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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph nodded at the names given but none of them triggered her memory. Even though she was nodding she simple said no. "I know show Rekey" With that the slime girl moved out of the hallway and out of the building the sudden movement causing Jess eeek a little. It was a surprisingly smooth ride as the slime girl carried Rikke and Jess easily. Looking up Rikke could see the rain had finally stopped but the sky was still clouded over. "I show Rekey me place."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cold chill ran down Rikkes back... what does she mean she'll show Rikke her place. What if there's tons of slimes there the girls would be in BIG trouble! "It's okay dear you can let us go now. Rikke and Jess go with you? Yes?" at any rate having someone who knows the city is always a boon, but Rikke did not rush to count the slime girl as an ally just yet. The creatures apparant innocence may cause as much harm as good to the girls.

Though Jessica did indeed fire off sparks from her eyes at the rogue. So THIS was her plan? To get dragged off to a corrupt creatures lair? Brilliant. Rikke pretty much read all that in her companions face and just smiled innocently "Oopsie". Still if the slime does let the girls go, they'd follow it. Unless there were clear signs of DO NOT.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The slime girl looked at Rikke clearly thinking if her change of color was a true indication of her mood or thoughts. Sylph was worried what if Rekey and Jess runaway? How would she find out who or what she was? But the strange creatures didn't seem mean like the green ones or harmful like the mindless ones. Rikke noticed a rapid shift in color in the slime girl as if she was indecisive or confused obviously some sort of internal monologue was going on that the girls had no way to know or even understand. Setting Rikke and Jess down the girl looked at them almost fearful. "Me sad if run" The slime girl clearly frowned her color going a dark blue almost purple.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well the rogue did give the slimegirl her word "Don't worry. We no run. Show plac-" a hard slap on her shoulder interupted the rogue "We should talk..." Jessica looked at the rogue, not that happy. The rogue turned to the red haired girl to explain herself "She's harmless Jess and she knows the city through and through. We could use a guide." "We don't even know whats this creatures plan. What if it just lures us back to it's "family" for a grand feast?" Rikke sighed lightly "We see ANYTHING that might give hints of danger, we leg it. You felt how strong she is. Would you rather have her as a friend or an enemy?" Jessica sighed "Fine... but you owe me a backrub for this" well Rikke hardly ever mislead the girl, why question her now "Trust me on this" with a final smile Rikke was free to talk to the slimegirl again.

"Show home to Rikke?" the rogue turned back to the slime girl, who eyed the discussion curiously "No danger there yes? Home safe?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Safe?" The slime girl nodded but for all Rikke knew that could be no. "Follow no hurt green skins hurt." Despite her bizarre and almost child like speaking habits the slime girl seemed genuine in her statements and led the adventuring pair to what looked like and old theater. Oozing threw the door the slime girl disappeared leaving Rikke and Jess alone and unguarded. "Rikke nows our chance lets leave the slime before she gets us again."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What did I tell you about needing a guide back there." Rikke raised an eyebrow at her companion "But-" "No "but"s, come on she's waiting." the rogue was surprisingly trusting of the slime girl, but then again wasn't Jessica herself just a stranger when the girls met. The rogue trusted her completely and look where the pair are now. Maybe Rikke just had an eye for allies, or maybe she just lucked out and the girls were about to be knee deep in slime.

Nevertheless the answer would soon follow as both girls entered the theatre.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess opened the door and indeed it revealed a run down theater. The slime girl seemed to be waiting on stage looking at the door waiting. Upon Seeing Rikke enter the girl turned a very bright blue and seemed to smile at her. Thankfully there where no signs of other slimes any where in the building. Making their way to the stage Rikke could see the slime girl point at a room at the back concealed by a half fallen curtain. "Rekey me place" If Rikke entered the room she would find a small hand drawn flyer that had a faded portrait of a attractive human woman who had a strange resemblance to the slime girl. The flyer stated that the amazing Sapphire Sylph signer and bard extraordinary would be performing at the Grand Endus theater for two weeks. Looking at the date Rikke could see that it was about the same time as the alien invasion. Examining the room further showed signs of a long dried substance that had oozed from the wall and right onto the bed where a stiff and dirty silken night gown rested. The room also had a trunk but it only contained cloths.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Both girls entered the room and much to their relief, there were no signs of any potential threats "You just have to trust people sometimes Jess." Rikke smiled proudly at her companion. Seemed the old theatre wasn't spared from the invasion too, most of it's fine decorations crumbled off, along with a decent number of the balconies. Though the center piece of the mayhem had to be the chandelier, now resting on most of the middle row. Rikke waved to the slime girl happily "Coming~" as the saphrine girl seemingly light up a smile on her face.

