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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gathered a few warmer looking pieces of clothing and covered Jess up while she slept and stocked the fire with some more broken boxes. Rubbing her side tenderly Rikke recalled the last time she had been struck was by Seve but thankfully the monster she had dispatched here was no where near as deadly as the slimy demon she had fought in the manor. As much as she wanted to Rikke couldn't keep her eyes open and eventually drifted off into a deep sleep. Though Rikke had fallen asleep it was hardly restfull and after what seemed a few hours of troubled dreams she awoke to Jess poking at the fire with splintered board the heavy winter coat draped about her shoulders.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sighed in relief as she leaned against a nearby box, eyeing Jessica with more and more sleepy eyes. Maybe she'll close them... for a mere moment. The last thoughts of her words to Jessica sending her off to sleep...

"AH~~!!" the dirty man pushed his rod deeper into the captive girl as he exploded violently, globs of his spunk spurting out of the girls pussy. "Fuck! You weren't kidding I could fuck this bitch all day and STILL have my hardon." the rough man shoved the girl off his rod bluntly as she collapsed on the floor. "Yeah and you were the last in line." a nearby black haired man laughed out loudly "Bullshit, man. No way. That's like 8 cocks up in there." the dirty skinny man jerked off some extra spunk on the girl on the floor "I'm telling you, this bitch is fucking special. Somekind of magic pussy right there." the skinny one grabbed the girl painfully by the hair and pulled her up "What about her ass?" the man slapped the girls face painfully "The fuck you waitin for clean it!" the auburn haired girl obeyed the demands as she puckered her lips and bobbed her head up and down the mans cum ridden cock. "Dunno, Jimmy's payin extra to keep it for himself." the skiny man in the cage leaned down as to checkout the girls working his shaft ass "Fuck Jimmy. Keepin hogging that ass" "F'n top denarii man, can't argue with that. Oh yeah you gonna be here when Tongy's gonna bring his mutt over. Said they had that thing fed some fucking drugs so its braidead and sex crazed" the skiny man jerked slightly as he forced the auburn haired girl deeper onto his cock before exploding one last time "Well atleast Cumslut here, will have something in common with ol'Butch" both men let out disgusting laughters as the girl was shoved aside "Thanks Brox, be back tommorow. Gotta get them balls filled again! Oh and speaking of which you gettin that drug." "Yup, it's coming in a few days." "Nice" the bulky man unlocked the cage and said his goodbyes to the skinny one. "You hear that Cumslut, if there's still anything in that skull of yours left - know this. You're gonna be one fine bitch, the drugs will make sure of it, fuck I won't even sell ya. Just so I can pound that pussy of yours... speaking of which" the bulky man hastily entered the cage unbuckling his pants revealing his substantial hard cock and threw the girl on the bed "I could use some relief..." the girl laid there absolutely exhausted as her eyes were nearly blanked out 'Need... must... escape.' as a slight gleam of the cagekeepers blade caught her eye...

Rikke woke up as her restless dream finally let her go, to be greeted by her companion stiring the flame. "Hey~...wasn't I the one who was supposed to stay on guard" the rogue smiled warmly at Jessica, still woozy from her dream.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked over at Rikke she smiled still a little upset but a smile none the less which was progress in Rikke's book. Looking down Rikke also discovered she had been covered up as well and that wasn't all her armored top was set carefully nearby a large needle and leather string resting near it. Which meant Jess had taken off her armor to fix it. Rikke's face flushed crimson and winced as she shifted her weight. She was still sore but it seemed Jess not only fixed her armor but applied a salve to her wound as well. "We both need a little rest. I also buried the bodies they deserved that much."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed her companion briefly "What?" Jessica looked up at Rikke "You were pretty down back then, feelin better?" the rogue continued her earnest gaze at her companion. Though the succubus was rather keen on just shruging her break off and moving the conversation "More importantly how are YOU feeling, seemed the man got a pretty good hit on you." Rikke smiled at Jessica gently rubbing her hurt side "Lucky shot. And it wasn't as bad as it looked." the rogue grinned innocently at the red haired girl, it was actually slightly worse.

