remain in peril. Not to mention desperation may cause him to make some ludicrous deal with his demon allies...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Of course my talented scout but it will take time to sort threw it and Ill need to transfer some boys and look for a few new ones." Rhea frowned again "I lost a to many good men this past week good men they will be hard to replace."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Of-ofcourse Rhea... I didn't mean to disrespect the boys lost." Rikke looked down in a rather guilty fashion, once she entered Rheas camp the wargs seemed to have been losing men left and right. First the raids on their camps, then the Black War, now this... though perhaps it was because Rikke just came at the time of great change...

"What would you like me to do?" Rikke smiled at Rhea, though she was still just an honorary member she hardly acted like an outsider anymore.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea smiled at Rikke. "Just keep my girl safe. Ill have vengeance yet for my boys" With that Rhea leaned back and napped leaving Rikke and Janet standing their among the wounded and the dead.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke nodded at Rhea and turned back to Janet "So~ you stayin? Me and Jess would love to thank you for everything you've done for us in the brothel..." the heroine smiled warmly and after a brief pause smacked Janet on her shoulder armor, not enough to leave her hand stinging though "And that's for playing a hero when we were escaping. We were worried sick! You got time to atleast meet up with the rest of the gang right Janey?" No doubt the gang would love to see Janet in this full armor now. Chances were just like Rikke they stayed behind in that assault.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if I hadn't this would never have happened humm." Janet smiled at Rikke and hugged her. "Yeah I have time to visit the crew no doubt they will want to chew me out like you did." Janet walked with Rikke to where ever she led chatting about little things. The first girls they came upon where Alice and Cassandra who immediately ran up to Janet and hugged her something fierce and started chatting her ear off. In no time flat Naomi and Erika where soon around all hogging Janet to themselves.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well with Janet swarmed Rikke had a little time till the interogations end, especially with it reseting everytime a new girl joined the crowd. Might aswell check on her room. Chances were they'd like to talk to Janet too, who knows maybe Rune will take great fancy in the Venus order and greatly support it once she's the one ruling the city.

Rikke would knock on the door gently and enter, Janet was lead here before she got swarmed anyway so the room was barely a few feet away.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow greeted her with a happy bark and wagging tail. Jess was still out lost in dream land Sylph was awake holding her tummy and Rune had just started to get up and was in mid stretch her pink hair all wild and sticking out everywhere. This was one of the few times Rikke had seen Rune without her hooded robe and she could see that she kept the tangled mass of hair about neck length her cute little fox ears sticking up proud. Her tail seemed to have suffered the same fate as her hair and Rikke could see a brush nearby.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would wake Jess up and take the brush "Rise and shine Rune~" the girl smiled warmly "I have someone special here to meet you." the rogue would smile warmly and hopefully Jessica would soon take over the combing procedure, the rogue hasn't encountered fur/hair of this magnitude before. Maybe there was a special way to comb it? Though for the time being Rikke would gently wake Rune up and fix her tail and fair to the best of her abilities. Janet wouldn't leave without saying goodbye at the very least... who knows how long the gang would question her,
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess stirred a little and blinked slowly it looked like she would be getting up soon. Meanwhile Sylph went over to Rikke and pulled on her arm much like a child would do. "Sylph belly gurgley need yums." Rikke wasn't sure how Sylph knew what part of her gurgled of bubbled but still it seemed the slime girl was keeping the rules in mind. Willow of course bounced and barked and started wine looks like the puppy need his own bathroom time. It was almost and overload but then Rune placed a hand on Rikke. "Its okay Rikke Ill comb my tail you make sure Willow doesn't mess on the floor."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Fine let's go you two." Rikke smiled at Sylph and tapper her hipfor Willow to follow. Rikke rarely bothered completely focusing on a single task whenever she could. Might aswell give Willow his little walk as well as go to the kitchen to grab some fruit for Sylph.

The heroine offered her hand to Sylph and Willow quickly got her signal to follow. And just like that the trio got out, Jessica would likely take care of brushing and fixing up Rune. Rikke would go outside and let Willow roam around, the camp wasn't exactly the most cleanest part of Endus so Willow shouldn't have much problem find some spots to mark. A pup doesn't exactly make THAT much of a mess. Though Sylph needed her 'yums' and Rikke would rush towards the kitchen window from outside. Hopefully some juicy fruit would be on supply. Otherwise Rikke would actually have to go out to hunt food for her slimergirl friend.