The girls continued to follow the girl till they finally reached her "home". Possible the ex- theatre "star of the show" room. Unlike most of the theatre the room was in rather decent condition. Seemed the slime girl did indeed clean this place up. "Home pretty." Rikke smiled at the slimegirl as Jessica eyed something in her hands with a concerned look. "Rikke come take a look at this" the rogue approached to investigate only to be handed a flyer:
"Come one come all to the Grand Endus theatre! Featuring the vocal talents of the great Saphire Sylph!" Rikke eyed the flyer curiously seemed the date was right before the invaders came, but more unnervingly the picture of Saphire Sylph... the singer looked alot like. No not alot like, just like their guide! Rikke slowly turned to the slime girl "'Saphire Sylph'. That was you wasn't it? You were once a reknown singer here in Endus..."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The slime girl looked at Rikke a moment and then smiled turning the brightest blue Rikke had yet to see. "Sylph Know Rekey know" the slime girl Sylph looked at Rikke again and looking confused again. "Rekey know how?" Sylph pointed at her self looking to Rikke for an answer.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled sadly as she approached the girl, flyer in hand. " 'Saphire Sylph. The greatest voice of this generation.' " Rikke quoted the flyer standing near the girl and pointed at the picture. She would ask what happened that turned her into the creature she is today... or perhaps this was just a slime which just adapted the performers appearance. Rikke didn't really know alot about the blue creature and getting something out of her would prove difficult.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph's skin went from a bright blue and slowly began to darken and her smile slowly went away. "Rekey not know Sylph not know". Looking sad Sylph slowly shrank down to a puddle at sat only her upper body from the belly button up revealed the rest a puddle. She rested her elbows on her own goo and held her head in her hands with a pout on her lips.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lightly leaned back. Did she assume something wrong? The rogue crouched down to the slime girl eyeing her curiously "What's wrong Sylph? Rikke do something wrong?" Meanwhile Jessica looked around the room stopping by the bed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph didn't answer just sat in her goo and frowned it was kind of sad to see. "Rikke look at this" moving to see what Jess had seen Rikke soon discovered the girl looking at a strange residue on the wall. "It looks like what ever this was seeped through the walls and onto the bed". Looking at the discarded nighty Rikke could see stains of blue on the nighty the bed and the floor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So what exactly is this..." Rikke leaned closer to inspect then suddenly something snapped in the girls mind. "Jess what do you know of the invaders? Like how do they convert humans to different creatures..." the rogue quickly walked near the bed eyeing it over, paying extra attention to the dress.

"I think it was this ooze that changed her. Melting her right out of the dress and all." the rogue smirked lightly at her investigation, indeed it was morbid, but finding out what happened always interested the girl. Rikke turned to Sylph, so was the girl changed while she slept? Such a cruel fate. But the girls couldn't help the slime anymore, though she still could help them... chances were the girl would continue to mope but Rikke had to move her intentions forward "Sylph, dear... can you help Rikke and Jess. Please?"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Help?" Sylph was still her deep mopy blue but looked at Rikke. "Help how?" She looked up at Rikke slowly rising up to her full height. "Sylph want help Reky Jess".
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled widely, perhaps the slime girl would indeed help the girls out "Rikke and Jess, look for BIG crater. Deep into city. Looking for Mayor, help find yes?" the rogue wasn't going to hold her breath on the chances of the slime girl actually understanding what the girls wanted, so it was best to use ALL the possible ways to ask for the girls guidance to the heart of the city.
"Um... Jess check the map maybe there's a landmark we could use for reference?" if Rikke failed perhaps Jessica would have better luck.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hole?... Yes Sylph know hole!" With that that blue girl grew bright again and proceed to slurp her way back under her door and outside leaving Jess and Rikke behind again. "I feel kind of bad for her. I remembering hearing about Sapphire Sylph from the late lady Pesli. She was supposed to have a voice that could make angel's cry and demons weep." Shaking her head Jess proceeded to the door. "Lets not keep our friend waiting and Im sorry for not trusting you Rikke or should I say Rekey." Jess turned and made a face at the rogue before leaving herself leaving Rikke alone for the moment.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced back into the room sadly, the poor girl... does she even remember who she actually was. The rogue slowly opened one of her pouches pulling out a bauble... the bauble Sasha gave her to trap a slime girl for her. Rikke rolled the bauble between her two fingers eyeing it carefully. Perhaps the girl would happier with Sasha than alone here... no. The rogue knew the kind of customer wanted the slime girl, trapping a girl like Sylph and handing her over to Sasha like some glorified pet... the very thought sickened Rikke. Nevertheless the cristal may come useful later on, best to keep it handy.

"Rikke!" Jessica shouted out as she noted the rogue staying behind longer than she should "Oh... AYE! Coming!" putting the cristal back into her belt pouch Rikke ran after the two girls and proceeded to follow their new guide.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke exited the decaying theater following after Sylph and Jess. Entering the grey ruins Rikke noted that Sylph seemed to walk normally making a distinctive slurp sound with her steps. She seemed happy evening humming along stomping puddles and generally carefree. Jess fell back still keeping the girl in her sight to speak with Rikke. "So how much do you think she remembers? Do you think shell remember us?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's not nice to talk behind someone's back" Rikke snickered at her companion "Dunno, maybe. Probably not." the rogue eyed their guide for a moment "So~ How old is Sylph?" Rikke raised her voice slightly so the slimegirl could hear her clearly, hopefully the girl still remembers to use days and weeks for time measurement, her answer could show just how long her memory lasts or how much she remembers.