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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception: 26 vs 26 success! (player wins ties)
Jess perception: 33 vs 26 success!
S. Slime attacks Rikke: 32 vs 39 miss!

Rikke approached the object that had caught her attention it sat among a dirty pile of cloths glittering in the low light. As Rikke got close it looked to be a ring of some sort. As Rikke reached out Jess dove right on top of her just as Rikke saw the slime rise up from the floor ahead of her fling some goo right at her former position. Both girls rolled to the sides drawing their weapons and the slime seemed to bubble in anger and slurp its way threw a crack in the floor escaping its ambush ruined.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke approached her prize "Well hello there my little friend" seemed the rings alluring glitter blinded the girl to the odd nature of such a sighting. As she slowly reached out to pick up something odd caught the girls eye... why was the floor infront of her moving... A slime! Rikkes eyes widened as she seemed to be exactly where the slime wanted her, when suddenly Jessica dived to push both girls aside!

The creature infront bubbled infront of them, seemingly angered by his trap foiled "Thanks Jess!" Rikke quickly drew her blade and eyed the creature. A slime... this was bad. Swords are possibly the absolute worst weapon versus such creatures "Jessica, can you get your blades aflame again?" Slime monsters have one weakness - FIRE!... atleast to the rogues knowledge. "I'll keep him busy" Rikke ran up infront of Jessica, blocking sight of the red haired girl "I'm over here, slimy~" the girl smirked at the creature turning her blade as she pointed it right at it.

Though by the time Rikke finished her dramatic heroic stance the slime creature already left the girls alone. The rogue blinked a few times "H-huh... HEY!" Rikke crossed her arms in slight disappointment, she was ready to go!... well atleast now she can grab that ring.

Use defensive stance once more!... not to much effect though...
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"H-huh... HEY!" Jess came up and patted her on the shoulder and dropping the ring into her hand. "Is okay Rikke I didn't want to get all slimy anyway. Besides fire wouldn't have worked to well against that slime at lest." Rikke looked over at Jess as her friend went back to the pile of cloths and sorted threw them looking for anything else. "Why not?" Rikke walked over and searched the cloths. "Well it was a demon and resistant to fire." Stretching out the cloths Jess simply nodded. "Poor mage didn't stand a chance." Standing up Jess looked down at the battlerobes that lay before her.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So how do you beat something like that? Blunt weapons?" Rikke sighed lightly as she saw the ragged battle mage robes "If magic can't beat it, don't think swords would be too effective." Depending on how Jessica answered it could spark Rikkes curiousity. Just how does Jessica know all that? Still even though the creature did slip down the girls would have to "follow" it. They couldn't stay upstairs forever.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I know for sure that this kind of slime is only resistant to fire and force magics. Swords should work just fine against it. Just be careful don't get hit the slimes are pretty much aphrodisiac in a mobile jelly form." Jess headed to the stairs and started going down a floor. "It probably won't bother us again sense we spotted it this time." Jess descended down the stairs weapons still drawn leaving Rikke by herself with a silver ring sized for a man.

Ring 15 denari

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahprodisiac? Huh.. wanna find it and bottle some up?" Rikke giggled innocently she was in no way shape or form serious. Seemed after their great escape from the goblins the girl was in a surprisingly good mood "Speaking of which... aren't we supposed to find a slime girl in this place." Rikke quickly dropped the ring into one of her pouches and followed Jessica down.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know if that's possible really" Jess shrugged. "All the slimes Ive ever seen have been puddles on the ground and most have no real brains just enough to know when to fight or flee very basic stuff." Jess stepped onto the next landing and stopped. "Whats wrong Jess?" Rikke stopped next to the succubus and peered down the hallway nothing seemed out of place it looked like perfectly cleaned hall with polished wood and dust free floors. Wait dust free floors polished wood something wasn't right here. "We should just keep moving down." Jess began to quietly make her way to the next flight of stairs.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the floor and gulped slightly "Someone cleaned this place pretty darn well..." the two girls looked over at each other both thinking the very same thing - Slimes. "We should just keep moving down." "Uh-huh..." this could go bad real quick, both girls knew it, but they didn't have any choice. "If you see ANYTHING even shiver... we run." Rikke glanced over the squeeky clean floor, no matter how you look at it this was possibly a hotspot "...we run like hell." with those final words of caution both girls carefully proceeded down the hall, Jessica oddly infront.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph Perception: 45 vs 45, 34 fail! vs Rikke success! vs Jess (sylph hides)
Rikke Perception: 28 vs 32 fail!
Jess Perception: 32 vs 32 success!
Sylph Attacks Jess Grapple attempt: 66 vs 43 Hit Jess is Grappled
Jess tries to free herself 31 vs 63 fail!

Jess taking the lead for once went down the stairs quietly with Rikke not far behind. Slipping on the stairs a little Jess weapon clanged on the railing which caused Rikke to look around in alarm but much to her relief no slimes made an appearance at lest so she thought.

Sylph in the mean time was bored and lonely as she usually was her latest attempt to find out who and what she was had failed when the other things like her attacked her outright and hurt her a little. Still it was disappointing to say the lest and she was about to head home when a loud noise from the stairs ahead alerted her to something. Hiding for safety she hopped it wasn't any of the little green men they where always mean to her and never wanted to talk.

