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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow ran around outside sniffing everything it looked like he was finding just the right spot. Meanwhile Rikke headed for the window of the kitchen and shouted out to the cook. Who rudely shouted back but still handed Rikke a small bowel of apples. The air was getting cool hinting to all that fall was fast approaching. Rikke frowned she would have to make a choice soon stay in Endus for the fall winter or try to move on to someplace else. Of course she was always welcome at the Pesil manor she could always winter there. Rikke's thoughts where interrupted however by one of the guards yelling out. "Not my new cloak!" Turning to see the comontion it looked like Willow had found the right spot which also happened to be the wrong spot.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke left the basket of apples to Sylphs "care" and ran off to the commonotion "Willow! Bad boy! What did I tell you about peeing on clothes?" The rogue quickly ran up and picked up her puppy "Only on GRASS or in DIRT. Bad, bad, naughty pup!" Rikke had to make sure Willow was raised properly and trained up to snuff. Today it was a wargs cloak a few years later it might be hers "Apologise to the kind man this instant mister!" Rikke gently bumped the pups nose, making sure he knew he did something bad, her agitated facial expression and tone would agree with her actions.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow of course wined at his treatment his tail between his legs. The warg in question just scoweled at the dog but did little else it seemed Rikkes "punishment" was good enough. Meanwhile Sylph began to giggle as the bowl of apples drifted around her insides tickling the slime girls innards.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I hope we're clear mister...." Rikke eyed the pup for a brief moment stoicly, making sure Willow was sorry. The heroine would pull the pup closer and give him a small kiss on the head before putting him down "Don't do that again 'kay. No pee-pee or worse on clothes" with a wink to the pup she placed him right back and allowed him to finish his business.

Rikke turned to Sylph, the slimegirl giggled happily jugling the apples inside her, getting a snicker from Rikke aswell "Playing around with your yums Sylph?" the rogue smiled widely and approached the saphire girl, she had to check whats Sylphs usual ration size.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was hard to tell with Sylph but it seemed she would eat as much as Rikke gave her. A look of concentration crossed Sylphs face as she tried to force the bowl out of her. A moment later the wooden bowl and the husks of four apples plopped out of the slime girl who was busy seeing what Willow was doing. This of course made the puppy nervous as he was in the middle of his last duty as it where. "Rikke what that?" Sylph pointed at Willows droppings which brought a chuckle from the guards nearby. "Ahh its yucky Sylph nothing to play with. come on I want to talk with you more today." It was Rune she had her hood down and it looked like Jess had braided a single strand of hair that hung off the side of her face.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well Rune sure took great interest in the slimegirl "Rune don't stray away from me or Jessica for too long. We're still your babysitters" Rikke smiled warmly to the girl under her care, sure it was in the middle of a heavily guarded camp, but a moment of ease can spell disaster.

Still at worst Sylph herself was a crazy force to be reckoned with so Rune should be safe. Rikke would wait till Willow finished up and go back to her, hopefully finding Rune somewhere nearby.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow ran up to Rikke and barked happily wagging his tail his business done he was full of energy once more. Sylph Rikke and Willow soon met up with Rune and Jess who where sharing a meal. Janet was over with the Lucky Venus Girls chatting up a storm asking her all sorts of questions all in all it very peaceful with the occasional bark from Willow wanting something from Rune or Jess's plate.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned over to Rune "That's the girl I want you to meet" she pointed over to Janet. The girl was still in her armor, likely it was made to be like her second skin, comfort, mobility and protection a craftmans work of art "She's the first knight of the Order of Venus, the Love godess." Rikke winked slyly "You do know of Venus, right Rune?" the rogue continued her meal looking over at Rune.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rune looked over at Janet a quizzical expression on her face. "Really Ive read about Venus but I thought her church was dead?" Rune eyed the group for a bit her thoughts her own but she soon turned to Sylph and began to question her more. Which let Jess lean over to Rikke and speak with her some. "Rune went to visit her parents already so she knows she tended to them and the others with her magic so they should be alright and ready for action soon. It must have been quite the battle if it lasted all night."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A cornered animal tends to fight the fiercest..." Rikke turned to Jessica "...but thanks for stopping me last night, who knows what would've happened if I went in there alone." Jessica placed her hand warmly on Rikkes "That's what I'm here for, making sure this silly rogue steers clear of trouble" the heroine giggled lightly "'Steer clear of trouble'? Looks like I didn't teach the basics of adventuring well enough"

Well atleast Rune found something to keep herself busy - inspecting the poor slimegirl. Hopefully exposure to so much, talking back and forth will strengthen Sylphs speaking skills.

Soon the girls would finish their meal, still Rikke sure as heck didn't want to lock herself up in her room again "I'll go visit the baracks maybe do some fighting and training." she smiled to her company and if unopposed left to train abit.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke walked the halls seeing alot more bandaged Wargs than when she was first here and the joking jovial bunch was rather mute and all looked very tired. Even Matt was out cold sleeping in a corner his blade nearby just in case. It looked pretty grim but none of the Wargs she saw had the look of defeat on their face. Still she was left to her thoughts as she came to the training room which was empty of anyone leaving her the run of the place and all its equipment.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed grimly, just how many wargs were injured in that last battle... she passed the ring, empty and desolate of any cheers and guys showing off their strentgh. The sparing ring, all the wooden blades and faceguards resting nearby.