"Don't tell you've been up all this time." "I wasn't tired, I couldn't rest with those bodies just lying there" Jessica answered without even making eye contact with the rogue "Jess~ you should know better. You seemed really, really down back then. Are you SURE you're okay? Got those stupid thoughts out of your head? Rikke calling Jessica, if the friendly and lovable is there please respond" the rogue giggled lightly and looked over to Jessica "Am I gonna have to remind you of tip number 7?"

Handbook of the Aspiring heroine tip #7(Subject to change... since well Rikke just comes up with them on the fly):
No matter the doom and gloom around her, a heroine will stand strong and keep positive.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess was silent a moment before answering. "Its hard looking back but I know I can get through thanks to you." Jess threw Rikke a smile before getting up from her spot and heading over to Rikke. "Its time to change the bandage when you hit the box your armor must have picked up a rusty nail it scratched you up pretty bad." Jess looked up at Rikke and winked." Don't worry I have some salve from the manor minus the special additives." Wasting little time and ignoring all complaints Jess pulled down the coat Rikke was wrapped in and pulled up her undershirt revealing a simple cloth bandage stained an odd color of brownish yellow. Pulling the bandage off she simply tossed it in the fire where it burned odd colors. "Oh much better I don't think I even need to reapply a bandage as long as you don't pick at it." Bending her head Rikke saw that her skin was red just below her right breast and tender but none the worse for wear.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What would I do without you" Rikke smiled warmly at Jessica and kissed her playfully on the cheek, squeezing out that elusive smile from the girl once more. "Best we don't spend too much time here" the rogue looked around the room "Since that buggering building closed off the original path the creatures should start using this one to get passage aswell..." Rikke turned to Jessica "And~ we really don't want to be resting on the hunting trails" with that the rogue winked at her companion and slowly got into her armor, being extra careful where it grinded against the girls affected area.

"Whenever you're ready, Jess." the heroine smiled warmly at her companion once more as she lied down on top of one of the bigger chests.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You right Rikke I think I saw some strange frog things hopping around when I buried the bodies they don't seem to phased by the rain." Looking up at the hole in the roof Jess sighed it was still raining. "If the city bells I heard not to long ago are right then its about 2 in the afternoon. Do you want to go to our hidy hole or press on?" Jess looked at Rikke waiting for her answer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No point really. Best to push on, I'd rather get wet than fight off those wasps or dogs." Rikke nodded at her companion as jumped down from her box "Oversized frogs... here? Talk about a messed up place." the rogue checked her gear and quickly descend down the passsageway, with Jessica at her side.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Leaving the damaged warehouse Rikke once again breathed deep the fresh air of the outside reinvigorating the girl. The street before them once again was cluttered with debris but nothing to serious like a collapsed building. However their was some new debris to have concern about. Skeletal remains lay scattered about and not all of it was human. Jess stopping at a large skelton looked down at a maw filled with sharp needle like teeth. "What in the world was that?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Whatever it was, thank goodness it's dead..." Rikke eyed the creatures maw with unease, if that bit you, shrugging it off wouldn't be an option. "Lets hope this is the so called animal "graveyard" where they come to die... otherwise" the girl turned to Jessica and nudged towards her swords "If it's bigger than a cart or has claws longer than our blades we run, 'kay Jess?" the rogue slowly proceeded forward.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke look!" Jess pointed to a large group of skeletons their armor clearly marking them as once proud city defenders. "Maybe well be lucky and the medalion will be right here." Moving forward Jess approached the long dead warriors weapons drawn at lest she was being cautious about it. Though something did seem off to the rogue if this part of the city was fairly clear how come no one scavenged these warriors of their armor?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Um.. Jess..." well her companion did have the right idea, someone dragged all the corpses here and pilled em up, Perhaps the Mayors corpse would lie there aswell, but still... Rikke heard stories that the mayor was at the very heart of the city where a huge beam ravaged everyone in the vicinity. Wouldn't such a beam leave a huge crater? Perhaps it only targetted living being and the buildings still stood and the girls WERE in the heart already.