Jess cursed under her breath but resumed her decent down the stairs when she froze and yelled for Rikke as a blueish purple tentacle shot out from beyond Rikke's sight and pulled Jess right from off the landing!


Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Jessica: Grappled
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jessica!" subtelty would have to take a backseat as something already had Jess in it's grasp! Rikke quickly drew her blade and went after her red haired friend!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph attempts grapple Rikke: 82 vs 49

Rikke easily cleared the remain stairs to the hallway in desperate pursuit of what ever had grabbed Jess only to be assaulted by another bluish purple tentacle which grappled her as well. The sudden panic of not being able to move overwhelmed Rikke who was thinking of all the horror stories that she had heard about tentacles. Struggling while her fear rose but when the expected molestation didn't start she began to realize that what ever was holding her wasn't trying to crush the life from her even though it had a firm grip on the rogue. Looking about she could see Jess plastered against the wall a long tendril of blushish slime keeping her struggles at bay. "RIKKE WE HAVE TO GET FREE!" Rikke couldn't agree more and began her own struggles just as a decidedly feminine face stretched its way to Rikke looking at her quizzically. The slime girl look fairly cute and innocent but Rikke couldn't argue that it was exceedingly strong and held her firm she doubt she could escape under sheer muscle power. Thankfully it wasn't hurting her or Jess yet

Rikke: Grappled
Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Jessica: Grappled
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 27/38 Pp: 43/43
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls seemed to be outmatched! The tentacles held both of them in place, but did not actually do anything. As Rikke struggled to get free their oppressor appeared - a rather cute saphire slime girl. The creature eyed both girls curiously but remained silent "Let us go!" Rikke slightly growled at the girl.. but that was the extent of what the girl could do.

Wait! Wasn't the rogue armed with a certain object to beat-off such creatures?!
Rikke looked down to one of her pouches the cristal to freeze the slime lied in one of them. If only she could reach it... but perhaps this conflict might end on much different terms?
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Slime girl just looked at Rikke her bluish gel like skin deeping and lighting in color. Slowly it the slime girl spoke. It was hard to understand at first but then it repeated itself as if using something long forgotten and it smiled and tilted its head to the side. "Why?" Pulling both Rikke and Jess together so its tendrils merged into one giant tendril holding both of them their arms still encased in her goo. It repeated its question smiling blankly at them "Why?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Okay, in full honesty Rikke did not expect the slime girl to even reply to her. Weren't these creatures just mindless puddles of slime? The rogue blinked a few times from the surprise, but still continued to wiggled her hand down to her pouch, not to much effect but ever so slowly she was making progress "We mean you no harm! We just want to pass." Rikke eyed the girl cautiously, well it was the truth if the slime girl just let them pass the girls would've been just going along on their merry way.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph wasn't sure what to make of these pale skin things. They were not like the green men or the mindless ones and they could talk. Maybe they could tell her who she is or what she is. But they sounded like they wanted to leave. It had been ages sense she had talked well actually this was the first time still she couldn't just let the strangers leave.

Rikke saw the slime girls color get very bright in color before going dark again before she turned a more neutral blue and tilted her head and struggling with words again simply stating. "No"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Best to keep the slime girl busy, Rikke still couldn't quite reach the cristal... much less open her pouch. The Slime girl just had such a tight grip on the rogue "Then what do want from us?" was this the slime that eliminated the mage upstairs? Sure she looked innocent enough, but Rikke knew how deceivign looks can be.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wha wa w wa a want?" The slime girl looked confused or thoughtful it was hard to tell her features being hard to read. Though Rikke was starting to get a feel about the slime noticing her goo changed when ever she (if that was even the right gender for a pool of goo) looked like she was thinking. Maybe it was a tell to her emotional state. Once again Rikke was given a light show before it looked her way again. "Want know?" The slime looked puzzeld again as if what she wanted to say didn't come out like she thought.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed the slime girls wasn't on the bright side, though maybe it was because she hasn't actually talked to anyone... ever, making communication with the girls all the more difficult. Perhaps Rikke could use a different approach, the girls might've tresspassed in the slimes territory? Was she defending, not attacking. Rikke took a deep breath, it was worth a shot.

"Who is slime girl? My name is Ri-kke. This is Jess." the rogue nudged her head towards her companion, as the red haired girl silently whispered to her "What are you doing?" only to have a smirk for an answer from the rogue, seeemed the situation was in her hands. "Slime girl have name?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Name?" The slime girl gave Rikke and Jess another light show before turning really bright. A smile crossed her face. "Name is....is...." the girl looked confused again and turned a darker blue. "Name not know want know." She looked at Rikke and Jess hopeful. "Rekey Jess know!" The slime girl looked hopeful and waited their response.

Jess looked over at her friend clearly worried. "Rikke whats this great plan of yours?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at the slime girl, temporally ignoring Jessicas worries. So was she supposed to guess the slime girls name? Or would she inadvertably name the creature? Still Rikke felt comfortable enough the slime girl to guess she was indeed not hostile, calming her search for the cristal "Um.. Well you're blue, so~ maybe it's Casey? Milly?" Rikke slightly turned her head "Casey Blue?"