"Echo~" Rikke listened in on her own voice, well this was definedly not what she expected to see. Still no point in just looking at all the equipment it takes two to properly train... looked like this trip was a flop. She couldn't leave camp and the camp was resting post battle, this would likely prove a very dull day indeed. If nothing stopped her she'd get back to her room. Maybe she'll find something to do there.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well most of camp was resting post battle the Venus Girls and herself still had lots of energy maybe she can get them to join her. It was worth asking anyway that way if something dose happen Rune would be surrounded by bodyguards. But some quiet time alone might not be to bad. But then again all the girls could practice with out the boys ogling them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke returned to the mess hall once more, barely anything changed. She was kinda gone for 10 or so minutes. "I though you went to the barracks" Jessica smiled warmly her meal pretty much over "Yeah... good luck finding anyone there..." Rikke just harumphed on the table, obviously she was getting bored and rather rapidly.

Jessica looked over her companions and smirked to herself, before going off to the venus girls interupting their chating for a brief moment, before standing up and surrounding the rogue "So~ someone was looking for a fight?" Cassandra spoke first a glint in her eyes and the evil grins all around the other girls "Rune, Sylph we're going come on." Rikke would be quickly raised from her seat and carried out into the front yard near the medic bay.

"Come one, come all and place your bets! It's time for a girl only fighting tournament~ Who will lose all their armor pieces first~" Alice cried out happily.

"Am I missing something." The Venus girls giggled warmly "Jessica said you were bored and had a certain plan to embarass us. So~ we're just returning the favor..." What plan?! Rikke quickly turned to Jessica who just whistled innocently.

Still, Rikke seems to have found herself in a sparing match, first girl to remove or shift her opponents armor wins?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Venus Girls all huddled together whispering amongst themselves deciding who would face Rikke down. After a few moments of debate Erika was pushed forward stumbling into the little ring. "First up Erika the Lithe renowned former belly dancer of the Silken Princess! Will her dancing skills be more than a match for Rikke the Rogue we shall see. Bets Ill take bets." Alice's announcing the little brawl soon brought attention to Rikke's little situations and it wasn't long before denari started changing hands.

"Well Rikke I guess its me first ready?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked at the whole proceeding in awe, really?! They are going for it! The rogues eyes sharpened, very well then. Time show the Venus girls why she was the leader.

"I'll go easy on you Erica... afterall I do owe you, for slipping into the brothel" Rikke brushed the tip of her nose, snickered and quickly got into a CQC stance. It's show time... she'll win this one cleanly and quickly, but the rest of the Venus girls will be in for an embarassing show.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Erika attempts to grapple Rikke 34 vs 38
Rikke attempts to grapple Erika no contest Rikke's bonus is more than Erika's dodge

Rikke eyed her oppenit Erika was well toned and agile but Rikke had the weight of experience behind her. Erika's attack was telegraphed threw her stance and so Rikke was more than ready to counter but with out her blades her stance was off weight so instead she decided to grapple the girl as she rushed by.

Erika didn't stand a chance and soon enough Rikke had her in an arm lock. As lithe and agile as Erika was Rikke's combat experience proved more effect. Now that she had her little bird what to do with her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly, the Venus girls have no idea what they got themselves into. The heroine smiled warmly at Erica and kissed her on the neck playfully, before sliding her hands to whatever held the girls top on and hopefully gracefully removing it. Stepping back and twirling it in the air victoriously.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to remove Erika's top (shift armor) 54
Erika tries to escape 46
54 vs 46 Rikke wins!

Rikke kissed Erika's neck before pulling at the laces at the back of her shirt. Erika not so easily defeated did her best to squirm away from Rikke and only succeeded in causing the laces of her top to come undone all the faster. Letting Erika's struggle pull the girl away Rikke held tight to the top holding it high as the crowed roared and Erika covered herself with her arms.

"Oh it looks like we have a winner for round one. Erika the Lithe was no match for Rikke the rogue!" A small groan escaped the crowed and the denari began to be handed back and forth. "Next up Naomi the wild! Elven Nature mage extraordinaire can she best Rikke the rogue? Place your bets!" With that Naomi appeared out of the crowed waving at every one. She looked so small against Rikke she almost felt bad.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke twirled and spun the top giggling happily, heck even doing some athletic moves. This was less of competition and more of a show for the wargs, right now.

Her next opponent would be Nayomi... the first to pay the price of calling out the rogue. Rikkes eyes glinted with mischievious intent as she turned to Nayomi "Let's have some fun~" the rogue turned to the crowd "Which cloth do you want boys?" stirring up the crowds Rikke cheered out once more and listened in for the requests, she would deliver.