"Just be careful... someone dragged them here. It might be bait." it was risky but worth checking. Rikke quickly positioned herself to watch the girls flanks not joining in the scavenge herself.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting closer Rikke soon found that the skeletons where not just haphazardly piled in place but looked to have died fighting a giant creature whose femur was easily the size of Jess standing at full height. Jess whistled out loud and looked at the massive creatures head. Throwing a wink at Rikke Jess giggled "Give this guys size I would say he put the old master to shame." Jess laughed out loud which seemed to echo around them. But more disturbing it was responded with another cackle which caused Jess to look around panic in her eyes.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened as she looked over the femur "Just how huge was this thing..." with Jessicas sly wink and laughter Rikkes pervy side tingled slightly, but the sudden cackle quickly sent goosebumps through the heroine.

The rogue quickly got into her combat stance "Who's there?! Show yourself." Rikke started glancing around trying to pinpoint the origin of the laughter. Whatever it was best to approach it with due caution, especially looking at their current position. Rikke turned to Jessica and whispered ever so silently "Moving.Out." obviously the rogue wanted her companion to join her in getting out of the area ever so slowly and cautiously.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Jess began to move out weapons drawn but the cackling still echoing around them. "I can't tell where its coming from?" Jess sounded worried but Rikke kept her confidence up. Well untill a series of javalins came flying threw the air at them from the roofs around them. "EEEEK!" Jess screamed surprise getting the best of her. Looking around Rikke could see 20 - 30 little green skinned men with rusty knives and swords some with javelins and hand axes. It looked like they had been surrounded the only way out looking to be an fairly rundown building.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes body froze up for a moment as the green horde slowly appeared. The girl gulped in despair, those things get a good surround on them then that's it for their expedition "Run... RUN!... RUN!!!" Rikke grabbed her companions arm and tugged it along, just incase the red haired girl was fear struck. They had to make it to the building at all cost!

If any Goblins are in the way Lightning strike there asses! 2 hits on one to instagib and one hit on the other, with Jessica picking off the kill hopefully.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of round Goblins 40 feet away

Jess is slower than Rikke and the goblins faster than both of them this should be interesting. Borrowing from Wolf a little the chase rolls will be as follows D20 pluse the difference of the characters speed-20. So for Rikke it would +4 while Jess would be -2

Rikke flees! 10 goblins have gained 15 feet on Rikke
Jess flees! 6 goblins have gained 19 feet on Jess
Goblins Chase! 25
Rikke knew that was to many to fight and in very wise decision ran. Making a beeline for the building she felt confident that her and Jess would make it untill she looked back and saw them nearly nipping on Jess heels man the little buggers where fast for things with such short legs. Jess didn't even look back but Rikke could see she knew how close the little creatures had gotten to her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Damnit they're fast!' how can such short legged creatures be so darn fast! Rikke needed to improvise! The rogue quickly took out her revolver and laid down some supression fire on their pursuers while continueing her mad dash. Maybe primal fear would slow the creatures down... though hitting a few wouldn't be too bad, but was hardly an option. Rikke was an alright shot, but accurate shots while avoiding her companion and dashing forward... best to just spray and pray around Jessica. "Hurry Jess! They're closing in!"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Start of round Goblins 25 feet from Rikke 21 from Jess

Rikke lays down some suppressive fire.
Rikke Flees! 22 Rikke gains 7 feet
Jess Flees! 11 Goblins gain 4 on Jess
Goblins chase 15 Goblins slow to avoid fire

Rikke turned and fired a few shots at their goblin attackers seemingly slowing the front row down. Still the sheer number of the critters ensured that they kept up the pace and where still closing on Jess. Rikke could see one start swinging a net over his head looks like he was waiting to get a little closer. Rikke had made it into the house with Jess still trailing behind and the goblins closing fast. Looking as she made it threw the door way Rikke realized their was no back door but she could see light up a flight of stairs.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That net thrower was going to be trouble! The girl had no choice, if the creature managed to throw it chacnes were Jess would infact get caught.
"Up the stairs! Don't stop!" shouting that out to her friend Rikke actually stopped for a brief moment and carefully attempted to snipe off the net thrower.

Hit or miss the girl did not stand around to double check, this had to have cost her some distance but with the goblins bottlenecked via the doorway the situation would be much more manageable. Best to rush upstairs, if luck would have it perhaps there would a door with a lock there! Worst case scenario the girls would have the high ground.
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